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Dedicated to all adolescents who have experienced paranormal
romantic situations.
This story is about Damin a seventeen-years-old boy that was killled in a strange way.
This tragedy was very famous in news. Damin had a girlfriend called Paper, they love
each other so much, but with the time he began to become strange.
A few days later that Damian was dead, Paper decided to play ouija to talk to him and
asked him why this time he was strange. And she did it, when she began the questions,
some strange things began to happen in paper's house and there was no answer of
Damin.A few hours later she began to vomite blood, when she went to the bathroom,
she saw in the mirror that said "Im not Damin" She was very scared, she got outside of
the her house and there is nothing, there is no cars or houses, just was her alone and
there also was a sign that said "Here" and pointing a road with trees. She followed the
road and finally the trees had a grave with a message that said "Here is the true" She
opened the grave and found her boyfriend dead his eyes were in his hands, and he has
lots of photos when he was in a exorcism and has other sign that said "The spirit will be
inside of you, if you kiss him, you're save" She did it and since that day she never open
her eyes again"

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