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Manufacturing Process

Assignment 1
Sem 1 2016/2017

Q1 (a) What are all the patterns used in a casting process?

(b) Explain any one die casting process of your choice with figure

(c) What are all the defects that are likely to occur in casting process? Explain four
(4) of them.

(d) Write the requirements which must be fulfilled by sand for molding.

Q2 (a) Make a sketch of injection molding extruder machine and show the essential
features on it.

(b) Explain a plastic injection molding operation cycle.

(c) Explain briefly how ejector system, cooling system and air vent work.

(d) What is shrinkage in moulding and how to overcome shrinkage from occur.

Q3 (a) What are three basic steps involved in the conventional powder metallurgy

(b) What is green strength? Explain briefly why it is important to the manufacture of
high quality powder metallurgy products?

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