Tugas B Inggris (Paraphrase)

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Nama : Mery Puspita Sari

NIM : 17/408661/BI/09792


The answer :

A. 1. The vertebral column is the core of the endoskeleton. The vertebral column is made up of
repeating units called vertebrae (singular, vertebra). The functions of the column is :
The column allows a vertebrate to hold its shape. It also houses and protects the spinal
(nerve) cord that passes through it
In many species, there are shock-absorbing discs between the vertebrae to cushion them
during movement.

2. Cartilage is a tough tissue that contains a protein called collagen. Bone is a hard tissue
that consists of a collagen matrix, or framework, filled in with minerals such as
calcium. the advantages of a bony endoskeleton is Bone is less flexible than cartilage
but stronger. An endoskeleton made of bone rather than cartilage allows animals to
grow larger and heavier. Bone also provides more protection for soft tissues and
internal organs. The vertebrate endoskeleton includes a cranium, or skull, to enclose
and protect the brain. It also generally includes two pairs of limbs.
3. the components of the vertebrate nervous system is consists of a brain in the head
region. It also includes a long spinal cord that runs from the brain to the tail end of the
4. adaptive immune system is the organ system that defends the body from pathogens
and other causes of disease. Being adaptive means that the immune system can learn
to recognize specific pathogens. Then it can produce tailor-made chemicals called
antibodies to attack them. This allows the immune system to launch a rapid attack
whenever the pathogens invade the body again.
5. Ovipary refers to the development of an embryo within an egg outside the mothers
body. This occurs in most amphibians and reptiles and in all birds.
Ovovivipary refers to the development of an embryo inside an egg within the mothers
body until it hatches. The mother provides no nourishment to the developing embryo
inside the egg. This occurs in some species of fish and reptiles.
Vivipary refers to the development and nourishment of an embryo within the
mothers body. Birth may be followed by a period of parental care of the offspring.
This reproductive strategy occurs in almost all mammals
B. Make a paraphrase of the section Characteristics of Vertebrates.

a special feature of vertebrates is the colum or backbone that it has to maintain his
body shape, protect the spinal (nerve) cord that passes through it and In many species, there
are shock-absorbing discs between the vertebrae to cushion them during movement.

C. Make a short summary of the above text

Vertebrates are a subphylum of the phylum Chordata. Vertebrates have a notochord, a

dorsal hollow nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, and a post-anal tail. The distinguish feature of
vertebrates with invertebrate chordates is :
their vertebral column, or backbone. The backone have to maintain body shape
and protect spinal (nerve) cord that passes through it
an endoskeleton made of bone or cartilage.
Other Vertebrate Traits is :
Vertebrates have a system of muscles attached to the endoskeleton to enable movement ,
closed circulatory system with a heart, have skin covered with scales, feathers, fur, or hair,
excretory system that includes a pair of kidneys, endocrine system of glands that secrete
hormones, adaptive immune system and have a centralized nervous system.
Vertebrates reproduce sexually, and almost all of them have separate male and female
sexes. Vertebrates have one of the following three reproductive strategies: ovipary,
ovovivipary, or vivipary.

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