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School of Engineering and Management

Department of Management studies
Programme: MBA
Date of Approval:
Course: Consumer Behaviour
Type: Core/Foundation/Elective/Foundation Elective Course Code
/Internship/ Project Work 14MBA MM301
No of Hours per week
Theory Practical/Field
Total/Week teaching
(Lecture Class) Work/Allied Activities
04 01 05 56
Internal Assessment Examination Total Credits
50 100 150 --
Pre-Requisite Knowledge/Skill: Marketing
Aim/Objective of the Course:
This subject is taught as one of the marketing topic. In this programme, topics on various
concept of consumer behaviour & its impact during purchase. This programme enriches the
knowledge about the role of research, models of CB, also about various situation condition
that impact on CB. In this subject student can understand the internal & external influences
that influences on customer.
Course Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course, the students will be able to,
1. Explain the basic concepts of consumer behaviour.
2. To explain briefly the role of research, levels & situational influence of consumer
3. To explain various individual influences on consumer behaviours & CRM.
4. To explain briefly influence of learning, attitude & persuasion communication on
consumer behaviour.
5. To explain briefly the influence of groups, social class, culture, opinion leadership &
reference groups with marketing strategy.
6. Explain briefly about post purchase processes.
7. Analyse various cases on consumer behaviour
Syllabus Content:
Module 1: Introduction to the study of Consumer Behaviour: Meaning &
Definition of CB, Difference between consumer & Customer, Nature &
characteristics of Indian Consumers, Consumer Movement in India, Rights &
Responsibilities of consumers in India, Benefits of consumerism.
LO: At the end of this session the student will be able to,
1. Define consumer? What is the difference between consumer & customer?
2. Explain the concept of Consumer Movement in India.
3. Explain briefly the rights & responsibility of consumers in India.
4. What is meant by consumerism? List out the benefits of consumerism.
Module-2: Role of Research in understanding consumer behaviour: Consumer
Research: Consumer Research Paradigms (Qualitative & Quantitative Research
Methods) Developing research objectives, collecting secondary data, designing
primary research, data analysis and reporting research findings.
Models of Consumer Behaviour: Input-Process-Output Model, Nicosia Model,
Howard Sheth Model, Engel-Kollat-Blackwell Models of Consumer Behaviour,
Internal Influences: Motivation, Personality, Perception, Learning, Attitude,
Communications, External Influences: Social Class, Culture, REFERENCE Groups,
Family members.
Levels of Consumer Decision Making Consumer Buying Decision Process,
Complex Decision Making or Extensive Problem Solving Model, Low Involvement
Decision Making or Limited Problem Solving Model, Routinised Response
Behaviour, Four views of consumer decision making. On-line Decision Making:
Meaning & Process/Stages 8hrs
Situational Influences- Nature of Situational Influence (The communication
Situation, The Purchase Situation, The usage situation, The disposition situation)
Situational Characteristics and consumption behaviour (Physical features, Social
Surroundings, Temporal Perspectives, Task Definition, Antecedent States.).

LO: At the end of this session the student will be able to,
1. Define consumer behaviour? Explain the concept of consumer research
2. Explain the various model of consumer behaviour.
3. Explain the consumer buying decision process.
4. Explain the four views of consumer decision making.
5. Explain briefly the concept of various situational influences impact on
Module-3: Individual Influences on Consumer Behaviour and CRM: Part 1
A) Motivation: Basics of Motivation, Needs, Goals, Positive & Negative Motivation,
Rational Vs Emotional motives, Motivation Process, Arousal of motives, Selection of
goals. Motivation Theories and Marketing Strategy - Maslows Hierarchy of Needs,
McGuires Psychological Motives (Cognitive Preservation Motives, Cognitive
Growth Motives, AffectivePreservation Motives, Affective Growth Motives).
B) Personality: Basics of Personality, Theories of Personality and Marketing
Strategy(Freudian Theory, Neo-Freudian Theory, Trait Theory), Applications of 10hr
Personality concepts in Marketing, Personality and understanding consumer
diversity(Consumer Innovativeness and related personality traits, Cognitive
personality factors, Consumer Materialism, Consumer Ethnocentrisms), Brand
Personality (Brand Personification, Gender, Geography, Colour), Self and Self-Image
(One or Multiple selves, The extended self, Altering the self).
C) Perception: Basics of Perception & Marketing implications, Elements of
Perception(Sensation, Absolute Threshold, Differential Threshold, Subliminal
Perception), Dynamics of Perception (Perceptual Selection, Perceptual Interpretation,
Perceptual Organization ,perceived price, perceived quality, price/quality relationship,
Perceived Risk, Types of risk, How consumers handle risk. Customer Relationship
Management Meaning & Significance of CRM, Types of CRM (Operational,
Collaborative, Analytical), Strategies for building relationship marketing, e-CRM,
Meaning, Importance of e-CRM, Difference Between CRM & e-CRM

LO: At the end of this session the student will be able to

1. Define motivation? Explain briefly various types of arousal motives.
2. Explain briefly various Motivation Theories and its Marketing Strategy
3. What is personality? Explain various Theories of Personality and Marketing
4. What is perception? Explain the elements & dynamics concept of perception.
5. Define Perceived Risk? Explain various Types of risk. How consumers handle
6. Explain various types of CRM. Discuss various Strategies for building
relationship marketing
Module-4: Individual Influences on Consumer Behaviour:
A) Learning: Elements of Consumer Learning, Motivation, Cues, Response,
Reinforcement, Marketing Applications of Behavioural Learning Theories, Classical
Conditioning Pavlovian Model, Neo-Pavlovian Model), Instrumental Conditioning,
Elaboration Likelihood Model.
B) Attitude: Basics of attitude, the nature of attitude, Models of Attitude and
Marketing Implication, (Tri-component Model of attitude, Multi attribute attitude
C) Persuasive Communication: Communications strategy, Target Audience, Media 8 hr
Strategy, Message strategies, Message structure and presentation.

LO: At the end of this session the student will be able to

1. Define learning? Explain briefly the various learning theories.
2. Define attitude? Explain various models of attitude and Marketing
3. Explain briefly the elements of consumer learning.
4. What is meant by Persuasive Communication?
5. Explain various element of Persuasive Communication.
Module-5: External Influences on Consumer Behaviour: Part 1
A) Social Class: Social Class Basics, What is Social Class? (Social class & Social
status, the dynamics of status consumption, Features of Social Class, Five Social-
Class Categories in India
B) Culture and Subculture - Major Focus on Indian Perspective Culture: Basics, 7hr
Meaning, Characteristics, Factors affecting culture, Role of customs, values and
beliefs in Consumer Behaviour. Subculture: Meaning, Subculture division and
consumption pattern in India, Types of subcultures (Nationality subcultures,
Religious subcultures, Geographic and regional subcultures, racial subcultures, age
subcultures, sex as a subculture) Cross-cultural consumer analysis: Similarities and
differences among people, the growing global middle class; Acculturation is a needed
marketing viewpoint, applying research techniques
Cross-cultural marketing strategy: Cross-cultural marketing problems in India,
Strategies to overcome cross-cultural problems.

LO: At the end of this session the student will be able to

1. What is Social Class? Explain various Five Social-Class Categories in India.
2. Define culture & subculture? Explain the Characteristics &Factors affecting
3. Explain briefly the various Types of subcultures
4. What are Cross-cultural marketing problems in India?
5. Explain the Strategies to overcome cross-cultural problems
Module-6: External Influences on Consumer Behaviour: Part 2
Groups: Meaning and Nature of Groups, Types Family: The changing structure of
family, Family decision making and consumption related roles, Key family
consumption roles, Dynamics of husband-wife decision making, The expanding role
of children in family decision making, The family life cycle & marketing strategy,
Traditional family life cycle & marketing implications, Reference Groups:
Understanding the power & benefits of reference groups, A broadened perspective on
reference groups, Factors that affect reference group influence, Types of reference
groups, Friendship groups, Shopping groups, Work groups, Virtual groups,
Consumer-action groups, reference group appeals, Celebrities.
LO: At the end of this session the student will be able to
1. Define group? Explain various types of groups & family.
2. Explain briefly concept of family decision making and consumption related
3. Explain the Dynamics of husband-wife decision making & the expanding role
of children in family decision making
4. Define Reference Groups? What are the benefits of reference groups.
5. Explain various Factors that affect reference group influence
6. Explain various Types of reference groups
Module-7: Consumer Influence and Diffusion of Innovations
Opinion Leadership: Dynamics of opinion leadership process, Measurement of
opinion leadership, Market Mavens, Opinion Leadership & Marketing Strategy,
Creation of Opinion Leaders.
Diffusion of Innovations: Diffusion Process (Innovation, Communication channels,
Social System, Time) Adoption Process: Stages, categories of adopters
Post Purchase Processes: Post Purchase Processes, Customer Satisfaction, and
customer commitment: Post purchase dissonance, Product use and non use,
Disposition, Product disposition.

LO: At the end of this session the student will be able to

1. Define opinion leadership? Explain the dynamics of opinion leadership.
2. Explain the various methods of measurement of opinion leadership.
3. Define Diffusion of Innovation? Explain briefly the Diffusion Process
4. Explain briefly Adoption Process & categories of adopters
5. Explain the concept of Post Purchase Processes.
6. What is Post purchase dissonance? Explain various strategies for product
Practical/Field Work Content
1. Students can go to malls and unorganized retail outlets and observe the behaviour of
consumers of different demographic segments while buying different category of goods.
2. Students can prepare a questionnaire and do a survey on consumer buying behaviour and
present the findings in the class.
3. Find three advertisements that appeal to the need for power, affiliation and achievement
and discuss their effectiveness. Rewrite these for persons in different levels of Maslows
4. Meet your friends and conduct a survey to find what are the important factors in their
purchase of mobiles, shoes, bags etc.
5. There are now plenty of advertisements regarding most products how do they deal with
this information overload?
Text Books
1. Consumer Behavior - Leon Schiff man, Lesslie Kanuk, 10/e, Pearson, 2010.
2. Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy Del I. Hawkins, & Others, 11/e
3. TMH,
4. Consumer behavior - Jay D. Lindquist, Joseph Sirgy, 1/e, Cengage Learning.
5. Consumer behavior David L. Louden, Della Bitta, 4/e, McGraw Hill.
6. Consumer Behavior Raju M. S & Dominique Xardel, Vikas Publishing House.
Reference Books
1. Consumer Behavior - Henry Asseal, Cenage Learning.
2. Consumer Behavior in Indian Perspective Suja Nair, Himalaya Publications
3. Customer Behavior: A Managerial Perspective Sheth, Mittal, Cengage Learning.
4. Consumer Behavior- Satish K. Batra & S H H Kazmi, Excel Books.
5. CRM Alok Kumar, Chhabi Sinha, 7/e, Biztantra.
6. Customer Relationship Management - Peru Ahamed & Sagadevan, Vikas Publishing.
7. Consumer Behavior Kumar Rajeev, Himalaya Publisher.
Additional Reading
1. Text books related to various consumer behaviour
2. Magazines on consumer behaviour & marketing & social media.
3. Articles in weekly magazines, new online media tools
Useful Websites
3. marketing-articles-2013
4. Bookboon
Useful Journals
1. Zaltman, G. (2003) How Customers Think: Essential Insights into the Mind of the
Market. Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
3. Keller, K.L. (1993) Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based Brand
Equity. Journal of Marketing,57, 1-22.
5. Lndrdge, A., Dibb, S. (2003). Is Culture a Justifiable Variable for Market
Segmentation? A Cross-Cultural Example, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol:2, s.
Teaching and Learning Methods:
1. Lecture class: 04hrs
2. Self study: 02hrs
3. Field visits/Group Discussions/Seminars: 02hrs
4. Practical classes: 01hrs
Skill Mapping of Course:

Learning Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

CO-1 X
CO-2 X X
CO-3 X X
CO-4 X
CO-5 X
CO-6 X X
Type of test/examination: Written examination
Class tests:50 marks (Average of best two of total three tests will be considered)
Main examination: 100 marks (students have to answer all main questions)
Test duration: 1.5 hr
Examination duration: 3 hrs
CO to PO Mapping

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
CO-1 S W W M S
CO-2 W M S W
CO-3 W W M S
CO-4 W W M S
CO-5 W M S
CO-6 W S W M

PO1: Engineering Knowledge PO7:Environment and Society

PO2: Problem Analysis PO8:Ethics
PO3: Design &Development PO9:Individual & Team Work
PO10: Communication
PO4:Ivestigations of Complex Problems
PO11:Project Mngmt& Finance
PO5: Modern Tool Usage PO12:Life long Learning
PO6: Engineer & Society

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