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Top 5 experiences in Egypt

1. Visit old temples.

With the right permission you may discover how the temples were
build in pyramids, and what they hide inside. Just like; Egyptians used to
belief in mummification and the preservation of physical body.

2. Intro to architecture
During this amazing trip you will be able to receive an Intro to
architecture, in this speech you will understand how the ancient egyptian
civilization develop their way of building their pyramids with simple tools.

3. Canopy.
The canopy practiced in Egypt is an extreme sport. To enjoy your
vacations even more, we have developed a series of activities, this involved
visiting many pyramids, with priceless views. But, how would you get from
the top of a temple you another?
Use our renovated technological canopy system.
The route starts early in the morning, you will get to the top of a
pyramid, part in vehicle and part walking. Later on the fun starts, connected
by cable you will transport from an infrastructure to another, visiting 3 major
pyramids at the perfect time of the day.

4. Cayac at the Nile River

If t he climate and the state of the river allows it, you would be able to
go o
ver a relaxing trip through the kind and powerful waters of the Nile.

5. Beaches
The location of the Egyptian Empire allows f or the people t o r elax a
the amazing beaches reaching the pacific ocean. A llow yourself t o r elax a nd
enjoy the peacefully horizon that Egypt provides you.

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