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The butterfly habitat found in different climates the climate. They
can be found in the tropics, forests, swamps,rivers, pastures,
plantations, and gardens, basically where there are plants and
flowers. Butterflisfeet on fruit juices, nestar, anf water where
everything inhales through their trunk canisters. Butterflies also
have calor full body colors anf wings, have a pair of wings, have a
trumpet shape mouth, and have smooth soles. Average low life for
adult butterfly only 20 until 40 days. Minimum butterfly life spanis
is a little 3 0r 4days. Maximum life span of buterflies is 6 months.
Butterflies are also frequently targeted with hungry predators, such
as birds, spides, reptiles, and small mammals. most butterflies
protect them selves from predators by using camouflage and
butterflies are also difficult to find by predators because the calor
and wings almost with dried leaves.

Nama: Dicky Josua Bumbungan

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