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Should mobile phones be allowed in school?

As more and more young children continue to get mobile phones, the debate of
whether they should be allowed in schools continues to intensify. Some believe
they could play an important part in education; others think that theyd be
nothing but a distraction.

Some believe that the use of mobile phones can greatly improve the school day.
In a CBBC survey, 60% of children claimed that they were bored or had nothing
to do during play time. Children argue that, if they had their phones, they would
be able to play games and keep themselves occupied.

On the other hand, critics are of the opinion that phones in schools will lead to
nothing but disappointed children. Around 1 in 4 phone owners have damaged
their phone, and there is a high chance of this statistic rising as phones are
passed around the playground. In addition to this, children could become a
victim of bullying, especially if they dont have the latest phone.

In a recent study, 58% of teachers thought that mobile phones could become an
asset in the classroom. They believe that allowing phones could give children the
opportunity to carry out research, therefore improving their knowledge.
Moreover, phones could be used to play educational games and take part in
interactive class quizzes using apps like Socrative.

Despite this, the head of OFSTED, Sir Michael Wilshaw, states that phones in
classrooms cause outrageous behaviour and disruption. Pupils will always face
the temptation of playing Crossy Road, as well as taking selfies when they
should be working. Furthermore, there would be the constant beep or ding of
phones during lessons. Teachers get annoyed with children talking over the top
of them; how would they feel if they had to put up with phones constantly
ringing too?

In conclusion, there are strong arguments both for and against the use of
mobile phones in schools. Supporters state that there is a real educational
benefit, whilst teachers dont want yet more distractions in their classrooms.
With a growing 71% of children owning mobile phones, this argument doesnt
look like coming to an end any time soon.
Karena semakin banyak anak muda yang terus mendapatkan ponsel, perdebatan apakah
mereka harus diizinkan di sekolah terus meningkat. Beberapa percaya bahwa mereka bisa
memainkan peran penting dalam pendidikan; Yang lain berpikir bahwa mereka tidak lain
hanyalah gangguan.

Beberapa percaya bahwa penggunaan ponsel bisa sangat meningkatkan hari sekolah. Dalam
survei CBBC, 60% anak-anak mengklaim bahwa mereka bosan atau tidak melakukan apapun
selama bermain. Anak-anak berpendapat bahwa, jika mereka memiliki ponsel mereka,
mereka akan bisa bermain game dan tetap sibuk.

Di sisi lain, kritikus berpendapat bahwa telepon di sekolah tidak akan menghasilkan banyak
kecuali anak-anak yang kecewa. Sekitar 1 dari 4 pemilik ponsel telah merusak telepon
mereka, dan ada kemungkinan statistik meningkat ini karena ponsel dilewati di sekitar taman
bermain. Selain itu, anak-anak bisa menjadi korban bullying, apalagi kalau mereka belum
memiliki telepon terbaru.

Dalam sebuah studi baru-baru ini, 58% guru menganggap bahwa ponsel bisa menjadi aset di
kelas. Mereka percaya bahwa mengizinkan ponsel memberi anak kesempatan untuk
melakukan penelitian, sehingga meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka. Selain itu, ponsel bisa
digunakan untuk bermain game edukatif dan ambil bagian dalam kuis kelas interaktif yang
menggunakan aplikasi seperti Socrates.

Meskipun demikian, kepala OFSTED, Sir Michael Wilshaw, menyatakan bahwa telepon di
kelas menyebabkan 'perilaku keterlaluan' dan 'gangguan'. Murid akan selalu menghadapi
godaan bermain Crossy Road, serta mengambil selfies saat mereka seharusnya bekerja.
Selanjutnya, akan ada bunyi bip atau telepon yang konstan selama pelajaran berlangsung.
Guru merasa terganggu dengan anak-anak yang berbicara dari atas mereka; bagaimana
perasaan mereka jika mereka harus memasang telepon terus dering juga?

Kesimpulannya, ada argumen kuat untuk dan melawan penggunaan ponsel di sekolah.
Pendukung menyatakan bahwa ada manfaat pendidikan yang nyata, sementara guru tidak
menginginkan lebih banyak gangguan di kelas mereka. Dengan tumbuh 71% anak-anak yang
memiliki ponsel, argumen ini sepertinya tidak akan segera berakhir dalam waktu dekat.

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