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The Implications of the Proposed Additional Tax on Junk Food to the Consumers in Metro Manila


Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
Nicanor Reyes St. Sampaloc, Manila

Dear Respondents,

We, the Senior Year Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Internal Auditing
students, are currently conducting a thesis research that focuses on the Implications of the
Proposed Additional Tax on Junk Food to the Consumers in Metro Manila. This is for the
partial fulfilment of te requirements to our Accounting Research Subject.

In this connection, may we request your utmost cooperation to answer each item of this
questionnaire to the best of your ability upon consideration of truth and honesty? Rest assured
that whatever responses you made will be dealt with utmost confidentiality and will be used for
academic purpose only. This survey will only take two to three minutes of your time. Thank you
very much for your cooperation.

The Researchers



DIRECTION: Please put a check mark ( ) on the space provided that corresponds to your

Name (Optional) :______________________

Age: Gender:
( ) 15-19 years old ( ) Female
( ) 20-24 years old ( ) Male
( ) 25-29 years old
( ) 30 years old and above

Marital Status:
( ) Single
( ) Married
( ) Widowed
( ) Separated

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The Implications of the Proposed Additional Tax on Junk Food to the Consumers in Metro Manila


DIRECTION: Please put a check mark ( ) on the space provided that corresponds to your

1. Do you eat junk foods?

( ) Yes
( ) No

2. What are the factors do you consider in buying junk food? Use the given scale for
you guide.

4- Strongly agree
3- Agree
2- Disagree
1- Strongly disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1
1 Reasonableness of the price
2 Well- known product
3 Attractiveness of product design or packaging
4 Serves as stress reliever, enjoyment, leisure etc
5 Flavor/s (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, savory) of the product
6 Influence of other consumer
7 Part of my eating habits
8 I dont have time to prepare meal.
9 Influence of advertisement, media etc.
10 Availability of the product
Others (please specify).

5. What are the possible effects of proposed additional tax on junk food to you? Use
the given scale for you guide.

4- Strongly agree
3- Agree
2- Disagree
1- Strongly disagree

The possible effects of proposed additional tax on junk food 4 3 2 1

1 Buy less junk food
2 Same consumption of junk foods
3 Buy healthy foods
4 Conscious on my health
5 Participating health programs of the government

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The Implications of the Proposed Additional Tax on Junk Food to the Consumers in Metro Manila

Others (please specify)

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The Implications of the Proposed Additional Tax on Junk Food to the Consumers in Metro Manila

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