Oct. 2017 Prayer Update

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at Fishkill, Eastern, Sing Sing facilities, and in Society

Community Bible Church Prayer Update for October, 2017
Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits,
Who forgives all your iniquity, and heals all your diseases, and redeems your life from the Pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and
mercy, Who satisfies you with good as long as you live so that your youth is renewed like the eagles. The Lord works vindication and
justice for all who are oppressed. He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the people of Israel. The Lord is merciful and
gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast loveAs a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear Him, for
He knows our frames, he remembers that we are dust. Psalm 103: 1-8, 13-14. (RSV)


Roger continues to receive good reports about his health. He is no longer diabetic and is
grateful for the healing the Lord has given to him. Roger will be transferred to Sing Sing
to prepare for release, which has been scheduled for April, as they are seeking proper
housing for him. Roger continues to write poetry and to praise the Lord for His goodness.
Please pray for his wife, Antoinette, who is experiencing financial problems.

Eric requests prayer for an appeal he has filed regarding his parole. Please pray for Erics
mother, Carmen, who is recovering from open heart surgery. Carmen reported the good
news that she will be provided an apartment that is closer to the center of New Bedford,
MA, and more convenient for her.


Zebadiah says, I ask God every night to come into my heart and change me as a person and to forgive me for my
sins. Dr. Paul Kastuk is arranging to do a Bible study with Zebadiah on a weekly basis. Zebadiah is seeking God and
we are trusting in Gods power.

Peter: Please pray that Gods will be done regarding a new motion Peter filed to prove false incarceration. In a
recent letter, Peter said: Life is precious. Therefore, I will be grateful for each and every day I have on earth to serve God
and others.

Please pray for friends now in Society:

Georgie Astacio, preparing for pastoral ministry.

Cameron Bailey in Barbados, sent a thank you note to Elfi for CBCs financial help for his cataract surgery; Cameron
was told that he has glaucoma. A renewal for his Magic Jack phone was made so he can speak to his mother in Brooklyn.

John Bryant is doing well in the Bronx. He called with good news that his parole is lifted and he looks forward to
visiting CBC when it becomes possible.
George Chochos continues to serve the Lord through his preaching and teaching.

Johnny Hincapie has his own apartment now.

Joel Jiminez: Joel is working with Hudson Link.

Anthony Ross: LET US ALL REJOICE! Anthonys wife and children have returned to the U.S. from Japan. Anthony is
thankful for his job, a vehicle to drive, and that his family is now living in the home God provided for him.

David Allweiss went to be with the Lord on August 24, 2016one year ago. Please pray for Carol Park, Davids
widow, who is suffering depression.

Additional Praise and Prayer for Volunteers:

Sarah Brogan, a member of Zion Chapel in Waverly, NY, a member of the church David Allweiss attended, has
volunteered to write to those included in this ministry who are still incarcerated. Sarah is a mother of 2 young boys, and
plays piano at the church. The boys are also participating with their mother through drawing pictures and providing jokes.

Linda LaForgia, CBC member, has volunteered to write and phone Ann Trentini-Porcelli, Rogers wife.

Dr. Paul Kastuk visited Zebadiah with Anne and he is doing Bible study with Zebadiah
Hart at Sing Sing. We are thankful for the encouragement these volunteers bring to our brothers behind bars and to
Rogers wife.

Additional Prayer Request: Walter (Skip) Robokoff is now at the VA Hospital in Montrose. Please continue to pray that
his diabetes is brought under control. John Mery has been a faithful friend by keeping in touch with Skip. Heart to Heart
Bible Study group will continue to lift him in prayer as well.

Annes knee replacement has been cancelled, due to other medical concerns. The Lord is good.

Thank you, Community Bible Church for your prayers and support.

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