Sample IB Questions Thermal

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Sample IB questions on Thermal Physics

Q1. Data analysis question

At high pressures, a real gas does not behave as an ideal gas. For a certain range of pressures,
it is suggested that the relation between the pressure P and volume V of one mole of the gas at
constant temperature is given by the equation

PV = A + BP

where A and B are constants.

In an experiment to measure the deviation of nitrogen gas from ideal gas behaviour, 1 mole of
nitrogen gas was compressed at a constant temperature of 150 K. The volume V of the gas
was measured for different values of the pressure P. A graph of the product PV of pressure
and volume was plotted against the pressure P and is shown below. (Error bars showing the
uncertainties in measurements are not shown).



PV / 102N m


0 5 .0 10 15 20
P / 106Pa

(a) Draw a line of best fit for the data points.


(b) Use the graph to determine the values of the constants A and B in the equation

PV = A + BP.

Constant A .................................................................


Constant B .................................................................





(c) State the value of the constant B for an ideal gas.


(d) The equation PV = A + BP is valid for pressures up to 6.0 10 Pa.
(i) Determine the value of PV for nitrogen gas at a pressure of 6.0 10 Pa.




(ii) Calculate the difference between the value of PV for an ideal gas and nitrogen gas when both
are at a pressure of 6.0 10 Pa.




(e) In the original experiment, the pressure P was measured to an accuracy of 5% and the volume
V was measured to an accuracy of 2%. Determine the absolute error in the value of the
constant A.



(Total 14 marks)
Q2. (a) State what is meant by an ideal gas.




2 3
(b) The internal volume of a gas cylinder is 2.0 10 m . An ideal gas is pumped into the
cylinder until the pressure becomes 20 MPa at a temperature of 17C.


(i) the number of moles of gas in the cylinder;




(ii) the number of gas atoms in the cylinder.




(c) (i) Using your answers in (b), determine the average volume occupied by one gas atom.



(ii) Estimate a value for the average separation of the gas atoms.



(Total 9 marks)
Q3. This question is about ideal gases and specific heat capacity.

(a) (i) State, in terms of kinetic theory, what is meant by an ideal gas.





(ii) Explain why the internal energy of an ideal gas is kinetic energy only.




3 5
A fixed mass of an ideal gas has a volume of 870 cm at a pressure of 1.00 10 Pa and a
temperature of 20.0C. The gas is heated at constant pressure to a temperature of 21.0C.

(b) (i) Calculate the change in volume of the gas.




(ii) Determine the external work done during this process.




(c) (i) Define specific heat capacity.



(ii) Explain what happens to the molecules of an ideal gas when the temperature of the gas is
increased at constant volume.




(iii) Apply the first law of thermodynamics to show that, if the temperature of a gas is raised at
constant pressure, the specific heat capacity of the gas is different from that when the
temperature is raised at constant volume.



(Total 17 marks)
Answers to the questions


PV / 102N m


0 5 .0 10 15 20
6 2
P / 10 N m
(a) suitable straight-line of best fit; 1
(b) A is the intercept on the y-axis consistent with line drawn (or by implication);
= 12.6 = 1.3 10 Nm the best fit line should give a 2 SD
value of 1.3 10 Nm;
B is the gradient;
some evidence that reasonable values have been used (y2 y1 > 0.9, x2 x1 > 8);
= 1.0(0.1) 10 ; 5
Accept answers based on using two data points on line. Award [3 max] if points not on line.
Ignore any missing units and do not penalize if minus sign is omitted.
Award [1] for determination of B if only one data point is used.
(c) B = 0; 1
(d) (i) substitute into PV = A + BP
5 7
PV = 1300 (1.0 10 6.0 10 );
= 700(640 760)Nm; 2
= 1.9(0.5) 10 Nm if BP is added instead of subtracted.
Award [1] for ecf.
(ii) recognize that the ideal gas value is the intercept on the y-axis;
from PV = RT;
= constant A;
difference 600(540 660) Nm; 2
(e) error bars constructed on two well separated points;
attempt to draw reasonable extreme graph line / lines;
reasonable estimate of uncertainty;
Accept alternative approach.
total% error for PV = 7%;
2 2
7% of 12.6 10 = 0.9 10 ;
so absolute error = (0.9) 10 N m; 3

A2. (a) gas that obeys the equation pV = nRT / no forces between molecules;
at all pressures, volumes and temperatures / any other postulate; 2
(b) (i) pV = nRT
6 2
20 10 2 10 = n 8.3 290;
n = 170 (166); 2 max
(ii) number = n NA;
23 26
number = 166 6.02 10 = 1.0 10 ; 2
28 3
(c) (i) average volume = 2.0 10 m; 1
(ii) average separation 3 ( 2.0 10 28 ) ;
= 5.8 10 m; 2
Allow solution based on sphere.

A3. (a) (i) no intermolecular forces;

any other two relevant assumptions of kinetic theory; [2] 3
Do not allow pV = nRT.
(ii) no forces between molecules / atoms so no potential energy;
and internal energy = (random) kinetic energy + potential energy; 2
870 V
(b) (i) ;
293 294
V = 873 cm ;
V = 3 cm ; 3
Award [1] for use of C not K giving 44 cm .
5 6
(ii) work done = 1.00 10 3 10 ;
= 0.3 J; 2
(c) (i) quantity of thermal energy (heat) required to raise temperature
of unit mass; by one degree; 2
Award [1 max] for use of units, rather than quantities.
(ii) kinetic energy / speed of atoms increases;
reference to r.m.s. speed / r.m.s. velocity / mean speed / mean
kinetic energy; 2
(iii) at constant volume, Q = U / all heating increases internal energy;
at constant pressure, (Q = U + W) / heating increases internal
energy and external work is done;
hence conclusion; 3

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