APSC 182 Lab 2 - Thermal Expansion, Sep 2017

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APSC 182 Matter and Energy I - Lab

Sep-Dec 2017
University of British Columbia Okanagan - Engineering

Measurement of Thermal Expansion

Lab coats and safety glasses must be worn at all times in the laboratory. This
experiment also includes handling hot metal parts and steam supplied from the steam
generator. Appropriate safety equipment will be provided and must be used.

Solid objects tend to expand slightly when heated. Although this expansion is relatively slight, it can
have important consequences for the design and performance of machines and structures. The amount
of expansion is characterized by a coefficient of linear expansion . Thus, a rod of length L0 at a
temperature T0 will undergo a change in length L when its temperature changes by T:
L L0T (1)

Although is a constant to the precision attainable and over the temperature range in this experiment,
in fact it is itself a function of temperature, (T).
In this experiment, the coefficient of linear expansion will be measured for three different metals
using a direct measurement of the length of a long tube held at different temperatures. A computer
data acquisition station will allow the simultaneous monitoring of temperature T and expansion L,
from which it will be possible to determine .

Setup and Experimental Procedure

The experimental data should be recorded on the Observations/Report sheet.

Apparatus from Pasco for measuring thermal expansion (TEU thermal expansion unit) of a tube
assembled and ready to use. The apparatus is shown in Figure 1. It consists of
- computer and a Pasco 750 Interface with USB connector,
- thermal expansion apparatus (a stand to support metal tubes),
- steam generator with tubes (shared between two stations),
- rotary motion sensor,
- thermistor temperature sensor,
- digital thermometer
- three metal tubes (brass, copper, and aluminum)
- petri dish for catching H2O
- caliper
- leather gloves
- tape measure or 18 ruler

APSC 182 Matter and Energy I - Lab
Sep-Dec 2017
University of British Columbia Okanagan - Engineering

Figure 1. Thermal Expansion Unit

A computer with Data Studio software will be provided. Connect the USB from the 750 Interface
to the laptop.
Find and record the precision for all instruments used in this experiment!

1. Initial measurements1
1.1. Measure the distance (L) from the center of the retaining clip slot to the pinion
1.2. Measure the diameter of the pinion tip with caliper (see Figure 2)

Record all your data in your log book and in provided data sheet

APSC 182 Matter and Energy I - Lab
Sep-Dec 2017
University of British Columbia Okanagan - Engineering

Figure 2. pinion tip

2. Verify Test Setup

2.1. Fill the Steam Generator (SG) reservoir with water.
2.2. Turn the SG on, maximum heat.
2.3. Check the ambient temperature with the digital thermometer.
2.4. Then dip the digital thermometer into the boiling water in the SG reservoir and record the
boiling temperature of the water with digital thermometer.
2.5. With the thermistor at ambient temperature, start a run in Data Studio (should give a series
of point for temperature).
2.6. Check RMS (Rotary motion sensor).
2.7. Write the data in data sheet.
3. Experiment
3.1. Put the rubber stopper into the SG, with the hose running out from one opening. Insert the
thermometer into the second opening (blocking the opening).
3.2. Attach the thermistor to the tube using the spring clip (see Figure 3).

APSC 182 Matter and Energy I - Lab
Sep-Dec 2017
University of British Columbia Okanagan - Engineering

Figure 3. Thermistor attachment to tube.

3.3. Place the copper tube in the TEU (thermal expansion unit), with the retaining clip in the slot
and the other end of the tube resting on the pinion. Hook the spring attached to the TEU
around the second retaining clip on the tube, so that it pushes the tube against the slot.
3.4. Verify / Zero the RMS by observing the readings on the computer and turning the large wheel
on the RMS.
3.5. Start the data capture when the water in the SG starts to boil (or exceeds 95C) just before
you connect the hose to the tube. WARNING: if the tube begins its expansion before the data
capture has been started, the data will not be good. In this situation, quickly remove the tube
and set it aside to cool (takes about 20 minutes) and use a different tube.
3.6. Connect the hose to the tube at the end not near the RMS.
3.7. When the tube is no longer expanding stop the data capture and stop the flow of steam by
removing the hose.
4. Repeat steps 3.2 through 3.7 with the other two tubes.
5. Record the start and stop temperatures and the change in position (L) at the RMS in your data
6. Disconnect the RMS from the TEU and the thermistor sensor from the 750 Interface.
7. Turn off the steam generator.

APSC 182 Matter and Energy I - Lab
Sep-Dec 2017
University of British Columbia Okanagan - Engineering

Appendix A: Precision Measurements

Vernier micrometers are used to measure precision-machined parts such as the holes and dowels in
the second part of this experiment and the small-diameter axle, called a pinion, in the first part. The
accuracy of the computer data acquisition result depends directly on the micrometer measurement of
the diameter of the pinion. The Rotary Motion Sensor (RMS) detects the angular displacement (in
radians) of the pinion, which is rolled by the expanding metal tubes, and converts this into a linear
change in position (displacement) through the relation position = angular change * radius.
The instructor will demonstrate proper micrometer and vernier scale technique for both parts of the
experiment. Appendix A in this procedure shows how to read the vernier scale on the micrometer to
obtain measurements to 0.0001" resolution.
The infrared temperature sensor (ITS) is sensitive to the emissivity of various metals. The instructor
will demonstrate how to set it for steel and aluminum.

How to read a digital caliper

(Adapted from http://www.technologystudent.com/equip1/vernier1.htm)

The Digital Caliper (sometimes incorrectly called the Digital Vernier Caliper) is a precision
instrument that can be used to measure internal and external distances extremely accurately. The
example shown below is a digital caliper as the distances/measurements, are read from a LCD display.
The most important parts have been labelled.
Earlier versions of this type of measuring instrument had to be read by looking carefully at the
imperial or metric scale and there was a need for very good eyesight in order to read the small sliding
scale. Manually operated vernier calipers can still be bought and remain popular because they are
much cheaper than the digital version. Also, the digital version requires a small battery whereas the
manual version does not need any power source.

Digital calipers are easier to use as the measurement is clearly displayed. In addition, by pressing the
inch/mm button the distance can be read as metric or imperial. The display is turned on with the on/off
button. The external jaws should then be brought together until they touch and the zero button should
be pressed. The digital caliper can then be used to measure distances. Always go through this
procedure when turning on the display for the first time.

APSC 182 Matter and Energy I - Lab
Sep-Dec 2017
University of British Columbia Okanagan - Engineering

The material to be measured is placed between the external jaws and they are carefully brought
together. The locking screw is tightened so that the jaws do not move apart. The digital display can
then be read. The distance can be read by in metric and imperial by pressing the inch/mm button.

Upon completion of test, make sure that the caliper is turned off. They do not turn
off by themselves.

APSC 182 Matter and Energy I - Lab
Sep-Dec 2017
University of British Columbia Okanagan - Engineering

Name:________________________ Course: APSC 182 Lab Section:____ Group#:___


Remember to get your TA signature on the data sheet

Linear Expansion Coefficient

Diameter of pinion: ________mm;
Ambient temperature (Digital thermometer): ___________ C
Boiling temperature (Digital thermometer): ____________C
Ambient temperature (thermistor): ____________C

Initial Measurements
Copper tube lengths: L = __________ cm;
Brass tube lengths: L = __________ cm;
Aluminum tube lengths: L = __________ cm;

Expansion Measurements
Copper tube
Initial thermistor temperature: ____________C
Final thermistor temperature: ____________C
RMS change of length: ____________m

Brass tube
Initial thermistor temperature: ____________C
Final thermistor temperature: ____________C
RMS change of length: ____________ m

Aluminum tube
Initial thermistor temperature: ____________C
Final thermistor temperature: ____________C
RMS change of length: ____________ m

(Coefficient of Thermal Expansion) Calculations

Copper tube
from RMS ____________

Brass tube
from RMS ____________

Aluminum tube
from RMS ____________

TA name & Signature:

APSC 182 Matter and Energy I - Lab
Sep-Dec 2017
University of British Columbia Okanagan - Engineering

Lab report format:

Please include the following in your lab report:
Cover page & overall presentation (10)
Brief introduction regarding the purpose of doing the experiment (introduction,
objectives, and brief theory) (15)
Procedure & Observation (you can refer to the lab manual and just mentions the parts
that for any reason were different from lab manual) (15)
Calculation, Results, and comments on the final results (show a sample of calculation for
each set of calculation) (50)
Appendix and Raw data signed by TA (10)
For more details on how to write the lab report, please refer to how to prepare laboratory report
documents which is posted on Canvas.

Lab report due: one week from your lab. Use the drop box designated for
this purpose.

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