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Webquest: Historical Places Presentation

Teacher Name: Higgins

Student Name: ________________________________________

Content Shows a rounded Shows a general Shows little
understanding of how understanding on the knowledge of the
the location became importance of the place. Does not
important and why. place. Shows research answer any questions
Answers the general was done. beyond basic
who, what, when, comprehension.
where, and why
Sources All sources were cited
questions. Sources were given, Sources were not
properly. but not cited properly. cited.

Presentation Presentation looks Presentation looks Presentation is not

clean. Images were clean. No images well organized. No
included. Uses colors were included. Basic images included.
and font use of font and color. Does not speak
appropriately. Speaks Speaks clearly when clearly during
clearly when presenting. presentation.
Teamwork All team members put Some team members Team members did
work into the did more than others, not work together.
research and project but all team members The research done
completion. Shows put in an appropriate was not done by
through presentation. amount of research. every team member.
Team worked Team members
together and listened struggled working
to each others ideas. together.
Date Created: October 03, 2017

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