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1. Construction
Disc brakes composed of the following components
(1) Disc brake caliper
(2) Disc brake pad
(3) Disc brake rotor
(4) Piston
(5) Fluid

2. Operation
Push the piston disc brakes using hydraulic pressure transmitted through the brake
lines from the master cylinder to create a disc brake pads clamp both sides of the disc brake
rotors and stop the spinning tire. Because the disc brake rotor and disc brake pads each swipe,
the heat caused by friction occurs earlier, but, because the disc brake rotors and brake body
open, heat friction that occurs can easily evaporate.

3. Brake Adjustment
Because the gap brakes adjusted automatically by the piston cover (rubber), so that
the gap brakes do not need to be adjusted by hand. When the brake pedal is pressed, then the
hydraulic pressure will drive the piston and push the brake pads against the rotor disc brake
At this time, the piston moves while causing the piston cover change shape, and when the
brake pedal is released, the cover of the piston back into shape, so that the piston moves away
from the disc brake pads. Therefore, although the disc brake pads are worn and the piston
moves, the amount of the return of the piston is always the same, so that the gap between the
disc brake pads and brake disc rotor is maintained at a constant distance.

4. bearing wear indicator

When the disc brake pads wear out and need replacement, disc brake pads wear
indicator produces a high shrill sound to warn the driver. In Corolla, this warning occurs
when the proper bearing thickness 2.5 mm (0.098 in). Construction and Operation of disc
brakes can be explained that when the thickness of the pads was reduced to less than those
mentioned above, the bearing wear indicator, which is located on the rear disc pads,
berhungungan with disc brake rotors and the shrill sound when the car is running. There
brake pads wear indicator sensor type as seen in the image below in which when the sensor is
worn together with the brake disc, the sensor becomes an open circuit. ECU will detect open
circuit before and alerts the driver.

5. Types of disc brake caliper

Types of caliper will be explained below.
(1) Type of fixed caliper
A type having a pair of fixed caliper piston to push the disc brake rotors on both sides.
(2) floating caliper type
A type of piston floating caliper attached to only one side of the caliper.

Picture: Type Disc Brakes Caiper

Piston acts as a maker of hydraulic pressure, and when pressed disc brake pads,
caliper will move in a different direction from the piston, and push the brake disc rotor from
both sides. As a result, the caliper will stop the rotation of the wheel. There are several types
of floating caliper, depending of the method of attaching the caliper to the rotating disc.

1. Rem cakram atau rem piringan mempunyai beberapa komponen yaitu ; kaliper rem,
bantalan rem, piringan rem, piston rem, fluida.

2. Cara pengoprasian rem cakram adalah Rem cakram mendorong piston dengan
menggunakan tekanan hidrolik yang dikirim melalui jalur rem dari master cylinder untuk
membuat bantalan rem cakram menjepit kedua sisi rotor rem cakram dan menghentikan
ban berputar. Karena rotor rem cakram dan bantalan rem cakram saling menggesek,
maka terjadi panas akibat friksi tadi, tetapi, karena rotor rem cakram dan badan
rem terbuka, panas friksi yang terjadi dapat dengan mudah menguap.

3. Rem cakram tidak memerlukan penyetelan seperti rem tromol, karena Ketika pedal rem
ditekan, maka tekanan hidrolik akan menggerakkan piston dan mendorong bantalan rem
cakram melawan rotor rem cakram. Pada saat ini, piston bergerak sambil menyebabkan
penutup piston berubah bentuk, dan saat pedal rem dilepaskan, penutup piston kembali
ke bentuk semula, sehingga menggerakkan piston menjauhi bantalan rem cakram.
Karenanya, walaupun bantalan rem cakram sudah aus dan piston bergerak, jumlah
kembalinya piston selalu sama, sehingga celah antara bantalan rem cakram dan rotor rem
cakram dipertahankan pada jarak yang konstan.

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