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2. Rewrite the sentences into the active

1. The world population is thought to

1. Rewrite the sentences into the passive
rise steadily in the next ten years.
1. Pam has given Terry a new iPad.
2. Sue is getting her hair dyed
2. The plumber repaired our heating
The hairdresser
We had
3. We were made to take our shoes off
3. The children are going to draw some
at the door.
The host
Some animals
4. People believed that the Prime Minister
lied about the crisis.
4. A new legal system is being
implemented by the Department of
The Department of Justice
5. Paul rejected Mandys wedding
5. The UN yearly report hasnt been
presented yet.
The UN
6. The optician will test my grandfathers
6. The parcel was delivered by Mr
eyes next month.
Postman last Tuesday.
My grandfather
Mr Postman
7. No complaints have been made by
our customers.
7. Does the museum open on Sunday
Our customers
8. Are the computers fixed by the
technician every month?
8. Every candidate has to attend an
9. The mystery of the kidnapped child
An interview
cant be solved.
The police
9. Consumers say that the cost of living
has shot up lately.
The cost of living
10. Were having our living room
wallpapered next week.
The painter
10. How much does your family spend on
Christmas presents?

1) 2)
1. Terry has been given a new iPad by Pam.
1. Researchers that the world
2. We had our heating repaired yesterday. population will rise steadily in the next
ten years.
3. Some animals are going to be drawn by
the children. 2. The hairdresser is dying Sues hair
4. People believed that the Prime Minister
lied about the crisis. 3. The host made us take our shoes off
at the door.
5. Mandys wedding invitation was rejected
by Paul. 4. The Department of Justice is
implementing a new legal system.
6. My grandfather will have his eyes tested
next month. 5. The UN hasnt presented the yearly
report yet.
7. Is the museum opened on Sunday
afternoon? 6. Mr Postman delivered the parcel last
8. An interview has to be attended by every 7. Our customers havent made any/
candidate. have made no complaints.

9. The cost of living is said to have shot up 8. Does the technician fix the
lately. computers every month?

10. How much is spent spend on Christmas 9. The police cant solve the mystery of
presents by your family? the kidnapped child.

11. The history essays havent been handed 10. The painter is wallpapering our
in by some students yet. living room next week.

12. A cheap menu is served by this 11. People dont believe that the new
restaurant on weekdays. tax will improve the economic situation.

13. We werent allowed to leave before 2:30 12. Sarahs boss has promoted her
p.m. because of her hard work.

14. The cow is being milked by the farmer. 13. The manager will give the sack to
lots of employees as a result of the
15. Sue was made to clear the table by dad. companys bankruptcy.

14. Rhiana launched a new record two

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