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STEP A - Wondering at the Creator of Conscience

Key Understanding Learning Point

A1. 4 Evaluates thoughts and feelings that may be

A1 Wondering at Conscience stirred by conscience.

Catholic Teaching Focus for this lesson read the Teacher Background Material relating to the Learning
Point and state the key teaching for this lesson

Deep within [ones] conscience [a person] discovers a law .... Its voice, ever calling [them] to love and to
do what is good and to avoid evil, sounds in [their] heart at the right moment .... Catechism 1776

Thoughts stirred by God through our conscience can be developed through questions or statements that
come into our minds.
What should I do?
Is this the right thing to do?
I should not do this.
If I do that, will it be right or wrong?
To do that would be wrong.

Prior Knowledge
Students will need to know and understand the Ten Commandments as well as the two great
Commandments of Jesus that they can recall from previous units.

Students will have needed to explore examples of how people may keep those Commandments in
practical ways.

In previous years, students focused on how Christians celebrate Baptism, reminding them that God
comes to live in a person in a special way through Baptism so that through Baptism people
become members of Gods family

Catering for Learner Diversity

Extension Students can take this opportunity to look up a story that is similar to the scenario they
received. Discuss with other group members How did Jesus recognise his thoughts and feelings from
his conscience?
Engagement Students will receive assistance from an Educational Assistant (EA) in order to complete
the puppet presentation. EA will assist in recording and facilitating of the group.
Special Considerations Students with dyslexia, have the prayer printed and on coloured card to assist
in the reading of the prayer.

Evidence of Learning for Assessment and Reporting

Students will create a puppet show presentation using Puppet Pals about one of the scenarios given to
them (Appendix 1).
Students will then discuss how we recognise thoughts and feelings from our conscience.
Anecdotal records will be taken.
LESSON PROCEDURE - STEP A - Wondering at the Creator of Conscience

Lesson Objectives state how the students will demonstrate their understanding of the learning point and the
skills they will use in doing this:
1. Create and present a puppet show presentation on a scenario about recognising feelings and thoughts
from our conscience using the online application Puppet Pals.
2. Identify how we recognise our feelings and thoughts from our conscience.
3. Work collaboratively in groups of 3-4 with allocated roles

Integration with other Learning Areas Classroom Management Practices

English: writing a reflective prayer (ACELT1607) Class discussion: allowing everyone to have their own
opinion. Class must take turns in speaking.
ICT: iPads, online application Puppet Pals (ACTDIP013)
Group Work: Make sure everyone has a role, working
collaboratively and inside voices.
Reflection: quiet time, music, self-reflection

Timing Steps of the Lesson Resources

5 mins Introduction outline how you will introduce the learning point
1. Students will be invited to the mat.

2. Teacher will display a prayer which the class will say together. Prayer on the
I praise you Lord for creating me in your divine image. Thank you for giving me a
Interactive Whiteboard
free will to know you and love you. Open my heart to your teachings and help me
to form my conscience according to your will.
Please strengthen me with the virtues of faith, hope, love, and especially
prudence. Grant me your loving guidance each day and send me the graces to
always do your will, even when most difficult.
3. Teacher will ask the students:

How do we recognise thoughts and feelings from conscience?

4. Give students 1 minute to Think, pair, share with the people

around them.

5. Discuss this as a class.

Teacher Note: lead the students to the understanding that Gods

Commandments are the measures by which the students evaluate their
thoughts and feelings.

Body- outline your teaching of the learning point and the activities that
will provide further learning

Strategies for Learning and Teaching

10 mins 1. Students will be placed in groups of 3-4.

2. Once students get back to their desks and into their groups,
everyone will receive roles: (Person 1: the recorder, Person 2:
the reporter, Person 3: the collector, Person 4: the facilitator)

3. Teacher will explain todays activity

Your challenge today is to create a small puppet show relating to a card

you are going to receive. The card will have a scenario on it and you will
need to act out the scenario explaining, what you should do or is it the
right thing to do.
For example, A card might say, what should I do to help mum out when
15 mins she is tired? Your Puppet presentation might include ways you can help
your mum therefore is it the right thing to do and what might be the
wrong things to do.

4. Students will receive a card with a scenario on it. Students will Appendix 1
start work on the activity.

The collector will come to the front to collect materials needed. iPads
Students will use the application Puppet Pals on the iPads.

Students will have to fulfil their roles in the group.

The Recorder: will record using the iPad
The Reporter: will discuss with the class what their group has
The Facilitator: will help the group run quickly and efficiently.
The Collector: will gather all the materials and put them back.

5. Students will have 10-12 minutes to complete their puppet


5 mins
1. Once students have completed their puppet presentation, each Interactive
group will show the class what they have made. Whiteboard,
Connection to iPads.
2. As a class, discuss which role-plays represent responses that
are from conscience and which role-plays represent responses
that are not from conscience.

3. Teacher will then allow time for students to reflect. Reflection materials,
Teacher will place meditating music on music, paper, pencils
5 minutes Students can either lay their heads on the desk, write a etc.
prayer or draw in relation to the lesson.

Links to General Capabilities

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal Intercultural
Creative behaviour Competency Understanding

Religious Capabilities Spiritual Capabilities

Faith Hope Charity Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance

Prudence: This lesson encourages and teaches students to make the right choices, what is morally right and
wrong according to Catholic beliefs.
Appendix 1:

Scenario 1: Scenario 2:

What should I do to help

I feel like hitting back.
mum when she is tired?

Scenario 3: Scenario 4:

I wont do as the teacher I wonder if I should share

asks. these lollies with my sister?

Scenario 5:

Should I steal this chocolate

from the shop?

Link to Weebly:

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