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Applied Strength of Materials, 5th edition, 2008

By: Robert L. Mott

ISBN-13: 978-0-13-236849
Published by: Pearson Prentice Hall


The following errors in this book have been discovered. We deeply regret their occurrence and
welcome others that users may find. The listed items, along with other cosmetic enhancements
will be made in subsequent printings of the book.

Pearson Prentice Hall, Publisher

Robert L. Mott, Author

Changes submitted March 18, 2008:

Page Change to text:

4 In paragraph 1, line 4: Change real to rear.

161 In Example Problems 3-23 and 3-24, the properties of AISI 1020 CD do not match those
in Appendix A-14. The yield strength should be 64 000 psi and the ultimate tensile
strength should be 75 000 psi.

In Example Problem 3-23 Results changes: d = 16 000 psi; A = 0.0328 in2; d = 0.204 in
[Recommended specified diameter remains d = 0.250 in (1/4 in).]

In Example Problem 3-24: Given Material strength; su = 75 000 psi

Results: Step 1: sus = 61 500 psi
Step 2: F = 3019 lb
Step 3: T = 9057 lbin
Comment: Ratio = 5.75

171 In Problem 3-113: Change 8.00 in to 8.00 mm.

222 Line 4: Change TD to TB.

251 Formatting change: For consistency, the heading Pinned Support should be formatted as
is the heading Fixed Support below it on the same page.

368 In Table 7-1, first column, last line: Change of to or. The resulting phrase should read,
Impact or shock.

449 In Figure P8-54: Delete the label (twice) that reads, 500 N/m.

559 In the procedure for drawing Mohrs circle; line 2: Insert in before the.
723 In the Design Bending Stresses table:
For both Repeated loads and Impact or shock: Change sy to su in the design stresses for
ductile materials.

733 Change the name of Table A-21-11 to A-22-11.

Changes submitted earlier:

Page Change to text:

67 In Figure 2-11(b), the drawing of the notch on the right side of the specimen should be a
sharp vee. The raised part on the upper part of the notch is to be removed.
90 In the caption for Figure 2-23, the reference to Figure 2-12 should read, Figure 2-22.
131 The note in the box in the margin should read Lesson 6.
142 The note in the box in the margin should read Lesson 8.

164 In the statement for Problem 3-32, at the beginning of the second sentence, the word It
should be Its.
202 In Equation 4-17: The denominator should be d, not Td.
237 In Figure P4-66: The shading of the shaft between the belt sheave at B and the right
bearing should encompass the entire 20.0 mm diameter of the shaft. The shading of the
three keys is being adjusted to match those in Figure P4-67 on this same page.
248 In Figure 5-4, the drawing of the support pivot on the lower left end of the Beam is
missing. It should appear the same as that shown in Figure 5-3 on the same page.
522 In Figure P9-95: The box shape from B to D below the main beam should have the same
shading as the main beam.
657 In Figure 12-10: The left end of the spiral line should terminate at the diameter of the
domed end of the vessel.
660 In Figure 12-12: On the side view of the tank, the view port on the small-diameter section
should appear as that on the right end of the large-diameter section.
690 In Appendix A-1: The formulas for the properties of a rectangle at the bottom of the page
are all incorrect, having been misplaced by the compositor during printing. The attached
page shows the correct formulas.
711 In Appendix A-12(SI): The unit for Area should be (mm2).
721 In the Equation for Allowable Bearing Stress: Change 0.09 to 0.90.
721 In the Section for Allowable Bearing Load: Change Wb to Ra.
721 In the Section for Allowable Bearing Load; Equation for Ra in SI units: Change 105 to
724 In Appendix A-22-1: On the horizontal axis, the third label, 0.00, should read 0.10.
726 In Appendix A-22-3: In the drawing, there should be no vertical line across the middle of
the plate because there is no change in thickness there. The basic art should look like that
in Appendix A-22-10 on page 733.
727 In Appendix A-22-4: In the equation for nominal stress for Curve C, the letter C after M
should be lower case. It is now upper case but in a smaller font.
732 In Appendix A-22-9: On the horizontal axis, change 0.00 to 0.10.
757 The answer for Problem 3-123 should be 15.9 MPa [Note changes to Solutions Manual
below affecting the numbering of Problems 3-122, 3-123, and 3-124.]
757 The answer for Problem 3-125 should be 1905 N.

Prob. No. Change to Solutions Manual:

The order for Problems 3-122, 3-123, and 3-124 is incorrect:

3-122: Change to 3-123
3-123: Change to 3-124
3-124: Change to 3-122

3-125 Change the answer for Fallow at the Pin to 1905 N.


Corrections submitted 2/6/2008. Others submitted 12/20/2007.

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