English Grammar

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Author Jayalakshmi Raghavan www.saibhargav.co.





Author Jayalakshmi Raghavan www.saibhargav.co.cc


A living language is like a living tree, is always growing and always changing and
grammar, unless it is to get out of date, must keep step with language. We learn a
language for the purpose of communication. Language is the medium of communication
through which we express our emotions, ideas, feelings and thoughts to our fellow
people. The science of grammar teaches us how a language is spoken and written
correctly and effectively. Grammar is not a set of laws in accordance with law according
with which we frame the speech, but rather a statement and codification of rules. In a
word, grammar is based on speech and writing,
Not speech and writing on grammar.

The common problems of English language structure have to be overcome by all the
students, and the difficulties we find are similar in all parts of the world. The following
general principles are self-evident:

1. All students want to speak, write and read the normal accepted English of today.

2. This can only be achieved by constant practice of existing forms.

This book aims at being a Grammar of Modern English Usage, and the examples given
are nearly all in the language of everyday speech and writing. The exercises are meant for
all types of students. Practising these exercises will make the student proficient in
grammar and well versed in simple language spoken and writing.


Author Jayalakshmi Raghavan www.saibhargav.co.cc

1) Chapter I

1.1) The Sentence:

A sentence is word or group of words arranged as to make complete sense.

A sentence may be divided into two parts: Subject and Predicate.

The naming part that is the part showing about what the statement is made is the
‘SUBJECT’. And the stating part is the predicate.

Look at these sentences:

1. His work is finished.
2. The cruel wolf killed the innocent lamb.
How to find the subject?
We can easily find the subject of a sentence by taking the verb and asking who? Or
What? In the first example, ask the question ‘What is finished?’ The answer is ‘His
work’ So “his work” is the subject. Again, in the second example, ask the question ‘Who
killed……?’ The answer is, ‘The wolf or The cruel wolf.’
We can always find the subject in this way and the rest of the sentence goes down as

Examples: S = Subject; P = Predicate

1. He / is a good boy => He is the Subject and is a good boy is the predicate.

2. The clever crow / thought of a way to kill the snake.

3. The bold hunter shot the wild boar.

Practice Exercises:

I. Underline the Subject and the Predicate and note the subject as S and the Predicate
as P:
1. Some Sheep were feeding in the mountain range yesterday.
2. Three fishers went sailing away to the west.
3. Through all the white Border his steed is the best.
4. John did not catch the goat.
5. Give him the first prize.

II. Complete the following by adding subjects:

1. ------------ failed last year.
2. ----------- are blown about by the wind.
3. ----------- has sunk in the west.
4. Have ------ done ------?
5. ---------- is a dangerous thing.

Author Jayalakshmi Raghavan www.saibhargav.co.cc

III. Make sentences using the following words/words as subjects:

1. A drink of water ------------

2. All work and no play ---------
3. Little grains of sand ------------.


The three main headings to classify sentences are:

• Statements: The train starts at 10:15.
• Questions or Interrogative sentences: What is the time?
• Desires (commands, requests, entreaties, wishes): Stand up.
• Exclamations: How beautiful the girl is!

I. Classify the following sentences under the headings of Statements, questions, desires,
1. The suspense was awful.
2. Are you sure it was a bird?
3. Never despair.
4. Oh, for pity’s sake, spare me.
5. What’s all the fuss about?
6. Let’s make the best of a bad job.
7. Waiter, some bread please.

II. Give two sentences that are a) statements b) questions c) desires d) exclamations


Author Jayalakshmi Raghavan www.saibhargav.co.cc


Words divided into classes according to their use / function, and these classes are called
parts of speech. They are classified into eight kinds on account of their function.
They are: 1. Noun 2. Adjective 3. Pronoun 4. Verb 5. Adverb 6. Proposition
7. Conjunction 8. Interjection.
A noun is a person, place, thing, quality, or act. Examples: pencil, girl, supermarket,


Abstract Noun Concrete Noun

Common Noun Proper Noun Collective Noun Material Noun

Abstract Noun:
Abstract Noun is the name of a quality, state (condition) or action.
How to find out an abstract noun?
Ask yourself if you can see it or touch it. If you cannot see or touch it is an abstract
We can see a white lily. But we cannot see whiteness apart from lily.
We can not touch or smell whiteness by itself. We may have an idea of whiteness.
WHITENESS is therefore called an Abstract Noun.

1. Honesty is the best policy.
2. Sleep is necessary to health.
3. The theft was discovered.
The underlined italics are abstract nouns.
Honesty is the name of a quality.
Sleep is the name of a state or condition.
Theft is the name of an action.

Ways of forming of abstract nouns:

a) Abstract nouns are formed from adjectives mostly.
Example: cruel (adj.) - cruelty (abs. Noun)
Kind (adj.) -- kindness

Author Jayalakshmi Raghavan www.saibhargav.co.cc
b) Some are formed from Verbs
Example: protect (verb) - protection (abs. noun)
Flatter (verb) -- flattery (abs. noun)
c) Some are formed from nouns;
Example: child (noun) - childhood (abs. noun)
Slave (noun) -- slavery (abs noun)

I. Make 4 abstract nouns each from 1. adjective 2. Verb 3. Noun

II. Fill with abstract nouns:

1. The news papers give the ------------- in detail of the electoral proceedings.
2. The ----------- of the soldier is rewarded.
3. Tourists were struck by the ----------- of the statue.
4. The ------------ of the man was exposed.
5. His -------------- was aroused by the pathetic condition of the beggar.
6. The enemies surrounded the ----------- of Magadha.
7. Without ------------ no electrical gadgets will work.
8. He was born and brought up in that house and it brought back memories of his
9. All the students loved Mr. Thomas for his -------------.
10. Shakespeare portrayed the ------------ of Antonio and Bassanio in The Merchant
of Venice.

III. Give the abstract form of the word:

1. see
2. young
3. arrive
4. depart
5. confuse

Concrete Noun

All nouns that we can see, or touch are called Concrete Noun. All Common nouns,
Proper nouns, Collective nouns and material Nouns are Concrete Nouns.
A man ------Common Noun
Barry ------- Proper Noun
A herd ------ Collective Noun
Gold -------- Material Noun.

A common noun is a name shared in common by everything of the same class or kind of a
person, place or thing.
Example: Mountain, Man, town


I. Give 5 example each for: a.) person b.) place c.) thing

Author Jayalakshmi Raghavan www.saibhargav.co.cc
II. Underline the common nouns in the following:
1. A good master never wants able workmen.
2. The lady servants slept soundly in the kitchen.
3. I bought the little house.
4. The young maiden hung the box carefully on a tree.
5. A pack of wolves howled in the night.
6. The lioness gently took the cub between her teeth.


A Proper Noun is the name of a particular person, place or thing. A proper noun is always
written with a capital letter.
Example: Roberts, Delhi, Himalayas


I. Give 2 names of proper nouns each of a place, person and thing.

II. Write P for proper noun and C for common noun for the bold words.

1. Florida is a state in USA.

2. There are twelve months in a year.
3. We spent our weekend in the Lake City.
4. The fifth month of a year is May.
5. Mr. Thomas works as a foreman in a lighting industry.
6. India is a peninsula surrounded by water on three sides.

III. Fill the following sentences with a correct noun.

1. The --------------are playing in the playground.

2. __________ is the capital England.
3. The female lion is called --------------.
4. The student asked a -------------------.
5. What is the name of your -----------------?
6. My father is working in --------------------------.
7. The farmer is ploughing the -------------------.
8. Ram, Jhon, Helen and ----------- are friends.
9. -------------------- is celebrated every year on 25th of September.
10. ------------------Channel separates Great Britain and France.

I. Point out the common, proper and abstract nouns:
1. Our hopes and fears are over.
2. What are the chief industries of Manchester?
3. He was in the depths of despair.
4. The House of Commons is not a dwelling house.

Author Jayalakshmi Raghavan www.saibhargav.co.cc
5. The Pacific Ocean is the deepest of all oceans.
6. Everest is the highest peak in the world.
7. We celebrate diwali each year in the month of November.
8. The riches of the farmer are his fruitful fields.
9. The length multiplied by the breadth gives you the area.
10. There were many kings before Agamemnon, but no Homers to make them

II. Direction: In the left hand column you are given a common noun . Identify a correct proper
noun for each in the right hand column.

Example: peak ------ Everest.

Common Noun Proper Noun

river ----- city -----

continent ----- mountain ------

actor ------ inventor ------

president ----- stadium -----

car ----- shop -----


A noun that stands for a number of things regarded as a whole is called a Collective
Example: regiment, crowd, team, family

Point out the collective nouns:

1. Our squad won the prize for drill.
2. It will be a very good eleven.
3. Her family was very proud of her.
4. You had better buy a dozen.
5. He stayed for a fortnight.
6. A group of doctors discussed about the surgery.
7. Parliament was dissolved by the King.
8. The case was tried by a full bench.
9. A gaggle of geese flied in the horizon.
10. A herd of wild elephants rampaged the fields.

A list of collective nouns:

Author Jayalakshmi Raghavan www.saibhargav.co.cc
A troop of monkeys / baboons/ gorillas
A swarm of bees / flies / locusts
A herd of elephants / buffalos / oxen
A colony of bats / ants / seals
A pod of dolphins / killer whales / whales
A team of oxen / dogs / horses / players
A litter of puppies / pigs / kittens
A school of fish / mackerel / herrings / students
A bed of clams / oysters / roses
A congregation of crocodiles / alligators
A nest of snakes / crocodiles

Practice Exercises:

I. Give as many nouns as you can for a number of:

1. men engaged in business 2. bees
3. cards 4. disorderly people
5. days 6. cows
7. buffalo 8. owls
9. fish 10. ants

II. Fill the blanks with proper collective noun.

1. A -------- of musicians gives an astounding performance.

2. The --------- of directors passed the resolution.
3. There were a ---------- of fruits in the basket.
4. He presented her with a ----------- of flowers.
5. The ----------- of bees made a buzzing sound.
6. The House of ------------------- passed the bill.
7. The brothers together broke the --------- of sticks.
8. The mother hen drove her ------------ of chickens into the pen.

III. Give one word for:

1. a group of ships
2. a collection of locusts
3. a collection of keys
4. an arrangement of flowers
5. a group of singers

D. Material Noun

Material Nouns are the names of the substances or materials of which things are made.


1. This pot is made of earth. ----Earth is the name of the substance or material by which
the pot is made.

Author Jayalakshmi Raghavan www.saibhargav.co.cc
2. This ring is made of gold. --- Gold is the name of the substance or material by the the
ring is made.
3. I eat rice. ----- Rice is the name of substance or material which I eat.

Exercise: Underline the material noun;

1. Air is made of gases like Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon-di-Oxide etc.

2. She always drinks tea in the evening.
3. This sari is made of cotton.
4. This vase is made of silver.
5. Many decorative articles are made from ivory.


A word used to express the quality, quantity, number and to point out the person or a
thing is regarded as an adjective. It adds to the meaning of the noun.
Example: 1. He is a wealthy person (quality)
2. There is little sugar in the jar (quantity).
3. All students passed in the exam (Number).
To find the adjective:
Adjective of Quality : bad, young, red, little, American
Ask the question “What kind of”. The answer is the adjective.
Adjective of Quantity: one, five, first, few, a, an
Ask the question “How many? How much?”. The answer is the adjective.
Other kinds of adjectives:
4. Demonstrative: this, that, such ex: This book is very interesting.
5. Distributive: each, every, either ex: Each boy was awarded a certificate.
6. Interrogative: What , which, whose ex: What author do you like most?
7. Possessive: my, your, his, her, their ex: My mother is a doctor.
8. Exclamatory: what ex: What a beauty!
9. Exphasizing: very, own ex: It is my own house.
10. Proper: English Grammar – here English is derived from a proper noun and written
with a capital letter..
All these answer the question “WHICH?”

Ptactice Exercises:
Pick out the adjectives and tell its kind:
1. I have done this many times.
2. Little of this was know to four of us.
3. Is not John your neighbour?
4. This boy acts like a grown up adult.
5. Do not touch those books.
6. Bring that file immediately.

Author Jayalakshmi Raghavan www.saibhargav.co.cc
7. Smart men are needed for the sales department.
8. We have some oranges.

Formation of Adjectives:

From Nouns:

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective

Sin Sinful fury furious
Penny Penniless sense sensible
Wind windy talent talented
Child childish atom atomic
Wood wooden France French
Day daily sense sensitive

prevent(v) - preventive(adj) ; run(v) - running(adj) ; gull(v) - gullible(adj)
Work workable ; teach(v) - teachable(adj) ; park(v) - parked(adj)
Many - manifold red - reddish comic - comical good - goodly

Practice: Form adjectives from the following words:

1. mountain 2. book 3. rain 4. melody 5. haunt 6. Australia 7. faith 8. talk

When we want to compare one thing with another we use an inflexion called
Comparison. com = together pare = put.
Every adjective has three degrees/steps, of comparison-Positive, Comparative,
The Positive Degree is the simple form of the adjective – bold, fresh, new
The rich man is very cruel to the beggar.
The Comparative Degree is used when comparing two things.
Arthur is taller than John.
The Superlative Degree is used when comparing more than two things. And the definite
article ‘the’ should always be used before the adjective.
He is the most studious boy in the class.


A. Comparative is formed by adding –er and the superlative by adding –est.
short short-er short-est

B. When positive ends in y, change it to –ier in comparative and -iest in superlative.

happy happ-ier happ-iest

C. When y is preceded by a vowel, simply add –er and –est.

hot hott-er hott-est

Author Jayalakshmi Raghavan www.saibhargav.co.cc
D. If the positive ends in a single consonant preceded by a short vowel, the consonant is
doubled. But preceded by a long vowel, consonant is not doubled.
red red-der redd-est
out out-er outermost
E. Adjectives of more than one syllable, form the comparative and superlative by
prefixing more and most.
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
D. Some irregular Comparisons:
good better best
bad/ill worse worst
much/many more most
little less least


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