Sy vs. Fineza Oct. 152003

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Republic of the Philippines advanced the amount of 50,000, which

SUPREME COURT she later reimbursed. The sixth handover

Manila took place on July 20, 2000 inside Barrio
Fiesta Restaurant in Edsa, where she
FIRST DIVISION delivered 100,000 to Judge Fineza in the
presence of Mr. Cheng.
A.M. No. RTJ-03-1808 October 15,
2003 Complainant Sy claimed that when she was
unable to complete the remaining balance,
RADELIA SY and ERWIN Judge Fineza began harassing her. One
CATO, complainants, instance of harassment she described was
vs. when Judge Fineza cited her for direct
HON. JUDGE ANTONIO FINEZA, Presiding contempt on December 8, 2000.
Judge, RTC-Branch 131, Caloocan Complainant Sy recounted that after the
City, respondent. hearing of December 8, 2000, Judge Fineza
inquired if she had renewed her bail bond,
DECISION in response to which complainant Sy
showed a receipt issued by one Evelyn
AZCUNA, J.: delos Santos of Pacific Union Insurance
Company. Judge Fineza then directed his
branch clerk of court to verify the
A verified complaint1 dated May 22, 2001
authenticity of the receipt. In the meantime,
was filed by Radelia C. Sy with the Office of
complainant Sy was told not to leave the
the Court Administrator, charging the
court room. However, complainant Sy
Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court
decided to fetch Evelyn delos Santos, who
of Caloocan City (Branch 131), Judge
was just minutes away, to attest personally
Antonio J. Fineza, of bribery, grave
to the authenticity of the bond receipt. Upon
misconduct, conduct unbecoming of a judge
returning with Ms. delos Santos,
and conduct prejudicial to the best interest
complainant Sy learned that Judge Fineza
of the service. Complainant Sy is the
had cited her in contempt and had ordered
accused in Criminal Case No. C-53098
her arrest for having left the court room
for estafa pending before Judge Fineza.
against his instructions. Complainant Sy
According to complainant Sy, Judge Fineza
moved to reconsider the arrest order
exerted undue and improper pressure on
contending that she merely left to fetch the
her by offering to dismiss the estafa case in
agent of the bonding company to manifest
exchange for 300,000. Otherwise, he
in person the authenticity of the bail bond.
threatened to convict complainant Sy
Despite the explanation, the motion was
of estafa regardless of her innocence.
Complainant Sy declared that she delivered
As the first order failed to mention the exact
money to Judge Fineza six times on
penalty imposed upon complainant Sy for
separate occasions. The first payment
contempt, Judge Fineza issued an
occurred on March 22, 2000, inside Steak
amended arrest order directing that she be
Town Restaurant in West Avenue, Quezon
imprisoned for five days and fined in the
City, wherein she handed over cash worth
amount of 5,000. Then on March 29, 2001,
30,000 to Judge Fineza in the presence of
just when complainant Sy was about to
her lawyer, Atty. Petronilo dela Cruz and a
finish serving her sentence for contempt,
legal researcher named Robert Cheng. The
Judge Fineza increased the bail of
second payment took place during the first
complainant Sy from 200,000 to
week of May 2000, this time inside Judge
Finezas chambers, where she gave
20,000. The third time was later that same
week, while inside Steak Town Restaurant, A second verified complaint2 dated July 3,
where she gave 30,000 to Judge Fineza in 2001 was jointly filed by complainant Sy and
the presence of Atty. dela Cruz, Mr. Cheng Erwin Cato charging Judge Fineza with
and a certain Cristy Yambao. Again in the abuse of authority, grave misconduct and
same restaurant, for the fourth time, on or oppression. The second complaint alleged
about May 19, 2000, she delivered 25,000 that during the hearing of complainant
to Judge Fineza, as witnessed by Atty. dela Sys estafa case on May 21, 2001, Judge
Cruz, Mr. Cheng and a certain Erwin Cato. Fineza shouted the following remarks in
The fifth delivery occurred in the month of open court:
June 2000, through Atty. dela Cruz, who
Yan si Atty. dela Cruz, ilong lang court employees in support of his denial. He
ang walang sakit. admits having chanced upon complainant
Cato in the hallway on June 26, 2001 and
xxx xxx xxx having called him "sinungaling" for
executing a false affidavit, but he denies
Sobra na! Abusado ang mga shouting at him, or pointing a finger or
lawyers mo! throwing dagger looks at him.

xxx xxx xxx On March 13, 2002, Deputy Court

Administrator Christopher O. Lock filed his
Sinungaling ka binastos mo ang report3 and recommended that the case be
Court, hindi referred to an Associate Justice of the Court
of Appeals for investigation, report and
ako ang binastos mo! Sinungaling recommendation. The Court in a
ka! resolution4 dated June 5, 2002 referred the
case to Associate Justice Eugenio S.
xxx xxx xxx
During the hearing of the case before the
O! Bumaba na ang decision sa
investigating Justice, both parties agreed to
Court of Appeals, Dismissed na! Ano
forego with the reception of evidence.5 They
submitted instead position papers, attaching
documentary evidence and the affidavits of
Ano pa? Ang (sic) susunod na witnesses. In accordance with the
ipapa-file mo? O! Sige nakahanda agreement, complainants Sy and Cato filed
ako. their memorandum6 on November 26, 2002.
Judge Fineza filed his Reply7 thereto on
The second complaint further alleged that January 14, 2003. A Rejoinder8 was filed by
on May 23, 2001 complainant Sys counsel complainants Sy and Cato on February 12,
in other cases, Atty. Jubay, had relayed to 2003 which was answered by Judge Fineza
her that Judge Fineza warned him that with his own Rejoinder on February 27,
morning during a hearing that she had not 2003.
been paying her other lawyers. Judge
Fineza added that complainant Sy had been After assessing the pleadings and
threatening to file a case against the former, memoranda filed, along with the documents
and warned that if she does so, "she could and affidavits attached, the investigating
no longer appear or set foot in Caloocan Justice saw no merit in the charge of bribery
City." This eventually led to the withdrawal but found Judge Fineza guilty of simple
of Atty. Jubay as complainant Sys counsel. misconduct. He, therefore, recommended
that Judge Fineza be reprimanded and fined
The second complaint also alleged that one months salary. The pertinent portions
complainant Cato was likewise harassed by of Associate Justice Labitorias Report
Judge Fineza. As stated therein, in the state, as follows:
morning of June 26, 2001, while waiting at
the hallway, Judge Fineza came out from 1. The complaint for bribery must fail.
his office, pointed a finger at him and
shouted: "Ikaw, sinungaling ka! Gumawa ka
The undersigned gives scant consideration
pa ng affidavit!" then gave him a dagger
on the complaint for bribery. As found by the
Supreme Court, bribery is easy to concoct
and difficult to disprove, thus complainant
Judge Fineza denies the allegations must present a panoply of evidence in
contained in the two complaints. He argues support of such an accusation. Complainant
that the circumstances under which the herein has only her friends to support her
bribes were allegedly given to him are too claims who would naturally testify in her
incredible and preposterous to be believed. favor. Again, following the ruling in Calimag
He admits having increased the bail bond case (id), the Supreme Court said
from 200,000 to 1,000,000 but claims
that this was done well within the
"x x x In order that the allegation of a charge
performance of his official duty. As for the
of this nature may not be considered a fairy
second complaint, Judge Fineza denies
tale, evidence other than the doubtful and
having uttered such remarks in open court
questionable verbal testimony of a lone
and presented the affidavits of two of his
witness should be adduced. Entrapment Respondent [relies] on
should have been pursued. Evidence of a
reasonable report to police authorities 1. the amount involved in the Estafa
should been presented. Record of where case is as big as 4,600,000.00;
the bribe money came from, its specific
denominations and the manner respondent 2. Radelia Sy had tried to mislead
accepted and disposed of it should have the Court that she had renewed her
been clearly shown." bailbond by presenting a fake
Complainant has not shown any of the
above, except the affidavits of her friends, 3. Radelia Sy had jumped bail and
who are expected to side with her. remained in hiding from December
8, 2000 until her arrest on March 27,
However, respondent Judges acts of 2001 and thus the presence of the
harassing the complainant by citing her in risk of her jumping bail again,
contempt of court for a very trivial reason;
putting her in prison and ordering her to pay for increasing complainants bailbond. The
fine of 5,000; raising the bail from first reason is not among the guidelines set
200,000.00 to 1,000,000.00; are clearly forth by the Revised Penal Code on
acts which show abuse of authority. Criminal Procedure. No. 2 reason has been
sufficiently explained and respondents
A reading of respondent Judges Order of opinion of "fake receipt" had been aptly
December 8, 2000 shows that the reason refuted and contested by the agent of the
for the issuance of the Order of Arrest was insurance company. There was no showing
complainants leaving the court room while that complainant jumped bail. The date
her official receipt for the renewal of her December 8, 2000 was the date of the
bailbond was being verified. Respondent issuance of the contempt order and order of
Judge did not even care to listen to the arrest. From said date up to March 27,
explanation of one Evelyn delos Santos, the 2001, was the period when complainant
agent of the insurance company, who was trying to move for the reconsideration
personally went to him to explain and of the aforesaid arrest order and the putting
confirm the authenticity of the official up of the increased bailbond. Undersigned
receipt, which if he only did he would be could not find any reason why respondent
more humane, benevolent, just and fair. would resort to increasing the bailbond
Even the urgent motion for reconsideration except for some ill-motives and malice.
of said Order of December 8, 2000 filed by
complainant, attaching therewith the xxx xxx xxx
renewed bailbond and affidavit of said
Evelyn delos Santos was never taken into 2. As to the second complaint wherein
consideration. respondent was accused of uttering
defamatory words, complainant has no
In respondents haste in issuing the Order of cause of action. The utterances, granting
Arrest, he failed to state the penalty for that they were defamatory were addressed
allegedly defying the order of the former, to her lawyers and who would be affected
and the manner by which complainant thereby. Complainant should not take the
would serve the penalty. It was only cudgels for her lawyers.
corrected when respondent issued an Order
on January 24, 2001 denying the motion to IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the
suspend the execution of the Order of undersigned finds the accusation for bribery
Arrest earlier issued and issuing an to be without merit. However, respondent is
Amended Order of Arrest. guilty of simple misconduct, for which a
penalty of reprimand and a fine of one (1)
On the issue of raising the bailbond from month salary [are] recommended.
200,000.00 to an unconscionable and
excessive 1,000,000.00 without hearing Associate Justice Labitoria correctly found
therefore, at the time when complainant was that the charge of bribery was not proven.
about to be released from detention due to The accusation of bribery is a very serious
her 5-day imprisonment on the contempt charge that would entail not only the
order, the same is motivated by malice and dismissal of a judge but also criminal
bad faith and constitutes misconduct. It is prosecution. The affidavits and other
emphasized that "excessive bail shall not be documents submitted by the complainants
set forth allegations that are simply not acts complained of were corrupt or inspired
credible. by an intention to violate the law, or were in
persistent disregard of well-known legal
Nonetheless, this Court takes exception to rules."
the view of the investigating Justice that
Judge Fineza should be exonerated of the There was a definite finding by the
charge of uttering defamatory words against investigating Justice that the order of arrest
complainant Sys lawyers for the reason that of complainant Sy for contempt and the
they were not uttered against her, hence increase of her bond from 200,000 to
leaving her with no cause of action against 1,000,000 were motivated by malice and
Judge Fineza. The issue in administrative bad faith. In addition to this, the records of
cases is not whether the complainant has a the case categorically reveal other acts of
cause of action against the respondent, but misconduct committed by Judge Fineza
whether the respondent has breached the which the aforecited report did not
norms and standards of the judiciary.9 This discuss: First, while Judge Fineza denied
Court has a duty to investigate and root out having shouted, pointed a finger or glared at
misconduct and inefficiency of its judges complainant Cato in the morning of June 26,
regardless of the complainants immediate 2001, he admitted having seen complainant
interest. Unfortunately, the investigating Cato on that day along the hallway and
Justice refrained from further determining having called him "sinungaling;" Second, in
whether or not Judge Fineza indeed made Judge Finezas Comment to the Complaint
such utterances. Thus, this Court is of Erwin Cato and Radelia Sy dated August
constrained to look at the evidence. 1, 2001,12 he had the temerity to write about
one of the complainants witnesses in the
To support the claim that Judge Fineza following manner:
uttered derogatory remarks at complainants
lawyers in open court, the alleged witnesses Now as far as Robert Cheng is concerned,
to the incident, Mr. Cheng and complainant this person should not be given any
Cato, submitted their respective affidavits. credence for not only that he is a "BAKLA,"
Judge Fineza denied having uttered such in its fullest sense, but also because even in
remarks and presented affidavits of his a very minor aspect of his identification, he
stenographer and court aide who declared could not be consistent nor relied [upon].
therein that they did not see Mr. Cheng and
complainant Cato in court on that day. These two incidents clearly show Judge
Given that the quantum of proof needed to Finezas utter disrespect for the office he
sustain an administrative case against a holds as a member of the judiciary. In the
judge is substantial evidence,10 this Court first instance, even assuming the absence
finds the affidavits presented by of shouting, finger pointing and menacing
complainants insufficient to substantiate stares, the admitted act of Judge Fineza in
their charge, especially considering that calling complainant Cato "sinungaling" in
contradicting evidence of equal weight has the hallway, already detracts from the
been presented by Judge Fineza. equanimity and judiciousness that are
required of a judge. As for describing one of
On the charge that Judge Fineza abused the complainants witnesses as "BAKLA" in
his authority, this Court agrees with the a pleading filed before this Court, resort
findings of the investigating Justice. The to argumentum ad hominem is certainly
circumstances surrounding the arrest of most unbecoming of a judge, to say the
complainant Sy for direct contempt and the least.
raising of her bail bond from 200,000 to
1,000,000 unmistakably show abuse of Lastly, the allegations contained in Atty.
authority. However, this Court finds that Jubays Manifestation and Motion dated
such acts do not merit a mere reprimand June 25, 2001, wherein he withdrew as
and fine, as they are not acts of simple counsel for complainant Sy after having
misconduct but rather of serious talked to Judge Fineza,13 is another
misconduct. In Suroza v. Honorado,11 this disconcerting proof of Judge Finezas abuse
Court defined what constitutes serious of authority:
1. That during the hearing of this
Misconduct implies malice or a wrongful case on May 23, 2001, the
intent, not a mere error of judgment. "For undersigned counsel was called by
serious misconduct to exist, there must be the Honorable Presiding Judge of
reliable evidence showing that the judicial this Court [who] inquired if
undersigned is also the counsel of In Castanos v. Escano, Jr.,17 this Court held
Radelia C. Sy who is an accused in that when the judges inefficiency springs
another case pending before this from a failure to consider so basic and
Honorable Court; elemental a rule, a law, or a principle in the
discharge of his duties, a judge is either too
2. That undersigned counsel replied incompetent and undeserving of the position
that he is the original counsel of Ms. and title he holds, or is too vicious that the
Sy in her other cases and earlier that oversight or omission was deliberately done
(sic) the other counsel of Ms. Sy in in bad faith and in grave abuse of judicial
her other cases; authority. In either instance, the judge's
dismissal is in order. In this case, Judge
3. That the Hon. Presiding Judge of Fineza is found to have acted with malice
this Court had told the undersigned and bad faith in ordering the arrest of
counsel that the other counsel of Ms. complainant Sy and in increasing her bail
Sy had not been appearing in Court bond from 200,000 to 1,000,000.
as they had not been paid their legal Moreover, his use of arrogant and
fees or professional fees to which intemperate language in his pleading and in
the undersigned counsel had replied his verbal remarks to complainant Cato and
that he did not know if the other Atty. Jubay is not the proper decorum
counsel had been paid to which the expected of judges who preside over courts
Honorable Presiding Judge had of law. Finally, this Court also takes note of
volunteered the information that Ms. the fact that Judge Fineza was recently
Sy had been threatening to file a found guilty of serious misconduct for
complaint against him, and said that refusing to order the execution of a final and
if Ms. Sy will do it, she could no executory judgment.18 He was reprimanded
longer appear or set foot in and fined 30,000 with the warning that a
Caloocan City. repetition of the same will be dealt with
more severely.
While Judge Fineza denies that the
conversation ever happened, the Nevertheless, Judge Finezas offenses are
manifestation of Atty. Jubay cannot easily not beyond rectification. Respondent Judge
be dismissed as a fabrication. It was made Fineza is, therefore, given one last chance
by an officer of the court who could be held to correct his ways and is sternly warned
liable for contempt if the same is proven to that one more transgression will merit his
be false. At this point, it bears noting that dismissal from the service.
the manifestation was filed with the court of
Judge Fineza and that he made no mention ALL THE FOREGOING CONSIDERED,
of ever having imposed sanctions on Atty. respondent Judge Fineza is SUSPENDED
Jubay for making such allegations. from office without salary and other benefits
for six (6) months, with the STERN
Now, for the appropriate penalty. WARNING that one more transgression will
merit dismissal from the service.
The integrity of the judiciary rests not only
upon the fact that it is able to administer SO ORDERED.
justice but also upon the perception and
confidence of the community that the people
who run the system have done justice.14 The
assumption of office by a judge places upon
him duties and restrictions peculiar to his
exalted position. He must be perceived, not
as a repository of arbitrary power, but as
one who dispenses justice under the
sanction of the rule of law.15 This Court has
repeatedly reminded members of the
judiciary to be irreproachable in conduct and
to be free from any appearance of
impropriety in their personal behavior, not
only in the discharge of their official duties,
but also in their daily life. For no position
exacts a greater demand for moral
righteousness and uprightness of an
individual than a seat in the judiciary.16

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