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Running head: MADISON GOZA PEPSI 1

Pepsi Screening for Madison Goza

EDU 220-3001

Summer 2017

Dr. Rochelle Hooks, Professor

Written by Abigail Halverson


Pepsi Screening for Madison Goza


Madison Goza was a normal vaginal birth. She was slow to come out so mom did Pitocin

and did have her water broken. She was born at six pounds and fourteen ounces. She was 19

inches long. Her head was in the 90th percentile of all babies born. She had acid reflux early on

at about four months and took prevacid until she was eight months old. She developed very

normally with the exception of speech. She began speech therapy when she was four years old.

She currently just got out of a science academy and is going into the third grade. She has done

activities such as dance, soccer, gymnastics, and swimming. Madison has done several mommy

and me groups until she went to grade school. She has done activities such as singing for people

in assisted living with small volunteer groups through their church. She loves activities such as

crafting. She has built her own little playground out of cardboard boxes. She loves science.

Madison was one of the first to start reading in her kindergarten class. She likes music, and art

and helping the earth. In first grade she participated in the green team for recycling and helping

the earth and that has really stuck with her. Madison has one other sibling who is six. His name

is Miles. Madison currently lives with her mom and grandma and grandpa. They are a middle

class family. Madison was diagnosed in September 2015 with type 1 diabetes. She wears a pod

on her arm that tells how high or low she is as far as blood sugar. She also has a dexcom that

tells throughout the night what her levels are as she sleeps. She has no food allergies and overall

is a happy and well rounded girl. Her mom works as a virtual assistant online, and her dad lives

in New Mexico. He is a chef. Madison is half African American and half Caucasian.

Physical: Madison is a very active girl. She loves to go bike riding, she enjoys going for

walks, she enjoys swimming, and running. She loves to be outdoors in her scooter. She enjoys

playing outside with the dog, She loves to climb up trees, to roll down hills at the park. She

enjoys playing in the splash pad at the park. She loves swings and getting into the tunnels at the

park. Snowman ( 2015) notes children such as Madison in the primary grades still have Large

muscle control that is still superior to fine coordination. However, Madison is an excellent

writer. She can look at several science books about rocks and write for several hours notes about

all the things that interest her in these books. Snowman(2015) also notes many students in this

age group have difficulty focusing on small print or objects. This is true for Madison because she

does use reading glasses. Children in this age group have physical health that is usually good

with fewer illness and reported aches and pains (Ellsworth,1998). However for Madison any

soreness or pain she might get from bike riding or playing outdoors hurts more than the average

child because of her type 1 diabetes. Students in this age group have play that may take on

gender specific characteristics (Ellsworth,1998). In agreement with Ellsworth I can see this with

Madison because she enjoys playing with her baby cousin, she enjoys playing with barbies, and

little toys in which she can choose their shoes, outfits, and hair. She loves to cook and does many

typical play activities that are gender specific to a girl.


Emotional: Snowman (2015) states children in Madisons age group are sensitive to

criticism and ridicule. In consonance with Snowman I can see this in Madison because if an adult

says something mean to her she gets sad and she does not enjoy playing games where one has to

act silly or embarrassing in front of people due to her fear of criticism. If she feels like she is

being ridiculed she will go to her room next to her bed and cry. Children in this age group are

also eager to please the teacher, they enjoy responsibility and want to do well in their schoolwork

(Snowman, 2015). In her class, Madison got an award as a superstar student for doing well in

her school work. Her teacher had something called clipping up and clipping down and she only

clipped once in the whole year, and she was able to get it back up by the end of that school day.

Sowman (2015) notes children in this age group are becoming sensitive to the feelings of others,

but also this permits them to hurt others deeply by attacking a sensitive spot without realizing

how devastating their attack really is. In line with Snowmans statement Madison made a hateful

comment to her mom saying I hate you. I can also see her being sensitive to the feelings of

others when she sees her mother cry and is more sensitive and understanding of that situation

than her little brother. Also, when her baby cousin gets hurt or is crying, she comes over and

gives her hugs or kisses to help soothe her. A child in this stage of development may have great

beginnings and lose steam before completion (Ellsworth, 1998). Contrary to Ellsworths

statement, this was not the case for Madison. It seemed as though she was good at finishing tasks

all the way through the end without losing the joy. For example when she played a board game

with her brother and I, she had a good attitude all the way till the end and did not lose energy and

excitement from the beginning of the game to the end. Children in Madisons age group are

usually affectionate, helpful, cheerful, outgoing, and curious; but can also be rude, selfish, bossy,

and demanding. (Fosterparentscope, 1993). This is seen in the way that Madison can be cheerful

one moment and the next she does not want her baby cousin to touch her toys and can be a bit

selfish. She will take away any toy that is hers from the hands of her baby cousin. She goes from

being happy that she will get a cookie to being bossy by telling her brother not to touch all the

cookies with his hand.


Philosophical: Ellsworth (1998) notes children that are eight normally exemplify

characteristics that show their understanding of good and bad. Conforming to that statement,

Madison will tell her brother dont hit thats bad which demonstrates her sense of

understanding of good and bad or good vs evil. Typical characteristic of an eight year old is that

the child will express some actions of people as good or bad (Ellsworth, 1998). I can see this

when Madison says lying, thats bad..its not good for people to lie. Ellsworth (1998) states

that in an eight year olds philosophical development they normally tattle, and I observed this

when Madison comes to her mom and tells her that the other children are not taking turns, and

that its not fair.


Social: The social development of a child Madisons age involves demanding love and

understanding from mother (Fosterparentscope, 1993). This characteristic is developed in

Madison because she is very attached to her mom. She enjoys making bracelets with her mom,

cooking with her mom, and if Madison and her brother are fighting, Madison will try to get her

mom to understand her side by explaining what happen. Children this age also makes friends

easily (Fosterparentscope, 1993). This is very easy to observe because Madison is friends with

all the kids in her neighborhood, She has a friend named Mauer and another friend named

Carson on the same street that she lives on. She also makes friends very easily at the play dates

she goes too. A normal eight year old is not interested in table conversations, wants to finish

meal in order to get to other business (Fosterparentscope, 1993). Madison demonstrated this

characteristic on Sunday dinner, because she didnt talk at all, she just wanted to finish eating so

she could go play on her tablet. Normal behavior for someone her age is that she may tell dirty

jokes, laugh, and giggle (Fosterparentscope, 1993). This is something that is not present in

Madisons development. She does not tell dirty jokes. Snowman (2015) states that in the social

development primary grade children are likely to have a best friend, Madison does have a best

friend so this does match with those characteristics. Primary grade children often like organized

games, but may be overly concerned with rules (Snowman,2015). This social characteristic is

demonstrated in her behavior because when Madison was playing outside and she came running

to me, telling me that her little brother was not following the rules. According to Snowman

(2015) in this age level quarrels are frequent. Words are used more than physical aggression.

This is a characteristic that I did notice in Madison where she will start arguing with her brother,

but then he turns it into physical aggression by hitting her, and she will normally either go tell

mom or she will wrestle with him for a bit and then it turns into a game. In this stage of

development sibling relationships usually do not show much change, The new ability to see

anothers viewpoint does not usually extend to siblings, so fighting, tattling, and jealousy

continue ( Ellsworth, 1998). This seems to be the case with Madison because although she can be

very sweet and understanding of her little cousin, it does not seem to extend to her little brother.

According to Ellsworth (1998), it is also stated that the development of an eight year old

involves a possessiveness. I can see this when emma, madisons cousin, takes one of her toys,

Madison will pull it out of her hands and say thats mine! She is possessive of her things,

although she loves Emma, she does not like when Emma takes what is hers.

Intellectual: Snowman (2015) notes that children like Madison are beginning to

understand that there are different ways to know things and that some ways are better than

others. This stage is the beginning of scientific thinking in which primary grade children prefer

the explanation based on evidence. Keeping with that, I can see how this relates to Madison in

the way in which she tries to explain how toys work, what makes them work and in her curiosity

for toys such as circuit toys that fill that need for her to learn science. Primary grade children

begin to understand that learning and recall are caused by particular cognitive processes that they

can control. In primary grades this awareness and monitoring of ones learning processes called

metacognition begin to emerge (Snowman, 2015). Madison matches this intellectual

development. When I was helping her with her Spanish words she would group similar words

together to help her recall them in Spanish. Primary grade children learn better when given

relatively short tasks and switch periodically from cognitively demanding activities to less

demanding ones (Snowman, 2015). When I was watching Madison and her mom doing

homework I noticed her mom would have Madison do homework for a bit and give her small

breaks where she could go outside for a bit, or she could have a snack. Madison seemed to really

enjoy it. Vygotsky states that by age eight talking aloud to oneself begins to disappear and

replaced with silent inner speech. This goes in agreement with Madisons developmental

characteristic, because she does this when she is trying to solve math problems. She will count to

herself quietly to be able to solve the problem. Ellsworth (1998) notes that in the Intellectual

phase the child may be fascinated with animals and science in general. Congruent with JAnne

Ellsworth Madison is fascinated with cats, she says she wants to be a veterinarian when she

grows up and loves that part of science is being able to make things. In this level of child

development there is movement to a less egocentric view of the world (Ellsworth, 1998). In

consonance with JAnne Ellsworth statement Madison does meet this intellectual development

characteristic because she loves recycling, and planting rosemary, she loves to look at rocks and

insects. She seems to really have a heart for planet earth.



Physical: My recommendation for Madison is to continue doing what she is doing. I

would recommend her to continue eating well, continue getting proper sleep, and outdoor

playtime to continue to grow well.

Emotional: My recommendation is to continue to promote Madisons confidence by

suggesting to play silly games. Continue boosting her confidence even if that means having to be

silly. Continue to encourage her to be herself.

Philosophical: My recommendation is to continue taking Madison to church where she

can continue to have her view of good and bad and for her to create a moral code to live by in her


Social: My recommendation is to continue taking Madison to play dates where she can

learn and socialize with other children her age.

Intellectual: My recommendation is for Madison to play games that help her problem

solve and think strategically to boost her cognitive development. She does not need to be

challenged by an adult very much because she has enough self-efficacy to continue challenging



Ellsworth, J.(1998).Online lesson:PEPSI as a screening tool. Retrieved from

Foster parents cope training (1993).Fosterparentscopetraining. Retrived from

Snowman, J. (2015). Psychology Applied to teaching. Stamford, CT: Cengage learning.

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