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Fall 2008

National Cancer Institute

Vol. 3, Issue 2

The Newsletter of the Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine

United States and China Sign Research Agreement on

In this issue: Traditional Chinese Medicine


A Conversation with

News from the Field

Funding Opportunities

U.S. DHHS Secretary Leavitt and Chinese Vice-Minister of Health Guoquiang sign MOU.
Research Resources
On July 16, 2008, U.S. Health and interest in TCM at the top levels of
Human Services Secretary Mike HHS, and it shows a growing,
7 Leavitt and Chinese Vice-Minister of sustained interest on the part of the
Research Highlights Health Wang Guoquiang signed a Chinese government to support
memorandum of understanding evidence-based investigations of
9 (MOU) agreement to foster TCM, in collaboration with foreign
CAM Information collaboration between researchers investigators. From a practical
studying integrative and traditional standpoint, what this agreement does
Chinese medicine (TCM) in both is set a framework for encouraging
Meetings countries. collaborative activity and will help
shepherd projects along that are
The MOU follows an earlier already underway.”
12 agreement, signed in 2006, between
Featured Scientific
the National Center for The 2008 MOU on TCM was signed
Complementary and Alternative at the beginning of a two-day
Medicine (NCCAM) and the traditional Chinese medicine
Chinese Ministry of Science and Research Roundtable held at the
Technology. The new agreement National Institutes of Health (NIH)
encompasses a much larger number that highlighted research in areas of
of interested institutions in the U.S. TCM that “displayed examples of
and China. opportunities for future
collaborations between U.S. and
Jeffrey D. White, M.D., director of Chinese researchers,” Dr. White
the National Cancer Institute’s reported. The presenters discussed
(NCI) Office of Cancer “diagnostic approaches and ways that
Complementary and Alternative might help identify subgroups of
HUMAN SERVICES Medicine (OCCAM) commented on cancer patients who might have
the MOU: “What’s exciting is that different reactions to different
National Institutes this new MOU strongly reflects an continued on next page
of Health
from previous page

conventional treatments,” he added, Ikhlas Khan, Professor of can grow, and how well they are
“as well as quality control of herbal Pharmacognosy, University of characterized. For Chinese medicine
medicines and how to standardize Mississippi and Ye Zuguang, to be acceptable in this part of the
herbal approaches in a way that Professor, CACMS world, you have to address the quality
would make research results more of your study material, have the
reproducible.” One example of an ongoing TCM clinical evidence that it works,
project is an NCI-funded understand how it works, and know
In addition to signing the MOU, the collaboration between M.D. how it interacts with other drugs to
meeting also included expert Anderson Cancer Center in some extent.”
presentations on five topics: Houston, Texas and Fudan
University Cancer Hospital in The MOU highlights several areas
■ Health Care Impact: Shanghai, China which currently where collaboration could help
Convergence of TCM and includes both laboratory research and improve the methodology for research
Western Medicine in China, clinical trials of cancer treatments and development of TCM-based
Integrative Medicine in the and symptom management using therapeutics, including the
U.S.- Richard Nahin, Senior TCM preparations. “There are a application of genomics, proteomics,
Advisor for Scientific growing number of investigators in and systems biology.
Coordination and Outreach, the United States with an interest in
NCCAM and Lu Aiping, this area, and the new MOU could Dr. Cheng and Dr. Francesco
Professor, China Academy of create opportunities for other groups Marincola, chief of the Infectious
Chinese Medical Sciences who want to do similar work,” said Disease and Immunogenetics Section
(CACMS) Dr. White. at the NIH Clinical Center, have been
collaborating on a proof-of-principle
■ Criteria and Standards for A few Food and Drug experiment that is an example of the
Evaluation of Clinical Efficacy Administration approved multi-step validation that will be
of TCM- Brian Berman, chemotherapy drugs in the United essential in future collaborative
Director, The Center for States are derived from compounds studies on TCM products. They are
Integrative Medicine, used in TCM, including arsenic studying the use of irinotecan in
University of Maryland and trioxide (now used for the treatment conjunction with a Chinese herbal
Wu Darong, Associate Chief of acute promyelocytic leukemia), combination called PHY906 in a
Doctor, Guang Dong and camptothecin, which was mouse model of colon cancer.
Provincial Hospital isolated from the bark of the Chinese
■ Application of Genomics, tree Camptotheca acuminate, and Dr. Cheng’s laboratory has
Proteomics, and Systems has been slightly modified to characterized the herbs using
Biology to Study of TCM- produce the cancer drugs topotecan techniques including mass
Yung-chi Tommy Cheng, and irinotecan. spectrometry and biological
Henry Bronson Professor of fingerprinting to make sure the herbal
Pharmacology, Yale University One of the major focuses of the new product is the same between batches.
and Jia Wei, Principle MOU with China addresses a They also tested the combination
Investigator, Shanghai Center challenge often faced by investigators against tumors in mice to see if the
for Systems Biomedicine interested in studying natural combination had a stronger anti-
products, such as herbal compounds. tumor effect than irinotecan alone
■ Acupuncture: Biological Basis “For investigators, there is always a and if PHY906 could decrease the
and Promising Applications- problem getting proper material for toxicity of irinotecan. Dr. Marincola’s
David Yue-Wei Lee, Associate such studies,” noted Dr. Cheng, group has taken samples of treated
Professor of Psychiatry chairman of the Consortium for tumors and blood cells from the mice
Harvard University and Yu Globalization of Chinese Medicine. and performed whole-genome
Xiaochun, Professor, CACMS “For any herbs and natural expression scans to determine what
compounds of interest, we need to cellular pathways are affected by the
■ Product Safety and TCM: know the availability of the herbs, drugs. ❧
Natural Product Chemistry- where they came from, where they

A Conversation with:
Paige McDonald, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Program Director and Chief of Basic Biobehavioral Research Branch
Behavioral Research Branch
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences

measurement of stress and other benefit of CAM approaches used in

psychological constructs). the community and the processes
employed by patients and providers
Dr. Paige McDonald As chief for BBRB, I plan, develop, when deciding to use CAM.
coordinate, and administer the
extramural program. I lead the As noted in the FOA, data on the
Please provide an overview of strategic planning, evaluation of actual decision processes that patients
emerging research priorities, and the and providers use when making
the Basic Biobehavioral evaluation of return on research judgments about CAM are sparse.
Research Branch (BBRB) of investment in basic behavioral and We hope our support of research in
the Behavioral Research biobehavioral research. I also this area will contribute fundamental
Program and your role as coordinate and manage scientific, knowledge about the cognitive and
Branch Chief. fiscal, and administrative affective processes involved in the
responsibilities of the program. initiation and maintenance of CAM
The Basic and Biobehavioral practices for cancer prevention and
Research Branch (BBRB) supports In what ways is control.
extramural research on fundamental complementary and
behavioral science to develop From a biobehavioral research
alternative medicine (CAM) a perspective, BBRB has an interest in
theoretical models, identify
underlying mechanisms and part of the BBRB’s work? the biological mechanisms associated
principles of behavior change and with mind-body interventions for
BRBB is involved in the funding of cancer-related symptom and stress
conduct pre-intervention research to extramural research grants [projects
inform the next generation of cancer management. We have supported a
taking place outside of NIH], some wide range of projects that can be
control interventions and social of which are on the topic of CAM.
policies. BBRB funds studies that considered CAM-related:
Specifically, one area of
examine health-related behavior programmatic interest that involves ■ Virtual reality analgesia for
across age, racial, and ethnic groups; CAM is the initiative on medical procedural cancer pain
socioeconomic strata; and cancer decision-making and biological
diagnoses. mechanisms of psychosocial or ■ Cranial stimulation for chemo
behavioral processes in cancer symptoms in breast cancer
Examples of BRBB’s research agenda
include: basic research in social, control. BBRB Program Director, ■ Healing touch, immunity, and
cognitive, and psychological Dr. Wendy Nelson has championed fatigue in breast cancer
processes (e.g., social comparison, NCI’s support of research to enhance
mechanisms underlying understanding of human decision- ■ Acupuncture for hot flashes in
neurocognitive changes associated making processes so that individuals prostate cancer patients
with cancer treatment, emotion and can make informed and satisfying
choices regarding their health, health ■ Tai chi effects on chronic
motivation); biological mechanisms
care, and quality of life. Dr. Nelson is insomnia in breast cancer
of psychosocial or behavioral
the NCI program contact on a survivors: Immune
processes related to cancer control
funding opportunity announcement mechanisms
(e.g., stress-mediated regulation of
tumor biology); and methodology (FOA) (PAR-08-045); this FOA
■ Mindfulness-based stress
and measurement in behavioral encourages the submission of high
reduction for psycho-immune
science research (e.g., quality observational studies that
dysregulation in cancer
psychophysiological assessment, evaluate the effectiveness and cost-
continued on next page

from previous page biology and biobehavioral science to What CAM approaches look
■ Psychoneuroimmunology- advance our fundamental knowledge most promising for further
based stress management in of the extent and specificity by which
central nervous system regulated
early breast cancer
factors like stress, chronic depression, In accordance with NCI’s strategic
■ Stress, immunity & cervical and social support might regulate priorities, BRBB remains most
cancer: Biobehavioral tumor biology. interested in CAM approaches that
outcomes of a randomized can be integrated as effective and
clinical trial Additionally, we have sought
opportunities to vet the science in efficient treatments for cancer and
public forums and disseminate the those that serve to improve the
perspectives of this research and quality of cancer care and quality of
In 2002, you helped organize a life for cancer patients. As reflected
highlights from BiMPED activities.
scientific initiative, the We have made these information by our research mission, we are
Biological Mechanisms of resources available on our Web site interested in CAM approaches that
Psychosocial Effects on ( meet psychological, behavioral, and
bimped/accomplish.html), including a social health related needs of patients
Disease. Please explain the
supplement about the 2002 BiMPED and their caregivers. We will
initiative, OCCAM’s role, and continue to support rigorous trials of
meeting published in the official
progress made over the past mind-body interventions (e.g.,
journal of the
few years. Psychoneuroimmunology Research mindfulness based stress
Society—Brain, Behavior, and management, yoga, meditation,
In 2001, a group of program officers spirituality) that elucidate
representing several NIH institutes Immunity. OCCAM’s support was
instrumental in the publication of mechanisms of action. ❧
and offices, including OCCAM, met
to discuss their shared interest in that supplement.
psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). (Brain, Behavior, and Immunity.
Discussions from this initial meeting February 2003, Volume 17, Supplement 1)
were the impetus for the first
scientific meeting of the initiative
titled “Biological Mechanisms of References
Psychosocial Effects on 1. Miller, A.H., et al., Neuroendocrine-immune mechanisms of behavioral comorbidities
Disease"(BiMPED), which was held in patients with cancer. J Clin Oncol, 2008. 26(6): p. 971-82.
in March 2002. The meeting 2. Antoni, M.H., et al., The influence of bio-behavioural factors on tumour biology:
brought scientists from diverse pathways and mechanisms. Nat Rev Cancer, 2006. 6(3): p. 240-8.
behavioral and biomedical disciplines
who were conducting both human
and animal work in PNI and related
fields to present their research. Goals Contact Information
for the meeting were to review
current knowledge of biological
mechanisms associated with
psychosocial effects on disease,
Office of Cancer Complementary and
discuss the state-of-the-science, Alternative Medicine
applicability of PNI-related research
to cancer control, as well as identify
critical research needs.
6116 Executive Boulevard, Suite 609
Through BiMPED, our branch seeks
to encourage mechanistic studies to
Bethesda, Maryland 20892
identify biological signaling E-mail:
pathways. BBRB and BiMPED
strives to support transdisciplinary
research that bridges basic cancer

News from the Field

FDA Warns Against Selling and Using Fake Cancer 'Cures'

In one of the largest, coordinated A list of the companies and taken corrective measures and
enforcement actions against cancer individuals warned, as well as the responded to the issues addressed by
health care fraud, the U.S. Food and complete list of fake cancer 'cure' FDA’s warning letters. “They’ve
Drug Administration (FDA) recently products and their manufacturers can removed the fraudulent claims from
sent regulatory “Warning Letters” to be found on the FDA’s Web site at their Web sites, shut down the Web
23 U.S. companies and two foreign sites, and taken other actions,” she
individuals that are marketing a wide NEW01852.html. reported. Companies which fail to
range of products fraudulently comply with FDA’s warnings face
claiming to prevent and cure cancer. “This is the most heinous type of additional legal action including
FDA also warned consumers against health fraud aimed at unsuspecting possible injunctions and court-ordered
using or purchasing the products, and very vulnerable consumers and seizures.
which include tablets, teas, tonics, cancer patients,” Ms. Chappelle
black salves, and creams and are sold added. “Such individuals are looking The FDA urges consumers to consult
under various names on the Internet. for ways to cure their serious diseases, their health care providers about the
and they’re very susceptible to these use of these products and to seek
FDA took the action in coordination false and fraudulent marketers who appropriate medical attention if they
with the U.S. Federal Trade basically prey on such people.” have experienced any adverse effects. In
Commission (FTC) and enforcement addition, consumers and patients can
agencies from Canada and Mexico. FDA and its counterparts in the contact the NCI’s Cancer Information
Although FDA pursues individual MUCH (Mexico-USA-Canada Service at 1-800-4-CANCER
cases of health fraud on a continual Health) Fraud working group (1-800-422-6237) to ask questions and
basis, “this campaign targeted the identified most of the unapproved share their concerns about cancer and
largest number of individuals at a claims by “scouring the Internet,” Ms. various treatments, including CAM,
single time,” noted FDA Press Chappelle said. In response, many of and receive numerous sources of up-to-
Officer Rita Chappelle. the targeted companies have already date, credible information. ❧

Signs of Health Fraud

All consumers seeking information about any health product or medical
treatment should be familiar with the following signs of health fraud:
Congratulations !!
■ Statements that the product is a quick and effective cure-all or a
diagnostic tool for a wide variety of ailments. Dr. Jie Li, a visiting
postdoctoral fellow in the
■ Suggestions that a product can treat or cure serious or incurable
diseases. Center for Cancer Research
(CCR), was honored with the
■ Claims such as "scientific breakthrough," "miraculous cure," "secret
Outstanding Poster
ingredient," and "ancient remedy."
Presentation Award for his
■ Impressive-sounding terms, such as "hunger stimulation point" and presentation “Inhibitory Effect
"thermogenesis" about weight loss product, for instance.
of Sheng Qi Formula (SQF) on
■ Claims that the product is safe because it is "natural." Gr-1+CD11b+ Myeloid
■ Undocumented case histories or personal testimonials by consumers or Immunosuppressor Cells (MIC)
doctors claiming amazing results. in the 4T1 Murine Mammary
■ Claims of limited availability and advance payment requirements. Cancer Model” at the 8th
■ Promises of no-risk, money-back guarantees. Annual NCI/CCR Fellows and
Young Investigators
■ Promises of an "easy" fix for problems like excess weight, hair loss, or
Colloquium on March 3, 2008
in Ocean City, MD.
For more information, visit ❧
Funding Opportunities
Quick-Trials for Novel Cancer Therapies and Prevention: Exploratory Grants
In 2008, NCI and the NIH’s Office Applications that explore CAM unconventional pharmacological and
of Dietary Supplements reissued the approaches for cancer prevention biological interventions (e.g.,
program announcement (PA) PAR- and/or treatment are encouraged, antineoplastons, Coley's toxin,
08-025 “Quick-Trials for Novel including clinical studies evaluating enzyme therapies, etc.) are invited to
Cancer Therapies and Prevention: the effect(s) of novel nutritional apply.
Exploratory Grants.” The intention interventions such as herbal therapies,
of this PA is to promote translational dietary supplements, and bioactive For more information on this PA,
research in new agent/modality food components aimed at reducing please visit
development with timely cancer treatment-related side effects

exploitation of new cancer-relevant and toxicities. Clinical studies that pa-files/PAR-08-025.html. ❧
therapeutic and/or preventive propose improvements and
strategies that involve defined evaluations of single agent or

molecular targets. The major end combinatorial treatments, treatment-
goal is to lead to the development of associated morbidities, and patients’
novel anti-cancer drugs, diagnostic prognoses are also encouraged to
tools, treatments, and prevention apply. Finally, investigators who
strategies. propose to conduct clinical studies of

Exploratory/Developmental Grant for CAM Studies of

Humans Program Announcement Reissued

In April 2008, NCCAM re-released instructed by the Kushi Institute.
the program announcement (PA)
“Exploratory/Developmental Grant Other examples of research that NCI

Cancer CAM Researcher

for CAM Studies of Humans” or would consider to be responsive to the

PAR-08-135. The purpose of this PA include:
announcement is to encourage ■ Clinical studies identifying a
investigators to submit high quality, single or a combination of
preliminary research of humans that Now cancer CAM researchers can easily
bioactive food component(s)
will advance the science of CAM and connect with others in the field. Sign-up
on molecular targets associated
provide a solid foundation and for OCCAM’s free online research
with cancer prevention.
justification for larger, subsequent directory and:
clinical studies to definitively ■ Translational studies linking • Search for experts in specific
determine the efficacy of CAM bioactive food component(s) areas of CAM research
approaches. intake with biomarkers or
surrogate outcome measures • Receive access to research news and
NCI is participating in this PA again which may predict cancer risk updates
because of its interest in CAM and/or tumor behavior.
approaches as they apply to cancer • Discover collaboration
prevention, diagnosis, treatment, ■ Innovative dietary prevention opportunities
symptom and side effect strategies targeting risk
• Learn about meetings and events
management, and survivorship. reduction of populations
Projects of strong interest to NCI caused by genetics or • Post job openings
include the following interventions environmental conditions.
reviewed by the NCI Best Case Series • Connect with the National Cancer
Program: homeopathic approaches of For more information on this PA, Institute
the P. Banerji Homeopathic Research please visit To join or find out more, please visit:
Foundation, insulin potentiation
therapy, and macrobiotic lifestyle as pa-files/PAR-08-135.html. ❧
Research Resources

NIH Shares Tips about Grants

Keep up with policies and Get help with grant offering two pieces of advice to the
procedures application writing attendees. She stressed the
importance of working with experts
The NIH Office of Extramural The National Center for in the particular disease you are
Research (OER)—which is the hub Complementary and Alternative interested in studying or the research
for grants policy and operations, Medicine (NCCAM) held a 3-day methodology you are interested in
grants administration, and the Grantsmanship Workshop from June using, even if they are not experts in
coordination of NIH's extramural 3-5, 2008 in Rockville, Maryland. CAM research. In addition, she
programs and activities—publishes a Researchers, fellows, and graduate stressed how important it is to get
monthly newsletter called NIH students learned about the NIH acquainted with the program officers
Extramural Nexus (Nexus). This grant application and review who can provide input about
electronic newsletter provides the processes, received direction about developing proposals at the various
scientific community with updates how to plan a research endeavor that NIH Institutes related to your topic
on NIH policies and activities as well follows NIH policies, and gathered area.
as an opportunity to gain a better insight on the common
understanding of the operation of characteristics of successful grants, NCCAM has made each day of the
extramural programs. particularly when pertaining to conference available to those who
CAM research. were unable to attend. To view the
To learn more about the Nexus or to sessions, please visit
subscribe, please visit Josephine P. Briggs, M.D., director of NCCAM, opened the workshop by pastmeetings/grants08/. ❧

Research Highlights

Selenium May Augment Finasteride in Preventing Prostate Cancer

In 2003, the landmark Prostate involved in the function and survival NCI* is providing 5 years of support
Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT) of prostate cancer cells. This for Ip’s lab to explore the finasteride
identified finasteride as the first mechanism is called androgen plus selenium combination to
effective agent to prevent prostate signaling, which is “vitally important prevent the progression of prostate
cancer. However, Clement Ip, to the development and progression cancer. “If we are going to find a
Ph.D., director, Cancer of prostate cancer” he explained. synergy by combining them,”
Chemoprevention at Roswell Park explained Dr. Ip, “we really need to
Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New At about the time finasteride was in understand how each of the drugs
York, found the results somewhat the headlines–which included debate works at the molecular level.” He and
puzzling. over the drug’s side effects–Dr. Ip’s his colleagues will study the
lab was discovering that the natural significance of certain genetic
“It was puzzling, because finasteride compound selenium is able to pathways to get a clearer picture of
is known to powerfully depress the dramatically reduce the abundance of exactly how this promising treatment
blood levels of the most potent androgen receptors in prostate cancer might suppress the growth of tumor
androgen in the body, cells. “We wondered if a one-two cells in the prostate. The goal is to
dihydrotestosterone (DHT), while punch, using finasteride and prevent the small-volume, low-grade
reducing the incidence of prostate selenium, might dampen androgen tumors from becoming a more
cancer by only about 25%,” Dr. Ip signaling more effectively and thus aggressive form of the disease.
said. DHT acts by binding to the offer a better response in prostate
androgen receptor, a critical step that cancer prevention,” he noted. continued on next page
allows DHT to turn on certain genes

from previous page available, Dr. Ip and colleagues hope commented. “Currently, we’re not sure
Research Resources to get confirmatory evidence about what causes some of these to become
Once they have a better idea of the whether the androgen signal strength clinical cancers that will require
molecular pathways affected by the is depressed, which genes are turned treatment.” He hopes combining
two agents, the next step for Dr. Ip’s on or off, and how well the finasteride and selenium could
lab will be an intervention trial in combination treatment stops cancer potentially provide a breakthrough in
humans. Men diagnosed with cells from multiplying. managing the disease at an early stage
prostate cancer sometimes elect to and help to alleviate the huge costs for
have the prostate removed. The “Even though a quarter million men medical care and in human suffering
researchers plan to conduct a short- in the United States are diagnosed caused by prostate cancer.
term trial by giving treatment to such each year with prostate cancer, we
men for several weeks prior to know that many more than that Grant number: 1P01CA126804-01 ❧
surgery. When the prostate tissue number are in the earliest stages of
from these patients becomes developing the disease,” Dr. Ip

Fish Oils May Help Fight Prostate Cancer Progression

Prostate cancer kills more American vegetable

men annually than any other type of oils–and dairy,
cancer except for lung cancer. These meats, and some
high rates of mortality and morbidity plants–may have
do not occur in Japan and other a role in prostate
Asian countries, although men in and colon cancer
those cultures are found to have just progression;
as many small or latent prostate however, omega-
cancers when autopsied. Much more 3 PUFAs found
often, men in Western Europe and in some fish and
America see their prostate cancers plant oils have
progress and spread (metastasize), shown evidence
especially to the bone marrow. Many of suppressing
scientists believe that behavioral and prostate tumor
dietary risk factors may hold the key metastasis, most Cancer research examines benefits of fish oils
to understanding these variations in recently in a 2006
the disease. study from the British Journal of much slower pace,” Dr. Chen
Cancer. Nutritionists often focus on reported. “The omega-6 fatty acids
Noting the much higher intake of these two dietary components had the opposite effect.”
fish and seafood in Asian diets, Yong together and recommend they be
Q. Chen, Ph.D. director of Basic consumed in equal amounts. The effect seen with omega-3 appears
Science at Wake Forest University’s However, current Western diets have to work, in part, through a gene
Prostate Center of Excellence, omega-6/omega-3 ratios of 30 to 1, called Bad, which produces a protein
believes that polyunsaturated fatty explained Dr. Chen, “and they can that goes by the same name. Dr.
acids (PUFAs) found in fish oils be as high as 50 to 1.” Chen noted, “When we knocked
could play an important role in down (inactivated) the Bad gene in
cancer progression. This relationship Supported by NCI*, Dr. Chen and the mice, the cancer cell death
is being investigated further. his colleagues began by feeding stopped, and then the cell death
various amounts of the two types of resumed when we added the Bad
Just as there are “good” and “bad” PUFA to mice bred with a protein.” This finding highlights the
forms of cholesterol, some evidence propensity for prostate cancer. “The importance of gene-diet interactions
suggest this may also be true of the omega-3s slowed the growth of in prostate cancer. “Our work
omega PUFAs, omega-3 and omega- tumors, and many of the cancer cells reinforces the idea that the amount
6. Omega-6 PUFAs found in many we examined were progressing at a and content of dietary fat can have a

drastic impact on the health of types of fats,” he noted. “We realize
animals with identical genetic that dietary change for an entire British Journal of Cancer (2006) 94,
profiles,” he added. population is a major challenge, but 842−853.
for prostate cancer patients, this doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6603030
Dr. Chen said their research also takeaway message is much more Published online 7 March 2006 ❧
suggests the idea that omega-6 and critical–omega-3 fatty acids in the
omega-3 PUFAs “fight” each others’ diet may inhibit metastasis.” As a
effects in the body, often producing next step, Dr. Chen is planning a
opposite effects at the molecular level phase I trial of PUFA diets in
in the cells. “Thus, it is crucial that patients with locally advanced
the Western diet move toward the prostate cancer.
one-to-one ratio for intake of both
Grant number: 5R21CA124511-02

CAM Information

A More User-friendly OCCAM Web Site

“I can’t find what I am looking for? I ■ Pulling all of the information on

give up.” various CAM therapies into one
location and organizing it
“I know the information must be on alphabetically
this site somewhere!”
■ Adding new resources from
“This Web site is confusing.” other government agencies and
NCI’s grantee organizations
Have you ever experienced
frustration while trying to find ■ Replacing large blocks of text
information on the OCCAM Web with easy-to-scan links
site? If so, you are not alone.
However, starting in September, Overall, the OCCAM Web site will
visitors to the OCCAM Web site can have the same basic look but be more
expect to see significant changes user-friendly. In the coming months,
made, one section at a time, to the look for additional enhancements to
way information is arranged. These other sections of the Web site.
changes will hopefully help people
find the information they are looking To see the new and improved Health
for more quickly and easily than in “We understand that patients and their Information section, please visit
the past. loved ones are looking to us as an
authority on CAM information for index.html. ❧
Recognizing the weaknesses of their cancer. Making changes to the Health
online communication, OCCAM’s Information section of our Web site
Communications and Outreach was a priority for us,” said Shea
Program (COP) conducted some Buckman, M.A., coordinator of COP.
usability testing of their Web site and
then incorporated the feedback they Some of the changes to the Health
received to first improve the Health Information section include:
Information section of the site. COP
intends to revise the entire site over ■ Reorganizing existing content
the next year and has begun its work into special pages for patients
on other sections. and health care providers


CAM Medical Associations Collaborate in Joint Conference

A group of over 800 physicians, Sessions and workshops offered at about naturopathic treatment for
nurses, homeopaths, naturopaths, the conference were divided into cancer. A panel of OncANP
nutritionists, herbalists, and research, clinical practice, oncology, members was available during a
advocates mingled as a result of Dr. and poster presentations. Over the forum to answer questions about the
Hal Blatman, president of the course of four days, presentations on needs and concerns of naturopathic
American Holistic Medical oncology covered topics such as: the oncologists. Topics included
Association (AHMA), and Dr. Lise controversy of soybeans; non- promoting integration between
Alschuler, president of the American melanoma skin cancer prevention, naturopaths and oncologists, practice
Association of Naturopathic diagnosis, and treatment; a limitations and opportunities, and
Physicians (AANP), who brought the systematic review and meta-analysis developing new integrative programs.
two medical associations together for of melatonin combined with Another session at the conference
their first joint conference. “Embody chemotherapy; and intravenous and dealt with clinical issues such as
Nature, Redefine Health” was the oral therapies in the treatment of detoxification while undergoing
theme of this inaugural event, which cancer. chemotherapy, drug/herb
took place in August 13-16, 2008 in interactions, and ethical/legal
Phoenix, Arizona, and served in the A unique feature of AANP that is concerns when patients choose
place of both groups’ annual different from other CAM naturopathy versus conventional
conventions. professional societies is a network of therapy.
oncology providers called the
A common philosophy exists OncANP, whose development in “Throughout the conference sessions
between the two associations, which 2004 stemmed from growing interest and while talking with other
contributed to the success of the in the practice of integrative and conference attendees, I experienced a
meeting. The missions of both non-conventional cancer care. fruitful sharing of both clinical and
AHMA and AANP support an OncANP seeks to prolong survival research approaches,” said CDR
integrative and holistic approach to and enhance the quality of life for Colleen Lee, OCCAM’s Practice
medicine. The conference was “an cancer patients through clinical
Assessment Program coordinator. ❧
opportunity for like-minded research, standardized instruction on
healthcare professionals to interact, the subject of oncology at
learn from one another and build our naturopathic medical schools,
collective momentum for continuing education for
transforming health care,” said Dr. naturopathic physicians, and
Alschuler. accessible knowledge and resources

NIH Focuses on Meditation Research

While meditation—focused Research, convened a group of scientific community to gain a basic
breathing or the repetition of words experts, to discuss the future understanding of one type of
or phrases to quiet the mind—has direction of meditation research at meditation, mindfulness meditation.
been used for thousands of years, the workshop “Meditation for
NIH has only, in recent years, given Health Purposes.” Four years later, the “Meditation for
concentrated attention to the topic. Health Purposes” workshop was
On July 8-9, 2008, NCCAM and This was the second time NIH has convened as a result of the Agency
counterparts at NIH including NCI, held a meeting on the topic of for Health Research and Quality
the National Institute on Aging, the meditation. In May of 2004, OBSSR report Meditation Practices for Health:
Office of Behavioral and Social hosted the “Symposium on State of Research. The report, which
Sciences (OBSSR), along with the Mindfulness Meditation,” which was requested and funded by
Canadian Institutes of Health provided an opportunity for NIH’s NCCAM, stated that “the

therapeutic effects of meditation ■ Pilot, Randomized Study of Sleep Disturbance in Cancer
practices cannot be established based Mindfulness Relaxation Versus Survivors
on the current literature” because of Relaxing Music Versus
the poor quality of the research Standard Symptom ■ Effects of Tibetan Yoga on
methods used. The goals of the Management Education in Fatigue and Sleep in Cancer
workshop were, over the course of Patients With Newly
two days, to address these findings, Diagnosed Solid Tumors ■ Randomized Study of Hatha
present meditation research on Undergoing Chemotherapy Yoga in Improving Physical
various health conditions, including Activity, Inflammation,
cancer, and collectively propose ways ■ Menopause and Meditation Fatigue, and Distress in
to improve research on meditation for Breast Cancer Survivors Postmenopausal Female Breast
for health. Cancer Survivors
■ Randomized Study of
“Many patients are interested in Mindfulness-Based Stress ■ Effects of Yoga in Breast
taking more responsibility for their Reduction Versus General Cancer Patients
own health and in developing Health Education in
healthier lifestyles. Mind-body Improving Immune Response As a result of the “Meditation for
interventions, such as meditation, to Human Papilloma Virus in Health Purposes” workshop,
can be one of the components of Patients With Cervical recommendations were made for
individual health promotion, and Dysplasia research that explores possible
many health care practitioners are mechanisms of action, efficacy for
supportive of the use of these ■ Yoga-Based Cancer both physical and mental health
approaches. What we need is a better Rehabilitation Program outcomes, development of
understanding of how and when to appropriate and sophisticated
use them and also how they work,” ■ Cognitive and Behavioral research methodologies, and
commented OCCAM Director Dr. Therapy or Standard Care in collaboration amongst various
Jeffrey D. White. Patients With Advanced scientific disciplines. A meeting
Gastrointestinal Cancer or summary is available at
The following are examples of NCI- Lung Cancer
sponsored studies that include a 070808.htm. ❧
meditative component: ■ Phase II Randomized Study of
Hatha Yoga for Persistent

Bioactive Food and Chemoprevention Symposium Supported by NCI

The first-ever, international plants, and recent advances in biochemoprevention program at the
symposium on “Bioactive Food mechanisms of cancer University of Pittsburgh Cancer
Components, Alternative Medicine, chemoprevention by grape seed Institute. The grant from OCCAM
and Cancer Chemoprevention,” held extract. and NCCAM helped partially cover
in Greece in October 2007, was travel costs of the organizers, invited
supported, in part, by an R13 John Milner, Ph.D., chief of NCI’s speakers, and young investigators, as
conference grant* from OCCAM Nutritional Sciences Research well as pay for publicity for the
and NCCAM. The 2-day meeting Group, delivered a presentation on meeting. Papers from the conference
drew almost 150 attendees and “Frontiers in Cancer Prevention by will be published in Nutrition and
included presentations and Bioactive Food Components.” He Cancer, Dr. Singh said.
discussions on recent advances in the also co-chaired the symposium’s
field including studies on prostate opening session with conference Grant number: 1R13CA132241-01 ❧
cancer chemoprevention with organizer Shivendra Singh, Ph.D.,
genistein and resveratrol, anti- professor at the University of
inflammatory and antioxidant agents Pittsburgh School of Medicine and
present in dietary and medicinal co-leader of the cancer

Featured Scientific Meetings

Date Meeting Location OCCAM Staff


September 5, 2008 Research Working Group on Heidelberg, Germany Dr. Oluwadamilola

Case Reports Olaku

September 24-26, 4th International conference on Lexington, KY Shea Buckman

2008 Holistic Health and Medicine*

September 26-28, Insulin Potentiation Therapy San Diego, CA Dr. Farah Zia
2008 Conference

October 15-19, 2008 Frontiers in Integrative Las Vegas, NV Shea Buckman

American College for
Advancement in Medicine*

November 1-2, 2008 2008 New York International New York City, NY Dr. Libin Jia
TCM Summit

November 20-21, 5th International Conference of Atlanta, GA Shea Buckman

2008 the Society for Integrative

May 29 – June 2, American Society for Clinical Orlando, FL Dr. Farah Zia
2009 Oncology

*Indicates that an OCCAM staff member will be at the NCI or OCCAM exhibit booth.

To obtain a copy of this newsletter or for inquiries on

cancer and CAM, please contact
1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237).

NIH Publication No. 09-6407

October 2008


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