Data Journalism

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navigate the spreadsheet

sort the data into more useful order
filter the data
quickly create subtotals

ao abrir um novo data set: olhar variveis. Ter ideia das coisas que esto nele, elas diro que
tipos de perguntas a serem perguntadas e respostas do tipo de data que voc tem.

Row 1: nomes das variveis.

Ao scroll down, os nomes das variveis desaparecem. O que fazer:
* colocar o cursor na cell A:2 (column A, row 2); window>freeze panes

1) Navigating the spreadsheet

Consider the variables. What are the different columns?

How much data is there? Scroll down to the end.
Remember, the first row has the variable names.

1a) Freeze Panes: to maintain the variable names (top row) while scrolling down: (2:29)

Click on Cell A2
Go to Windows and click on Freeze Panes

1b) Moving around on a spreadsheet: (3:05)

Hold the Command key (CTRL key for Windows) and tap the up or down arrow
Hold the Command key (CTRL key for Windows) and tap the left or right arrow

1c) Formatting: format numbers to make them easier to read: (4:13)

Click on the column, row, or cell you want to format

Go to Format and click on Cells
Choose Number as the category you want
Tick Use 1000 Separator then click OK

OU: no office recente, clicar com boto direito na cell que quer e ir em formatar

2) Sorting: changing the order in the spreadsheet (5:13)

2a) Sorting by one variable: placing columns in a descending order

Put the cursor in the Column you wish to sort

Click on Sort and Filter (AZ button)
Click on Descending and the data is sorted
Click on Ascending to sort the other way around

It shows that the variable varies, different numbers in different places.

2b) Sorting by multiple variables: (7:55)

Go to Data and click on Sort [dados > classificar]

Change the Column in the Sort by row to the variable you want to sort first
Adjust the Order you want the data in
Click on the plus (+) sign
Change the Column in the newly Then by row to the variable you want to sort
Adjust the Order you want the data in and click OK

useful when we have categorical variables.

Multilevel sorts: (9:59)

Are not useful when the variable only has one of each.
Are useful when you have categorical variables or categories of variables.

3) Filtering: sorting only specific data (10:28)

3a) Filtering one variable:

Go to Data
Click on Filter and buttons will appear on your variable names
Click on the button related to the variable you want to filter
Unselect all by un-ticking (Select All)
Tick the variable you want

The data now shows the data you filtered. Also note: the row number the filtered data
is on, is highlighted.
Filtering for several items within one variable can be done by ticking more items in the

3b) Filtering more than one variable: (11:49)

Filter for several variables in different columns by filtering them in the same
Filter for several numbers by clicking Choose One or Number Filters
Choose the type of filter you need
Add the number you wish the filter to use and click OK

4) Subtotals (12:58)

Go to Sort and click the variable you want to have subtotals by

Go to Data and click Subtotals
Tick the variable you wish to have a subtotal of
Make sure At each change in matches the variable you sorted earlier
Set Use function to the kind of subtotals you want and click OK
You can add other subtotals in the same way

Bom momento para procurar por OUTLIERS.


To navigate a spreadsheet.
To sort by a single or multiple variables.
How to filter by one or more variables.
How to create subtotals.


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