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ALESA Wk 1 Reading for Academic Style

Read the extract from the book Civic life online: Learning how digital media can engage youth about
perspectives on civic engagement and citizenship for young people both online and offline. Answer the
following questions:

Topic: What does the author want to you know about young people as citizens

Young people who have access to digital communication tools potentially have great influence on politics.
Recently, digital technology has rapidly developed. People of advanced age generally cannot handle this
tools but many digital and global age people can do. Although this aged people support politics in the next
generation , in the most countries , the voice of young people are not listened . This situation causes to
disconnect from government and increase dissatisfaction. Young people should express their opinions
with their digital tools.

Evidence / reasons: What is / are the main reason(s) that the author gives for his position?

Younger generations voice is difficult to reflect in the politics because existing influence such as
conventional politics keeps their power. And since this power is very strong , it is difficult for candidates
to appeal directly to young voters on their real opinions . In addition to this, As a result , younger
generation come to increase distrust in the government .

Applying to your life: Can you think of any examples from your life that support the authors view?

In my area, candidates express their election promises. However ,objects of promises are the aged people
or a little child like welfare and building nursery school because candidates may think that the aged
people and a little child s parents have possibility to vote. I feel my generation was ignored. In addition
to this , I feel the impact of SNS in the society. SNS had influence on Arab Spring. Young people used
twitter to appeal to participate in the revolution. I think digital communication tools have powers to
change the world.

Academic Writing Do you think this is a good piece of academic writing? Why?

No ,I do not. I feel a sense of incongruity about a few points. First , the length of paragraphs have gaps
especially , second paragraph is so long that it is hard to read . I think it is better to make the same
length of each paragraph . Second , while in Generation Z: Who we are? , citations are used (ex. Forbes
said , Forbes reported) , the first article do not use citations , only express own opinions . Only one opinion
is not reliable . I think it is better that opinions are supported by other people.
ALESA Wk 1 Reading for Academic Style
Now read Generation Z: Who we are. Answer the following questions:

What does the author want to convince you of? Can you see any similarities with Reading 1?

Since times are changing rapidly , if we stick a traditional method , we cannot succeed. It is very
important for us to be poised to step up in our own way , on own terms . In other words , we should
consider how we live well without sticking traditional methods.

I see similarities with Reading 1 that both of writings insist on potency of young generation . They urge
young people to positively take actions.

What evidence does the author present?

The author presents four evidence . first , All influence around Generation Z has caused them to grow up
much faster . second , Generally , Generation Z is so realistic that they can aware both themselves and
the world around them. Third ,Since times is changing rapidly , a traditional path does not always lead to
success . Finally , According to Forbes survey , most Generation Z has a positive view of life . Only 6 of
Zs are fearful about their future.

Are there any differences in the language of the two articles?

The way of using the subject is different . In the first article , there are many inanimate subject and
third person such as Democracy, Governments, People, The challenges ,Many young citizens and so on. On
the other hands , in the second article , there are many first-person pronoun such as I , We , My
generation and so on . I feel the first article is more objective than the second and the second is more
subjective than the first. By using first-person pronoun , I cannot be indifferent to the article.

Which do you think is the better piece of academic writing? Why?

I think second writing is better piece of academic writing in a few points. First , in the second writing ,
the length of paragraphs are the same. On the other hand , in the first writing , they are not the same
so it is not easy for reader to read. Second , second article takes in other peoples opinion . As a result,
the theory have persuasiveness.

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