Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Psychology: Survey Sample and Analysis

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Table of Contents
1. Purpose................................................................................................................................................ 2
2. Development of Survey Instrument ................................................................................................. 2
3. Administration Process ...................................................................................................................... 2
4. Data Analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 3
4.1 Attitude .............................................................................................................................................. 3
4.2 Perception ......................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2.1 Perceived Risk .......................................................................................................................... 4
4.2.2 Perceived Price......................................................................................................................... 5
4.2.3 Perceived quality ...................................................................................................................... 5
5. Findings ............................................................................................................................................... 6
BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................................... 7
APPENDIX: QUESTIONNAIRE ............................................................................................................. 10

1. Purpose
The study is carried out to identify the underlying perception, attitudes, motivation, group
and individual differences, culture, family and lifestyle that influence consumer behaviour
and consequently consumers online purchasing decisions toward mobile phone. The
model for the study was developed through employing the theoretical model proposed by
Rohm and Swaminathan (2004).
2. Development of Survey Instrument
This study employed the survey questionnaires as the only instrument for data collection.
It was designed on a website, namely The items on the survey were
designed with additional option. There were ten questions in total in the survey. Survey
questionnaire items were constructed based on related theories. There questions are
close-ended. These are multiple choice questions, and participants are offered a set of
answers. They have to click in the one that most closely describe their view toward the
survey issue. Question items are various in term of format with some consisting of five
rating Likert-type scales. This rating measures the intensity of the specific judgment that
is relevant to an issue (Gillham, 2008).
The questionnaires are designed in the English language. There are two main parts in
the survey. Description for each part was described as following. The first part asks about
personal information of participants in term of their gender, age, and income. The socond
part aims at investigating factors influencing consumer behavior and their purchasing
decision towards Jessies product with regard to the related theories.
3. Administration Process
There are two phases of the administration, including the pre-survey and the pilot.
Previsously to the survey. The investigator conducts some short interviews with Jessia
consumers through chatphone platform on Facebook. This aims to prepare and form the
questionnaires for the survey. These practices helped to find out main aspects from
consumer perspectives on Jessie accessories and clothings. The issues found to be
relevant to the subject research were taken in to consideration and make some changes
to improve the questionnaire and make it better before the real application.

After that, a pilot study is carried out to ensure that the survey questions operate well and
function as expected (Bryman & Bell, 2011). Its preview link were sent to 5 people to test
if there is any unexpected incident for the application as well as to consolidate the overall
content and format. The feedback was taken into consideration and necessary changes
were made to improve the survey. And finally, the survey link was sent online to groups
of Jessies customers through Facebook
4. Data Analysis
4.1 Attitude
In order to examine the possible outcome, which is if consumers have favourable or
unfavourable attitude, the theory of attitude toward behavioural model was applied for the
analysis. The following table shows the combination of the response from the question

It can be seen obviously from the table that a part of consumer of Jessie hold a significant
positive attitude toward Jessie clothing and accessory items, yet they also might had an
unfavourable attitude towards purchasing low price private labels of Jessie clothing. What
is more, this supports the theory of Schiffman & Kanuk (2004), which confirms the attitude
of behavioral model. An amount of 7.6% surveyed consumers held favourable attitude
towards Jessie but have no intention to buy Jessie products, they were respondent who
had negative attitude toward purchasing the Jessie clothing and accessories.
Jessie brand is well-known company in Vietnam. Therefore it has a firm position in the
minds of Vietnamese people who love shopping for clothes. It is believed that comsumers
with favarouble attitude towards the brand will consequently lead to have positive attitude
towards the private label. The finding provides evidence that Jessie fashion is familiar
with more than 80% of consumers and from these more than 50% has a positive attitude
towards its clothing and accessories items. Comparing to males respondents, the results

illustrates that females buy more Jessie clothing products and also hold a good attitude
towards the Jessies products.
Beside, there is an additional question of the same issue were proposed aiming at figuring
out the influence of words of mouth or possitive expression of public regarding the
products on the consumers decision of purchasing (Q6)How likely would your friends,
families ,social media, change your attitude towards Jessie clothing?

Table 2: Word of mouth

4.2 Perception
4.2.1 Perceived Risk
With the purpose to investigate how consumers perceived issues regarding risks when
buying products of Jessie. The question (Q7).How do you hesitate to buy Jessies
clothes/ baby accessories products? addressed such an aspect. The result gained from
the total respondents who answered the question stands exactly at 37.74%, showing that
they felt not at all hesitate to buy Jessies selling items. From Q7 it is evident that
consumers are familiar with Jessie. Chaudhuri (2002) stated that if the consumers are
familiar with the brands of Jessie, their risk perceptions toward the company was much
less. Moreover, a few respondents provided further comments regarding their perception
of risk while answering the the survey items, as following:
I believe it is safe as they probably follow clothing regulations as a company.
The price is pretty cheaper
The quality, its what really in the products!
Schiffman (2013) state that price perception greatly impacts on the buying intention of
customers, thus, it is easy to understand why customers of Jessie intent to by clothing
and accessory items of the company. However if the consumer feel they are not sure
about the quality of the product the less effect it has on the buying behavior, as pointed
out by Urbany et al (2012) because they saw risk. Some consumers see less risk buying

the low price sets of items because they think some items have similar quality compared
with other brands. These consumers benefit buying trade-off of those assortments

Table 3: Perceived Risk

4.2.2 Perceived Price
Question 8 and question 9 addressed price aspect since this is a common issue most
customers considered when buying clothes. In this investigation, these two questions aim
at measuring consumer price perception towards the Jessies fashion (Q8) The price of
Jessies is lower than similar products' of other brands. This question asked respondents
to show their perception regarding the price of Jessie in comparison with others brands.
The results illustrate more than half totally agreed about the price of Jessies is lower than
similar products of other brands. An amount of 56.73 % and 32% of the responses show
a perceived level of somewhat agreed whereas 6.8% were neutral and the remaining
were disagreed (somewhat disagreed 2.91% and disagreed 0.97%). From the percentage
of agreed response, it can be interpreted that what consumers perceived about the price
of Jessies clothes and accessories is quite consistent with the image of first generation
of Jessies clothing and accessories products where price point is a key factor impulse

Table 4: Perceived price

4.2.3 Perceived quality
Q10 aims to gain an insight into the consumer perception regarding quality of the Jessies
products. When being asked to show agreement level toward the idea Some assortment
of Jessie basic product has similar quality that can be my alternatives for other popular
brands. It shows that 75% of respondent agreed (30.8% agreed and 43.6% somewhat
agreed). Jessie clothing and accessories products have similar quality with other brands.

In constrast, there is only 6.8 % of respondents (5.1% somewhat disagreed and 1.7 %
Disagreed) disagree with the statement. The remaining 18.8% of respondents gave
neutral opinion.

Figure 1: Perceived quality

5. Findings

- Bryman, A., & Bell, E. (2010). Business research methods (Second ed), New York:
Oxford University Press
- Chaudhuri, A. A. (2002). Product-class effects on brand commitment and brand
outcomes, the role of brand trust and brand affect. Journal of Brand Management,
Vol. 5 , pp 10-18
- Gillham, B. (2008). Developing a questionnaire (2nd ed.). London: Continuum
- Rohm, E., & Swaminathan L. (2004). Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 25, pp
- Robert, E., Kathy, H., & Wendy, L. (2008). Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 25,
- Schiffman A., (2004). Examining Perceived Risk and Its Influence on Attitudes: A
Study on. Vol. 9, No. 4.
- Urbany, Schiffman, Kanuk, Hansen. (2012). Consumer Behaviour (2nd uppl.). A
European outlook: St .Johns University, Newyork,USA.
APPENDICES: Survey Monkey graphical representation of results

Figure: Gender

Figure: Age

Figure: Attitude towards Jessies supermarkets



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