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PRE-U TEXT PHYSICS VOLUME 2 ISBN: 978 983 3879 85 4

Physics Volume 2

Chapter 34 Radioactivity
Practice 34

At the end of this chapter you must know the following:

Radioactivity Decay

Formula For Nuclear Decay

STPM : 1999, P1/Q29; 2002, P1/Q5; 2005, P1/Q15; 2005, P1/Q16; 2005, P1/Q18
Reference : Pages 235 to 236


Radioactive decay

Definition Disintegration of the nucleus by the emission of alpha

particles, beta particles and gamma ray in a spontaneous


Pearson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. 2007 1

PRE-U TEXT PHYSICS VOLUME 2 ISBN: 978 983 3879 85 4

rate of radioactive decay = - N


dN = -N

A = N

A is the instantaneous rate of decay (known as the activity) of a radioactive

nuclide. The unit of A is the becquerel (Bq).

Formula for nuclear decay

N = N0e-t

Half-life T = ln 2

The half-life of a radioactive nuclide is the time for the amount of the

nuclide to decay until half of its original value is left.

Pearson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. 2007 2

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