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Erik Sutherland

Trevor Taylor

CIVE 401 Hydraulic Engineering

Dr. Pierre Julian

Team Project

November 18th, 2014

November 18th, 2014 WEIRS
page 2

Weirs are overflow structures that stretch across an open channel of water, and are meant to
alter the channels flow characteristics making it easier to measure the volumetric rate of water
flow. Weirs act like miniature dams, blocking the flow of water, and causing it to pool behind them
until it is deep enough to flow over the top of the weir. The height of the water flowing over the
crest of the weir correlates to the flow rate (Sharp 2014). Therefore, through equations, graphs, and
tables, the volumetric flow rate can be determined from measuring the depth of water flowing over
the weir, with relatively high accuracy (+/- 2%). In addition to measuring discharge, weirs can help
make rivers more navigable, and prevent flooding. There are two main types of weirs that are very
different in the way they look and the way they function; sharp-crested and broad-crested weirs.
They main difference between the two types of weirs is where the critical depth, yc, occurs. The
point of the weir where yc occurs is called the critical section and it is the section that controls the
discharge. In a broad crested weir, yc occurs on the crest of the weir, where as in a sharp-crested
weir yc occurs off the crest, downstream of the weir due to hydrostatic pressure considerations.
Sharp-crested weirs are typically used to measure the discharge of smaller rivers and canals; whereas
broad-crested weirs are typically used to measure or alter the flow of larger rivers and canals (Sharp

Types of Weirs
Sharp-Crested Broad-Crested

Rectangular Triangular Trapezoidal Rectangular

Change Water Change Elevations w/ Flow Measurement

Elevations Measure Discarge Large Head and Regulation

Figure 1. Summary of weirs

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Sharp-Crested Weirs
Sharp-crested weirs are typically constructed by placing a thin, rust resistant metal plate,
with a notch in the top of it, perpendicular to the flow of water (concrete and timber can also be
used to construct). Water will flow through the notch and the depth of water that flows through it
will correlate to the discharge in the channel (Cruise). There are three main types of sharp-crested
weirs: rectangular, triangular, and trapezoidal. See figure 2 below for common features of a weir.

Common Weir Terminology:

Notch the opening through which water flows
Crest the edge which water flows over
Nappe the sheet of water that flows over the weir
Length the width of the weir notch

Figure 2. Weir Terminology (V Notch 2014)

Rectangular Weirs -

Rectangular weirs are typically used to control the elevation of water up and downstream of
the weir and they usually have higher discharge values associated with them. There are two main
types of rectangular weirs. The first type is a suppressed weir, where the crest stretches across the
whole width of the channel (Cruise). The other type of weir has a rectangular notch cut into it
contracting the flow, and adding to the head loss. Figure 3 below shows the parameters of a
rectangular notched weir, and the discharge through the notch is given in Equation 1.
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Figure 3. Rectangulare Weir Parameter (Cruise)

! ! !"! ! (1)

Where C is the francis discharge coefficient, which is about 3.32 in English (1.84 in SI)

Triangular (V-Notch) Weirs

In cases with small discharge, triangular or v-notch weirs are typically used. Because of the
lower flow rate, these weirs are very good for measuring the discharge in an open channel. The
smaller flow area makes for a larger upstream head that is also easier to measure. This type of weir
generally has the highest accuracy in measuring flow rates (Cruise). Figure 4 below displays the
parameters of a triangular notched weir, and the discharge through the notch is given in Equation 2.

Trapezoidal (Cipolletti) Weirs

When a rectangular weir and

triangular weir are combined, the result
is a trapezoidal weir. The standard
Cipolletti Weir has notch side slopes of
1H:4V. This type of weir is used in cases where the discharge is too large for a rectangular notch
weir to handle. Intuitively, discharge can be determined by summing the discharges through the
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triangular and rectangular section (as shown in Equation 3), however, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
(USBR) recommends their own discharge coefficient determined through many experiments, and is
shown in Equation 4 (Cruise).

Broad-Crested Weirs
Broad-crested weirs are typically much sturdier than the thin plates used for constructing
sharp-crested weirs. Their increased durability contributes to their extensive use for flow
measurement and water level regulation in small to medium sized rivers and canals. Broad-crested
weirs typically are constructed out of reinforced concrete and span the width of the channel. Their
rating curves rely on flow over the crest of the weir passing through critical depth, yc. When the
weir is constructed to a height large enough to ensure that critical depth occurs over the crest, a
rating curve can be calculated based on the geometry of the critical section. This rating curve
allows for simplified determination of discharge by only looking at the depth of the water surface.

Flow should be well into the subcritical range to ensure the water surface remains smooth
and tranquil enough to provide an accurate measurement of stage. Subcritical flow also enables a
hydrostatic pressure distribution to be assumed across the control section. Based on the concept of
specific energy and the conditions that occur at critical depth over the crest, the basic stage-
discharge relationship for broad-crested weirs with a rectangular throat section is Q = CLH1.5. Q =
discharge in cubic meters per second, L = width of weir crest in meters, and H = total energy head
above the crest in meters. The coefficient C is called the weir coefficient and changes based on
geometry of the weir and flow resistance. For standard broad-crested weir shapes there is a large
amount of literature to reference on design, operation, and weir coefficient calibration. However,
one advantage of the broad crested weir is that it allows for theoretical calibration of weir
coefficient and doesnt require independent laboratory measurements. This means that using a non-
standard dimensioned broad-crested weir design is not overly complicated by the need for laboratory
calibrations. (Broad Crested Weirs) (Kay).
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Consideration must be given to the design height of the weir crest. Too low and the flow will
merely pass over the weir without reaching critical flow, thus making the stage-discharge
relationship inapplicable. Too high and an unnecessarily large backwater effect will be created by
the weir. There is an optimal weir height which enables the range of flows to be measured by the
structure to pass through critical depth over the crest without causing an unreasonably large
backwater effect. The presence of a hydraulic jump, as shown in Figure 6, is an indicator that the
flow has definitely gone through critical depth over the crest and into super-critical flow, which is
responsible for the hydraulic jump formation.

Figure 6. Typical Flow Schematic across Rectangular Broad-Crested Weir (Kay)

Many variations in weir shape exist for broad-crested weirs. A few alternate geometries for
the downstream face of a round-nosed rectangular broad-crested weir are shown in Figure 7. These
alternate geometries consist of ways to reduce flow separation (rounded edges, ramps, streamlining)
and are generally meant to increase the weir coefficient if possible. A triangular broad-crested weir
is shown in Figure 8. A triangular shaped crest section allows for increased range of discharges while
retaining a sensitivity for low flows due to the change in effective width of the crest cross-section.
More flow results in a greater cross-section width at the crest, enabling the structure to pass more
flow and avoid backwater effects. Lower flow results in a smaller cross-section width at the crest
and enables the discharge-stage relationship to remain acceptably sensitive. Triangular broad-
crested weirs are well suited for streams with a wider range of possible discharges.
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Some advantages of using broad-crested weirs for flow measurement and regulation:
Cost effective installation due to ease of design and construction
Relatively small head loss across the structure
Sturdy and capable of measuring discharge in small to medium channels
Theoretical calibration possible based on post-construction dimensions
Capable of passing floating debris

Some disadvantages of using broad-crested weirs for flow measurement and regulation:
May interfere with fish passage and disrupt ecological equilibrium
Sediment deposition occurs on the upstream side of the structure, leading to
lower sediment flow downstream and higher water levels upstream
The channel immediately upstream of the weir is prone to sediment deposition
which in turn can compromise the accuracy of the rating curve
Head loss occurs across the weir (especially when there is a hydraulic jump)
lowering the energy of the flow

Figure 7. Round-Nosed Rectangular Broad-Crested Weir Design (Broad Crested Weirs)

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Figure 8. Triangular Broad-Crested Weir Design (Broad Crested Weirs)

Sharp-crested and broad-crested weirs are common overflow structures used to alter the flow
characteristics of a channel in order to more easily determine the volumetric flow rate or regulate
flows. The altered flow characteristics enable rating curves to be established for depth-discharge
relationships at the weir. This allows discharge to be quickly determined by use of equations,
charts, and tables with relative accuracy (2%). Weirs also aid in making rivers more navigable and
controlling flooding. Some drawbacks of using weirs as diversion structures are that they interrupt
the natural channel processes such as sediment flow, potentially disturbing the equilibrium of a river
system. Head loss also inevitably occurs over these flow diversion structures, lowering the total
energy of the flow. Benefits and costs associated with weir placement as well as the necessity of
flow control should be evaluated before implementation. The many types of sharp- and broad-
crested weir designs possible offer a spread of tools capable of measuring and adjusting flow in a
variety of situations.
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Broad Crested Weirs. Broad Crested Weirs. Web.18 Nov. 2014.


Claydon, John F. "Broad Crested Weir." Broad Crested Weir. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.

Cruise, James F., and M. M. Sherif. Elementary Hydraulics. Toronto, Ont.: Thomson/Nelson, 2007.

Kay, Melvyn. "Hydraulic Structures for Channels." Practical Hydraulics. CRC, 2007. Print.

"Sharp Crested Weir 2." Sharp Crested Weir 2. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.

"V Notch Weir Calculator Excel Spreadsheet for Open Channel Flow." Low Cost Easy to Use
Spreadsheets for Engineering Calculations Available at Engineering Excel Spreadsheets. Web. 17 Nov.
2014. <

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