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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) con- Thus, by combining the two proven technologies in
tract for a 56-bmlding complex in the south- a synergistic manner. Smith created an innovative
ern California desert provided the brutal system offering the best attributes of each mate-
Droving ground for Ecolite Concrete's new rial, plus enhanced performance properties.
wall system. As a building mock-up incorporating Eco- The Ecolite Concrete wall system is elegant in its
Ute was the yield of three years of research and devel- simplicity: studs are partially embedded in cellular
opment, the USACE project supplied thefirstoccasion concrete, with expanded metal lath aiding the bond,
16-20 gauge steel studs in to bridge the gap between prototype and proof of con- to create a complete, ready-to-erect wall. "The con-
either 3.5 or 5.5 inches cept. And, it had to be accomplished quickly. crete and framing work together," Smith explains,
The design-build proposal that won the mid- "to provide both the skin and bones of a building."
Standard interior 2007 job was bold: completion of all 56 structures Panelized steel-stud framing is fabricated with
drywall finish in just six months. Further compounding the chal- digital speed and precision. Architectural drawings are
lenge, that schedule included the time required to converted into a Building Information Modeling (BIM)
bring Ecolite's first factory online. format that provides computer instructions for an
metal lath
The six-month timetable spurred an exhilarating automated steel roll-former. The machine shapes and
ride up the learning curve. Inevitable bugs in the sys- cuts the studs and rails to exact length; notches and
tem had to be resolved under real-world construction swages them for precisefit;drills and dimples them for
conditions, while big money was on the line, as well as fasteners; and, prepunches utility access holes.
the lives of soldiers, whose fate would depend on the Digital precision in fabrication makes it possible
Cellular Concrete
structures'integrity. Having supplied ample proof of its for unskilled workers to assemble the panels using
SCHEMATIC: Ecolite Conaete USA benefits, Ecolite has since been approved by USACE for simple tools on a plain, flat table. Expanded metal
the project's next phase, while the system's developer mesh is then attached over one entire surface to form
Ecolite's pre-engineered, is now is poised to expand production nationwide. the composite bond between steel and concrete.
prefabricated wall system The panel is placed on a casting table, metal
incorporates cellular concrete cast LIGHTER, STRONGER, FASTER mesh facing down, with an edge-form suspend-
into panelized cold-formed steel
Ecolite is a hybrid prefabricated wall, optimizing the ing the panel at a precise height over the casting
stud framing to produce a high-
performance, ready-to-erect wall. strengths of lightweight cellular concrete and panel- surface. Self-consolidating cementitious slurry is
ized cold-formed steel stud framing. It achieves com- pumped into the panel until the metal lath and
Cellular concrete is 50 percent posite strength and high performance with a weight one inch of steel frame are embedded.
air by volume. Billions of of only 15 Ib./sq. ft., i.e., 20 percent of the weight of The slurry cures into a cellular concrete with
tiny air bubbles give the wall typical precast panels, and 25 percent of the weight unusual high-performance properties, owing to a
high fire resistance, excellent of concrete masonry units (CMUs). Accordingly, Eco- powerful, yet extremely affordable and abundant
acoustic insulation, and three lite panels comprising 2-in.-thick concrete can serve additiveair. Billions of microscopic air bubbles
times the thermal resistance as load-bearing walls for structures up to six stories comprise 50 percent of the concrete's volume.
of concrete block, Ecolite tall; or, they can be used as building cladding.
developers affirm. Due to air content, an Ecolite wall of 2-in.-thick
The brainchild of Brian Smith, CEO of Ecolite concrete tests to two hours of fire resistance. It
Concrete USA in Carlsbad, Calif., the hybrid sys- demonstrates thermal resistance of R-4 (as com-
Steven H. Miller is a journal- tem was conceived when he envisioned walls with pared to a 6-in. CMU's R-l.4}. Add one layer of Vs-in.
ist and consultant to Chusid precast's durability and speedy erection, but with- drywall, plus simple insulation, and the Ecolite wall
Associates, a firm special- out the weight of conventional concrete. He was achieves a Sound Transmission Class (STC) of 52.
izing in the investigation of impressed by the light weight and strength of steel Proving that the composite action of concrete
new building materials and stud construction; yet, he had concerns that light- and steel imparts high strength, Ecolite walls
systems, www.chusid.com gauge steel framing was time-consuming and did passed the stringent Miami-Dade County Wind-
not provide a weather-resistant building enclosure. blown Missile Impact test for hurricane safety.


Their shear resistance also has been determined construction of 56 buildings designed as the upscale
adequate for use in highest seismic activity zones. neighborhood of "Jabal," one of 10 NTC training vil-
The finished walls are Ughtenoughto handle with lages. In view of considerable logistical challenges
a forklift or small crane. They are stacked vertical- presented by the remote Mojave desert site, USACE
ly on A-frames for transport on a light-duty trailer. deemed its original cast-in-place and CMU design
At the job site, they transition directly from A- too costly and sought alternative proposals.
frame to erection; a forklift lowers the wall onto Addressing such concerns, Rogers offered to
the foundation, where embedded bolts mate with construct all 56 buildings with Ecolite, cutting
prepunched holes in the wall's bottom rail. the project's estimated cost 30 percent and slash-
Panels are then bolted down and screwed edge- ing the schedule from one year to six months. The
to-edge to adjoining walls. A crew of four plus a fork- Army's examination of the new system prompted
lift operator can erect a wall in less than 10 minutes. its acceptance of RQ Construction's bid.
While one memberfinisheswall-to-wall connections, At the outset, Rogers admitted that the venture
PUNT, SITE PHOTOS: Steven Millet for the other three can position the next panel. as presented comprised "an incredibly fast project."
Ecolite Concrete USA Nonetheless, believing in both the product and the
BOLD AMBITIONS project's significance, he endeavored to meet the
Fabricated by a computer- By the end of 2006, when the system was ready for terms of the proposal. In a March 2007 interview,
controlled system, steel launch, George Rogers, CEO of RQ Construction in when basic site-work was just beginning, he said,
elements conform to accurate Bonsall, Calif., realized that its economy and speed "The troops will be able to train at MOUT six months
dimensions that ensure they fit
of construction could help him win a large military earlier. Hopefully, it will save lives."
together precisely. Assembly
requires small teams and simple contract. The U.S. Army National Training Center
tools. Expanded metal mesh (NTC) at Fort Irwin, Calif., planned to construct a RAMPING UP
attached to the light-gauge 600-building Military Operations in Urban Terrain When the contract was let on February 1, 2007, an
steel framing forms a composite (MOUT) training faciUty to simulate Middle East com- Ecolite plant had yet to be established. In short
bond with the concrete. bat conditions. Phase I of the project would entail order, an existing 22,000-sq.-ft. building was

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acquired in Barstow, Calif., about A5 miles from operatedfiveassembly tables manned by three-worker
the job site. In early February, while the founda- teams, each table producing three walls per day.
tion slab for two silos was curing, a batch plant Concrete pouring required teams of three or four
arrived, operating from inside a standard ship- men: one operated the slurry hose, which was man-
ping container. Tilt casting tables were installed. aged by another; and, the others cleaned stray slur-
Automated roll-forming machines, customized with ry. Two pouring teams casting continuously kept
extra punches for EcoUte production, were imported pace with the steel teams' output. The factory typi-
from New Zealand. And, panel-assembly tables were cally produced 12 wall units per day, totaUng about
built with the first steel studs from those machines. 1,440 sq. ft. To produce twice that quantity with
In early March, as site work began at Fort Irwin, the same batch plant, only additional steel forming
engineering ofthe Ecolite walls commenced. Simul- capacity and more casting tables would be needed.
taneously, EcoUte Vice President of Operations Waco
Merchant poured test cylinders to optimize the mix WORKING OUT THE BUGS
design. He needed a concrete that would develop The first walls were cast and erected in early April
strength quickly enough to enable stripping of 2007. Two weeks into construction, problems
panels from casting tables after curing overnight became evident. "This was a prototype factory," says
and shipment two days later. Containing up to 50 George Rogers. "No one had ever built with Ecolite,
percent fly ash, Ecolite's concrete mix attains up and we did the pioneering work for everyone who
to 4,000 psi in 180 days, a remarkable feat for con- will build with this system from now on." Thus, an Self-con soli dating cellular
crete with a density of just 65 Ib./cu. ft. essentially experimental system was fine tuned to concrete slurry pumped into
frames embeds the metal
Meanwhile, EcoUte GeneralManagerJ.D.Standridge create a completely workable construction method.
mesh and one inch of the
triiined his primary steel-assembly crewrecruits Keeping the walls square and straight was the
steel stud. Composite action
from the local labor pool with no previous construction greatest challenge. Unlike site framing, where of the two materials enhances
experiencein less than three weeks. In turn, they adjustments can be made on the fly, the walls had performance to exceed that of
trained the next wave of novices. The plant eventually to be accurate to Vw in. as cast. Onsite engineers either material alone.

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rejected a wall if a screw connecting adjacent Extensive quality control at every step, with up
wall units had more than three exposed threads. to nine separate inspections, ensured highly con-
Despite tight quality control, some completed sistent results and walls that were straight, square,
walls were out of square or had bowed edges. smooth, and free from bug holes. The units sur-
J.D. Standridge recalls, "We shut down for an vived a 45-mile trip to the job site that included
entire month to resolve the dilemma." Careful 10 miles of rough, wash-boarded dirt roads. Pan-
tracking through the production process led to a els damaged in handling were readily patched
solution, and the plant was soon back on track. using WunderFixx, a rapid-setting, trowel-applied
The factory was not able to produce as many cementitious patching compound.
walls per day as predicted, because some tilt-tables
were located outside the building. With summer FAST WORK
temperatures reaching 120F, tables exposed to Erection of the prefabricated walls was speedy, as
the sun got as hot as 150-180'=F. Consequently, crews were clocked placing walls in seven minutes
form-release compounds fried before the slurry each and completing a two-story, 10,000-sq.-ft.
could be poured. Eventually, outdoor tables could building in a single day. Overall, wall installation
be used only at night. "If we had put all the tables required four months.
indoors," says Merchant, "we could have complet- "If we had known in the beginning what we
ed this project in half the time." knew by the end," says Rogers, "it would have tak-
Other start-up issues were resolved without en two months." After interior finishing, as well
Walls are stacked onto spedal
derailing the project schedule. "The hardest part as pouring concrete over panelized steel floor and
A-frames for loading onto light-
was finding the right forklift operators," says Waco roof decks, plus completing final details, the proj-
duty trailers for early-morning
transport 45 miles to the job Merchant. "If the operator stripping walls from the ect was turned over to the owner on Oct 1.
site. In spite of 10 miles of tables doesn't lift them just right, corners spall Oohn Kafides, MOUT manager for NTC, attests,
rough, wash-boarded dirt road, and panels can be damaged. Training him was a lot "The EcoUte Concrete wall system saved a lot of
the panels arrived intact. harder than training a hose operator." time and money." Adds NTC Public Information

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Officer John Wagstaffe, "If the project were built Additionally, EcoUte's sustainable construction
with field-assembled fiaming, concrete block, credentials are noteworthy. Its concrete component
stucco, or other conventional materials, they contains up to 50 percent recycled material, and
might have been able to build one building in the locally extracted aggregate can be used in the mix.
time it us took to build this entire town." Steel studs also can be sourced with high recycled
content. Plant fabrication produces less than 5 per-
COMMERCIALIZATION cent waste, all recyclable; and, virtually no jobsite
So encouraging was the construction experience waste is produced. Light wall weight minimizes
of Phase I that USACE listed EcoUte by name as both energy consumption and pollution associated
an acceptable material in the bid specification for with trucking. The walls emit zero VOCs and do not
Phase II. RQ Construction is putting together bids support mold growth. Cellular concrete provides
using Ecolite on other military projects as well. thermal insulation, which can be easily augmented
Ecolite CEO Brian Smith foresees a broad array of by furring installed within stud cavities.
applications for his product, both as load-bearing To build a nationwide network of Ecolite fac-
walls for low- and mid-rise buildings and as curtain- tories. Smith is seeking "distribution partners"
wall for high-rise structures. "Although walls for through a business model that allows precasters,
NTC had no architectural details, the system is com- steel fabricators, or contractors to easily offer
patible with a wide range of architectural styles," Ecolite to expand their operations. "We're looking PHOTO: EcolJte Concrete USA

Smith notes. "With form liners, we can create archi- for construction industry professionals with the
tectural detail or simulate wood or brickfinishes.We right experience and contacts," explains Smith. At Fort Irwin, a panel is placed
for a 10,000-sq.-ft. structure
also can cast in thin brick or natural stone veneers. "If a builder can guarantee a sufficient minimum
erected in a single day. The
We believe Ecolite will be an economical choice for number of square feet per year, we will build a fac- lightweight walls at 15 Ib./
schools, hospitals, multifamily housing, commer- tory and work out a profit-sharing arrangement. sq. ft. require only a small
cial, and retail applications. It is a new option for a We want to make it easy for qualified people to forklift or light-duty crane for
wide range of general construction." build with Ecolite." handling.

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