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Sri Lanka

A land like no other

Annual Statistical Report



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A land like no other Report

Survey Report

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Please visit for Sri Lanka Tourism Statistics

Former Name Ceylon Jaffna

Location An Island of the Indian Ocean

and seperated from India by Kilinochchi
Palk Strait (880 km North of
the equator)
Area 65,610 sq. km
Population 19.5 million (2004) Madhu

Capital Sri Jayawardenepura ilaveli

inikommercial Capital Colombo
Anuradhapura Seruwawila
*Language Sinhala, Tamil & English Mihintale

Religion Buddhism, Hinduism, Medirigiriya

.Puttalam Minneriya w•
Christianity & Islam ii • '
Avukana Sigiriya •
Time GMT + 6 hrs Damhulla, oikts Dimhulagala
• alkudah
Currency Sri Lankan Rupee Wasgamuwa ttical
Chila• Paduwasnuwara National Reserve
Climate Low Lands - tropical, average
27 °C,.Central Hills - cooler,
'Bandaranaike ;1
with temperatures dropping Negom npat,i rot nal Pinnawala
to 14 °C. The south-west Kegalle Ampara
monsoon brings rain to the Katunaike
Western, Southern and Colour
Central regions from May to Mt. LAti Ella
July, while the North-Eastern tNadduwa
monsoon occurs in the North .Kalutara
and East in December and Beruwa
January. Sri Lanka has a Bentot Kumana
good climate for holiday-
makers throughout the year Ambalango
Hikkaduwa Kirinda
ambantota INDIAN OCE
literacy Rate 92.50%
International Airport Bandaranaike International
Airport •

This is the thirty-sixth in the series of Annual Statistical Reports published by the
Sri Lanka Tourist Board and it provides a continuing review of the trends and
development of the tourist industry.

Research & International Affairs Division,

Sri Lanka Tourist Board,
P.O. Box 1504,
80, Galle Road,
Colombo - 3.
Sri Lanka.

Tel: 2380943, 2440006

Fax: 2380943
The report is divided into three sections. Section I contains a summary of performance of the tourist
sector in 2004 and Section ll presents statistical tables and charts. Section Ill comprises the
definitions of terms and sources of information.

The statistical analyses presented in this year's report cover the following subject areas:

Trends and Structural Characteristics of Tourist Traffic

Scheduled Airline Operations & Passenger Movements

Accommodation Industry - Capacity and its Utilization

Income and Employment

Tourist Prices

Foreign Travel by Sri Lankans

Growth of Travel and Tourism

Revenue from Tourism

Copyright@ 2004 Sri Lanka Tourist Board ASR


Chart 1 Tourist Arrivals by Year - 1966 to 2004 14
Table (a) Market Growth Trends by Nationality - Growth Indices 14
Table 1 Tourist Arrivals by Country of Nationality - 1998 to 2004 15
Chart 2 Tourist Arrivals by Top Ten Markets - 2003 & 2004 16
Table (b) Market Growth Trends by Residence - Growth Indices 16
Table 2 Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence - 1998 to 2004 17
Chart 2(a) Shares of Tourist Arrivals by Region - 1998 to 2004 18
Chart 2(b) Tourist Arrivals by Region - 2003 & 2004 18
Chart 3 Seasonality of Tourist Traffic - 2004 19
Table (c) Seasonal Variation in Traffic Flow - 1967 to 2004 19
Table 3 Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence and Month - 2004 20
Chart 4 Mode of Transport and Port of Arrivals - 2003 & 2004 21
Table (d) Relative Importance of Different Ports - Percentage Distribution of Arrivals - 1995 to 2004 21
Table 4 Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence & Mode of Transport - 2004 22
Chart 5 Tourtst Arrivals by Type of Carrier - 2003 & 2004 23
Table (e) Relative Importance of Different Carriers - Percentage Distribution of Arrivals - 1995 to 2004 23
Table 5 Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence & Carrier - 2004 24
Table 5(a) Tourist Arrivals by Charter Carriers - 1995 to 2004 25
Chart 6 Regions of Embarkation & Disembarkation - 2004 26
Table (f) Regions of Embarkation & Disembarkation - Percentage Distribution - 1995 to 2004 26
Table 6 Tourist Arrivals by Country of Nationality, Region of Embarkation & Disembarkation — 2004 27
Chart 7 Purpose of Visit - 2003 & 2004 28
Table (g) Percentage Distribution of Tourists by Purpose of Visit - 1995 to 2004 28
Table 7 Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence & Purpose of Visit - 2004 29
Chart 8(a) Period of Stay - 2003 & 2004 30
Chart 8(b) Average Duration of Stay & Region - 2003 & 2004 30
Table (h) Period of Stay - Percentage Distribution - 1969 to 2004 30
Table 8 Average Duration of Stay and Tourist Nights by Country of Nationality - 2004 31
Chart 9 Tourist Arrivals by Age & Sex - 2003 & 2004 32
Table (i) Percentage Distribution by Sex & Age - 1995 to 2004 32
Table 9 Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence. Sex & Age — 2004 33
Chart 10 Occupational Categories - 2003 & 2004 34
Table (j) Percentage Distribution by Occupational Categories - 1995 to 2004 34
Table 10 Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence & Occupation - 2004 35
Chart 11 Shares of Total Seating Capacity by Carrier - 2004 36
Table 11 Scheduled Airline Operations & Seating Capacity - 2004 36
Chart 12 Growth of Passenger Arrivals & Departures - 1995 to 2004 37
Table 12 Passenger Arrivals & Departures by Port and Category of Travellers - 2004 37


Chart 13 Shares of Accommodation Capacity (Rooms) by Resort Region - 1995 to 2004 38
Table (k) Accommodation Capacity (Rooms) in Graded Establishments and its Regional Distribution - 1995 to 2004 38
Chart 14 Tourist Nights and Occupancy Rates by Month — 2004 39
Table 13 Accommodation Capacity and Guest Nights in Graded and Supplementary Establishments - 1995 to 2004 39
Chart 14(a) Occupancy Rates by Resort Region - 2003 & 2004 40
Table (I) Occupancy Rates by Region - 1995 to 2004 40
Table 14 Monthly Occupancy Rates in Graded Establishments by Region - 2004 41
Table 14(a) Capacity and Nights in All Accommodation Establishments by Class 41
Table 15 Foreign Guest Nights in Graded Accommodation Establishments by Region and Month - 2004 42
Table 16 Local Guest Nights in Graded Accommodation Establishments by Region and Month - 2004 42
Chart 15 Value of Tourism - 1996 to 2004 43
Table 17 Volume & Value of Tourism - 1996 to 2004 43
Table 18 Foreign Exchange Earnings from Tourism - 2003 & 2004 44
Table (m) Exchange Rates (Annual Average) - 1995 to 2004 44
Chart 16 Direct Employment in the Tourist Industry - 2002 to 2004 45
Table 19 Direct Employment in the Tourist Industry - 2002 to 2004 45
Chart 17 Tourist Price Index - 1995/96 to 2004/05 46
Table 20 Index of Tourist Prices - 1974/75 to 2004/05 46
Chart 18 Sri Lankan Departures - 1995 to 2004 47
Table 21 Sri Lankan Departures - Growth Trends - 1974 to 2004 47
Table 22 Tourism Growth Trends - 1966 to 2004 48
Table 23 Tourist Arrivals by Month - 1967 to 2004 49
Table 24 Passenger Arrivals and Departures - 1973 to 2004 49
Table 25 Conferences Held and Revenue Earned at BMICH - 1977 to 2004 50
Table 26 Number of Foreign Visitors Visiting the Museums and Revenue from Sale of Tickets - 1979 to 2004 50
Table 27 Number of Foreign Visitors Visiting the Cultural Traingle and Revenue from Sale of Tickets - 1981 to 2004 51
Table 28 Number of Foreign Visitors to the Zoological Gardens and Revenue from Gate Fees - 1977 to 2004 52
Table 29 Revenue from Foreign Visitors Visiting the Botanical Gardens - 1977 to 2004 53
Table 30 Revenue from Foreign Visitors Visiting the Wild Life Parks - 1982 to 2004 54
Table 31 Revenue from Embarkation Tax & Levy - 1973 to 2004 55
Table 32 Public Sector Revenue from Tourism (In Rs.million) 55


Tourism in Sri Lanka continued its growth momentum and reached a new peak of 566,202
arrivals, registering an increase of 13.1 per cent as compared to the previous year's figure of
500,642 arrivals.

Foreign exchange (FE) Receipts ( earnings) from tourism in Sri Lanka increased at a faster
rate of 28.2 per cent to Rs. 42,058.6 million (US$ 416 mn) in 2004, in comparison to Rs.
32,810 million (US$ 340 mn) recorded in 2003.

FE Receipts per tourist per day rose substantially to US$ 72.2 in 2004 from US$ 66.8 in the
previous year - an increase by 5.4 dollars.

Tourism ranked as the fourth largest earner of FE in 2004 (Rs.42.1 billion), next to Textiles
and Garments (Rs.268.6 billion), Private Foreign Remittances (Rs.158.3 billion) and Tea
(Rs. 74.9 billion).

Western Europe accounted for 50.2 per cent of total arrivals in 2004. while South Asia accounted
for 23.6 per cent. The other significant contributors are North East Asia (6.5 per cent), North
America (5.3 per cent), South East Asia (4.9 per cent) and Australasia (4.7 per cent).

For the first time, two individual markets surpassed the 100,000 mark in tourist arrivals,
namely the UK (106,645) and India (105,151).

The average duration of stay of tourists in the country fell marginally in 2004 to 10.1 nights,
from 10.2 nights in 2003.

The room capacity in tourist hotels (graded establishments) increased only marginally in
2004 to 14,322, from 14,137 in the previous year.

The overall Room Occupancy Rate in tourist hotels increased substantially in 2004 to 59.3
per cent, from 53.2 per cent in the previous year - an increase by 6.1 percentage points.

The total foreign guest nights recorded in registered accommodation establishments

increased by 10.9 per cent in 2004 to 4,394,404 from 3,964,234 in the previous year.

The average duration of stay in registered accommodation establishments remained

remarkably stable in both years at 8.4 nights, as against the average stay in the country -
10.2 nights and 10.1 nights.

Employment generated in the tourism sector (both direct and indirect) increased by 15.0 per
cent to 129,062 in 2004.
A - World Tourism Scene compared to other regions.

World tourism bounced back in 2004, following the Among the reasons attributed to this remarkable
set back experienced in the previous year, to a new recovery of world tourism in 2004 are the robust
height of 760 million arrivals, registering an increase economies, particularly in the Asia-Pacific regions,
of 9.5 per cent as compared to 2003 and 6.4 per cent ultra cheap airfares sparked by the emergence of low-
as compared to 2002. In 2003, world tourist arrivals cost carriers and the went-up demand from 2003.
recorded a downturn by 2.9 per cent, largely as a
result of fall in arrivals in the East Asia & the Pacific Table below shows the relative shares of world
Region (by 9.9 per cent), Americas (by 6.5 per cent) tourism received by the different regions of the world
and Europe (by 2.3 per cent). This is attributed and their changes during the last three years.
largely to SARS outbreak in the East Asian Region,
war in Iraq, global economic downturn and terrorism
related fears prevailed in the major generating
Regional Distribution of
countries. World Tourism - 2002 to 2004

Region Relative Share

Table below gives statistics of world tourist arrivals 2002 2003 2004
by major regions for the period 2002-2004, along Africa 4.0 4.4 4.3
Americas 16.8 16.2 16.3
with percentage changes as compared to the E. Asia & Pacific 17.5 16.2 19.3
previous year. Europe 57.5 57.9 54.5
Middle East 3.3 4.4 4.6
South Asia 0.8 1.0 1.1
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
forld Tourist Arrivals
Source - World Tourism Organization
by Regions - 2002 to 2004 (Note - Figures for 2004 are provisional estimates)
2002 2003 2004 % Change
Region (in mn) (in mn) (in mn) 02/03 03/04
Africa 28.7 30.5 33 15.5 8.2
Americas 120.2 112.4 124 - 6.5 10.3
E. Asia & Pacific 124.7 112.3 146 - 9.9 30.0
Europe 411.0 401.5 414 - 2.3 3.1 It is seen that European region still receives more
Middle East 24.1 30.4 35 26.1 15.1
than one half of world tourism (54.5 per cent), while
South Asia 5.9 6.8 8 15.3 17.6
World 714.6 693.9 760 - 2.9 9.5 Europe and Americas taken together, the traditional
scenes of international tourism, receive slightly more
Source - World Tourism Organization
(Note - Figures for 2004 are provisional estimates) than seven-tenths (70.8 per cent) of world tourism.

However, what is important to note is the gradual

The increase recorded in 2004 demonstrates the decline in the shares of world tourism received by the
remarkable resilience of the world tourism industry to European and the American regions and the
withstand temporary instability and return to the corresponding increases in the shares of all other
normal path of growth. All regions of the world regions, during this period. East Asia and the Pacific
recorded growths, surpassing the absolute numbers region recorded the most significant increase, from
of arrivals received in 2002. East Asia & the Pacific 17.5 per cent in 2002 to 19.3 per cent in 2004. South
region achieved the highest growth rate (30.0 per Asian region, which consists of nine countries
cent), although this region recorded the highest rate including Sri Lanka, increased its share marginally
of decline in the previous year. South Asian region from 0.8 per cent in 2002 to 1.0 per cent in 2003 and
also recorded a significantly higher rate of growth as to 1.1 per cent in 2004.
B - Sri Lanka Tourism Demand - Volume and Value In terms of US dollars, the total earnings in 2004
amounted to US $ 416.0 million as against US $
Volume 340.0 million in the previous year, showing an
increase of 22.4 per cent. In terms of the IMF stable
The growth momentum of tourism, which started in currency unit (Special Drawing Rights), the earning
2002 as a result of the Peace Process and the in 2004 amounted to SDR 298.6 million as against
renewed promotional activities of the Board, SDR 242.6 million in the previous year. This
continued in 2004 with tourist arrivals reaching a new represents an increase of 23.1 per cent, which is
height of 566,202, registering an increase of 13.1 per slightly higher than the rate of increase in US dollar
cent over the previous year. If not for the unfortunate terms.
natural disaster-Tsunami, which hit the Eastern and
the Southern coasts of Sri Lanka on 26th of What is more significant is the increase in the
December thereby bringing the tourist movements to average per day (or per night) spending of tourists,
a temporary halt, the year would have ended up with which rose to US $ 72.2 in 2004 from US $ 66.8 in
a total count of over 570,000 arrivals. the previous year, showing an increase by 8.1 per
The previous year's performance which saw tourist
arrivals passing a new milestone of half a million, The relative importance of tourism in 2004 as a
itself was a remarkable one in the backdrop of a foreign exchange (FE) earner in the overall economy
world-wide recession in tourism movement as shown of Sri Lanka can be seen from the following figures.
in the previous section.

Table - Relative Importance

From a pure economic point of view, a better and a Tourism a s a P E earner
stable measure of tourism volume is the total number
Rank Sector FE Earnings °A of Total
of nights spent by the tourists (called 'tourist nights') Rs. Million FE Earnings

who visited the country during the year. Thus the 1 Textiles & Garments 268,573 29.3
2 Private Foreign
total of tourist nights for 2004 is estimated to be -Remittances 158,291 17.3
5,742,425 as compared to 5,092,783, representing 3 Tea 74,897 8.2
4 Tourism 42,059 4.6
an increase of 12.8 per cent, as compared to 13.1 5 Other Agriculture 16,446 1.8
6 Precious Stones 10,939 1.2
per cent increase in arrivals. This was due to the 7 Petroleum Products 10,133 1.1
marginal decline in 2004 average duration of stay per 8 Coconut 5,936 0.7
9 Rubber 5,155 0.6
arrival from 10.2 nights in 2003 to 10.1 nights in
Total 915,856 100.0
Source - Central Bank of Sri Lanka

It is seen that tourism has emerged as the forth
Foreign exchange earnings from tourism in 2004 are largest foreign exchange earner overtaking the
estimated at Rs. 42,058.6 million as compared to Rs. traditional FE earners like Rubber. Coconuts and
32,810.0 million for the previous year, showing an Gems. However, its contribution to the total FE
increase by 28.2 per cent, much higher than the rate earnings is still small (4.6 per cent). The top-two FE
of growth of arrivals (13.1 per cent) and tourist nights earners accounted for a little over 45 per cent and
(12.8 per cent). This is obviously due to the much the top-three nearly 55 per cent.
higher level of spending by the tourist in 2004.
C - Sources of Tourism Demand - Markets North America (particularly from USA) and
Australasia (particularly from Australia). Although
Western Europe continued to be the primary source high growth rates have been recorded from Eastern
region for tourism in Sri Lanka. However, its Europe and Middle East, the absolute numbers of
importance as the market leader has dwindled over arrivals from these two regions are still very modest.
the years due to increasing demand experienced
from the other regions, particularly from South Asia, The relative importance of the different regions as
North East Asia, Australasia and North America. producers of tourism to Sri Lanka has undergone a
These developments can be seen from the data substantial change from 1999 to 2004 as seen from
given below. the table below.

Table - Tourist Arrivals to Sri Lanka Table - Relative Importance of

by Broad Regions - 1999, 2003 & 2004 Market Regions - 1999 & 2004
°A Change
Market Region 1999 2003 2004 Percentage Share
99/03 03/04 Market Region
1999 2004
America-North 18,477 25,110 29.759 35.9 18.5
Asia-North East 27,723 32.677 36.705 17.9 12.3 America-North 4.2 5.3
Asia-South East 23,646 29.954 27.831 26.7 -7.1 Asia-North East 6.4 6.5
Asia-South 63.006 114.700 133.532 82.0 16.4
Australasia 15.159 22,965 26,540 51.5 15.6 Asia-South East 5.4 4.9
Europe-West 275,796 255,169 284,440 -7.5 11.5 Asia-South 14.4 23.6
Europe-East 6,204 10.633 14.336 71.4 34.8
Middle East 4,821 6,789 10.463 40.8 54.1
Australasia 3.5 4.7
Others 1,608 2,625 2,596 63.2 -1.1 Europe-West 63.2 50.2
Total 436,440 500,642 566,202 14.7 13.1 Europe-East 1.4 2.5
Middle East 1.1 1.8
Others 0.4 0.5
The table above gives a different classification of
Total 100.0 100.0
regions in order to identify the potential growth
regions and the figures for 2003 and 2004 are
compared with corresponding figures of 1999, which
was the highest level attained prior to the signing of The market share of Western Europe has shrunk
the Peace Agreement. substantially from 63.2 per cent in 1999 to 50.2 per
cent in 2004. On the other hand, the market share of
It is seen that arrivals from Western Europe as a South Asia has expanded considerably from 14.4 pe r u
whole have slowed down considerably with a cent to 23.6 per cent during the same period, due
negative growth of 7.5 per cent in 2003 and a mainly to the very high growth rate recorded from the
positive growth of only 11.5 per cent in 2004, in Indian market.
comparison to 1999. Similar stagnation can be
observed in the South East Asian or the ASEAN The other noteworthy point is the static performance
region, which includes Singapore, Thailand and of the South East Asian markets (ASEAN Region)
Malaysia. and the relative buoyancy of the North East Asian
markets, primarily due to high growth rates recorded
On the other hand, very robust growths can be from Japan and China. Significant gains in the
observed from South Asia (particularly from India), relative shares are also seen from North America,
North East Asia (which includes Japan and China), Australasia and Middle East.
What is noteworthy from the above development is Mode of Transport and Port of Arrival
that a significant diversification of the market sources
for tourism has taken place over the last six years, in Katunayake International Airport, being the only air
contrast to the overwhelming dependence on the access port to Sri Lanka, handled 99.9 per cent of
Western Europe markets (more than two thirds) in the total tourist arrivals during the year under review.
the past. The balance 0.1 per cent used the Colombo Harbour
as the port of entry to the country (See Tables d &
Table - Top Ten Markets in 2004
Total Percentage Arrivals by Carrier
Arrivals Share
United Kingdom 106,645 18.8
India 105,151 18.6
Germ any 58,258 10.3
In 2004, altogether twenty six scheduled airlines
France 29,996 5.3 operated regular services to Sri Lanka and
Australia 23,247 4.1
Netherlands 21,455 3.8 accounted for 96.1 per cent of the total tourist traffic
Japan 19,641 3.5
Italy 18,862 3.3 to the country. Charter flights (3.9 per cent) and
USA 15,126 2.7 arrivals by sea (0.1 per cent) accounted for the
Maldives 15,013 2.7
Total 413,394 73.1 balance.

The ten leading scheduled airlines (each carried

For the first time in 2004, two markets namely UK more than 10,000 tourists in 2004) - SriLankan
and India surpassed the 100,000 arrival mark. Airlines, Emirates, Singapore Airlines, LTU, Indian
Together, they accounted for over one third (37.4 per Airlines, Cathay Pacific Airlines, Qatar Airways,
cent) of the total tourist traffic to the country. The top Condor Airways, Thai Airways and Jet Air -
four markets accounted for over one half of the total accounted for 86.5 per cent of the total tourist traffic
traffic. to the country (See Table 5).

D - Profile Characteristics Inter-regional flights accounted for 74.5 per cent of

the total tourist arrivals, which was a decrease of 3.3
(D-1) Seasonality of Arrivals percentage points when compared with 77.8 per cent
recorded for 2003 (See Table e). Correspondingly,
The peak months for arrivals in 2004 were October, the share of intra-regional traffic increased to 21.5
November and December with a mini peak in July. per cent, from 18.9 per cent in the previous year.
The highest number of arrivals were recorded in
December, with the seasonal index moving up to During the year under review, ten European
140, recording a 40 per cent increase above the Charter Airlines operated flights to Sri Lanka,
monthly average. The seasonality ratio in 2004 was bringing a total of 22,231 tourists to the country,
1.4, same as in 2003. The coefficient of seasonal which was an increase of 35.2 per cent, when
variation in 2004 was 26, compared to 23 in 2003, compared with the total of 16,446 tourists in the
indicating a greater seasonal variation in arrivals in previous year. In terms of market share, the
2004 (See Tables c & 3). proportion of charter arrivals increased only
marginally from 3.2 per cent in the previous year
The Lowest number of arrivals was recorded in May, to 3.9 per cent in the current year.
with the seasonal index falling to 64 (See Table c).

(D-4) Region of Embarkation and Disembarkation relations (VFR) 6.4 per cent and 'other purposes' 2.4
per cent.
Europe maintained its importance as the major
region of embarkation and disembarkation for Of the total pleasure travellers, 57.8 per cent were
tourists travelling to Sri Lanka. However, compared from Western Europe, 27.4 per cent from Asia, 4.7
to the previous year, the proportion of tourists per cent from North America, 4.6 per cent from
embarking from and disembarking in the Indo- Australasia and the balance 5.5 per cent from other
Pakistan region showed a significant increase. countries (See Table 7). The largest proportion of
Consequently, the proportions embarking from and business tourists (private and official) came from
disembarking in the European countries and the Asia with Western Europe taking the second place.
other countries in the region (include Singapore, It is noteworthy that 70.7 per cent of those who
Malaysia, Thailand and Maldives) declined (See came for business purposes were from Asian
Table f). countries.

Directions of the flow of traffic in 2004 showed that It is interesting to note that the motivational pattern of
37.2 per cent of the total tourists embarked from a tourists from the neighbouring market, India, whic.
point in Europe before arriving in Sri Lanka, while produced over one hundred thousand tourists in
39.0 per cent returned back to Europe directly (See 2004 (the second largest) is significantly different
Table f). from that of all other markets - namely 47.6 per cent
Pleasure, 26.5 per cent Business. 7.6 per cent
Although European region produced 52.9 per cent of Meetings and Conventions, 11.4 per cent Visiting
total tourist arrivals in 2004, only 32.9 per cent of Friends and Relations (VFR) and the balance 7.0 per
European tourists travelled to Sri Lanka directly from cent Other Purposes.
Europe. Thus, it is evident that a significant
proportion of European tourists undertake journeys (D-6) Average Duration of Stay and Tourist Nights
to other countries (multi-destination tours) prior to
visiting Sri Lanka (See Table 6). The average duration of stay of tourists in the
country decreased marginally from 10.2 nights in the
(D-5) Purpose of Visit previous year, to 10.1 nights in 2004 (See Table h).
This was mainly due to the decreases in thr
With the continued increase in tourist traffic since proportions of tourists, who stayed in the country
2002, the motivational pattern of tourists visiting the between one to two weeks. The proportions of
country has undergone significant changes. Thus in tourists who stayed between 1-3 nights. 4-7 nights
2004, the proportion of pleasure tourists (namely and 15-21 nights showed increases of 3.0 per cent.
those who visit the country for holiday, recreation 1.1 per cent, and 2.6 per cent respectively.
site-seeing etc), declined continuously to 78.2 per
cent from 89.2 per cent in 2001, 85.4 per cent in It is also interesting to note that, 23.8 per cent of
2002, 80.8 per cent in 2003. Correspondingly, in tourists stayed 3 nights or less, whilst 27.6 per
2004, those who visited for private and official cent stayed between 4-7 nights, 34.1 per cent stayed
business constituted 10.6 per cent, meetings and between 8-14 nights and 14.5 per cent stayed for
conventions 2.5 per cent, visiting friends and more than two weeks.

The total number of nights spent by the 566,202 themselves as having no occupation. Those in the
tourists who visited the country in 2004 amounted to "No Occupation" category were mainly housewives
5,742,425. This was an increase of 12.8 per cent and dependants (See Tables 10 & j).
when compared with the 5,092,783 nights recorded
for the previous year (See Table 8). Of the tourists who engaged in gainful occupations,
26.7 per cent were engaged in "Other Occupations"
In 2004, the total number of tourist nights spent in viz.: white-collar workers in the non-executive grades
graded hotels was 4,394,404. This was an increase and skilled/ semi-skilled workers.
of 10.9 per cent, when compared with the figure of
3,964,234 nights recorded in 2003 (See Table 13). Others in gainful occupations were Executives (15.7
per cent), Businessmen (11.2 per cent), Profes-
Tourist nights spent in supplementary establishments sionals (8.4 per cent), Scientists & Technicians (7.6
amounted to 349,510 in 2004, which was an per cent) and Educationists (6.0 per cent).
increase of 58.5 per cent, as compared to 220,510
nights recorded in 2003.
E - Scheduled Airline Operations
't is interesting to note that in 2004, 76.5 per cent of
the tourist nights were spent in graded establis- Twenty six scheduled airlines operated flights to Sri
hments, while another 6.1 per cent were spent in Lanka in 2004 (See Table 5). During the summer
supplementary accommodation establishments (na- season from May to October, the number of flights
mely, in registered guest-houses and rest-houses), operated per week amounted to 247 with a seating
the balance 17.4 per cent of the tourist nights have capacity of 55,081 per week.
been spent in unregistered accommodation units and
private houses (See Table 13). During the winter season from November 2003 to
April 2004, the number of flights operated amounted
(D-7) Age & Sex Distributions to 242 per week, with a seating capacity of 55,508
per week (See Table 11).
Of the total tourist arrivals in 2004, 58.9 per cent
were male and the balance 41.1 per cent were
female (See Table i). F - Passenger Movements

The age distribution showed that the highest In 2004, the two-way movement of passengers
proportion of tourists were in the age bracket 30 - 39 (includes arrivals and departures), through the
years, accounting for 26.4 per cent of the total traffic Katunayake International Airport, amounted to 2.94
- a decrease by 2.3 percentage points over 28.7 per million. This represented an increase of 31.3 per cent
cent recorded for 2003. Compared to the 2003, all as compared to the two-way passenger traffic of 2.24
age groups except the groups 20-29 and 30-39 million recorded for the previous year (See Tablesl2
showed increases, in 2004. & 24).

(D-8) Occupation Analysis of the composition of this two-way

passenger traffic revealed that as many as 45.0 per
According to declarations made in the Immigration cent of these passengers were Sri Lankans. The two-
Card, 75.6 per cent of the tourists were gainfully way tourist passengers accounted for 38.8 per cent of
occupied, in comparison to the 76.2 per cent the total. The balance 16.2 per cent were Resident
recorded for 2003. Retired persons constituted 6.2 Visa Holders and Other Foreign Travellers, who could
per cent while the balance 18.2 per cent declared not be classified as tourists (See Table 12).

G - Tourism Supply Region-wise, the highest occupancy level was

recorded in the Colombo City (75.5 per cent),
(G-1) Accommodation Capacity followed by the Ancient Cities region (60.4 per cent)
and the Greater Colombo region (52.9 per cent).
The number of registered tourist hotels increased to
240 in 2004 from 233 in the previous year - an In 2004, the highest overall monthly occupancy rate
addition of seven more hotels. However, the increase of 73.6 per cent was recorded in February and the
in the number of rooms was only 185, from 14,137 in lowest monthly occupancy rate of 39.6 per cent in
2003 to 14,322 in 2004, indicating that these new June (See Table 14).
hotels were relatively small in size - the average
number of rooms per hotel being 26. (G-3) Guest Nights

However, the supply of supplementary accom- In 2004, total foreign guest nights recorded in all
modation units (namely guest-houses, motels, inns tourist hotels amounted to 4,394,404, which was an
etc) increased substantially, by 80 additional units, increase of 10.9 per cent over the figure of 3,964,234
from 265 in 2003 to 345 in 2004. The room capacity nights recorded in the previous year (See Table 13).
in these units increased by 482, from 2,836 to 3,318 The local guest nights recorded in these hotels
during the same period. Thus the capacity increase increased only by 0.1 per cent from 968,315 to
in supplementary accommodation was higher than 969,343 during the same period. Thus, the
that of tourist hotels. proportion of local guest nights recorded in these
hotels declined from 19.6 per cent in 2003 to 18.1
The distribution of hotel room capacity by tourist per cent in 2004.
resort regions in 2004 remained more or less same
as in the previous year - as much as 39.3 per cent of Notably, there was a significant increase in the
the capacity located in the South Coast region, 18.6 number of foreign guest nights recorded in
per cent in the Colombo City region, 18.0 per cent in supplementary accommodation establishments by
the Greater Colombo region (including Negombo), 58.5 per cent, from 220,510 in 2003 to 349,510 in
17.4 per cent in the Ancient Cities region and the 2004. Quite obviously, there was a greater utilization
balance 6.7 per cent in the Hill Country and the East of supplementary accommodation facilities as the
Coast regions. flow of tourist traffic increased over time.

(G-2) Occupancy Rate The local guest nights recorded in these establish-
ments also increased substantially by 12.4 per cent,
As a result of increased tourist flows (increased from 358,211 in 2003 to 402,477 in 2004. Thus,
demand) during the year under review and the the local guest nights as a proportion of total guest
relatively small increase in the supply of hotel nights in these establishments decreased from 61.9
accommodation capacity (supply stagnation), the per cent in 2003 to 53.5 per cent in 2004.
overall annual room occupancy rate of tourist hotels
increased significantly to 59.3 per cent in 2004, from The total of foreign guest nights recorded in all
53.2 per cent in the previous year - an increase by registered accommodation establishments (both
6.1 percentage points (See Table I). tourist hotels and supplementary accommodation) in
2004 amounted to 4,743,914, accounting for 82.6
All regions except East Coast, have recorded per cent of the total tourist nights spent in the
increases in room occupancy in 2004, when country. On this basis, the average duration of stay
compared with the corresponding figures for 2003 of foreign tourists in registered accommodation
(See Table I). establishments works out to 8.4 nights.

The distribution of foreign guest nights in tourist Another important comparison is the ratio of jobs
hotels by resort regions shows that 38.2 per cent generated, both directly and indirectly, to the number
of the total foreign guest nights have been spent of tourist arrivals. For 2004, this ratio was one job for
in the South Coast resort region. The Colombo City every 4.4 arrivals, while it was one job for every 4.5
region accounted for 21.7 per cent, Ancient Cities arrivals in the previous year.
region 18.6 per cent, Greater Colombo region 16.1
per cent, Hill Country 4.1 per cent and East Coast I - Tourist Prices
region 1.4 per cent ( See Table15).
In 2004, the overall tourist price index showed an
H - Employment in the Tourist Industry increase of 7.9 per cent, when compared with the
previous year. In absolute terms, it increased by 348
Tourism generates employment directly in tourism from 4,413 in the 2003/2004 season, to 4,761 in the
related business establishments such as hotels and 2004/2005 season (See Table 20). The category in
other accommodation units, restaurants, travel and which the highest rate of increase in prices was
tour agencies, recreation and entertainment recorded is the Transport sector - 33.8 per cent,
businesses, souvenir, handicraft and other shops etc followed by Accommodation sector - 11.2 per cent.
and also indirectly in those businesses which sell The Food and Beverage category increased only by
goods and services to the tourism sector. In general, 5.1 per cent. Within the accommodation sector, the
it has been found that indirect employment highest price increase occurred in the beach hotels -
generated as a result of tourism is much higher than 13.9 per cent.
the direct employment. Research conducted in Sri
Lanka indicates that ratio of direct employment to J - Public Sector Revenue
indirect employment is 1:1.5. This means that for
every 100 jobs created in the tourism sector there Public sector institutions derive revenue from
will be 150 jobs generated in the supplying sectors. tourism in a variety of ways, namely direct and
indirect taxes, fees and levies, profits from business
The total number of persons employed directly in the undertakings etc. However, statistics of revenue
tourism sector at the end of 2004 amounted to collections are readily available only from a few
53,776, which was an increase of 15 per cent over sources, such as embarkation tax, tourism
the figure of 46,761 recorded in 2003 (See Table 19). development levy, entrance fees to cultural triangle,
national parks, museums, botanical gardens etc.
Like in the previous years, the majority of direct The revenue collections from some of these sources
employment amounting to 63.9 per cent of the total was are given in Tables 26 to 32. Table 25 shows the
in the Accommodation and Catering Sectors. Travel and revenue earned from the Bandaranaike Memorial
Tour Agencies accounted for 13.2 per cent while International Conference Hall (BMICH).
Airlines accounted for 8.6 per cent (See Table 19).
The revenue collected from the listed sources in
Of the total direct employment, 55.7 per cent were in the 2004 amounted to Rs.2,526.6 million as compared to
Technical, Clerical and Supervisory grades, 26.7 per Rs.1,414.5 million collected from the same sources
cent were in the Manual and Operative grades and the in the previous year. This was a staggering increase
balance 17.6 per cent in the Managerial grades. by 78.6 per cent. This was due primarily to the
imposition of the tourism development levy from the
The total indirect employment in the supplying sector latter part of 2003.
in 2004 was estimated at 75,286 (See Table 22).
Thus the total of both direct and indirect employment The main contributors to the total revenue collected
as a result of tourism in 2004 add up to 129,062. in 2004 were; tourism development levy - Rs.780.4
This was an increase of 15.0 per cent over the figure million, embarkation tax - Rs.566.2 million, and the
of 117 77R rernrci p ri in



Chart 1

Tourist Arrivals by Year - 1966 to 2004

600,000 - 70

Tourist Arrivals %Change

- 60

- 50

- 40

- 30

> 300,000


- -10

- -20

0 n 11 n11}11111111111111111111111111111{111 - 30
0(a0 0c;), \ 0,co, c5 0,co, c5 c\AN 0,,At` '1(D AC° A1 0„'1' 0 ,' 1') 0„cbC) 0,c6N c,,(0' 0,2)(5 0,4? 00 c\cbc3 0,43\ e 0,4i) 0, Q' 095\ 0,0' 00 o, CP \6) \C)‘
VVVVV N N ' N N N' N' '


Market Growth Trends by Nationality - Growth Indices

(Average 1963/1966 = 100) Table (a)

Market 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Rates
Western Europe 3,203 2,147 2,764 3,073 3,519 3,330 2,609 2,560 3,255 3,640- 9.9
Asia 1,954 1,690 1,802 1,615 1,900 1,525 1,486 2,371 2,950 3,260 9.6
North America 414 355 470 524 527 493 463 569 713 871 5.8
Australasia 1,216 1,040 1,443 1,489 1,795 2,162 1,533 1,579 2,363 3,314 9.6
Others 1,207 1,378 1,556 1,507 1,574 1,547 1,707 2,067 2,873 3,265 9.6
All Markets 2,120 1,590 1,926 2,004 2,295 2,106 1,771 2,068 2,633 2,978 9.3

Tourist Arrivals by Country of Nationality - 1998 to 2004 Table 1

Country of
Nationality 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

NORTH AMERICA 18,450 18,534 17,352 16,304 20,004 25,099 30,654

Canada 7,866 7,935 7,521 7,804 8,337 11,109 14,974
U.S.A. 10,584 10,599 9,831 8,500 11,667 13,990 15,680
THE CARIBBEAN 378 336 342 400 549 636 715
WESTERN EUROPE 240,876 275,871 261,011 204,510 200,676 255,179 285,366
Austria 6,708 6,123 6,312 5,788 6,144 7,337 8,625
Belgium 4,977 5,667 10,230 5,226 4,731 4,268 5,718
Denmark 2,106 2,010 1,662 1,630 1,980 2,732 3,496
Finland 855 1,278 2,319 538 726 1,103 1,989
France 26,937 34,491 26,120 20,989 19,980 28,576 30,422
Germany 73,986 77,340 70.635 60,370 55.137 58.875 58,932
Italy 15,891 19,818 16,719 13,283 12,171 15,648 17,984
Netherlands 23,100 29,682 22,632 11,257 11,763 18,212 21,487
Norway 2,022 2,046 2,010 2,285 2,892 3,677 3,444
Spain 2,538 2,406 1,866 1,547 2,349 2,801 2,987
Sweden 2,166 2,673 4,338 4,318 2,523 3,916 8,140
Switzerland 9,033 8,364 8,493 6,227 9,312 11,177 10,687
U.K. 68,514 81,033 84,807 68,554 67,932 93,306 107,042
Others 2,043 2,940 2,868 2,498 3,036 3,551 4,413
EASTERN EUROPE 7,098 6,255 6,840 7,045 8,046 10,600 14,259
Russia 3,150 3,174 3,552 2,534 2,943 3,683 4,985
Others 3,948 3,081 3,288 4,511 5,103 6,917 9,274
MIDDLE EAST 3,876 4,815 4,347 5,364 6,462 6,759 9,486
AFRICA 750 1,236 891 902 1,545 1,925 1,759
ASIA 97,083 114,261 91,409 89,343 142,578 177,377 196,023
Bangladesh 1,338 1,140 1,218 1,738 1,518 1,851 1,760
China (P.R.) 1,440 1,707 2,220 3,789 4,350 7,380 9,424
Hong Kong, China 2,301 3,168 3,243 2,115 3,582 3,150 916
India 36,489 42,267 31,851 33,932 69,996 90,639 104,390
Indonesia 2,766 4,260 2,607 1,075 1,473 1.392 1,426
Japan 13,776 16,353 . 10,287 9,241 13,566 17,178 19,747
Korea (South) 1,800 2,487 2,615 2,795 2,607 2,700 4,597
Malaysia 3,969 6,003 4,830 3,917 9,603 9,283 9,939
Maldives 7,281 7,587 7,941 8,975 9,855 11,577 15,201
Nepal 666 570 528 512 86 977 890
Pakistan 10,869 11,424 10,017 8,522 6,726 9,674 9,629
Philippines 1,158 1,431 1,428 1,422 1,626 2,418 1,807
Singapore 5,799 6,864 5,010 4,505 7,578 8,423 7,866
Thailand 3,438 4,293 3,429 2,931 3,954 6,008 5,209
Taiwan (P.C.) 3,372 3,957 3,546 2,821 3,417 2,532 1,929
Others 621 750 639 1,053 1,941 2,195 1,293
AUSTRALASIA 12,552 15,132 18,222 12,926 3,311 23,067 27,940
Australia 10,902 13,284 16,476 .11,330 11,334 20,075 24,471
New Zealand 1,464 1,782 1,722 1,533 1,920 2,858 3,331
Others 186 66 24 63 57 134 138
Total 381,063 436,440 400,414 336,794 393,171 500,642 566,202

Chart 2

Tourist Arrivals by Top Ten Markets - 2003 & 2004

120.000 -

q 2003 n 2004


60,000 -

40,000 -

20.000 -

0 I
,,e cP
.,... le cs e c•a") `7).9
e .)4" z '''
0' e- ,'

By Country of Residence

Market Growth Trends by Residence - Growth Indices

(Average 1963/1966 = 100) Table (b)

Market 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Rates

Western Europe 3,381 2,262 2,866 3,230 3.727 3,525 2,757 2,707 3,449 3,844 10.1
Asia 1,673 1,450 1,605 1,409 1,617 1,294 1,268 2,022 2,507 2,800 9.2
North America 525 449 575 632 666 624 576 716 905 1,072 6.4
Australasia 1,457 1,245 1,664 1,727 2,153 2,589 1,862 1,876 3.262 3,770 10.0
Others 912 1,047 1,211 1,195 1,187 1,177 1,315 1,573 1,884 2,575 8.9
All Markets 2,120 1,590 1,926 2,004 2,295 2,106 1,771 2,068 2,633 2,978 9.3

Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence - 1998 to 2004 Table 2

Country of
Residence 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
NORTH AMERICA 17,529 18,477 17,319 15,983 19,866 25,110 29,759
Canada 7,542 7,905 7,503 7,609 8,301 11.164 14,633
U.S.A. 9,987 10,572 9,816 8,374 11,565 13,946 15,126
THE CARIBBEAN 408 372 447 429 555 634 741
WESTERN EUROPE 238,959 275,796 260,824 203,984 200,295 255,169 284,440
Austria 6.804 6,108 6,294 5,968 6,117 7,310 8,633
Belgium 4,992 5,643 10,224 5,250 4,767 4,304 5,582
Denmark 2,088 2,016 1,653 1,628 1,968 2,720 3,269
Finland 867 1,569 2,316 535 729 1,106 1,989
France 26,874 34,458 25,992 20,949 19,989 28,585 29,996
Germany 74,058 77,259 70,584 60,405 55,170 58,908 58,258
Italy 15,867 19,815 16,833 12,074 12,177 15,654 18,862
The Netherlands 22,977 29,670 22,618 12,569 11,748 18,197 21,455
Norway 2,025 2,025 2,010 2,261 2,889 3,674 3,477
Spain 2,532 2,400 1,848 1,529 2,328 2,780 3,010
Sweden 2,121 2,691 4,344 4,265 2,487 3,880 7,979
Switzerland 9.048 8,310 8,490 6,228 9,375 11,240 10,610
U.K. 66,432 80,919 84,693 67.830 67,533 93,278 106,645
Others 2,274 2.913 2.925 2.493 3,018 3,533 4,675
EASTERN EUROPE 7,239 6,204 6,840 7,065 8,079 10,633 14,336
Russia 3,120 3,183 3,552 2,542 2,946 3,686 5,000
Others 4,119 3,021 3,288 4,523 5,133 6,947 9,336
MIDDLE EAST 4,032 4,821 4,341 5,544 6,492 6,789 10,463
AFRICA 1,035 1,236 894 952 1,611 1,991 1,855
South Africa 306 282 372 341 660 980 987
Others 729 954 522 611 951 1,011 868
ASIA 99,702 114,375 91,521 89,732 143,064 177,351 198,068
Bangladesh 1,347 1,137 1,218 1,745 1,521 1,830 1,721
China (P.R.) 1,557 1,704 2,208 3,721 4,338 7,251 9,088
Hong Kong, China 3,675 3,255 3,348 2,319 3,759 3,075 1,538
India 37,356 42,315 31,860 33,924 69,960 90,603 105,151
Indonesia 2,817 4,254 2,604 1,081 1,476 1,395 1,466
Japan 13,785 16,332 10,266 9,237 13,602 17,115 19,641
Korea (South) 1,848 2,484 2,613 2,778 2,616 2,709 4,531
Malaysia 4,125 6,012 4,833 3,910 9,651 9,331 10,132
Maldives 67,242 7,557 7,935 9,019 9,861 11,583 15,013
Nepal 660 576 534 508 789 980 883
Pakistan 10,782 11,421 10,005 8,562 6,756 9,704 9,638
Philippines 11.218 1,431 1,428 1,427 1,641 2,433 1,808
Singapore 5,643 6,858 5,019 4,641 7,599 8,444 8,546
Thailand 3,474 4;278 3,408 2,956 3,945 5,999 5,035
Taiwan (P.C) 3,372 3,948 3,543 2,834 3,432 2,547 1,907
Others 801 813 699 1.070 2,118 2,352 1,970
AUSTRALASIA 12,159 15,159 18,228 13,105 13,209 22,965 26,540
Australia 10,329 13,218 16,443 11,457 11,217 19,958 23,247
New Zealand 1,452 1,785 1,737 1,528 1,920 2,858 3,184
Others 378 156 48 120 72 149 109
Total 381,063 436,440 400,414 336,794 393,171 500,642 566,202

Chart 2 (a)
Shares of Tourist Arrivals by Region - 1998 to 2004

Western Europe


2003 North America

Eastern Europe

c'aTs) 2001 Others





0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


Chart 2 (b)
Tourist Arrivals by Region - 2003 & 2004

q 2003 i 2004

North America
NEM 25,110

Latin America
& The Caribbean 634
-11•MIF -1•1111n111- -11M- 284,440
Western Europe —1 255.169

Eastern Europe
Mal 10,633

Middle East NM 10,463


1 1.855
j 1.991

Asia 177,351

MOM 22.965

0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000

Tourist Arrivals

Chart 3
Seasonality of Tourist Traffic - 2004
70,000 64,971 66.159- 160
O Arrivals Indices
60,000 - 140
50,525 51,525
49,950 48.675
i7) 50.000 -
43.584 - 120
30,672 30.162 32,119 - 100
73 30.000

- 80
7) 20,000

- 60

0 I I 40
Jan Feb Ma Ap May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Seasonal Variation in Traffic Flow - 1967 to 2004 Table (c)

(Seasonal Indices) (1)
Seasona- Coefficient
lity Ratio(2) of Seasonal
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Variation(3)

1967 128 117 119 101 97 64 82 101 82 87 94 127 1.3 22

1968 113 117 112 88 84 59 84 88 87 109 98 161 1.6 25
1969 132 123 112 82 79 58 72 84 78 107 120 153 1.5 27
1970 134 141 125 85 97 56 67 87 80 88 95 145 1.4 28
1971 179 199 156 47 29 29 57 75 57 78 121 173 2.0 60
1972 123 125 119 66 70 50 79 99 73 96 132 168 1.7 33
1973 145 129 121 84 66 50 91 103 64 91 110 146 1.5 30
1974 154 136 139 90 46 47 76 87 70 88 118 149 1.5 37
1975 137 121 130 68 65 56 69 100 62 87 131 174 1.7 44
1976 158 153 135 90 62 46 43 35 68 107 137 166 1.7 47
1977 137 141 143 77 59 43 77 87 59 90 134 153 1.5 37
1978 144 140 128 73 55 44 82 97 64 89 129 155 1.6 36
1979 136 121 122 90 63 51 81 97 71 93 123 152 1.5 30
1980 135 126 128 81 73 57 86 102 74 88 108 142 1.4 27
1981 146 127 124 92 70 54 92 106 78 87 96 127 1.5 26
1982 121 118 124 88 85 77 91 101 88 89 99 119 1.2 16
1983 175 156 159 116 117 87 89 30 36 58 73 104 1.7 45
1984 127 122 123 89 69 68 101 104 82 98 105 112 1.3 19
1985 134 126 139 92 65 52 86 94 71 85 108 148 1.5 30
1986 172 159 151 101 68 50 64 79 65 66 94 131 1.7 41
1987 167 156 150 106 54 50 67 75 66 80 93 135 1.7 40
1988 134 126 128 91 73 76 116 123 98 110 69 56 1.3 25
1989 84 80 104 80 83 75 99 112 93 98 123 169 1.7 25
1990 107 106 109 92 74 73 106 108 90 93 99 143 1.4 18
1991 109 106 103 78 67 66 115 109 94 95 107 151 1.5 22
1992 108 118 101 86 64 70 103 122 91 97 109 125 1.3 18
1993 131 123 116 91 68 62 101 100 84 94 107 123 1.3 21
1994 134 121 122 83 64 63 104 97 91 98 98 126 1.3 22
1995 137 127 119 100 73 67 107 107 92 91 84 95 1.4 21
1996 123 117 105 81 70 78 101 98 92 93 99 142 1.4 20
1997 107 115 112 88 73 76 101 105 98 93 105 128 1.3 16
1998 117 111 102 81 64 71 93 99 100 100 121 142 1.4 21
1999 122 114 113 95 69 72 92 107 93 97 115 111 1.2 16
2000 130 130 121 101 70 66 100 104 93 80 98 105 1.3 20
2001 157 166 158 131 96 101 102 56 42 46 62 83 1.4 43
2002 86 97 101 83 81 80 109 108 101 111 114 129 1.5 15
2003 97 94 98 81 72 76 105 101 86 120 132 138 1.4 23
2004 106 92 81 65 64 68 107 103 109 126 138 140 1.4 26
(1) Seasonal Indices are compiled by taking average arrivals per month as 100
(21 Seasonality Ratio = Highest Monthly Arrivals / Average Arrival per month

Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence & Month - 2004 Table 3

Country of ality
Residence Total Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ratio
NORTH AMERICA 29,759 2,940 1,947 1,947 1,284 1,458 2,781 2,891 2,763 1,818 2,454 2,739 4,737 1.9
Canada 14,633 1.347 930 972 555 732 1,582 1,636 1,494 813 1,167 1,299 2,106 1.7
U.S.A. 15,126 1,593 1,017 975 729 726 1,199 1,255 1,269 1,005 1.287 1,440 2,631 2.1
THE CARIBBEAN 741 54 51 48 51 30 49 50 36 108 105 99 60 1.7
WESTERN EUROPE 284,440 25,929 24,567 21,348 15,423 17,358 13,205 25,163 25,368 24,936 28,839 32,517 29,787 1.4
Austria 8,633 1,140 1,068 684 573 480 343 709 561 357 690 1,131 897 1.6
Belgium 5,582 576 360 492 540 429 238 715 396 561 543 399 333 1.2
Denmark 3,269 450 309 201 114 129 329 240 162 180 267 354 534 2.0
Finland 1,989 240 243 234 12 99 40 41 27 27 87 297 642 3.9

France 29,996 2,634 2.349 2,331 2,091 1,665 954 3,353 2,523 2,247 3,594 3,621 2,634 1.4
Germany 58,258 4,977 4,848 4.746 3.171 4,557 1,819 3,777 4.092 5,208 7,752 7,959 5,352 1.6
Netherlands 21,455 2,049 1,815 1,329 1,578 909 1,332 3,023 1,776 2,163 2,106 1,656 1.719 1.7
Italy 18,712 1,833 1,695 1,149 867 1,086 1,152 1.732 2,643 1,893 1,653 1,569 1,440 1.2
Norway 3,477 255 396 108 102 153 589 326 213 189 342 318 486 1.7
Spain 3,010 141 150 183 138 150 91 294 651 423 306 267 216 Y
Sweden 8,129 957 909 819 474 330 399 359 282 213 306 1,359 1,722 2.5
Switzerland 10,610 837 1,086 762 309 669 378 881 501 1,014 1,416 1,608 1,149 1.3
U.K. 106,645 9,555 9,036 7.968 5,130 6,435 5,286 9,274 10,926 10.041 9,279 11,487 12,228 1.4
Others 4,675 285 303 342 324 267 255 439 615 420 498 492 435 1.3
EASTERN EUROPE 14,336 1,509 1,599 1,224 1,104 792 329 873 609 861 1,254 2,178 2,004 1.8
Russia 5,000 606 357 456 204 327 64 178 288 387 561 798 774 1.9
Others 9,336 903 1,242 768 900 465 265 695 321 474 693 1,380 1,230 1.8
AFRICA 1,855 99 174 84 54 81 126 187 192 180 195 228 255 1.6
South Africa 987 66 69 48 30 45 52 104 120 87 129 123 114 1.4
Others 868 33 105 36 24 36 74 83 72 93 66 105 141 1.9
MIDDLE EAST 10,463 948 687 549 381 330 446 1,188 1,623 1,200 759 1,266 1,086 1.4
ASIA 198,068 16,449 12,891 11,613 11,151 8,859 13,659 18,266 16,440 19,833 23,652 22,530 22,725 1.4
China (P.R.) 9,088 1,428 486 465 405 294 500 791 801 1,041 1,257 846 774 1.9
Hong Kong, China 1,538 87 213 114 27 90 53 42 63 174 201 186 288 2.2
India 105,151 7.677 6,372 5,676 5,784 5,238 7,565 10,415 8,778 10,329 14,130 11,916 11.271 1.6
Indonesia 1,466 105 138 51 78 54 108 116 123 210 192 174 117 ....)
Japan 19,641 2,136 1,890 1,491 978 891 910 1,655 2.136 2,325 1,545 1,965 1,719 1.4
Korea (South) 4,531 474 297 282 402 156 285 502 360 315 480 420 558 1.5
Malaysia 10,132 645 537 579 519 300 940 510 789 1,020 1,155 1,653 1,485 2.0
Maldives 15,013 1,317 1,179 726 1,107 519 1,129 1,311 1.062 1,467 1,260 1,569 2,367 1.9
Pakistan 9,638 735 579 729 447 399 765 1,157 900 903 876 966 1,182 1.5
Philippines 1,808 267 99 93 141 120 134 141 135 132 234 174 138 1.8
Singapore 8,546 729 363 585 315 300 672 566 528 726 897 1,386 1,479 2.1
Thailand 5,035 219 321 279 600 237 191 485 357 393 642 621 690 1.6
Taiwan (P.C.) 1,907 267 183 129 54 114 55 76 84 306 258 192 189 1.9
Others 4,574 363 234 414 294 147 352 499 324 492 525 462 468 1.4
AUSTRALASIA 26,540 2,022 1,668 1,605 1,224 1,254 1,524 1,907 1,644 2,589 . 2,184 3,414 5,505 2.5
Australia 23,247 1,764 1,467 1,470 1,053 1,089 1,312 1,664 1,446 2.313 1,917 3,006 4.746 2.4
New Zealand 3,184 246 195 135 171 165 202 231 t 186 270 255 390 738 2.8
Others 109 12 6 0 0 0 10 12 12 6 12 18 21 2.3
Total 566,202 49,950 43,584 38,418 30,672 30,162 32,119 50,525 48,675 51,525 59,442 64,971 66,159 1.4

Chart 4

Mode of Transport and Port of Arrivals - 2003 & 2004

Katunayake 99.9%

Colombo 0.1%

Relative Importance of Different Ports -

Percentage Distribution of Arrivals - 1995 to 2004 Table (d)

Port 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Katunayake (BIA) 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9

Kankasanturai - - - - - - -

TOTAL AIR 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9

Talaimannar - - - - - - - -

Colombo Harbour 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

TOTAL SEA 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0


Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence & Mode of Transport - 2004 Table 4

Country of By Air By Sea

Residence Total Katunayake Colombo
NORTH AMERICA 29,759 29,759 0
Canada 14,633 14,633 0
USA 15,126 15,126 0
WESTERN EUROPE 284,440 284,374 66
Austria 8,633 8,615 18
Belgium 5,582 5,582 0
Denmark 3,269 3,269 0
Finland 1,989 1,989 0
France 29,996 29,996 0
Germany 58,258 58,249 9
Italy 18,862 18,862 0
Netherlands 21.455 21,443 12
Norway 3,477 3,471 6
Spain 3,010 3,010 0
Sweden 7,979 7,970 9
Switzerland 10,610 10,610 0
UK 106,645 106,645 0
Others 4,675 4,663 12
EASTERN EUROPE 14,336 14,321 15
Russia 5,000 4,988 12
Others 9,336 9,333 3
MIDDLE EAST 10,463 10,463 0
AFRICA 1,855 1,855 0
ASIA 198,068 197,945 123
China (P.R.) 9,088 9,088 0
Hong Kong, China 1.538 1,520 18
India 105.151 105,076 75
Indonesia 1.466 1,466 0
Japan 19.641 19.641 0
Korea (South) 4,531 4.519 12
Malaysia 10,132 10.123 9
Maldives 15,013 15,010 3
Pakistan 9,638 9,638 0
Philippines 1,808 1,808 0
Singapore 8,546 8,546 0
Thailand 5.035 5,035 0
Taiwan (P.C.) 1907 1,907 0
Others 4.574 4,568 6
AUSTRALASIA 26540 26,537 3
Australia 23247 23,244 3
New Zealand 3184 3,184 0
Others 109 109 0
Total 566,202 565,995 207

Chart 5

Tourist Arrivals by Type of Carrier - 2003 & 2004

Carrier 2003 2004

Intra-Regional Flights 18.9% 21.5%

Charter Flights 3.2% 3.9%

Sea Carrier 0.1% 0.1%

Inter-Regional Flights 77.8%

Table (e)

Relative Importance of Different Carriers - Percentage Distribution of Arrivals - 1995 to 2004

Carrier 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Inter-Regional Flights 67.0 67.5 69.8 69.0 69.9 74.1 78.0 79.6 77.8 74.5

Intra-Regional Flights 24.8 27.6 24.7 19.7 19.6 18.8 18.6 18.0 18.9 21.5

Charter Flights 8.1 4.8 5.4 11.2 10.4 7.1 3.3 2.3 3.2 3.9

TOTAL AIR 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9

Passenger Ships (CBO) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

TOTAL SEA 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0

Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence & Carrier - 2004

Table 5
Country of Sri Aero- Thai Malaysian Air Emi- Kuwait Gulf Royal Austrian Air Cyprus Qatar CSA Martin Air Ethihad Sea Charter
Residence Total Lankan flot SIA PIA Saudia AIW AIL IAC Sahara Jet Air rates AIW Air LTU Ydanian CX Mahan Airlines Condor Oman Airlines AIW Czech Air Arabia Airways Carrier Carrier

NORTH AMERICA 29,759 17.702 31 3,124 30 103 1.102 294 543 258 296 1.937 529 781 89 105 1.586 3 36 41 0 0 847 129 6 0 48 0 139
Canada 14,633 9.112 6 1.240 6 80 237 141 235 168 145 903 464 542 41 3 512 3 18 15 0 0 637 4 8 6 0 21 0 50
USA 15,126 8.590 25 1.884 24 23 865 153 308 90 151 1.034 65 239 48 102 1,074 0 18 26 0 0 210 81 0 0 27 0 89
THE CARIBBEAN 741 388 0 39 0 6 30 6 10 3 0 105 0 11 15 18 47 0 0. _ 0 0 _ 0 39 9 0 0 6 0 9
WESTERN EUROPE 284.440 136.409 69 2.893 93 1,557 2.176 570 1.293 819 396 33,631 2.333 5.943 21.369 3.816 2,808 42 5,247 17,590 72 694 16,141 4.196 2,053 108 549 66 21,507
Austria 8,633 1,421 6 106 0 9 52 21 28 3 0 955 11 36 991 527 94 0 3,378 460 0 _ 9 367 105 9 0 6 18 24
Belgium 5,582 2,350 0 39 0 141 50 6 52 3 9 245 16 359 82 78 22 0 24 809 0 12 199 _ 63 60 0 3 0 960
Denmark 3.269 1,276 0 52 3 16 108 9 28 6 0 ...,_ 206 64 102 30 6 31 0 3 140 0 6 277 474 3 0 0 0 429
Finland 1.989 455 0 47 3 3 63 15 3 0 0 60 0 9 9 3 28 21 28 0 9 9 _ 174 3 0 0 0 1.044
France 29.996 17.663 0 196 9 112 127 36 145 45 0 4,005 563 1.231 157 528 222 _0 18 279 6 12 3.724 159 417 0 12 0 . 330
Germany ..., 58,258 14.916 6 343 6 69 332 69 234 105 36 ,,_ 5,528 222 467 17.294 235 468 0 261 13,580 12 27 2,9 7 7 519 111 3 36 9 393
Italy 18,862 8,492 14 89 3 18 116 18 75 0 _ 12 3,323 274 33 232 265 81 0 417 505 6 33 971 228 30 0 3 0 3.624
Netherlands 21,455 6,243 3 138 9 887 180 36 88 60 39 1,161 242 1.157 2.208 1,281 232 12 93 917 3 45 357 192 1,2 8 5 105 3 12 4,467
Norway 3.477 1,214 0 81 3 3 94 15 34 3 6 235 18 80 19 21 60 0 54 36 0 3 443 941 9 0 6 6 93
Spain 3.010 1,597 0 33 3 42 24 9 47 0 3 _ 184 17 12 85 218 18 3 15 45 6 12 403 192 0 0 3 0 39
Sweden 7.979 2,753 0 89 0 13 145 39 24 0 9 228 150 92 7 20 79 0 166 58 0 0 191 582 12 0 9 9 3.304
Switzerland 10,610 5,639 0 162 3 19 108 21 48 0 3 649 77 51 56 88 60 6 390 108 3 9 289 213 45 0 3 0 2,560
UK 106,645 70,720 40 1,446 45 206 735 264 460 585 273 16.018 651 1.978 136 491 1.279 12 401 122 36 451 5,638 294 57 0 462 0 3.845
Others 4.675 1,670 0 72 6 19 42 12 27 12 6 834 28 336 63 55 134 6 6 503 0 66 296 60 12 0 3 12 395
EASTERN EUROPE 14,336 5,714 128 79 ..... 0 135 72 69 60 12 3 _ 1,615 62 108 330 177 107 0 315 488 3 33 1,6 5 3 2,5 6 1 48 0 3 15 546
Russia 5.000 _ 1,373 117 36 _ 0 135 39 9 48 3 3_ 946 0 51 33 20 20 0 12 45 0 ._ 27 1,441 270 0 0 3 12 357
Others 9.336 . 4.341 11 43 0 0 33 60 12 9 0 _ 669 62 57 297 157 87 0 303 443 3 6 212 2.291 48 0 0 3 189
MIDDLE EAST 10,463 3.406 34 102 6 1.095 203 48 120 12 0 1,161 590 457 18 1,196 169 39 6 15 177 645 505 15 3 231 198 0 12
AFRICA 1,855 706 0 54 6 38 15 0 58 3 3 661 3 39 9 39 77 0 0 64 45 0 0 0 0 0
ASIA 198,068 113,569 200 14,050 1,028 211 6,337 3,593 18.841 7,414 9,819 6,693 211 285 289 123 13,613 52 1108
30 5 90 8890 60 862 _ 114 12 216 66 123 0
China (P.R.) 9.088 5.467 10 576 0 3 606 18 3 12 12 169 15 12 42 3 2.059 0 0 24 0 0 42 _ 12 0 0 3 0 0
Hong Kong, China J 1.538 622 3 201 3 0 61 3 3 9 9 6 0 0 0 0 591 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 0 18 0
_ _.
India 105,151 65,303 43 801 0 73 212 147 18.147 7.075 9,630 1,910 141 127 75 40 612 18 _ 3 32 33 21 333 78 3 186 33 75 0
Indonesia 1,466 461 3 429 3 0 67 81 12 3 9 285 0 0 6 30 53 3 0 3 0 0 15 3 0 0 0 0 0
Japan 19.641 9.034 33 3.086 6 3 1.126 189 76 135 66 275 3 18 60 9 5.463 0 3 5 12 ___ 3 21 9 3 3 0 0 0
Korea (South) 4.531 982 12 1.696 18 0 598 60 47 12 9 184 3 3 6 6 828 0 12 3 0 _ 9 25 _ 0 0 6 0 12 0
Malaysia 10.132 5.176 30 1.651 0 0 159 2.600 54 6 3 148 3 6 6 6 220 16 0 3 3 3 18 9 0 0 3 9 0
Maldives 15.013 12.051 0 140 6 48 63 300 116 108 36 1,939 1 21 6 6 103 0 0 10 0 0 47 3 0 0 6 3 0
Pakistan 9,638 7.191 0 44 974 39 86 81 28 9 12 771 32 43 3 18 91 6 0 0 27 3 180 0 0 0 0 0 0
Philippines 1.808 578 18 613 3 12 125 12 0 0 9 94 0 12 3 5 270 0 0 0 0 6 33 0 6 9 0 0
Singapore 8.546 2.237 36 3.971 3 12 205 42 64 12 12 _ 523 3 22 22 0 1.309 0 36 3 3 9 22 0 0_ 0 0 0 0
Thailand 5,035 2.266 4 84 0 0 1.452 6 3 9 9 42 3 0 36 0 1,090 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 12 12 0 0
Taiwan (P.C.) 1,907 367 5 503 0 0 308 6 18 0 0 31 0 0 3 0 660 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
Others 4,574 1.834 3 255 12 21 1,269 48 270 24 3 316 7 21 21 0 264 9 5 41 13 19
11 6 117 0 0 0 0 6 0
AUSTRALASIA 26.540 13,212 18 6.475 12 82 1,229 810 193 39 6 1,873 36 116 86 54 1,945 0 15 3 213 12 0 18 12 3 18
Australia 23.247 11.921 12 5.611 9 73 912 678 171 36 3 1,488 36 90 77 54 1,752 0 45 15 9 3 201 9 0 12 9 3 18
New Zealand 3.184 1.206 6 858 3 9 317 132 22 3 3 _ 379 0 26 9 0 187 0 0 0 0 0 12 3 0 6 3 0 0
Others i1 no
nJJ ncn
6 'UV nnn
VV 0 0V 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 0 6, 0 0 0s., 0 0 0 0 0,, 0 0,,
Total 566,202 291.106 480 26,816 1,175 3,227 11,164 4, J 21,118 8.560 10,523 47.676 3,764 7,740 22,205 5,528 20,352 1,46,0 5,798 18,239 350 1.435 20,324 7,081 2,1 2 2 573 882 207 22,231

Tourist Arrivals by Charter Carriers - 1995 to 2004 Table 5(a)

Charter Carrier 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Condor 5,946 3,651 - - - - -

Balair 4,719 2,667 4,218 4,293 3,117 3,624 976 - - -
Sterling Airways - - - - - - - - -
Fin Air 3,546 - - - 594 1,623 - - 703 1,181

Montana - - - - - -
Hapag Lloyd - - - - - - - - - -
Scan Air 2,814 - - - - - - - -
Lauda 1,395 1,722 1,527 1,737 3,771 246 715 567 277 1,374
Air Europe 4,509 3,507 4,197 4,983 6,282 3,747 1,360 3,645 5,275 3,712
U.T.A. (Charter) - - - - -
Air Slovakia - - - - - - 840 978
Air Holland - - 3,199 12,831 13,584 - 430 -
Austrian Airlines - - 414 2,499 1,734 2,121 1,728 1,806 - -
Air Liberty - - -
Caledonian 6,624 - 2,736 4,449 - - - - -
Sobel Air - - 3,369 - - -
Britannia 1,470 144 - - - - - - - -
Air Monarch 1,353 2,952 2,781 9,893 15,606 11,607 5,586 - 4,083 4,117
Air Charter - - 219 1875 - - - -
Edelweiss Air - - - - - 600 1,935 1,536
CSA Czech Airline - - - - - 1,302 -
Tvansavia Airline - - - - - - 774 2,235 657
Aeroflot - - 642
My Travel - - - - 320 2,925
Holland Excel 3,828
Eurofly - - - - - 1,476
Others 111 - 264 195 834 1,923 871 - 348 44
Total 32,487 14,643 19,555 42,755 45,522 28,260 11,236 9,336 16,446 22,231

Regions of Embarkation & Disembarkation - 2004 Chart 6


23. O
fi 20.9%


Regions of Embarkation & Disembarkation - Percentage Distribution - 1995 to 2004 Table (f)

Region 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Indo-Pakistan Emb 26.0 22.0 20.3 16.3 15.9 14.7 16.4 21.3 22.0 22.8
Sub-Continent Dise 19.0 21.6 21.0 20.1 15.7 14.0 15.6 21.8 23.2 23.2

Other Neighbouring- Emb 22.1 27.1 25.8 25.0 23.2 24.2 22.2 23.3 22.5 19.8
Countries(1) Dise 23.7 33.2 32.4 28.2 28.4 25.4 24.5 24.1 23.1 20.9

Europe Emb 43.2 41.0 43.4 48.7 49.5 49.0 46.4 39.4 38.6 39.0
Dise 46.2 36.6 38.8 43.5 45.3 45.2 41.9 36.9 36.1 37.2

All Others Emb 8.7 9.9 10.5 10.0 11.4 12.1 15.0 16.0 16.9 18.4
Dise 11.1 8.6 7.8 8.2 10.6 15.4 18.0 17.2 17.6 18.7

(1) Includes Maldives, Singapore, Malaysia & Thailand


Tourist Arrivals by Country of Nationality, Region of Table 6

Embarkation & Disembarkation - 2004
Indo-Pakis- Other Neigh- Other
Country of tan Sub- bouring Asian Middle
Nationality Total Continent(1) Countries(2) Countries East Europe

NORTH AMERICA Dise 30,654 7,995 7,863 636 4,953 9,207

Emb 30,204 7,136 7,596 621 4,274 10,577

LATIN AMERICA & Dise 715 117 177 21 186 214

THE CARIBBEAN Emb 708 125 192 12 180 199

WESTERN EUROPE Dise 285,366 20,811 21,837 1,467 65,022 176,229

Emb 287,387 21,501 21,487 1,860 60,472 182,067

France Dise 30,422 1,822 3,450 309 9,549 15,292

Emb 30,890 1,670 5,839 278 8,620 14,483

Germany Dise 58,932 2,437 2,164 279 9,950 44,102

Emb 58,130 1,162 3,488 221 6,485 46,774

Scandinavia Dise 17,069 1,541 1,734 84 2,232 11,478

Emb 16,456 1,984 1,678 84 2,067 10,643

United Kingdom Dise 107,042 12,860 9,378 768 27,132 56,904

Emb 108,203 9,239 9,099 909 27,018 61,938

Others Dise 71,901 2,151 5,111 27 16,159 48,453

Emb 73,708 7,446 1,383 368 16,282 48,229

EASTERN EUROPE Dise 14,259 700 1,075 122 2,526 9,836

Emb 13,616 872 1,309 109 2,834 8,492

MIDDLE EAST Dise 9,486 763 1,349 85 6,170 1,119

Emb 9,109 598 1,923 134 5,525 929

AFRICA Dise 1,759 260 390 15 879 215

Emb 1,890 303 366 31 840 350

ASIA Dise 196,023 96,699.0 68,435.0 9,418.0 11,518.0 9,953.0

Emb 194,281 92,965.0 64,888.0 8,798.0 16,040.0 11,590.0

India Dise 104,390 86,282 9,681 525 5,433 2,469

Emb 103,306 80,345 12,036 894 6,464 3,567

Japan Dise 19,747 1,032 11,766 5,340 489 1,120

Emb 19,678 1,204 9,810 6,713 516 1,435

Others Dise 71,886 9,385 46,988 3,553 5,596 6,364

Emb 71,297 11,416 43,042 1,191 9,060 6,588

AUSTRALASIA Dise 27,940 3,789 17,403 756 2,220 3,772

Emb 29,007 5,356 14,346 485 2,004 6,816

Total Dise 566,202 131,134 118,529 12,520 93,474 210,545

Emb 566,202 128,856 112,107 12,050 92,169 221,020
India & Pakistan

Maldives, Singapore, Malaysia & Thailand


Chart 7

Purpose of Visit - 2003 & 2004

Purpose 2003 2004

Pleasure 80.8% 78.2%

Business 9.1% 10.6%

Visiting Friends &

Relations 6.2% 6.4%
Convention & Meetings 2.5%

Religious & Cultural 1.2% 1.5%

Others 2.7% 0.9%

Percentage Distribution of Tourists by Purpose of Visit - 1995 to 2004 Table (g)

Purpose 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Pleasure 95.1 94.9 95.2 93.1 88.1 90.1 89.2 85.4 80.8 78.2

Business 2.7 2.9 2.9 4.1 5.2 4.8 6.7 9.4 9.1 10.6

Visiting Friends & Relations 0.8 0.9 0.6 1.1 2.7 2.1 1.8 2.0 6.2 6.4

Religious & Cultural 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.7 2.3 1.7 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.5

Others 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.7 1.3 1.1 2.2 2.7 3.4

Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence & Purpose of Visit - 2004 Table 7

Private & Convention Visiting Religious

Country of Total Pleasure Official Friends &
Residence Business Meetings Relations Cultural Others

NORTH AMERICA 29,759 20729 2520 390 5235 15 870

Canada 14,633 10,346 609 120 3,315 6 237
U.S.A. 15,126 10,383 1,911 270 1,920 9 633
THE CARIBBEAN 741 630 57 24 9 3 18
WESTERN EUROPE 284,440 255,614 11,598 2,398 13,558 162 1,110
Austria 8,633 8,375 171 39 15 0 33
Belgium 5,582 5,363 156 33 21 3 6
Denmark 3,269 2,763 345 24 74 3 60
Finland 1,989 1,854 105 9 15 3 3
France 29,996 26,916 996 138 1,874 9 63
Germany 58,258 53,940 1,662 260 2,216 21 159
Italy 18,862 16,689 639 230 1,208 60 36
Netherlands 21,455 19,029 720 190 1,372 9 135
Norway 3,477 2,760 312 366 18 0 21
Spain 3,010 2,830 138 27 12 3 0
Sweden 7,979 7,044 360 72 458 3 42
Switzerland 10,610 9,732 294 60 485 0 39
U.K. 106,645 94,302 5,403 929 5,468 48 495
Others 4,675 4,017 297 21 322 0 18
EASTERN EUROPE 14,336 13,598 510 87 72 21 48
Russia 5,000 4,658 261 36 33 3 9
Others 9,336 8,940 249 51 39 18 39
AFRICA 1,855 1,423 267 120 15 0 30
South Africa 987 792 141 33 12 0 9
Others 868 631 126 87 3 0 21
MIDDLE EAST 10,463 8,723 1,053 177 30 390 90
ASIA 198,068 121,305 42,381 10,556 13,450 7,683 2,693
China (P.R.) 9,088 6,886 1,851 114 39 120 78
Hong Kong, China 1,538 1,217 267 30 21 0 3
India 105,151 50,098 27,834 7,950 11,941 6,360 968
Indonesia 1,466 1,121 231 84 12 0 18
Japan 19,641 17,121 2,034 198 114 3 171
Korea (South) 4,531 2,639 1,335 227 120 126 84
Malaysia 10,132 7,831 1,821 279 96 3 102
Maldives 15,013 12,286 1,395 177 477 18 660
Pakistan 9,638 6,416 1,608 996 102 321 195
Philippines 1,808 1,268 351 96 45 0 48
Singapore 8,546 6,026 2,022 102 303 3 90
Thailand 5,035 3,535 549 198 18 687 48
Taiwan (P.C.) 1,907 1,256 510 45 24 33 39
Others 4,574 3,605 573 60 138 9 189
AUSTRALASIA 26,540 20,512 1,575 285 3,736 15 417
Australia 23,247 18,072 1,344 246 3,258 15 312
New Zealand 3,184 2,355 222 33 475 0 99
Others 109 85 9 6 3 0 6
TOTAL 566,202 442,534 59,961 14,037 36,105 8,289 5,276


Period of Stay - 2003 & 2004 Chart 8 (a)

Period 2003 2004

1-3 nights 23.1% 23.8%

4-7 nights 27.3% 27.6%

8-14 nights 34.8% 34.1%

15-21 nights 11.5% 11.8%
n 22-30 nights 2.3% 1.9%
n 31 nights & Over 1.0% 0.8%

Average Duration of Stay & Region - 2003 & 2004

Chart 8 (b)
0 2003 0 2004

North America me= 106

Latin America 41=nI 121
& The Caribbean
Western Europe 11 5
11 6
Eastern Europe 113
Wide East 81
Africa 9.4
Australasia 12.0
11 8
0 4 8 12 14
Number of Nights

Period of Stay - Percentage Distribution - 1969 to 2004 Table (h)

Nights Average
Year 1-3 4-7 8-14 15-21 22-30 31&Over Total Stay

1969 25.9 29.4 28.2 8.0 4.6 3.9 100.0 10.5

1970 25.2 27.4 30.6 7.9 4.9 4.0 100.0 10.5
1971 21.6 26.7 27.9 11.5 6.6 5.7 100.0 10.5
1972 19.9 26.1 33.7 9.8 6.0 4.5 100.0 10.9
1973 20.0 28.1 33.1 9.8 4.7 4.3 100.0 10.3
1974 22.2 27.2 32.3 9.6 4.4 4.3 100.0 10.2
1975 25.9 28.8 27.4 8.7 4.7 4.5 100.0 9.8
1976 22.0 31.5 28.6 9.7 4.7 3.5 100.0 10.0
1977 22.2 26.2 29.5 11.5 5.6 5.0 100.0 10.7
1978 21.4 26.9 29.6 11.6 5.4 5.1 100.0 10.8
1979 21.1 26.6 28.4 12.0 6.2 5.7 100.0 11.1
1980 21.9 23.4 29.3 13.1 6.8 5.5 100.0 11.0
1981 22.4 31.2 25.8 12.1 5.9 2.6 100.0 10.5
1982 17.7 36.0 27.3 12.3 5.5 1.2 100.0 10.0
1983 18.1 37.6 26.3 111 5.2 1.1 100.0 9.6
1984 20.8 45.0 20.3 9.8 3.6 0.5 100.0 8.9
1985 4.7 23.2 30.7 21.1 12.5 7.8 100.0 9.2
1986 4.2 14.0 28.4 23.0 13.5 16.9 100.0 10.9
1987 3.1 9.6 24.5 22.6 15.4 24.8 100.0 13.2
1988 3.3 10.0 24.9 23.1 15.9 22.8 100.0 12.6
1989 5.0 13.9 26.2 22.1 16.4 16.4 100.0 10.7
1990 5.0 12.8 29.5 26.3 13.3 13.1 100.0 10.8
1991 4.5 12.2 26.9 23.8 15.2 17.4 100.0 11.4
1992 25.2 26.2 27.5 14.1 4.9 2.1 100.0 10.3
1993 19.6 30.0 30.6 12.2 4.1 3.5 100.0 10.6
1994 18.1 34.5 30.9 11.6 3.4 1.5 100.0 10.4
1995 20.4 38.5 27.5 8.2 3.4 2.0 100.0 10.0
1996 29.6 24.7 27.7 11.5 4.6 1.9 100.0 9.8
1997 26.1 24.4 30.8 13.0 4.5 1.2 100.0 10.1
1998 23.7 25.1 33.7 12.6 3.8 1.1 100.0 10.4
1999 20.4 27.1 37.8 11.1 2.7 0.9 100.0 10.3
2000 21.9 26.4 35.9 12.2 2.6 1.0 100.0 10.1
2001 23.3 26.8 34.5 12.0 2.5 0.9 100.0 9.9
2002 22.6 27.0 34.7 12.1 2.6 1.0 100.0 10.1
2003 23.1 27.3 34.8 11.5 2.3 1.0 100.0 10.2
2004 23.8 27.6 34.1 11.8 1.9 0.8 100.0 10.1

Table 8
Average Duration of Stay and Tourist Nights by Country of Nationality - 2004
Average Average Average
Country of Duration Tourist Duration Tourist Duration Tourist
Nationality Arrivals of Stay Nights Arrivals of Stay Nights Arrivals of Stay Nights

NORTH AMERICA 30,515 10.5 321,633 139 13.5 1,876 30,654 10.6 323,509
Canada 14,924 11.0 164,164 50 14.2 710 14,974 11.0 164,874
U.S.A. 15,591 10.1 157,469 89 13.1 1,166 15,680 10.1 158,635
THE CARIBBEAN 706 12.2 8,613 9 14.1 127 715 12.2 8,740
WESTERN EUROPE 263,859 11.70 3,004,984 21,507 13.2 278,849 285,366 11.5 3,283,832
Austria 8,601 12.2 104.932 24 14.1 338 8,625 12.2 105,271
Belgium 4,758 11.5 54,717 960 11.2 10,752 5,718 11.4 65,469
Denmark 3,067 11.3 34,657 429 9.4 4,033 3,496 11.1 38,690
Finland 945 10.2 9,639 1044 12.6 13,154 1,989 11.5 22,793
France 30,092 10.1 303,929 330 11.3 3,729 30,422 10.1 307,658
Germany 58,539 14.3 837,108 393 15.1 5,934 58,932 14.3 843,042
Italy 14,360 10.1 145.036 3624 14.1 51,098 17,984 10.9 196,134
Netherlands 17,020 13.5 229,770 4467 14.3 63,878 21,487 13.7 293,648
Norway 3,351 11.4 38,201 93 13.1 1,218 3,444 11.4 39,420
Spain 2,948 9.3 27,416 39 10.9 425 2,987 9.3 27,842
Sweden 4,836 9.9 47,876 3304 12.1 39,978 8,140 10.8 87,855
Switzerland 8,127 12.2 99,149 2560 12.9 33,024 10,687 12.4 132,173
U.K. 103,197 10.0 1,031,970 3845 11.9 45,756 107,042 10.1 1,077,726
Others 4,018 10.1 40,582 395 14.0 5,530 4,413 10.4 46,112
EASTERN EUROPE 13,713 11.2 154,100 546 12.8 6,962 14,259 11.3 161,061
Russia 4,628 11.9 55,073 357 14.1 5,034 4,985 12.1 60,107
Others 9,085 10.9 99,027 189 10.2 1,928 9,274 10.9 100,954
MIDDLE EAST 9,474 7.9 74,845 12 12.6 151 9,486 7.9 74,996
AFRICA 1,759 9.4 16,535 0 0.0 0 1,759 9.4 16,535
ASIA 196,023 7.8 1,538,040 0 0.0 0 196,023 7.8 1,538,040
Bangladesh 1,760 7.1 12,496 0 0.0 0 1,760 7.1 12,496
China (P.R.) 9,424 7.9 74,450 0 0.0 0 9.424 7.9 74,450
Hong Kong, China 916 7.0 6,412 0 0.0 0 916 7.0 6,412
India 104,390 7.7 803,803 0 0.0 0 104,390 7.7 803,803
Indonesia 1,426 6.2 8,841 0 0.0 0 1,426 6.2 8,841
Japan 19,747 9.4 185,622 0 0.0 0 19,747 9.4 185,622
Korea (South) 4,597 8.6 39,534 0 0.0 0 4,597 8.6 39,534
Malaysia 9,939 8.3 82,494 0 0.0 0 9,939 8.3 82,494
Maldives 15,201 6.9 104,887 0 0.0 0 15,201 6.9 104,887
Pakistan 9,629 7.7 74,143 0 0.0 0 9,629 7.7 74,143
Philippines 1,807 7.0 12,649 0 0.0 0 1,807 7.0 12,649
Singapore 7,866 7.0 55,062 0 0.0 0 7,866 7.0 55,062
Taiwan (P.C) 1,929 6.6 12,731 0 0.0 0 1,929 6.6 12,731
Thailand 5,209 8.9 46,360 0 0.0 0 5,209 8.9 46,360
Others 2,183 8.5 18,556 0 0.0 0 2,183 8.5 18,556
AUSTRALASIA 27,922 12.0 335,456 18 14 257 27,940 12.0 335,713
Australia 24,453 12.1 295,881 18 14.3 257 24,471 12.1 296,139
New Zealand 3,331 11.4 37,973 0 0.0 0 3,331 11.4 37,973
Others 138 11.6 1,601 0 0.0 0 138 11.6 1,601
Total 543,971 10.0 5,454,204 22,231 13.0 288,221 566,202 10.1 5,742,425

Chart 9

Tourist Arrivals by Age & Sex - 2003 & 2004

By Age

(60 & Over) MI 2003 q 2004



o (30-39)
111111111111111•1111111111111M n11111n11


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
% in Arrivals

By Sex

Sex 2003 2004

Male 58.7% 58.9%
Female 41.3% 41.1%

Percentage Distribution by Sex & Age - 1995 to 2004 Table 0)

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Sex Male 60.3 62.1 60.3 59.1 58.3 58.7 58.5 59.2 58.7 58.9
Female 39.7 37.9 39.7 40.9 41.7 41.3 41.5 40.8 41.3 41.1

Age Group 3-19 8.7 6.7 6.4 5.8 6.5 6.8 7.8 7.6 7.9 9.0
20-29 32.4 36.0 34.6 33.8 33.5 38.4 32.6 31.6 ""' 30.1 23.1
30-39 32.4 31.1 27.6 26.0 30.8 29.0 31.5 30.4 28.7 26.4
40-49 12.4 14.2 17.5 19.8 15.9 12.9 16.2 16.8 17.5 20.6
50-59 2.9 3.6 5.1 5.5 3.0 3.3 5.5 7.1 8.9 12.8
60 & Over 11.2 8.4 8.8 9.1 10.3 9.6 6.4 6.6 6.9 8.1

Table 9
Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence, Sex and Age - 2004

Country of Sex Age Group

Residence Total Male Female (3-19) (20-29) (30-39) (40-49) (50-59) (60&Over)
NORTH AMERICA 29,759 18,098 11,661 4,584 6,254 6,384 5,943 4,554 2,040
Canada 14,633 8,729 5.904 2,652 2,925 3,129 2,976 2,031 920
U.S.A. 15,126 9.369 5,757 1,932 3,329 3,255 2,967 2,523 1,120
THE CARIBBEAN 741 465 276 54 207 213 132 81 54
WESTERN EUROPE 284,440 150,905 133,535 23,235 64,839 71,364 56,460 41,671 26,871
Austria 8,633 4,427 4,206 423 1,958 2,316 1,851 1,182 903
Belgium 5.582 3,026 2,556 399 1.272 1,536 1,095 834 446
Denmark 3,269 1,938 1,331 477 483 732 753 573 251
Finland 1,989 1,047 942 180 321 537 423 360 168
France 29,996 15,917 14,079 2,400 7,031 7,125 5,970 5,151 2,319
Germany 58,258 29.803 28,455 4,059 10,921 15,216 13,185 8,778 6,099
Italy 18,862 10,381 8,481 612 5,515 5.787 3,249 1,968 1,731
Netherlands 21,455 11,672 9,783 1.545 5,410 4,662 4,152 3,996 1,690
Norway 3,477 2,178 1,299 822 459 852 687 387 270
Spain 3,010 1,633 1,377 111 817 1,098 549 261 174
Sweden 7,979 4,274 3,705 885 1,817 1,803 1,482 1,332 660
Switzerland 10,610 5,396 5,214 963 2,325 2,988 2,085 1,389 860
U.K. 106,645 56,698 49,947 10,026 25,411 25,257 20,142 14,797 11,012
Others 4.675 2,515 2,160 333 1,099 1.455 837 663 288
EASTERN EUROPE 14,336 7,595 6,741 1,026 3,719 4,137 3,093 1,755 606
Russia 5,000 2,642 2,358 306 1,250 1,587 1,080 528 249
Others 9,336 4,953 4,383 720 2,469 2,550 2,013 1,227 357
MIDDLE EAST 10,463 6,731 3,732 1,665 2,168 2,667 2,154 1,197 612
AFRICA 1,855 1,087 768 156 427 450 453 237 132
South Africa 987 564 423 87 273 258 210 96 63
Others 868 523 345 69 154 192 243 141 69
ASIA 198,068 133,778 64,290 16,266 46,854 58,806 42,936 19,770 13,436
China (P.R.) 9,088 5,614 3,474 579 1,969 3,123 2.148 918 351
Hong Kong, China 1,538 912 626 75 368 468 375 189 63
India 105,151 77,001 28,150 8,412 27,194 32,250 23,337 8,055 5,903
Indonesia 1,466 980 486 57 341 483 330 207 48
Japan 19,641 10,488 9,153 1,206 4,149 4,938 3,417 2,835 3,096
Korea (South) 4,531 2,869 1,662 381 760 1,101 1,128 693 468
Maldives 15,013 9,268 5,745 2,343 3,649 4,440 2,610 1,281 690
Malaysia 10,132 6,418 3,714 777 2,026 2,793 2,304 1,452 780
Pakistan 9,638 7,176 2,462 906 2,546 3,123 1,908 804 351
Philippines 1,808 804 1,004 72 362 528 492 273 81
Singapore 8,546 5,360 3,186 684 1,322 2,319 2,256 1,341 624
Taiwan (P.C) 1,907 1.211 696 75 272 567 576 267 150
Thailand 5,035 2,527 2,508 306 820 1,428 1,035 855 591
Others 4,574 3,150 1,424 393 1,076 1,245 1,020 600 240
AUSTRAL ASIA 26,540 14,736 11,804 4,080 6,143 5,460 5,514 3,191 2,152
Australia 23,247 12,841 10,406 3,612 5,469 4,755 4,815 2,729 1,867
New Zealand 3,184 1,834 1,350 462 646 675 681 444 276
Others 109 61 48 6 28 30 18 18 9
Total 566,202 333,395 232,807 51,066 130,611 149,481 116,685 72,456 45,903

Chart 10

Occupational Categories - 2003 & 2004

Occupation 2003 2004

Educationists 6.6% 6.0%

Retired Persons 5.8% 6.2%

Scientists & Technicians 8.0% 7.6%

Professionals 8.6% 8.4%

fit Businessmen 10.1% 11.2%

E Executives 15.5% 15.7%

No Occupation 18.2% 18.2%

Other Occupation 27.4% 26.7%

Percentage Distribution by Occupational Categories - 1995 to 2004 Table (j)

Occupation 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Businessmen 17.8 16.8 10.2 12.4 10.5 9.2 10.1 10.4 10.1 11.2

Professionals 6.4 5.2 4.1 4.5 6.8 7.6 7.9 7.7 8.6 8.4

Executives 7.7 9.7 10.1 11.9 14.5 15.9 16.7 15.8 15.5 15.7

Scientists & Technicians 2.8 3.7 3.1 3.5 3.2 3.1 7.6 7.5 8.0 7.6

Educationists 2.5 4.3 5.4 9.4 6.0 6.4 5.0 5.3 6.6 6.0

Other Occupation 33.0 33.9 35.6 31.4 30.4 30.5 27.8 28.4 27.4 26.7
No Occupation 21.7 20.7 25.6 21.0 21.4 20.2 19.1 19.0 18.0 18.2

Retired Persons 8.1 5.7 5.9 5.9 7.2 7.1 5.8 5.9 5.8 6.2

Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence and Occupation - 2004 Table 10

Scientists Other No
Courtry of Total Business- Profess- Execu- & Tech- Educa- Occupa- Occupa- Retired
Residence men ionals tives nicians tionists tion tion Persons
NORTH AMERICA 29,759 2,193 2,436 4,521 2,202 2,661 6,986 6,831 1,929
Canada 14,633 1,026 846 2,112 1,038 1,107 3,878 3,654 972
U.S.A. 15,126 1,167 1,590 2,409 1,164 1.554 3,108 3,177 957
THE CARIBBEAN 741 54 87 90 63 141 153 132 21
WESTERN EUROPE 284,440 13,518 26,430 50,855 22,928 18,736 85,882 44,905 21,186
Austria 8,633 609 648 987 534 456 3,350 1,071 978
Belgium 5,582 315 597 603 423 234 1,983 897 530
Denmark 3,269 156 378 573 261 323 783 627 168
Finland 1,989 114 183 462 99 267 516 273 75
France 29,996 1,533 1,830 3,681 2,480 1,825 11,332 4,032 3,283
Germany 58,258 2,436 4,380 7,827 5,834 3,439 21,105 9,913 3,324
Italy 18,862 744 1,902 2,605 1,269 786 8,622 1,965 969
Holland 21,455 930 2,607 4,072 1,707 1,056 7,474 2,697 912
Norway 3,477 156 360 882 195 123 723 936 102
Spain 3,010 210 285 411 258 538 984 276 48
Sweden 7,979 516 552 1,449 552 1,046 1,944 1,536 384
Switzerland 10,610 456 666 1,416 546 1,475 3,798 1,806 447
U.K. 106,645 5,094 11,514 25,033 8,404 6,898 22,056 17,961 9,685
Others 4,675 249 528 854 366 270 1,212 915 281
EASTERN EUROPE 14,336 924 1,887 3,311 969 600 4,107 2,292 246
Russia 5,000 342 303 1,385 351 237 1,395 942 45
Others 9,336 582 1,584 1,926 618 363 2,712 1,350 201
AFRICA 1,855 177 147 411 111 81 571 324 33
South Africa 987 84 60 213 63 54 315 186 12
Others 868 93 87 198 48 27 256 138 21
MIDDLE EAST 10,463 888 567 1,179 669 606 3,659 2,685 210
ASIA 198,068 44,358 13,485 22,637 14,477 9,659 44,886 38,876 9,690
China (P.R) 9,088 957 471 1,353 669 937 3,003 1,602 96
Hong Kong,China 1,538 198 123 324 51 197 459 138 48
India 105,151 30,411 6,966 8,503 9,614 3,273 20,283 19,868 6,233
Indonesia 1,466 195 81 192 75 45 432 204 242
Japan 19,641 1,086 933 2,571 822 621 7,335 4,676 1,597
Korea (South) 4,531 1,116 177 336 165 723 810 1,180 24
Malaysia 10,132 954 1,453 2,766 735 921 1,302 1,722 279
Maldives 15,013 2,265 912 1,560 906 852 4,480 3,960 78
Pakistan 9,638 3,297 714 660 291 771 1,859 1,995 51
Philippines 1,808 132 147 276 120 39 675 231 188
Singapore 8,546 882 609 2,721 633 986 1,224 1,248 243
Thailand 5,035 1,299 324 676 153 141 1,332 987 123
Taiwan (P.C) 1,907 666 87 156 96 60 408 279 155
thers 4,574 900 488 543 147 93 1,284 786 333
AUSTRAL ASIA 26,540 1,203 2,463 5,731 1,812 1,814 4,911 6,761 1,845
Australia 23,247 1,065 2,121 4,977 1,545 1,667 4,359 5,779 1,734
New Zealand 3,184 132 336 708 261 138 531 970 108
Others 109 6 6 46 6 9 21 12 3
Total 566,202 63,315 47,502 88,735 43,231 34,298 151,155 102,806 35,160

Chart 11
Shares of Total Seating Capacity by Carrier - 2004
Winter Summer

SriLankan Airlines 52.6% 51.6%

Emirates 8.3% 8.2%

Qatar A/W 4.8% 5.1%
• LTU 3.5% 1.2%

Cathay Pacific 3.3% 4.5%

Saudia 3.2% 3.3%

Singapore A/L 3.1% 3.7%

II Indian A/L 3.1% 2.6%

• Gulf Air 2.3.% 2.8%

Jet Air 1.9% 2.0%
Others 13.9% 15%

Table1 13
Scheduled Airline Operations & Seating Capacity - 2004
No. of incoming No. of seats available Percentage of toal
flights per week on incoming flights seating capacity
Type of Seating per week by carrier
Airline Aircraft Capacity Winter* Summer Winter* Summer Winter* Summer

1. Aeroflot IL96 236 1 236 0,4 -

2. Air Arabia AB320 150 4 - 600 - 1.1 -
3. Air Sahara B737 132 7 7 924 924 1.7 1.7
4. Austrian Air B767 258 2 2 516 516 0.9 0.9
5. Cathay Pacific 8777 382 4 4 1,528 1,528
A330 311 1 3 311 933 3.3 4.5
6. Condor B767 269 2 2 538 538 1.0 1.0
7. CSA A310 188 2 3 376 564 0.7 1.0
8. Cyprus Airlines A320 180 - 1 - 180 - 0.3
9. Emirates A330 200 11 15 2,200 3,000
B777 300 8 5 2,400 1,500 8.3 8.2
10 Ethihad Airways A332 225 - 3 675 - 1.2
11. Gulf Air B767 257 5 6 1,285 1,542 2.3 2.8
12. Indian Airlines A300 243 7 6 1,701 1,458 3.1 2.6 )
13. Jet Air B737 154 7 7 1,078 1,078 1.9 2.0
14. Kuwait Airways A300 198 4 5 792 990 1.4 1.8
15. LTU A330 323 6 2 1.938 646 3.5 1.2
16. Mahan Air A300 240 3 2 720 480 1.3 0.9
17. Malaysian Air A330 294 3 3 882 882 1.6 1.6
18. Martinair B757 272 1 1 272 272 0.5 0.5
19. Oman Air B737 154 3 3 462 462 0.8 0.8
20. P.I.A. B737 118 1 - 118
A300 240 1 2 240 480 0.6 0.9
21. Qatar Airways A300 240 7 7 1,680 1,680
A320 144 5 6 720 864
A330 260 1 1 260 260 4.8 5.1 I
22. Royal Jordanian A310 204 2 3 408 612 0.7 1.1
23. Saudia B747 451 4 4 1,804 1,804 3.2 3.3
24. Singapore A/L B772 288 6 7 1,728 2,016 3.1 3.7
SriLankan Airlines A320 144 64 73 9,216 10,512
A330 281 39 35 10,959 9,835
A340 322 28 25 9,016 8,050 52.6 51.6
Thai Airways A300 200 3 4 600 800 1.1 1.5
Total - - 242 247 55,508 55,081 100.0 100.0
*November, 2003 to April 2004.

Chart 12

Growth of Passenger Arrivals & Departures

1995 to 2005

1,600,000 -

1,400,000 -
q Arrivals q Departures

1,200.000 -

1,000,000 -

800,000 -

600,000 -

400,000 -

200,000 -

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004


Passenger Arrivals and Departures by Port and Category of Travellers (1 ) - 2004 Table 12

Total Sri Lanka Residents Foreign Tourists (1 ) Other Foreigners (2)

Port Arrivals Departures Arrivals Departures Arrivals Departures Arrivals Departures

Katunayake 1,459,575 1,484,685 646,291 679,131 565,995 578,654 157,289 146,230

TOTAL AIR 1,459,575 1,484,685 646,291 679,131 565,995 578,654 157,289 146,230

Colombo Harbour 2,112 2,255 699 1,117 207 236 1,206 902

TOTAL SEA 2,112 2,255 699 1,117 207 236 1,206 902

Grand Total 1,461,687 1,486,940 646,990 680,248 566,202 578,890 158,495 147,132

Excluding Indians, who are repatriated under lndo-Sri Lanka Agreement

Consists of resident visa holders and other foreign travellers, who cannot be classified as tourists
Source: Sri Lanka Tourist Board
Department of Immigration & Emigration


Chart 13

Shares of Accommodation Capacity (Rooms) by Resort Region - 1995 to 2004

2004 n 1111 Colombo City

2003 Greater Colombo


South Coast
2002 II
n East Coast
2001 High Country
Ancient Cities
2000 II I



1996 lI
1995 r

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


Accommodation Capacity (Rooms) in Graded Establishments and

Table (k)
Its Regional Distribution - 1995 to 2004

Resort Region 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Colombo City 2,817 2,834 2,798 2,754 2,747 2,582 2,656 2,599 2,571 2,670

Greater Colombo 1,935 1,946 2.045 2,032 2,101 2,254 2,315 2,415 2,526 2,581

South Coast 4,105 4,247 4,692 5,055 5.217 5,306 5,382 5,504 5,521 5,632

East Coast 114 114 114 114 108 151 151 165 258 263

High Country 385 411 469 535 506 570 622 669 709 690

Ancient Cities 1,899 2,048 2,252 2,282 2,239 2,448 2,500 2,466 2,552 2.486

Northern Region - - - -

All Regions 11,255 11,600 12,370 12,772 12,918 13,311 13,626 13,818 14,137 14,322


Chart 14

Tourist Nights and Occupancy Rates by Month - 2004

500,000 - - 80
11FGN 463,772
450.000 - Occ. Rates - 75
400,000 - 387,131
377,839 - 70
z • 360,861

u_ 350,000 -
- 65
302,957 O
cr ) 295,376
300.000 -

-; - 59,3%
250,000 -
- 55

200,000 -
- 50
150,000 -

- 45
130,000 -

50,000 - - 40

0 35

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Accommodation Capacity and Guest Nights in Graded and Table 13

Supplementary Establishments - 1995 to 2004

Description 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

A. Accommodation Capacity-
Graded Establishments
(a).No. of Units 138 144 158 164 173 207 211 222 233 240
(b).No. of Rooms 11,255 11.600 12,370 12,772 12,918 13,311 13,626 13,818 14,137 14,322
(c).No. of Beds 21,680 22,040 22,944 23,373 24,216 24,953 25,134 25,968 26,511 26,938

D. Accommodation Capacity -
Supplementary Establishments
No. of Units 208 223 227 224 230 222 199 230 265 345
No. of Rooms 2,494 2,509 2,635 2,640 2,700 2,549 2,011 2,500 2,836 3,318
(c). No. of Beds 4,563 4,574 4,574 4,592 4,671 4,410 3,479 4,250 4,820 5,640

C. Guest Nights -
Graded Establishments
Foreign 3,087,348 2,245,582 2,936,953 3,263,137 3,836,618 3,610,889 2,767,187 3,045,368 3,964,234 4,394,404
Local 385,058 435,915 525,146 598,984 610,175 716,430 770,848 940,228 968,315 969,343

D. Guest Nights -
Supplementary Establishments
Foreign 220,162 153,604 185,735 191,702 210,872 124,589 109,037 135,068 220,510 349,510
Local 225,958 242,394 244,071 258,345 263,425 235,187 294,233 302,456 358,211 402,477

E. Tourist Nights (Total) 4,023,796 2,947,178 3,679,998 3,944,406 4,478,761 4,056,305 3,342,233 3,989,058 5,092,783 5,742,425
Graded Establishments 3,087,348 2,245,582 2,936,953 3,263,137 3,836,618 3,610,889 2,767,187 3,045,368 3,964,234 4,394,404
Supplementary Establishments 220,162 153,604 185,735 191,702 210,872 124,589 109,037 135,068 220,510 349,510
(c). Others 716,286 547,992 557,310 489,567 431,271 320,827 466,009 808,622 908,039 998,511

Chart 14 (a)

Occupancy Rates by Resort Region

2003 & 2004

Resort Room Occ. Rate
Region 2003 2004

Ancient Cities 54.0% 60.4%



11 East Coast 51.1% 44.2%

COLOMBO High Country 44.3% 52.4%


r South Coast 48.3% 52.6%


n Greater Colombo 48.9% 52.9%

n Colombo City 68.7% 75.5%

Occupancy Rates by Region - 1995 to 2004 Table (I)

Region 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Colombo City 55.3 44.6 54.9 53.1 58.6 52.9 45.4 56.4 68.7 75.5
Greater Colombo 58.4 48.6 54.7 60.1 61.3 61.0 47.2 42.8 48.9 52.9

South Coast 49.8 35.4 45.2 52.2 57.4 51.8 41.1 38.0 48.3 52.6

East Coast 9.0 1.2 6.1 11.8 20.4 10.7 15.0 44.8 51.1 44.2
High Country 50.8 37.1 46.3 45.9 52.3 45.2 35.4 36.3 44.3 52.4

Ancient Cities 51.8 38.4 47.0 55.7 56.6 48.8 39.1 42.4 54.0 60.4
Northern Region - - - - - -

All Regions 52.6 40.3 49.1 52.8 57.6 52.3 42.1 43.1 53.2 59.3

Table 14
Monthly Occupancy Rates in Graded Establishments by Region - 2004
No. of Annual
Resort Region Units Rooms Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jly Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 0/R

Colombo City 22 2,670 78.2 78.6 70.2 57.5 67.8 71.1 74.9 84.8 71.0 87.8 82.4 82.8 75.5

Greater Colombo 50 2,581 58.3 63.8 61.1 41.1 42.6 41.0 44.3 57.6 51.5 52.4 57.5 58.5 52.9
1. North of Colombo 36 2,039 56.9 63.0 61.1 41.3 42.1 38.7 42.1 56.1 49.7 51.8 58.3 57.8 51.7
11. South of Colombo 14 542 63.7 66.7 60.9 40.3 44.2 50.5 53.8 63.1 58.3 54.7 54.3 61.2 56.0

South Coast 98 5,632 69.3 79.6 63.5 46.8 37.1 28.5 35.5 52.5 52.9 55.5 60.3 51.4 52.6
1. Upto Galle 64 4,151 73.6 83.8 69.3 50.1 40.6 29.7 36.9 55.1 60.9 63.6 65.1 55.0 56.7
11. Beyond Galle 34 1.481 56.6 67.9 47.8 37.7 27.9 24.7 31.9 45.6 33.4 34.4 47.2 41.2 41.2

East Coast 7 263 54.0 56.8 36.7 30.8 32.0 33.2 75.5 75.2 49.3 39.3 28.5 26.2 44.2

High Country 19 690 59.5 64.1 54.2 51.7 39.6 40.1 49.3 67.1 50.5 45.8 56.7 51.2 52.4

Ancient Cities 44 2,486 67.8 81.1 66.9 50.1 41.2 37.0 65.1 68.7 59.5 63.6 66.7 58.2 60.4
1.Kandy Area 21 1,167 66.3 80.4 64.8 51.2 41.9 34.4 61.0 64.9 54.4 60.8 62.7 56.6 57.9
11.Anuradhapura Area 7 216 49.4 50.9 42.7 41.8 37.3 35.9 58.2 58.5 40.5 37.4 48.1 43.1 45.3
111.Polonnaruwa/ Giritale 9 335 41.3 78.8 55.8 37.1 27.8 23.2 48.2 51.4 52.8 50.1 57.5 43.8 47.1
1V.Habarana/ Sig./ Damb. 7 768 86.6 91.4 81.3 56.3 47.4 50.7 80.7 84.7 75.0 82.5 83.1 72.9 74.8

Northern Region
All Regions 240 14,322 67.8 73.6 63.9 48.2 44.6 39.6 51.2 63.6 57.3 61.8 64.3 59.9 59.3

Table 14 (a)
Capacity and Nights in all Accommodation Establishments by Class
Class No. No. No. Total Foreign Local Room
of of of Guest Guest Guest Occupancy
ommodation Units Rooms Beds Nights Nights Nights Rate
2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004

Hotel 233 240 14,137 14,322 26,511 26,938 4,657,749 5,363,747 3,964,234 4,394,404 968,315 969,343 53.2 59.3

5 Star 13 13 2,759 2,836 4,735 5,105 1,126,413 1,231,735 1,035,148 1,099,008 131,265 132,727 68.1 74.4
4 Star 8 7 875 733 1,890 1,466 345,542 318,269 270,238 258,686 75,304 59,583 55.5 68.1
3 Star 6 6 454 435 881 844 164,173 200,456 131,068 164,296 33,105 36,160 59.1 65.2
2 Star 32 28 2,241 2,069 4.310 3,979 800,505 842,274 660,441 689,181 174,864 153,093 52.7 61.9
1 Star 19 16 689 518 1,240 932 160,418 171,068 96,223 117,864 64,195 53,204 38.4 45.8
Unclassified 155 170 7,119 7,731 13,455 14,612 2,060,698 2,599,945 1.771,116 2,065,369 489,582 534,576 47.8 50.6

Establishments 265 345 2,836 3,318 4,820 5,640 578,721 760,987 220,510 349,510 358,211 411,477 36.1 38.3
Table 15

Foreign Guest Nights in Graded Accommodation Establishments by Region and Month - 2004

Resort Region Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jly Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total

Colombo City 84,330 78,808 74,224 51,041 64,015 63,162 88,234 80,606 82,400 93,004 83,149 109,137 952,110
Greater Colombo 72,291 70,897 68,523 50,278 39,743 36,969 39,629 58,967 60,855 61,371 66,130 80,017 705,670
1. North of Colombo 57,093 57,451 56,476 42,209 32,448 29,672 37,059 49,302 48,631 48,624 54,535 64.380 577,880
11. South of Colombo 15,198 13.446 12,047 8,069 7,295 7,297 2,570 9,665 12,224 12.747 11,595 15.637 127,790
South Coast 174,119 198,725 171,401 120,255 77,683 65,282 84,333 128,276 132,583 137,786 201,381 185,795 1,677,619
1. Upto Galle 140,431 158,234 137.814 98,106 64.853 53,457 64,108 99,159 113,123 117,966 168,511 161,826 1,377.588
11. Beyond Galle 33,688 40,491 33,587 22,149 12,830 11,825 20,225 29,117 19,460 19,820 32,870 23,969 300,031
East Coast 5,022 4,820 3,751 6,388 5,472 3,865 6,288 8,245 6,179 4,594 3,061 3,162 60,847
High Country 15,687 16,210 16,236 15,168 9,159 9,631 15,694 19,284 14,028 16,701 18,493 15,514 181,805
Ancient Cities
1. Kandy Area
11. Anuradhapura Area 3,387 3,658 2,994 2,289 1,662 1,920 2,600 4,304 2,520 2,678 3,291 2,941 34.244
111.Polonnaruwa / Giritale 5,542 11,184 7,825 3.676 2,611 2,932 5,215 7,369 5,202 7,915 12,092 7,434 78,997
1V. Habarana/Sig./Dam. 31,143 24,758 29,633 18,624 13,979 13,311 30,391 31,064 29,014 31,097 35,188 29,864 318.066
Northern Region
All Regions 428,262 448,588 405,810 295,376 233,659 214,687 302,957 377,839 360,861 387,131 463,772 475,462 4,394,404

Table 16
Local Guest Nights in Graded Accommodation Establishments by Region and Month - 2004
Resort Region Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jly Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Colombo City 15,761 11,801 10,201 10,750 11,883 13,350 14,965 16,302 12,811 16,265 11,651 15,201 160,94
Greater Colombo 15,980 13,416 15,438 11,570 16,946 13,676 18,383 20,854 14,063 15,672 14,960 15,587 186,545
1. North of Colombo 9,963 11.443 11.069 8,312 11,938 8,850 8.216 10,929 10.286 9,911 12,424 11,279 124,620
11. South of Colombo 6,017 1,973 4,369 3,258 5,008 4,826 10,167 9,925 3,777 5,761 2,536 4,308 61,925
South Coast 27,673 21,870 23,539 25,860 28,001 22,018 27,498 32,257 19,741 21,032 17,522 22,959 289,970
1. Upto Galle 18,190 13,005 15.350 16,996 17,580 14,684 19,394 23,018 11.998 13,669 11,416 14,858 190,158
11. Beyond Galle 9,483 8,865 8,189 8,864 10,421 7,334 8,104 9,239 7,743 7,363 6,106 8,101 99,812
East Coast 3,354 2,862 1,239 2,248 2,063 1,615 2,717 2,805 1,751 1,600 1,615 1,063 24,932
High Country 7,735 7,887 4,192 8,245 6,737 5,777 6,420 7,839 4,971 2,960 4,692 5,620 73,075
Ancient Cities 20,022 21,622 13,793 17,476 19,302 15,639 25,936 24,706 16,636 18,848 19,548 20,352 233,880
1. Kandy Area 9,487 5,914 6,085 6,848 8,246 6,271 13,266 12,305 7,386 8,932 9,067 8,376 102,183
11. Anuradhapura Area 2,127 1,468 1,447 2,266 2,882 1,917 2,324 2,841 1,973 2,352 2,173 2,443 26,213
111. Polonnaruwa/ Giritale 2,327 2,722 1,982 3,473 2,546 2,967 4,028 2,815 2,319 3,325 3,419 3,046 34,969
1V. Habarana/Sig./Dam. 6,081 11,518 4,279 4,889 5,628 4.484 6,318 6,745 4,958 6,239 4,889 6,487 72,515
Northern Region
All Regions 90,525 79,458 68,402 76,149 84,932 72,075 95,919 104,763 69,973 76,377 69,988 80,782 969,343


Chart 15
Value of Tourism - 1996 to 2004
In US$ Million

In Rs. Million
In US $
10,000 75







Volume & Value of Tourism - 1996 to 2004 Table 17

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Tourist Arrivals 302,265 366,165 381,063 436,440 400,414 336,794 393,171 500,642 566,202
Excursionist Arrivals 12,863 18,265 27,629 28,335 44,518 60,084 63,560 82,066 115,095
Official Receipts
Rs. mn. 9,559.1 12980.3 14,868.0 19,297.30 19,162.20 18,863.30 24,202.0 32,810.0* 42,058.6**
US$ mn. 173.0 216.7 230.5 274.9 252.8 211.1 253.0 340.0* 416.0**
SDR Units (mn.) 119.1 160.4 169.9 201 191.9 165.7 179.3 242.6* 298.6**
Receipt per Tourist per day
(in US$) 57.9 58.6 59.5 61.4 62.3 63.1 63.4 66.8* 72.2**
*Revised ** Provisional
Source: Sri Lanka Tourist Board
Department of Immigration & Emigration

Table 18
Foreign Exchange Earnings from Tourism - 2003 & 2004

In Rs. mn In US $ mn
Total Total
Source 2003* 2004** Change 2003* 2004** Change

Banks 11,551.1 14,807.1 3,256.1 119.7 146.5 26.8

Travel Agencies 6,977.0 8,943.3 1,966.4 72.3 88.5 16.2

Shops 7,613.9 9,760.2 2,146.3 78.9 96.5 17.6

Hotels 4,593.4 5,888.1 - 1,294.7 47.6 58.2 10.6

Gem Corporation 2,074.8 2,659.9 585.2 21.5 26.3 4.8

Total 32,810.0 42,058.6 9,248.6 340.0 416.0 76.0

*Revised ** Provisional

Exchange Rates (Annual Average) - 1995 to 2004 Table (m)

Currency 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Deutsche Marks 35.8 36.8 34.1 36.8 38.4 35.8 40.9 46.4

French Francs 10.3 10.8 10.1 11.0 11.5 10.7 12.9 13.8

Japanese Yen 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9

Sterling Pound 80.9 86.3 96.7 107.6 113.9 114.8 128.7 143.7 157.7 185.3

U.S. Dollar 51.3 55.3 59.0 64.6 70.4 75.8 89.4 95.7 96.5 101.1

S.D.R. Unit 77.7 80.2 81.2 87.6 96.3 99.9 113.8 123.9 135.2 140.9

Euro 69.9 79.9 90.4 109.2 125.8

Source: Central Bank of Sri Lanka

Direct Employment in the Tourist Industry - 2002 to 2004

Chart 16

\ \


/111f \ \
\ \ 10,000

CO 0
co ti C)
M r. C) 0

2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004

Managerial Scientific & Manual & Technical Clerical Allied &
Professionals Operative Supervisory

Direct Employment in the Tourist Industry - 2002 to 2004 Table 19

Managerial Technical
Category of No. of Scientific & Clerical Allied Manual & Total
Establishments Establishments Professional & Supervisory Operative
2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004

Hotels &
Restaurants 867 1,010 1,077 3,194 3,958 4,774 15,289 17,755 19,153 6,217 8,432 10,427 24,700 30,145 34,354

Travel Agents &

Tour Operators 377 440 454 1,470 2,117 2,681 2,726 3,076 3,356 767 849 1,055 4,963 6,042 7,092

Airlines 17 21 26 560 730 983 1,860 2.100 2.688 775 805 942 3,195 3,635 4,613

Agencies Providing
Recreational Facilities 7 9 14 11 15 28 54 70 89 33 43 63 98 128 180

Tourist Shops 212 216 222 372 390 425 1,000 1,378 1,554 827 866 1,050 2,199 2,634 3,029

Guides - - - 1662 2080 2460 1,662 2,080 2,460

National Tourist
Organisation 1 1 1 120 115 64 126 122 94 172 170 121 418 407 279

State Sector 16 16 16 470 510 523 522 550 566 594 630 680 1,586 1,690 1,769

Total 1,497 1,713 1,810 6,197 7,835 9,478 23,239 27,131 29,960 9,385 11,795 14,338 38,821 46,761 53,776
(4 6

Tourist Price Index* - 1995/96 to 2004/05 Chart 17

7000 -
A ccommodation -41- F ood

Transport A ll Items
6000 -

5000 -


3000 -

2000 -

1000 -

1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05
Season "(1973/74 = 100)

Index of Tourist Prices - 1974/75 to 2004/05 Table 20

Accommodation All
Season City Beaches Circuits All Areas Food Transport Items

1974/75 105 199 106 107 104 110 107

1975/76 114 119 125 118 133 131 126
1776/77 154 140 143 146 152 146 148
1977/78 168 159 149 160 167 151 159
1978/79 262 254 188 243 199 198 219
1979/80 420 336 246 346 248 206 281
1980/81 555 453 367 462 354 233 369
1981/82 701 532 463 558 409 241 429
1982/83 741 595 526 578 487 262 464
1983/84 812 499 451 561 488 265 457
1984/85 759 448 449 516 452 279 431
1985/86 741 439 419 510 468 277 432
1986/87 740 440 427 514 497 281 442
1987/88 734 440 407 512 502 287 444
1988/89 832 474 430 577 521 306 484
1989/90 884 521 504 645 596 360 550
1990/91 1,176 753 665 851 790 491 731
1991/92 1,396 872 870 1,006 968 609 882
1992/93 1,464 1,080 965 1,144 1,170 656 1,009
1993/94 1,695 1,440 1,829 1,565 1,700 661 1,337
1994/95 1,497 1,801 1,908 1,755 1,744 631 1.427
1995/96 1,609 1,894 1,998 1,848 2,001 766 1.572
1996/97 1,702 1,842 1,963 1,837 2,068 822 1,600
1997/98 2,284 2,126 1,976 2,128 2,136 836 1,755
1998/99 2,454 2,148 2,472 2,259 2,470 910 1,920
1999/00 2,679 2,456 2,904 2,584 2,906 1,061 2,228
2000/01 2,992 2,725 3,562 2,927 3,101 1,160 2,458
2001/02 3,996 3,128 4,600 3,553 3,361 1,167 2,813
2002/03 4,928 4,363 6,431 4,962 5.462 835 3,890
2003/04 5,878 5,123 6,906 5,690 5,937 1,075 4,413
2004/05 6,465 5,835 7,566 6,327 6,240 1,438 4,761
Avg. Annual
Growth Rates 14.7 10.7 15.3 14.5 14.6 9.0 13.5
19 (3 (4=100)
4 7)----------

Sri Lankan Departures - 1995 to 2004 Chart 18

800,000 q Katunayake n Colombo Harbour 1


600,000 01111111n1

4 n1





1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Sri Lankan Departures - Growth Trends - 1974 to 2004 Table 21

Air Sea
Year Total Katunayake Others Talaimannar Harbour

1974 44,825 33,414 8,366 2,518 527

1975 53,848 39,817 10,833 2,472 726
1976 53,305 41,296 9,102 2,078 829
1977 66.900 55,734 7,494 2,833 839
1978 117.075 71,923 4,085 40,115 952
1979 122,197 86,492 34,606 1,099
1980 137,797 100,803 - 36,396 598
1981 185,035 147,402 36,903 730
1982 216.466 185,215 30,462 789
1983 244,955 220,289 24,088 578
1984 274,418 229,568 - 44,234 616
1985 239,272 238,577 - 695
1986 229,386 228,925 - 461
1987 257,760 257,207 - 553
1988 298,583 297,677 - 906
1989 285,510 284,765 - - 745
1990 296,884 296,080 - - 804
1991 310,373 309,588 785
1992 420,749 419,726 - 1,023
1993 416,246 415,434 812
1994 448,437 447,224 - 1,213
1995 504,420 502.059 2,361
1996 494,258 493,407 - 851
1997 530,712 529,908 804
1998 518,050 517,222 - 828
1999 496,963 496.045 - - 918
2000 524,212 523,485 - 727
2001 505,341 504,503 - 838
2002 532,737 531,909 - - 828
2003 591,126 590,039 1,087
2004 680,248 679,131 1,117

Tourism Growth Trends - 1966 to 2004 Table 22

Year Tourist Execur- Tourist Official Tourist Receipts Receipt Average Accommodation Annual Sri Lanka Nationals Employment
Arrivals sionist Nights per Duration Capacity Room
Arrivals '000 US$mn Euro SDRmn Tourist (Nights) (Graded) Occupancy Arrivals Departures Direct Indirect
mn per day Rooms Beds Rate (Estd)
(in US $) (Graded)

1966 18,969 79,097 6.1 1.3 720 1,440

1967 23,666 59,052 268 5.9 1.2 - 4.5 11.0 770 1,540 35.0 - - -
1968 28,272 41,407 296 10.5 1.8 - 6.0 10.3 903 1,806 40.7 - - - -
1969 40,204 68,054 406 17.0 2.9 7.1 10.0 986 1,978 44.3 - -
1970 46,247 68,529 489 21.5 3.6 3.6 7.4 10.5 1,408 2,816 42.8 5,138 6,940
1971 39,654 58,292 395 20.3 3.4 3.4 8.6 10.5 1,767 3,534 31.1 6,397 8,640
1972 56,047 48,310 614 43.8 7.3 6.5 11.9 10.9 1,891 3,646 38.8 2 6,62 4 3 2,9 71 7,040 9,500
1973 77,888 27,920 804 79.5 12.8 10.4 15.9 10.3 2,468 4,801 42.4 3 5,1 88 42,305 7,134 10,780
1974 85,011 23,434 874 107.1 16.4 13.3 18.7 10.3 2,905 5,699 39.7 37,868 44,825 8,551 11,550
1975 103,204 25.490 1.015 157.1 22.4 18.6 22.0 9.8 3,632 7,142 36.8 46,999 53,848 10,148 13,700
1976 118,971 14,499 1.194 237.8 28.2 24.5 23.8 10.0 4,581 8,913 37.7 4 6,42 5 53,305 11,752 15,900
1977 153,665 7,672 1,645 363.1 40.0 34.8 24.3 10.7 4,851 9,447 42.0 5 8,9 92 6 6,90 0 13,716 18,520
1978 192,592 8,494 2,061 870.0 55.8 44.4 27.1 10.8 5,347 10,431 47.7 102,142 117,075 15,404 20,795
1979 250,164 5,565 2,777 1,209.4 77.7 60.1 28.0 11.1 5,599 11,212 52.8 100,603 122,197 18,472 24,937
1980 321,780 8,636 3,548 1,830.3 110.7 85.1 31.2 11.0 6,042 11.790 57.8 105,484 137,797 19,878 28,022
1981 370,742 7,737 3,907 2,546.5 132.4 112.3 33.9 10.5 6,891 13,773 54.5 142,426 185,035 23,023 32,232
1982 407,230 6,632 4,048 3,050.4 146.6 129.8 36.2 10.0 7,539 15,001 47.8 162,034 216,466 26,776 37,486
1983 337,530 7,208 3,179 2,896.1 125.8 115.1 39.6 9.6 8,852 17.605 35.9 180,729 244,955 22,374 31,234
1984 317,734 8.638 2,818 2,669.5 104.9 102.4 37.2 8.9 9,627 18,970 35.6 212,365 274,418 24,541 34,357
1985 257,456 9,882 2,365 2,233.3 82.2 80.8 34.8 9.2 9,826 19,352 32.7 220,094 239,272 22,723 31,810
1986 230,106 6,266 2,513 2,300.1 82.1 69.9 32.7 10.9 9,794 19,301 32.9 220,614 229,386 22,285 31,199
1987 182,620 2.417 2,414 2,415.2 82.0 63.4 34.0 13.2 9,921 19,322 31.5 217,127 257,760 20,338 28,473
1988 182,662 6,108 2,305 2,438.3 76.6 57.0 33.3 12.6 9,977 19,432 32.1 245,065 298,583 19,960 27,944
1989 184,732 4,064 1,970 2,739.7 76.0 59.3 38.6 10.7 9,459 18,464 31.0 258,950 285,510 21,958 30,741
1990 297,888 3,954 3,225 5,303.3 132.0 97.5 41.1 10.8 9,556 18,669 47.2 306,367 296,884 24,964 34,950
1991 317,703 2,665 3.633 6,485.8 156.8 114.6 42.8 11.4 9,679 18.947 48.4 237,424 310,373 26,878 37,629
1992 393,669 5,651 4,055 8,825.6 201.4 142.9 49.7 10.3 10,214 19,907 55.3 339,109 420,749 28,790 40,306
1993 392,250 6,093 4,148 10,036.8 208.0 149.0 50.1 10.6 10,365 20,242 57.0 375,740 416.246 30,710 42,994
1994 407,511 8,413 4,251 11,401.6 230.7 161.1 54.2 10.4 10,742 20,929 56.6 422,367 448,437 33,956 47,538
1995 403,101 10,556 4,024 11,551.6 225.4 148.6 56.1 10.0 11,255 21,680 52.6 459,441 5 04,42 0 35,068 49,095
1996 302,265 12,863 2,947 9,559.1 173.0 119.1 57.9 9.8 11,600 22,040 40.3 488,055 4 94,25 8 31,963 44,748
1997 366,165 18,265 3,680 12,980.3 216.7 160.4 58.6 10.1 12,370 22,944 49.1 482,850 530,712 34,006 47,608
1998 381,063 27,629 3,944 14,868.0 230.5 - 169.9 59.5 10.4 12,770 23,373 52.8 481,793 518,050 34,780 48,692
1999 436,440 28,335 4,479 19,297.3 274.9 201.0 61.4 10.3 12,918 24,216 57.6 521,073 496,963 36,560 51,184
2000 400,414 44,518 4,056 19,162.2 252.8 274.1 191.9 62.3 10.1 13,311 24,953 52.3 514,448 524,212 37,943 53,120
2001 336,794 60,084 3,342 18,863.3 211.1 236.1 165.7 63.1 9.9 13,626 25,595 42.1 487,356 505,341 33,710 47,194
2002 393,171 63,560 3,989 24,202.0 253.0 267.7 179.3 63.4 10.1 13,818 25,956 43.1 493,947 533,565 38,821 54,349
2003 500,642 82,066 5,093 32,810.0* 340.0" 300.5" 242.6* 66.8* 10.2 14,137 26,511 53.2 560,602 591,126 46,761 65,465
2004 566,202 115,095 5,742 42,058.6** 416.0** 334.3** 298.6** 72.2** 10.1 14,322 26,854 59.3 646,990 680,248 53,776 75,286
*Revised **Provisional

Tourist Arrivals by Month - 1967 to 2004 Table 23

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
1967 2.532 2.315 2,345 1,984 1,919 1,271 1,620 1,988 1,608 1,714 1,856 2,514 23,666
1968 2,674 2.746 2,648 2.066 1,970 1.391 1.973 2.082 2.056 2,568 2.315 3.783 28.272
1969 4,438 4,123 3,757 2,720 2,645 1,943 2,417 2,822 2,597 3,593 4,030 5,119 40,204
1970 5,158 5.436 4.814 3.284 3.754 2,121 2.596 3,352 3.074 3.408 3.663 5.587 46.247
1971 5,931 6,570 5,166 1,539 952 961 1,897 2,467 1,881 2,585 4,003 5,702 39,654
1972 5,762 5,848 5,564 3,091 3,282 2,302 3,703 4,634 3,402 4,476 6,155 7,828 56,047
1973 9,386 8,343 7.875 5,468 4.168 3,246 5,919 6,680 4,184 5,977 7,137 9,505 77,888
1974 10,915 9,648 9,847 6,400 3,241 3.303 5,404 6,147 4,986 6,199 8,338 10,583 85,011
1975 11,740 10,388 11,158 5,890 5,587 4,787 5,925 8,565 5,287 7,622 11,271 14,984 103,204
1976 15,627 15.214 13,431 8,886 6,097 4.550 4,278 3,481 6,707 10,636 13,600 16,464 118.971
1977 17,569 18,064 18,216 9,891 7,602 5.536 9,881 11,129 7,594 11,541 17.106 19,536 153,665
1978 23,114 22,427 20,497 11,545 8,803 7,134 13,252 15,542 10,245 14,340 20,759 24,934 192,592
1979 28,366 25,226 25,472 18,847 13,042 10.674 16,801 20,203 14,798 19,376 25,743 31,616 250,164
1980 36.108 33.896 34.416 21,806 19,468 15,082 22.986 27.440 19.962 23.646 23.988 37.982 316.780
1981 45,168 39,384 38,376 28,568 21,642 16,836 28.266 32,788 24,086 27,030 29,512 39,086 370,742
1982 40,932 40.148 42.178 29.606 28,972 25,772 30.942 34.332 29.754 30,296 33,748 40,550 407.230
1983 49.104 44.018 44.710 32.556 32,850 24,350 25.132 8.430 10.050 16.410 20.570 29.350 337.530
1984 33,546 32,406 32,628 23,684 18,224 17,866 26,694 27,626 21,764 25,800 27,906 29,590 317,734
1985 28.814 27.012 29.886 19.778 14.014 11.092 18.362 20.138 15.242 18.176 23.218 31.724 257.456
1986 32,890 30,512 28.932 19.262 13.100 9,536 12.330 15.190 12,398 12,732 18,114 25,110 230,106
1987 25,446 23,714 22,838 16,238 8,204 7,650 10.200 11,408 10,072 12,146 14,188 20,516 182,620
1988 20.400 19.150 19.430 13.834 11.124 11.540 17.660 18.670 14.980 16.742 10,560 8.572 182.662
1989 12,962 12,344 16,032 12,312 12,750 11,630 15,194 17,220 14,264 15,050 18,948 26,026 184,732
1990 26,592 26,368 26,946 22,788 18,286 18,050 26,410 26,786 22,438 23.060 24,596 35,568 297,888
1991 28,932 28,080 27,153 20,541 17,745 17,394 30,645 28,824 24,762 25,173 28,272 40,182 317,703
1992 35,730 38,859 33,399 28,410 21,024 23,157 33.771 40,143 29,838 32,079 35,967 41,292 393,669
1993 42,726 40,116 37,953 29,589 22,368 20,412 32,904 32,796 27,495 30,621 35,103 40,167 392,250
1994 45,402 41,067 41,277 28,080 21,777 21,399 35,370 32,817 31,062 33,216 33,306 42,738 407,511
1995 45,987 42,591 40,074 33,756 24,672 22,416 35,994 35,814 30,828 30,603 28,365 32,001 403,101
1996 30,957 29,550 26,442 20,376 17,655 19,668 25,380 24,765 23,211 23,511 24,921 35,829 302,265
1997 32,652 35,010 34,098 26,907 22,407 23,160 30,867 32,034 29,793 28,314 31,995 38,928 366,165
1998 37,224 35,283 32,256 25,578 20,394 22,410 29,529 31,446 31,653 31,767 38,421 45,102 381,063
1999 44,379 41,526 41,022 34,443 25,212 26,184 33,288 39,081 33,915 35,112 41,952 40,326 436,440
2000 43,311 43,287 40,110 33,642 23,404 21,825 33,267 34,422 31,035 26,658 32,469 36,984 400,414
2001 44,187 46,575 44,290 36,906 26,924 28,323 28,566 15,717 11,758 12,904 17,344 23,300 336,794
2002 28,296 31,683 33,084 27,057 26,661 26,355 35,742 35,475 32,982 36,258 37,395 42,183 393,171
2003 40,647 39,081 40,818 33,714 30,048 31,836 43,743 42,111 36,054 49,922 54,946 57,722 500,642
2004 49,950 43,584 38,418 30,672 30,162 32,119 50,525 48,675 51,525 59,442 64,971 66,159 566,202
Passenger Arrivals and Departures - 1973 to 2004 Table 24

Katunayake Kankasanturai Ratmalana Talaimannar Other Ports Total
Year Arr Dep Arr Dep Arr Dep Arr Dep Arr Dep Arr Dep
1973 97,057 107,719 5,458 7,659 438 439 19,932 17,775 725 993 123,610 134,585
1974 105,050 116,028 5,042 9,253 291 1,079 24,103 18,891 855 1,116 135,341 146,367
1975 125,988 139,554 4,500 11,961 12 35,220 21.542 1,005 1,313 166,725 174,370
1976 149,858 159,841 4,871 10,628 12 13 31,774 22,870 949 1,492 187,464 194,844
1977 187,537 206,188 5,057 8,777 44 19 31,125 22,388 1,162 1,470 224,925 238,842
1978 242,495 258,017 3,071 4,999 67,570 62,607 1,548 1,349 314,684 326,972
379 302,280 325,710 - - 69,181 66,610 3,267 3,626 374,728 395,946
1980 364,018 388,270 81,524 79.020 3,309 1,966 448,851 469,256
1981 493,619 562,421 82.003 72,800 2,599 2,456 578,221 637,677
1982 584,326 546,490 95,108 106,876 2,226 2,175 681,660 655,541
1983 559,276 534,217 70,402 93,168 1,862 2,277 631,540 629,662
1984 593,883 650,812 61,568 99,796 1,738 1,760 657,189 752,368
1985 543,397 585,213 1,927 1,735 545,324 586,948
1986 570,304 591,448 1,875 1,561 572,179 593,009
1987 512,289 548,408 - 1,797 1,533 514,086 549,941
1988 516,400 544,760 2,100 2,200 518,500 546,960
1989 552,189 563,027 1,493 1,286 553,682 564,313
1990 603,595 581,698 3,493 1,756 607,088 583,454
1991 646,869 712,073 2,706 2,366 649,575 714,439
1992 764,453 836,310 2,794 2,919 767,247 839,229
1993 813,535 823,841 3,551 3,134 817,086 826,975
1994 893,387 892,778 4,120 4,392 897,507 897,170
1995 912,877 946,109 5,897 8,105 918,774 954,214
1996 857,727 851,272 3,628 3,668 861,355 854,940
1997 904,712 916,397 3,793 3,578 908,505 919,975
1998 921,343 938,656 3,793 3,619 925,136 942,275
1999 970,311 977,066 3595 3114 973,906 980,180
2000 999,418 970,383 - 2,933 2,827 1,002,351 973,210
2001 971,621 962,586 - 2,942 2,682 974,563 965,268
2002 912,419 950,655 2,947 2,804 915,366 953,459
2003 1,140,687 1,102,864 1,532 1,729 1,142,219 1,104,593
2004 1,459,575 1,484,685 2,112 2,255 1,461,687 1,486,940

Table 25
Conferences Held and Revenue Earned at Bandaranaike
Memorial International Conference Hall (B.M.I.C.H) - 1977 to 2004

Conference Status No. of Delegates Revenue

Year National International Local Foreign in Rs'000
1977 25 12 10,330 99
1978 39 24 33,697 1,971 773.5
1979 46 26 41.204 2,573 1,431.3
1980 86 29 57,519 1,940 1,459.1
1981 95 37 45,807 1,684 2,491.5
1982 121 26 2,356 3,086.6
1983 133 18 49,063 2,518 2,626.2
1984 141 10 51,012 3,645 3,511.2
1985 128 9 72,953 720 4,217.9
1986 114 8 72,446 2,461 3,009.2
1987 50 8 25,410 376 1,619.0
1988 42 4 13,850 156 1,264.3
1989 34 9 8,639 592 777.1
1990 31 7 12,145 2,011 1,201.3
1991 40 6 12,000 2,500 1,700.0
1992 127 33 69,601 5,248 13,939.3
1993 141 11 20,080 5,540 7,798.2
1994 105 9 35,080 1,730 4,906.7
1995 120 10 40,000 1,900 5,933.2
1996 152 16 58,000 1,300 5,411.2
1997 98 10 48,415 3.150 4,157.5
1998 101 5 49,475 1,550 6,039.4
1999 125 1 55,855 350 4,759.0
2000 134 4 54,110 600 6,685.5
2001 83 13 35,001 400 3,574.5
2002 577 6 285,545 1.005 46,244.7
2003 594 4 324,565 650 61,762.1
2004 642 4 432,510 1.550 70,700.5

Number of Foreign Vistors Visiting the Museums and

Table 26
Revenue from Sale of Tickets - 1979 to 2004

Year Total no.of Collection

visitors in Rs. '000
1979 24,541 240.9
1980 31,083 305.4
1981 30,560 353.9
1982 30,050 269.9
1983 13,159 254.3
1984 13,777 337.5
1985 8,813 217.6
1986 15,088 352.9
1987 5,538 138.5
1988 12,315 254.0
1989 20,354 479.3
1990 38,248 902.1
1991 22.159 821.4
1992 26,920 1,005.8
1993 31.373 1,180.8
1994 31,229 1,154.1
1995 24,997 1,171.0
1996 13,278 622.2
1997 13,916 712.1
1998 14,417 738.7
1999 16,686 860.7
2000 10,122 506.2
2001 11,157 620.4
2002 13,577 769.0
2003 19,213 1,181.1
2004 23,883 1,463.2
Source: Department of National Museum.

Table 27
Number of Foreign Visitors Visiting the Cultural
Triangle and Revenue from Sale of Tickets - 1981 to 2004

No. of Collection in
Year Tourists Rs. Million
1981 224,354 11.4
1982 191,856 19.6
1983 159,006 14.8
1984 149,600 16.4
1985 133,632 13.6
1986 93,884 14.7
1987 76,645 13.7
1988 74,062 14.1
1989 79.683 19.2
1990 124,382 44.7
1991 132,641 69.6
1992 153,817 102.3
1993 148,913 149.6
1994 168,402 176.1
1995 166,661 168.7
1996 102,788 121.2
1997 144.517 186.0
1998 165,463 225.0 X
1999 207.398 300.5
2000 155,167 276.0
2001 129,201 222.0
2002 131,804 242.8
2003 212,521 403.3
2004* 246,380 543.1
Source : Central Cultural Fund
* Details are given below

Details of Foreign & Domestic Visitors - 2004

Foreign Domestic
No. of Visitors Revenue(in Rs.) No. of Visitors Revenue(in Rs)
246,380 543,107,000 532,731 8,763,000

Details of Foreign Visitors by Location - 2004 Details of Domestic Visitors by Location - 2004
Location No. of Foreign Visitors Revenue (in Rs.) Location No. of Local Visitors Revenue (in Rs.)
Round Tickets 83,956 290,015,000 Sigiriya 397,968 6,844,000
Sigiriya 98,944 154,858,000 Alahana (Museum) 109,987 1,693,000
Polonnaruwa 57,288 88,921,000 Jethavana (Museum) 15,175 128,000
Anuradhapura 6,175 9,306,000 Abeyagiriya (Museum) 7,633 69,000
Dambulla (Museum) 17 7,000 Dambulla (Museum) 1,968 29,000
Total 246,380 543,107,000 Total 532,731 8,763,000

Number of Foreign Visitors to the Zoological Gardens Table 28

and Revenue from Gate Fees - 1977 to 2004
No.of Collection
Year Tourists in Rs.'000
1977 58,190 520
1978 63,497 619
1979 79,946 1,063
1980 82,718 1,474
1981 83,912 2,416
1982 83,001 2,374
1983 66,185 1,873
1984 57,906 1,686
1985 46,309 1.349
1986 38,008 1,117
1987 16,863 661
1988 20,648 806
1989 23,898 941
1990 93,949 4,374
1991 110,458 6,361
1992 156,868 9,283
1993 173,628 10,274
1994 186,175 11,479
1995 189,043 11,448
1996 130,237 9,222
1997 175.984 15.128
1998 191.123 18.846
1999 233.968 23.068
2000 204,681 29.215
2001 150,353 22,249
2002 147,329 30,204
2003 217,930 42,297
2004 252,445 119,547"
*Details are given below.

Revenue by Location - 2003 to 2004

Domestic Tourists Foreign Tourists* Total

Location Year Number Revenue Number Revenue Number Revenue
Dehiwela 2003 1,464,598 40,939,220 11,419 2,126.100 1,476,017 43.065,320
2004 1,257,960 48,805,170 11,625 4,855,400 1,269,585 53,660,570
Pinnawala 2003 485,555 9,842,677 206,511 40,171,200 692,066 50.013,877
2004 401,365 15,406,620 240.820 114,691.500 642,185 130,098,120
Total 2003 1,950,153 50,781,897 217,930 42,297,300 2,168,083 93,079,197
2004 1,659,325 64,211,790 252,445 119,546,900 1,911,770 183.758,690

Revenue from Foreign Visitors Visiting the

Botanical Gardens - 1977 to 2004 Table 29
Total Revenue
Year Peradeniya Hakgala Gampaha in Rs.'000
1977 428.2 65.3 1.3 494.8
1978 509.6 82.6 1.3 593.5
1979 692.4 101.8 1.5 795.7
1980 1,517.7 188.7 3.0 1,709.4
1981 2,472.1 304.6 2.4 2,779.1
1982 2,525.9 329.2 2.1 2,857.2

1983 2,016.4 154.8 2.2 2,173.4

1984 2,000.3 122.2 2.5 2,125.0
1985 1,641.2 85.4 1.8 1,728.4
1986 1,468.1 97.0 1.4 1,566.5
1987 1,164.5 62.6 1.4 1,228.5
1988 1,019.1 58.0 1.2 1,078.3
1989 1,873.1 77.5 4.9 1,955.5
1990 4,068.3 209.0 5.7 4,283.0
1991 5,799.2 372.8 12.7 6,184.7
1992 8,981.2 584.0 19.3 9,584.5
1993 9,608.8 634.9 23.4 10,267.1
1994 18,477.5 1,037.4 36.0 19,550.9
1995 23,922.2 1,227.9 49.1 25,199.2
1996 16,082.6 689.1 28.1 16,799.8
1997 20,931.5 866.5 36.3 21,834.3
1998 25,481.6 1,211.1 5.3 26,698.0
1999 31,160.3 1,428.7 45.9 32,634.9
2000 28,066.6 1,357.0 37.2 29,460.8
2001 20,250.0 940.0 36.4 21,226.4
2002 25,348.2 962.9 34.4 26,345.5
2003 55.711.3 2,154.2 53.9 57,919.4
2004* 68,010.3 2,613.3 80.4 70,704.0
*Details are given below.

Details by Location - 2004

Foreign Tickets Local Tickets
No. of Total
Location No. of Foreign Revenue Revenue
Domestic Revenue
Tourist (in Rs.) (in Rs.)
Tourists (in Rs.)

Peradeniya 229,429 68,010,300 889,291 14,678,765 82,689,065

Hakgala 8,988 2,613.300 426,146 7,010.875 9,624.175

Gampaha 272 80,400 83,614 1,598,455 1,678.855

Total 238,689 70,704,000 1,399,051 23,288,095 93,992,095


Revenue from Foreign Visitors Visiting

the Wild Life Parks - 1982 to 2004 Table 30
Yala Wilpattu Kumana Udawalawe Total
National National Bird National Revenue
Year Park Park Sanctuary Park Others* in Rs.'000

1982 962.7 525.7 1,488.4

1983 890.2 420.3 51.7 1.5 1,363.7

1984 956.4 2,117.9 89.1 1.7 3,165.1

1985 2,272.6 314.9 2.0 2,589.5

1986 641.1 641.1

1987 373.7 17.6 391.3

1988 226.7 - - 11.0 49.4 287.1

1989 365.4 - 2.7 65.0 433.1

1990 1,151.6 - - 3.6 - 1,155.2

1991 1,511.6 - 9.5 214.7 1,735.8

1992 2,700.9 - 207.3 456.2 3,364.4

1993 10,803.8 - 829.2 1,824.9 13,457.9

1994 21,613.4 - - 5,529.1 2,224.0 29,366.5

1995 21,595.8 - - 3,905.1 13,037.8 38,538.7

1996 15,196.9 - 2,928.7 9,776.1 27,901.7

1997 12,138.6 - - 10,642.1 11,708.5 34,489.2

1998 8,918.7 - 13,626.4 18,681.0 41,226.1

1999 20,420.1 - 18,098.6 17,454.1 55,972.8

2000 25,417.8 - - 15,876.9 18,857.8 60,152.5

2001 25,183.4 - - 10,940.6 18,266.0 54,390.0

2002 25,802.4 - 14,813.7 17,920.4 58,536.5

2003 46,480.0 230.0 - 22,780.0 32,744.0 102,234.0

2004** 48,413.9 522.3 274.6 29,647.2 34,944.0 113,802.0

* Others Includes Bundala. Horton Plains and Wasgamuwa Natrona' Parks.
** Details are given below

Details by Location - 2004

Foreign Tickets Local Tickets Total No. Total
Location No. of Revenue No. of Revenue of Revenue
Visitors (in Rs.) Visitors (in. Rs) Visitors (in Rs.)
Yala National Park 35,527 48,413.850 170.416 3,725,632 205,943 52,139,482
Wilpattu National Park 771 522,330 14,015 307,369 14,786 829,699
Kumana National Park 400 274,620 3,316 76,108 3,716 350.728
Udawalawa National Park 21,793 29,647,230 61,063 1,302,341 82.856 30,949.571
Horton Plains National Park 20,455 27,833.565 169.690 3,442,358 190,145 31,275,923
Bundala National Park 9,770 6,681,960 9,473 212,455 19,243 6,894,415
Wasgamuwa National Park 317 428,490 36,033 727,051 36,350 1,155,541
Gal-Oya National Park - - - - - -
Total 89,033 113,802,045 464,006 9,793,314 553,039 123,595,359

Table 31

Revenue from Embarkation Tax & Levy - 1973 to 2004

Embakation Tax Embarkation Total Amount
Year on Tourists Levy in Rs. '000
1973 778.9 - 778.9
1974 850.1 - 850.1
1975 1,032.0 - 1,032.0
1976 1,189.7 1,189.7
1977 3,170.5 - 3,170.5
1978 4,814.8 - 4,814.8
1979 9,588.3 - 9,588.3
1980 29,811.1 - 29,811.1
1981 34,577.1 34,577.1
1982 36,363.4 - 36,363.4
1983 29,742.1 - 29,742.1
1984 29,007.9 - 29,007.9
1985 25,745.6 - 25,745.6
1986 46,021.2 - 46,021.2
1987 36,421.2 36,421.2
1988 37,201.2 - 37,201.2
1989 53,861.0 - 53,861.0
1990 99,020.3 - 99,020.3
1991 130,943.1 130,943.1
1992 177,151.1 - 177,151.1
1993 196,125.0 - 196,125.0
1994 203,755.5 - 203,755.5
1995 201,550.5 - 201,550.5
1996 151,132.5 - 151,132.5
1997 183,082.5 - 183,082.5
1998 190,531.5 190,531.5
1999 218,220.0 218,220.0
2000 200,207.0 - 200,207.0
2001 269,268.0 - 269,268.0
2002 393,171.0 - 393,171.0
2003 500,646.0 - 500,646.0
2004 566,202.0 780,367.8 1,346,569.8

Public Sector Revenue from Tourism (In Rs. million) Table 32

Source of Revenue 2003 2004

Embarkation Levy 780.4
Tourism Development Levy 0.1 300.6
Tourist Board Income 21.8 30.9
Embarkation Tax on Tourists 500.6 566.2
Cultural Triangle 403.3 543.1
Botanical Gardens 57.9 70.7
Zoological Gardens 42.3 119.5
National Parks 102.2 113.8
Museums 1.2 1.5
Others 285.0 -
Total 1414.5 2526.6


1. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS 2. Diplomatic personnel.

Crews of ships and aircraft even if they stay for

(a) Visitor/Tourist Excursionist: one night or more.

Dependents of temporary immigrants and children

below 3 years.
In March 1993, the U.N.O. Statistical Commission
adopted a set of recommendations for tourism statistics
prepared by the World Tourism Organization (W.T.0) as In this report the term "Visitor", "Tourist" and
a follow-up to the Ottawa International Conference for "Excursionist" are used for "International Visitor",
Travel and Tourism Statistics, held in June 1991. These "International Tourist" and "International Excursionist"
recommendations have been followed in this report for respectively. In Sri Lanka's tourism statistics,
defining "International Visitor", "International Tourist" and excursionists consist almost exclusively of passengers
"International Excursionist." The definitions are: on sea cruises, who come on shore for purposes of
sightseeing, shopping, etc. while the ship is in harbour.

i. The term "International Visitor" refers to any per-

son who, travels to a country other than that in
which he/she has his/her usual residence, but
Tourist Arrivals:
outside his/her usual environment for a period not
exceeding 12 months and whose main purpose of
visit is other than the exercise of an activity Every single visit (or entry) of a tourist to the country
remunerated from within the country visited. either in the course of the same trip or in the course of
different trips is counted as an arrival, provided the visit
(or entry) lasts at least one night in the country (N.B.
The term "International Tourist" (overnight visitor) those who do not cross the frontiers are not regarded as
is an International Visitor who, stays at least one
night in a collective or private accommodation in
the country visited.
Tourist Night:

iii. The term "International Excursionist" (same day

visitor) refers to an International Visitor, who does A night spent in Sri Lanka by a tourist in any type of

not spend the night in a collective or private immobile accommodation.

accommodation in the country visited.

(d) Guest Night:

To clarify further the following are excluded from the
definition of "International Visitor":
A night spent in a Tourist Hotel, Rest-House or Guest-
House approved by the Sri Lanka Tourist Board, as
1. All persons arriving with a specific purpose of being suitable for occupation by foreign visitors.
engaging themselves in gainful occupation or to
establish residence in Sri Lanka irrespective of
their length of stay.

Tourist Hotels (Graded Establishments): Passenger Statistics:

All Tourist Hotels, which are reckoned to be up to Passenger arrival and departure reports compiled by
international standards of operation. the Immigration Department.

Supplementary Accommodation: Air Traffic Statistics:

All Guest-Houses, Rest-Houses, Inns, Youth Hostels Quarterly returns obtained by the Sri Lanka Tourist
etc., which are approved by the Sri Lanka Tourist Board from the scheduled airlines, which operate
Board as being suitable for occupation by foreign flights to Sri Lanka.
Statistics on Official Tourist Receipts:
(g) Official Receipts:
Monthly returns on foreign exchange purchases and
Official Receipts constitute the foreign exchange acceptances obtained from the authorized dealers
purchases and acceptances by authorized dealers and the Commercial Banks.
and commercial banks from foreign visitors either
directly or indirectly. Employment Statistics:

Annual Surveys conducted by the Sri Lanka Tourist

2. SOURCES OF INFORMATION Board among all registered Tourist Establishments;
viz. Accommodation and Catering Establishments,
Tourist Statistics: Travel and Transport Agencies, Recreational Clubs,
Tourist Shops, Airlines and National Tourist
Embarkation and Disembarkation cards filled by the Organizations.
foreign visitors.
Statistics of Tourist Prices:
Excursionist Statistics
Price data collected from a sample of tourist
Passenger arrival reports compiled by the Immigration establishments.
Revenue Statistics:
(c) Accommodation Statistics:
Inland Revenue Department, Airport & Aviation
Monthly reports obtained by the Sri Lanka Tourist Services (Sri Lanka) Ltd., Ministry of Cultural Affairs,
Board from the registered accommodation Department of Wild Life. Department of Agriculture
establishments. and Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference


Title of th e Report Year of Publication No. of Pages

Report on the Survey of Foreign Visitors (July 1967 to March 1968) Volume I 50
Volume 11 30

Travel Industry Survey 1969 92

Quarterly Review ofTourism Statistics 1 969

1 ' - 4 th Quarter 74

Report of the Charter Tourist Survey Jan-Apr 1970 38

Ceylon Tourist Board Quarterly Review of

Statistics-1" Quarter 1970 95

Ceylon Tourist Board Quarterly Review of

Statistics - 1" Quarter 1971 85

Survey ofForeign Tourists to Sri Lanka Jan-Dec 1972 40

Ceylon Tourist Board Quarterly Review ofTourism

Statistics-1'' Quarter 1972 90

Ceylon Tourist Board Quarterly Review of

Tourism Statistics
I' Quarter 1973 18
2-1 Quarter 1973 23

Ceylon Tourist Board Quarterly Review of

Tourism Statistics-1" Quarter 1974 16

Report of the AD HOC committee on expansion Aug 1976 23

of tou ri st accom modation

Tourism in Sri Lanka -A Review of Performance 1977 15

Report of the Census ofthc Unauthorised Establishments

providing facilities to tourists in Sri Lanka 1983 37

The United Ki ngdom - A market pro ti le Dec 1983 17


Title of the Report Year of Publication No. of Pages

Italy Market Study 1983 18

Market Intelligence News Release

No. 1 Jan 1983
No. 2 Feb 1983
No.3 May 1983
No. 4 June 1983
No.5 July 1983
No. 6 Aug 1983
No.7 Sep/Oct 1983
No. 8 Nov/Dec 1983

Survey of Departing Foreign Tourists from Sri Lanka Feb-Apr 1983 54

The Middle East Region -A Market Profile Feb 1984 54

Market Intelligence News Release Vol. II (No. 1 to I 0) Jan-Dec 1984 115

Airport Survey of German, French & UK Tourists Dec 1987 24

Japan Outbound- A Market Profile Nov 1988 29

Report of the Census of Unauthorised Establishments Apr/May 1988 39

providing tourist services in Hi kkacluwa

Report of the Census of Unauthorised Establishments August 1988 21

providing tourist services in Negombo

The Federal Republic of Germany -A Market Profile May 1989 31

Korea Outbound - A Market Profile May 1989 21

Performance of the Hotel Sector in Winter 1990/91 Sep 1991 16

Survey of Foreign Tourists - 1991/92 March 1993 32

Korea Outbound 1995 June 1995 6

India Outbound 1995 July 1995 8

Survey of Departing Foreign Tourists from Sri Lanka July - November 2000 45

Tourism Update - Market Intelligence Report (Vol. I) Jan-Dec 2001 174

Hotel Industry Study 1999/2000 2001 42

Tourism Update- Market Intelligence Report (Vol. II) Jan-Dec 2002 104

Hotel Industry Study 2000/2001 2002 51

Report on Eco-tourism Seminar- 2(X)2 September 2002 128

Seminar Report on "How Tourism could help to Reduce Poverty, Create September 2003 39
Jobs & Contribute to Social Harmony"

Survey of Departing Indian Foreign Tou ri sts from S ri Lanka April-June 2003 60

Hotel Industry Survey 2002/2003 2003 51

The distribution of foreign guest nights in tourist Another important comparison is the ratio of jobs
hotels by resort regions shows that 38.2 per cent generated, both directly and indirectly, to the number
of the total foreign guest nights have been spent of tourist arrivals. For 2004, this ratio was one job for
in the South Coast resort region. The Colombo City every 4.4 arrivals, while it was one job for every 4.5
region accounted for 21.7 per cent, Ancient Cities arrivals in the previous year.
region 18.6 per cent, Greater Colombo region 16.1
per cent, Hill Country 4.1 per cent and East Coast I - Tourist Prices
region 1.4 per cent ( See Table15).
In 2004, the overall tourist price index showed an
H - Employment in the Tourist Industry increase of 7.9 per cent, when compared with the
previous year. In absolute terms, it increased by 348
Tourism generates employment directly in tourism from 4,413 in the 2003/2004 season, to 4,761 in the
related business establishments such as hotels and 2004/2005 season (See Table 20). The category in
other accommodation units, restaurants, travel and which the highest rate of increase in prices was
tour agencies, recreation and entertainment recorded is the Transport sector - 33.8 per cent,
businesses, souvenir, handicraft and other shops etc followed by Accommodation sector - 11.2 per cent.
and also indirectly in those businesses which sell The Food and Beverage category increased only by
goods and services to the tourism sector. In general, 5.1 per cent. Within the accommodation sector, the
it has been found that indirect employment highest price increase occurred in the beach hotels -
generated as a result of tourism is much higher than 13.9 per cent.
the direct employment. Research conducted in Sri
Lanka indicates that ratio of direct employment to J - Public Sector Revenue
indirect employment is 1:1.5. This means that for
every 100 jobs created in the tourism sector there Public sector institutions derive revenue from
will be 150 jobs generated in the supplying sectors. tourism in a variety of ways, namely direct and
indirect taxes, fees and levies, profits from business
The total number of persons employed directly in the undertakings etc. However, statistics of revenue
tourism sector at the end of 2004 amounted to collections are readily available only from a few
53,776, which was an increase of 15 per cent over sources, such as embarkation tax, tourism
the figure of 46,761 recorded in 2003 (See Table 19). development levy, entrance fees to cultural triangle,
national parks, museums, botanical gardens etc.
Like in the previous years, the majority of direct The revenue collections from some of these sources
employment amounting to 63.9 per cent of the total was are given in Tables 26 to 32. Table 25 shows the
in the Accommodation and Catering Sectors. Travel and revenue earned from the Bandaranaike Memorial
Tour Agencies accounted for 13.2 per cent while International Conference Hall (BMICH).
Airlines accounted for 8.6 per cent (See Table 19).
The revenue collected from the listed sources in
Of the total direct employment, 55.7 per cent were in the 2004 amounted to Rs.2,526.6 million as compared to
Technical, Clerical and Supervisory grades, 26.7 per Rs.1,414.5 million collected from the same sources
cent were in the Manual and Operative grades and the in the previous year. This was a staggering increase
balance 17.6 per cent in the Managerial grades. by 78.6 per cent. This was due primarily to the
imposition of the tourism development levy from the
The total indirect employment in the supplying sector latter part of 2003.
in 2004 was estimated at 75,286 (See Table 22).
Thus the total of both direct and indirect employment The main contributors to the total revenue collected
as a result of tourism in 2004 add up to 129,062. in 2004 were; tourism development levy - Rs.780.4
This was an increase of 15.0 per cent over the figure million, embarkation tax - Rs.566.2 million, and the
of 112,226 recorded in 2003. cultural triangle entrance fees - Rs. 543.1 million.


Chart 1

Tourist Arrivals by Year - 1966 to 2004

600,000 - 70

Tourist Arrivals %Change


- 50


- 30

I 300.000 20




- -20

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c§, 6\ 60,10 Art ,
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o A o 0 0 0
Nc) Nc) NC) N°) C) NC) C) ' NC;\ N6\ N6\ NNNNNN
C% O CP C) nC) (7 N(6 ,n)) C)N C CC
NC b C)‘'n"'
°)<NC 4) CC\
b NC00C)C
NC C)(1, 6 N et, el, (1,


Market Growth Trends by Nationality - Growth Indices

(Average 1963/1966 = 100) Table (a)

Market 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Rates
Western Europe 3,203 2,147 2,764 3,073 3,519 3,330 2,609 2,560 3,255 3,640- 9.9
Asia 1,954 1,690 1,802 1,615 1,900 1,525 1,486 2,371 2,950 3,260 9.6
North America 414 355 470 524 527 493 463 569 713 871 5.8
Australasia 1,216 1,040 1,443 1,489 1,795 2,162 1,533 1,579 2,363 3,314 9.6
Others 1,207 1,378 1,556 1,507 1,574 1,547 1,707 2,067 2,873 3,265 9.6
All Markets 2,120 1,590 1,926 2,004 2,295 2,106 1,771 2,068 2,633 2,978 9.3

Tourist Arrivals by Country of Nationality - 1998 to 2004 Table 1

Country of
Nationality 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

NORTH AMERICA 18,450 18,534 17,352 16,304 20,004 25,099 30,654

Canada 7.866 7,935 7,521 7,804 8,337 11,109 14,974
U.S.A. 10,584 10,599 9,831 8,500 11,667 13,990 15,680
THE CARIBBEAN 378 336 342 400 549 636 715
WESTERN EUROPE 240,876 275,871 261,011 204,510 200,676 255,179 285,366
Austria 6,708 6,123 6,312 5,788 6,144 7,337 8,625
Belgium 4,977 5,667 10,230 5,226 4,731 4,268 5,718
Denmark 2,106 2,010 1,662 1,630 1,980 2,732 3,496
Finland 855 1,278 2,319 538 726 1,103 1,989
France 26,937 34,491 26,120 20,989 19,980 28,576 30,422
Germany 73,986 77,340 70,635 60,370 55,137 58,875 58,932
Italy 15,891 19,818 16,719 13,283 12,171 15,648 17,984
Netherlands 23,100 29,682 22,632 11,257 11,763 18,212 21,487
Norway 2,022 2,046 2,010 2,285 2,892 3,677 3,444
Spain 2,538 2,406 1,866 1,547 2,349 2,801 2,987
Sweden 2,166 2,673 4,338 4,318 2,523 3,916 8,140
Switzerland 9,033 8,364 8,493 6,227 9,312 11,177 10,687
U.K. 68,514 81,033 84,807 68,554 67,932 93,306 107,042
Others 2,043 2,940 2,868 2,498 3,036 3,551 4,413
EASTERN EUROPE 7,098 6,255 6,840 7,045 8,046 10,600 14,259
Russia 3,150 3,174 3,552 2,534 2,943 3,683 4,985
Others 3,948 3,081 3,288 4,511 5,103 6,917 9,274
MIDDLE EAST 3,876 4,815 4,347 5,364 6,462 6,759 9,486
AFRICA 750 1,236 891 902 1,545 1,925 1,759
ASIA 97,083 114,261 91,409 89,343 142,578 177,377 196,023
Bangladesh 1,338 1,140 1,218 1,738 1,518 1,851 1,760
China (P.R.) 1,440 1,707 2,220 3,789 4,350 7,380 9,424
Hong Kong, China 2,301 3,168 3,243 2,115 3,582 3,150 916
India 36.489 42,267 31,851 33,932 69,996 90,639 104,390
Indonesia 2,766 4,260 2,607 1,075 1,473 1,392 1,426
Japan 13,776 16,353 10,287 9,241 13,566 17,178 19,747
Korea (South) 1,800 2,487 2,615 2,795 2,607 2,700 4,597
Malaysia 3,969 6,003 4,830 3,917 9,603 9,283 9,939
Maldives 7,281 7,587 7,941 8,975 9,855 11,577 15,201
Nepal 666 570 528 512 86 977 890
Pakistan 10,869 11,424 10,017 8,522 6,726 9,674 9,629
Philippines 1,158 1,431 1,428 1,422 1,626 2,418 1,807
Singapore 5,799 6,864 5,010 4,505 7,578 8,423 7,866
Thailand 3,438 4,293 3,429 2,931 3,954 6,008 5,209
Taiwan (P.C.) 3,372 3,957 3,546 2,821 3,417 2,532 1,929
Others 621 750 639 '1,053 1,941 2,195 1,293
AUSTRALASIA 12,552 15,132 18,222 12,926 3,311 23,067 27,940
Australia 10,902 13,284 16,476 .11,330 11,334 20,075 24,471
New Zealand 1,464 1,782 1,722 1,533 1,920 2,858 3,331
Others 186 66 24 63 57 134 138
Total 381,063 436,440 400,414 336,794 393,171 500,642 566,202

Chart 2

Tourist Arrivals by Top Ten Markets - 2003 & 2004


q 2003 n 2004





Icac•-\ 49) \gpcs

By Country of Residence

Market Growth Trends by Residence - Growth Indices

(Average 1963/1966 = 100) Table (b)

Market 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Rates

Western Europe 3,381 2,262 2.866 3,230 3,727 3,525 2,757 2,707 3,449 3,844 10.1
Asia 1,673 1,450 1,605 1,409 1,617 1,294 1,268 2,022 2.507 2,800 9.2
North America 525 449 575 632 666 624 576 716 905 1,072 6.4
Australasia 1,457 1,245 1,664 1,727 2,153 2,589 1,862 1,876 3,262 3,770 10.0
Others 912 1,047 1,211 1,195 1,187 1,177 1,315 1,573 1,884 2,575 8.9
All Markets 2,120 1,590 1,926 2,004 2,295 2,106 1,771 2,068 2,633 2,978 9.3

Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence - 1998 to 2004 Table 2

Country of
Residence 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
NORTH AMERICA 17,529 18,477 17,319 15,983 19,866 25,110 29,759
Canada 7,542 7.905 7,503 7,609 8,301 11,164 14,633
U.S.A. 9.987 10,572 9,816 8,374 11,565 13,946 15,126
THE CARIBBEAN 408 372 447 429 555 634 741
WESTERN EUROPE 238,959 275,796 260,824 203,984 200,295 255,169 284,440
Austria 6,804 6,108 6,294 5,968 6,117 7,310 8,633
Belgium 4,992 5,643 10,224 5,250 4,767 4,304 5,582
Denmark 2,088 2,016 1,653 1,628 1,968 2,720 3,269
Finland 867 1,569 2,316 535 729 1,106 1,989
France 26,874 34,458 25,992 20,949 19,989 28,585 29,996
Germany 74,058 77,259 70,584 60,405 55,170 58,908 58,258
Italy 15,867 19,815 16,833 12,074 12,177 15,654 18,862
The Netherlands 22,977 29,670 22.618 12,569 11,748 18,197 21,455
Norway 2,025 2,025 2,010 2,261 2,889 3,674 3,477
Spain 2.532 2,400 1,848 1,529 2,328 2,780 3,010
Sweden 2,121 2,691 4,344 4,265 2,487 3,880 7,979
Switzerland 9,048 8,310 8,490 6,228 9,375 11,240 10,610
U.K. 66,432 80,919 84,693 67,830 67,533 93,278 106,645
Others 2,274 2,913 2,925 2,493 3,018 3,533 4,675
EASTERN EUROPE 7,239 6,204 6,840 7,065 8,079 10,633 14,336
Russia 3,120 3,183 3,552 2,542 2,946 3,686 5,000
Others 4,119 3,021 3,288 4,523 5,133 6,947 9,336
MIDDLE EAST 4,032 4,821 4,341 5,544 6,492 6,789 10,463
AFRICA 1,035 1,236 894 952 1,611 1,991 1,855
South Africa 306 282 372 341 660 980 987
Others 729 954 522 611 951 1,011 868
ASIA 99,702 114,375 91,521 89,732 143,064 177,351 198,068
Bangladesh 1,347 1,137 1,218 1,745 1,521 1,830 1,721
China (P.R.) 1,557 1,704 2,208 3,721 4,338 7,251 9,088
Hong Kong, China 3,675 3,255 3,348 2,319 3,759 3,075 1,538
India 37,356 42,315 31,860 33,924 69,960 90,603 105,151
Indonesia 2,817 4,254 2,604 1,081 1,476 1,395 1,466
Japan 13,785 16,332 10.266 9,237 13,602 17,115 19,641
Korea (South) 1,848 2,484 2,613 2,778 2,616 2,709 4,531
Malaysia 4.125 6,012 4,833 3,910 9,651 9.331 10,132
Maldives 67,242 7,557 7,935 9,019 9,861 11,583 15,013
Nepal 660 576 534 508 789 980 883
Pakistan 10,782 11,421 10,005 8,562 6,756 9,704 9,638
Philippines 11,218 1,431 1,428 1,427 1,641 2,433 1,808
Singapore 5,643 6,858 5,019 4,641 7,599 8,444 8,546
Thailand 3,474 4,278 3,408 2,956 3,945 5,999 5,035
Taiwan (P.C) 3,372 3,948 3,543 2,834 3,432 2,547 1,907
Others 801 813 699 1,070 2,118 2,352 1,970
AUSTRALASIA 12,159 15,159 18,228 13,105 13,209 22,965 26,540
Australia 10,329 13,218 16,443 11,457 11,217 19,958 23,247
New Zealand 1,452 1,785 1,737 1,528 1,920 2,858 3,184
Others 378 156 48 120 72 149 109
Total 381,063 436,440 400,414 336,794 393,171 500,642 566,202

Chart 2 (a)
Shares of Tourist Arrivals by Region - 1998 to 2004

Western Europe


2003 North America

Eastern Europe

2001 Others




0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


Chart 2 (b)
Tourist Arrivals by Region - 2003 & 2004

q 2003 m 2004

North America
-77' 111 25,110
Latin America
& The Caribbean
Western Europe 1 255.169

Eastern Europe BM
w 10.633
Middle East
M 6,789

] 1,991
Asia 'Wilq1111E4 VW 1177,351

Australasia Inimml 22,965

0 50.000 100,000 150,000 200.000 250,000 300,000

Tourist Arrivals

Chart 3
Seasonality of Tourist Traffic - 2004
70,000 64,971 66,159- 160
I I Arrivals Indices
60,000 140
50,525 51,525
49,950 48.675 -
50,000 -
43,584 120
40,000 -
1.- 30,672 30,162 32.1 9 100
-sg 30,000


- 60

0 40
Jan Feb Mar Ap May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Seasonal Variation in Traffic Flow - 1967 to 2004 Table (c)

(Seasonal Indices) (i)
Seasona- Coefficient
lity Ratio(2) of Seasonal
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Variation(3)

1967 128 117 119 101 97 64 82 101 82 87 94 127 1.3 22

1968 113 117 112 88 84 59 84 88 87 109 98 161 1.6 25
1969 132 123 112 82 79 58 72 84 78 107 120 153 1.5 27
1970 134 141 125 85 97 56 67 87 80 88 95 145 1.4 28
1971 179 199 156 47 29 29 57 75 57 78 121 173 2.0 60
1972 123 125 119 66 70 50 79 99 73 96 132 168 1.7 33
1973 145 129 121 84 66 50 91 103 64 91 110 146 1.5 30
1974 154 136 139 90 46 47 76 87 70 88 118 149 1.5 37
1975 137 121 130 68 65 56 69 100 62 87 131 174 1.7 44
1976 158 153 135 90 62 46 43 35 68 107 137 166 1.7 47
1977 137 141 143 77 59 43 77 87 59 90 134 153 1.5 37
1978 144 140 128 73 55 44 82 97 64 89 129 155 1.6 36
1979 136 121 122 90 63 51 81 97 71 93 123 152 1.5 30
1980 135 126 128 81 73 57 86 102 74 88 108 142 1.4 27
1981 146 127 124 92 70 54 92 106 78 87 96 127 1.5 26
1982 121 118 124 88 85 77 91 101 88 89 99 119 1.2 16
1983 175 156 159 116 117 87 89 30 36 58 73 104 1.7 45
1984 127 122 123 89 69 68 101 104 82 98 105 112 1.3 19
1985 134 126 139 92 65 52 86 94 71 85 108 148 1.5 30
1986 172 159 151 101 68 50 64 79 65 66 94 131 1.7 41
1987 167 156 150 106 54 50 67 75 66 80 93 135 1.7 40
1988 134 126 128 91 73 76 116 123 98 110 69 56 1.3 25
1989 84 80 104 80 83 75 99 112 93 98 123 169 1.7 25
1990 107 106 109 92 74 73 106 108 90 93 99 143 1.4 18
1991 109 106 103 78 67 66 115 109 94 95 107 151 1.5 22
1992 108 118 101 86 64 70 103 122 91 97 109 125 1.3 18
1993 131 123 116 91 68 62 101 100 84 94 107 123 1.3 21
1994 134 121 122 83 64 63 104 97 91 98 98 126 1.3 22
1995 137 127 119 100 73 67 107 107 92 91 84 95 1.4 21
1996 123 117 105 81 70 78 101 98 92 93 99 142 1.4 20
1997 107 115 112 88 73 76 101 105 98 93 105 128 1.3 16
1998 117 111 102 81 64 71 93 99 100 100 121 142 1.4 21
1999 122 114 113 95 69 72 92 107 93 97 115 111 1.2 16
2000 130 130 121 101 70 66 100 104 93 80 98 105 1.3 20
2001 157 166 158 131 96 101 102 56 42 46 62 83 1.4 43
2002 86 97 101 83 81 80 109 108 101 111 114 129 1.5 15
2003 97 94 98 81 72 76 105 101 86 120 132 138 1.4 23
2004 106 92 81 65 64 68 107 103 109 126 138 140 1.4 26
Seasonal Indices are compiled by taking average arrivals per month as 100
Seasonality Ratio = Highest Monthly Arrivals / Average Arrival per month
(3) Coefficient of Seasonal Variation is obtained by calculating the standard deviation of the Seasonal Indices

Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence & Month - 2004 Table 3

Country of ality
Residence Total Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ratio

NORTH AMERICA 29,759 2,940 1,947 1,947 1,284 1,458 2,781 2,891 2,763 1,818 2,454 2,739 4,737 1.9
Canada 14,633 1.347 930 972 555 732 1,582 1.636 1,494 813 1,167 1,299 2,106 1.7
U.S.A. 15,126 1,593 1,017 975 729 726 1,199 1,255 1,269 1,005 1,287 1,440 2,631 2.1


THE CARIBBEAN 741 54 51 48 51 30 49 50 36 108 105 99 60 1.7

WESTERN EUROPE 284,440 25,929 24,567 21,348 15,423 17,358 13,205 25,163 25,368 24,936 28,839 32,517 29,787 1.4
Austria 8,633 1,140 1,068 684 573 480 343 709 561 357 690 1,131 897 1.6

Belgium 5,582 576 360 492 540 429 238 715 396 561 543 399 333 1.2
Denmark 3,269 450 309 201 114 129 329 240 162 180 267 354 534 2.0
Finland 1,989 240 243 234 12 99 40 41 27 27 87 297 642 3.9
France 29,996 2,634 2,349 2,331 2,091 1,665 954 3,353 2,523 2,247 3,594 3,621 2,634 1.4
Germany 58,258 4,977 4,848 4,746 3,171 4.557 1.819 3,777 4.092 5,208 7,752 7,959 5,352 1.6
Netherlands 21,455 2,049 1.815 1,329 1,578 909 1,332 3,023 1,776 2,163 2,106 1,656 1,719 1.7
Italy 18,712 1.833 1.695 1.149 867 1,086 1.152 1,732 2.643 1,893 1,653 1,569 1.440 1.2
Norway 3,477 255 396 108 102 153 589 326 213 189 342 318 486 1.7
Spain 3,010 141 150 183 138 150 91 294 651 423 306 267 216 *x.,
Sweden 8,129 957 909 819 474 330 399 359 282 213 306 1,359 1,722 2.5
Switzerland 10.610 837 1,086 762 309 669 378 881 501 1.014 1,416 1,608 1,149 1.3
U.K. 106,645 9,555 9,036 7,968 5,130 6,435 5,286 9,274 10,926 10,041 9,279 11,487 12,228 1.4
Others 4,675 285 303 342 324 267 255 439 615 420 498 492 435 1.3
EASTERN EUROPE 14,336 1,509 1,599 1,224 1,104 792 329 873 609 861 1,254 2,178 2,004 1.8
Russia 5,000 606 357 456 204 327 64 178 288 387 561 798 774 1.9
Others 9,336 903 1,242 768 900 465 265 695 321 474 693 1,380 1.230 1.8
AFRICA 1,855 99 174 84 54 81 126 187 192 180 195 228 255 1.6
South Africa 987 66 69 48 30 45 52 104 120 87 129 123 114 1.4
Others 868 33 105 36 24 36 74 83 72 93 66 105 141 1.9
MIDDLE EAST 10,463 948 687 549 381 330 446 1,188 1,623 1,200 759 1,266 1,086 1.4
ASIA 198,068 16,449 12,891 11,613 11,151 8,859 13,659 18,266 16,440 19,833 23,652 22,530 22,725 1.4
China (P.R.) 9,088 1,428 486 465 405 294 500 791 801 1,041 1,257 846 774 1.9
Hong Kong, China 1,538 87 213 114 27 90 53 42 63 174 201 186 288 2.2
India 105,151 7,677 6,372 5,676 5,784 5.238 7,565 10,415 8.778 10,329 14,130 11,916 11,271 1.6
Indonesia 1,466 105 138 51 78 54 108 116 123 210 192 174 117 (,„100
Japan 19,641 2,136 1,890 1,491 978 891 910 1,655 2.136 2,325 1,545 1,965 1,719 1.4
Korea (South) 4,531 474 297 282 402 156 285 502 360 315 480 420 558 1.5
Malaysia 10,132 645 537 579 519 300 940 510 789 1,020 1,155 1,653 1,485 2.0
Maldives 15,013 1,317 1,179 726 1,107 519 1,129 1.311 1,062 1,467 1,260 1,569 2,367 1.9
Pakistan 9,638 735 579 729 447 399 765 1,157 900 903 876 966 1,182 1.5
Philippines .1 ,808 267 99 93 141 120 134 141 135 132 234 174 138 1.8
Singapore 8,546 729 363 585 315 300 672 566 528 726 897 1,386 1.479 2.1
Thailand 5.035 219 321 279 600 237 191 485 357 393 642 621 690 1.6
Taiwan (P.C.) 1,907 267 183 129 54 114 55 76 84 306 258 192 189 1.9

Others 4,574 363 234 414 294 147 352 499 324 492 525 462 468 1.4
AUSTRALASIA 26,540 2,022 1,668 1,605 1,224 1,254 1,524 1,907 1,644 2,589 . 2,184 3,414 5,505 2.5
Australia 23.247 1,764 1,467 1,470 1,053 1.089 1,312 1.664 1.446 2.313 1,917 3,006 4.746 2.4
New Zealand 3,184 246 195 135 171 165 202 231 ilt 186 270 255 390 738 2.8
Others 109 12 6 0 0 0 10 12 12 6 12 18 21 2.3
Total 566,202 49,950 43,584 38,418 30,672 30,162 32,119 50,525 48,675 51,525 59,442 64,971 66,159 1.4

Chart 4

Mode of Transport and Port of Arrivals - 2003 & 2004

Katunayake 99.9%

Colombo 0.1%

Relative Importance of Different Ports -

Percentage Distribution of Arrivals - 1995 to 2004 Table (d)

Port 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Katunayake (BIA) 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9
Kankasanturai - -

TOTAL AIR 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9

Talaimannar - - - -
Colombo Harbour 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
TOTAL SEA 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Tourist Arrivals by Country of Residence & Mode of Transport - 2004 Table 4

Country of By Air By Sea

Residence Total Katunayake Colombo
NORTH AMERICA 29,759 29,759 0
Canada 14,633 14,633 0
USA 15,126 15,126 0
WESTERN EUROPE 284,440 284,374 66
Austria 8,633 8,615 18
Belgium 5,582 5,582 0
Denmark 3,269 3,269 0
Finland 1,989 1,989 0
France 29,996 29,996 0
Germany 58.258 58,249 9
Italy 18,862 18,862 0
Netherlands 21,455 21,443 12
Norway 3,477 3,471 6
Spain 3,010 3,010 0
Sweden 7,979 7,970 9
Switzerland 10,610 10,610 0
UK 106,645 106,645 0
Others 4,675 4,663 12
EASTERN EUROPE 14,336 14,321 15
Russia 5,000 4.988 12
Others 9,336 9,333 3
MIDDLE EAST 10,463 10,463 0
AFRICA 1,855 1,855 0
ASIA 198,068 197,945 123
China (P.R.) 9.088 9,088 0
Hong Kong, China 1,538 1,520 18
India 105,151 105,076 75
Indonesia 1,466 1,466 0
Japan 19,641 19,641 0
Korea (South) 4,531 4,519 12
Malaysia 10,132 10,123 9
Maldives 15,013 15,010 3
Pakistan 9,638 9,638 0
Philippines 1.808 1,808 0
Singapore 8.546 8,546 0
Thailand 5,035 5.035 0
Taiwan (P.C.) 1907 1,907 0
Others 4,574 4,568 6
AUSTRALASIA 26540 26,537 3
Australia 23247 23,244 3
New Zealand 3184 3,184 0
Others 109 109 0
Total 566,202 565,995 207

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