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European Polymer Journal. Vol. 12, pp. 849 to 852. Pergamon Press 1976. Printed in Great Britain.

Physical Chemistry Department, Polytechnic Institute of Jassy, R-6600 Jassy, Roumania

(Received 5 February 1976)

Abstract-The viscous flow parameters for dilute PVC-tetrahydrofuran solutions were determined in
the temperature range 10---45. The temperature dependence of the viscosity of the solutions obeys
an Arrhenius-type equation. The concentration and the molecular weight dependence of the pre
exponential factor of this equation is given by the following relationship:
A= A0exp[ -Ka(cMw)2J.
Both the values of the viscous flow parameters and the mathematical expression of the pre-exponential
factor indicate, by comparison with other results, some stiffness of PVC chains in tetrahydrofuran.

I. INTRODUCTION at the working temperature, r0 the flow time and i'1r0 the
Hagenbach-Couette correction (in accordance with the
According to Flory and Fox [1], the exponent "a" recommendations for use of the viscometer). The tempera
of the Mark-Houwink-Sakurada equation ture dependence of the viscosity of the stabilized-THF in
the range 15 to 45 can be expressed as
[17]=KM" (1)

must lie between 0.5 and 0.8 for macromolecules with lg110 = -1.656 + \11 in cP) (3)

; 0
flexible chains without draining effects in dilute solu
tions; the lower limit applies to tightly coiled chains which agrees satisfactory with equations given by Carvajal
in theta solvents, and the upper to highly swollen et al. [4] and Metz and Glines [SJ.
The viscosities of the polymer solutions were measured
chains in very good solvents. Values greater than 0.8 using a dilution viscometer with suspended level; the kin
are usually regarded as evidence for draining effects etic energy corrections were negligible. The viscosities were
of the solvent through the macromolecular coil, or calculated from:
of chain stiffness in solution. T. p
The literature contains contradictory results for the 11=110-- (4)
To Po
exponent for the PVC-tetrahydrofuran (THF) system,

ranging from 0.56 to 0.92 [2]. Therefore it is not poss where l'/o is the viscosity of THF, r and r0 the flow times
ible to be certain of chain flexibility, although PVC and p and p0 the densities of solution and solvent respect
macromolecules are usually regarded as flexible and ively.
THF as a good solvent for PVC. On the other hand, The densities of THF and of the PVC fraction with
the ratio between the unperturbed dimensions and Mw = 153,000 were determined gravimetrically in the tem
the dimensions of the freely rotating chain suggests perature range 15--45, temperature being controlled within
some stiffuess of PVC molecules. Study of the visco 0.02.
The densities of the polymer solutions with concen
sity of dilute PVC-THF solutions may provide evi trations up to 1 g/dl and for temperatures between 15 and
dence about PVC chain stiffness in solution. 40 were calculated from the densities of polymer and sol
For this reason, we studied viscosities of PVC-THF vent assuming additivity:
solutions at temperatures from 10 to 45 and concen p = 0.8875 + 3.72 x 10-3-c
trations up to 1 g/dl. + 1.036 x 10- 3 (20 - t) g/cm3 (5)
where c is the solution concentration and t is the tempera
The concentrations of the solutions were determined by
The viscosities of PVC-THF solutions were measured weighing at 20; for the other temperatures, corrections
for three fractions of a Geon-suspension PVC (M, 63,000; for the temperature dependence of the volume were made.
108,000 and 153,000) characterized previously [3]. THF
stabilized with 0.05% hydroquinone was used.
The viscosity of the solvent was measured using an 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
Ubbelohde-type viscometer with suspended bulb level; the
temperature was controlled within 0.02. The Hagen Moore and co-workers [6--11] have shown that the
bach-Couette correction was applied for the flow times viscosity of dilute polymer solutions varies with tem
so that the viscosity, nc- was calculated from: perature according to an Arrhenius-type law:

1'/o = k(ro - Mo)'Po (2) 17 = A-exp(Q/R T) (6)

where k is the viscometer constant, p0 the density of THF

849 where 17 is the viscosity of the solution, Q the apparent

Table 1. Values of the K. constant for some polymer-solvent systems

Chain 102K,
flexibility Polymer Solvent Jdl/gmol Ref.

Poly(vinyl acetate) -chloroform 0.836 [10]

Great Poly(methyl methacrylate) -chloroform -1.467 [10]
Poly(vinyl formate) -chloroform 0.946 [10]
Bisphenol-A polycarbonate -chloroform 2.68
,, Moderate
-ethylene dichloride
-methylene chloride
1.42 [9]
-tetrahydrofuran 1.76
-dioxane 2.39
Cellulose acetate -acetone 9.80 [15]
Cellulose nitrate -acetone 4.61 [8]
Small -n-amyl methyl ketone 10.05 [8]
-methyl acetate 8.38 [8]
-n-butyl acetate 5.86 [8]
-cyclohexanone 11.3 [8]
The pre-exponential factor, A, depends also on the concentration and the molecular weight
of the polymer but, as compared to Q, it is much more sensitive to experimental errors.
activation energy of viscous flow and A a pre Moore [12] in terms of the activation entropy change
exponential factor. of viscous flow. Thus, for flexible chain polymers in
The apparent activation energy of viscous flow is dilute solutions:
a function of the nature of the polymer-solvent sys

tem, of the solution concentration and of the molecu

A= A0 + K.M"c (9)
lar weight of the polymer. A linear dependence of while for stiff chain polymers:
the apparent activation energy on the concentration
A= A0exp(-KMPc) (10)
was found for all polymer-solvent systems studied:
In these equations, A0 represents the pre-exponential
Q = Qo + kc' c (7) factor for the pure solvent and K0, K, o: and fJ are
Q0 being the activation energy of viscous flow of the constants depending on the nature of the polymer
pure solvent and k; a coefficient depending on the solvent system. A dependence similar to that in Eqn.
molecular weight of the polymer. The coefficient k. (9) was found also for a polymer with moderate stiff
generally increases with molecular weight according ness of the chain [9].
to: For the PVC-THF solutions considered here,
Eqns. (6), (7) and (8) were verified: thus, as seen from
k, = K.Mw (8) data presented in Fig. 1, the plot lg r, vs (1/T) gives
and data analysis for many systems indicates that K. straight lines for all concentrations and fractions used.
depends on the chain flexibility of the polymer in solu Also, the dependence of the apparent activation
tion; for flexible polymers in good solvents, K. is by energy on concentration is linear (Fig. 2).
1-2 orders lower than for stiff chain molecules, e.g. The plots lg A vs c2 (Fig. 3) and A vs c2 (Fig. 4)
cellulosic derivatives (see Table 1). indicate that the dependence of the pre-exponential
It seems, however, that the dependence of A on factor on concentration may be expressed thus:
molecular w.eight and concentration is connected with
A=A0exp(-k.(c2) (11)
the chain flexibility in solution; it was interpreted by

-0.1 10

I"' {

7aL-o1 J.-o3 J.-o5-oso1-oe

- 1,5 3.20 3.25 3.30 3.35 3.40 3.45 3.50
IOo/T, K-1
Fig. 1. Typical diagrams of lg '1 vs (1/T) for PVC-THF c, g/dl
solutions, for various concentrations and molecular Fig. 2. Dependence of the apparent activation energy, Q,
weights of the polymer. on the concentration and molecular weight of the polymer.
Viscosity-temperature relationships 851

;;;,. =63,ooo
;;;,. '63,ooo

_g,-1 70 Q.
U 2.0

1. 9

- 1.75'----'---........L---'----'----'--........,.. _.

0 01 02 0 3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

r?, cf/dl2

Fig. 3. Concentration dependence of the pre-exponential 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

factor, A, (Eqn.: lg A = lg A0 - k01 c 2

). c 2
g fdl2

Fig. 4. Concentration dependence of the pre-exponential

factor (Eqn.: A = A0 - k02 c ).

Table 2. Viscous flow parameters for dilute PVC-THF solutions

10-3k, 102K, 103. k.2 103 A0 k.1
MW Jdl 10-3Qo Jdl k.1 cPdl2 cPdl2 102 A0
Fr. g/mol gmol J/mol g" dl2/g2 l010K01 Yi 7- -gi- 1012.K.2 {'2 cP

1 63,000 1.314 0.0618 l.40 1.36

2 108,000 2.489 7,544 2.25 0.269 I.OS 2.15 5.78 5.94 4.85 1.97 2.208
3 153,000 3.409 0.345 7.36 7.61

or Houwink-Sakurada equation found by Batzer and

2 Nisch [14] (0.92), Inagaki and Nakazawa [15] (0.83)
A = A0 - k02 c (13)
and Maron and Lee [20] (0.851) which are specific
with: for polymers with stiff chains or with permeable coils.
However for the PVC-THF system, other authors
found values smaller than 0.8, e.g. 0.69 by Takahashy

which differ from those given in the literature. Equa et al. [16], 0.766 by Freeman and Manning [17] and
tions (11) and (13) are equivalent, (13) arising from 0.54 by Koboyashi [18], characteristic for flexible
(11) by expanding the exponential factor and retaining chains.
no terms beyond those in the square of the concen Moderate stiffness of PVC chains in THF is sug
trations. Consequently the K02 value, evaluated from gested also by a value of 1.83 quoted by Kurata and
the A - c2 plot, must be equivalent to the product Stockmayer [19] for the ratio between the square of
of K01 A0 (see Table 2). the unperturbed average end-to-end distance and the
However we must note that Eqns. (11) and (13), dimensions of the freely-rotating chain; this ratio is
and especially Eqns. (12) and (14), were deduced for also between the values characteristic for flexible and
a large scatter of the experimental data; for reliable for stiff chains.
conclusions, measurements over a more extended
range of concentrations and molecular weights are
necessary. REFERENCES
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