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clinical practice guidelines Annals of Oncology 24 (Supplement 6): vi138vi143, 2013

Published online 22 August 2013

Acute myeloblastic leukaemias in adult patients: ESMO

Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment
and follow-up
M. F. Fey1 & C. Buske2, on behalf of the ESMO Guidelines Working Group*
Department of Medical Oncology, Inselspital and University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 2Comprehensive Cancer Center Ulm, Institute of Experimental Cancer Research,
University Hospital Ulm, Ulm, Germany

These Clinical Practice Guidelines are endorsed by the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology (JSMO)

incidence and epidemiology risk assessment and prognostic factors

The yearly incidence of acute myeloblastic leukaemia (AML) in Patient age, initial leukocyte counts and co-morbidity are
European adults is ve to eight cases per 100 000 individuals important risk factors. AML having evolved from previously
with a steep increase in the population aged over 70 years where documented MDS generally have an adverse prognosis.
the incidence reaches 1525/100 000 per annum. The yearly Molecular and genetic risk stratication are the key principles to
mortality gure in AML is four to six cases per 100 000. guide the therapy of AML, and prognosis is chiey governed by
AML subtypes or entities dened through their karyotype or
diagnosis and pathology/molecular specic molecular features [I, A] [511].
clinical practice


The diagnosis of AML requires the examination of peripheral

The most favourable types of AML are acute promyelocytic
blood and bone marrow specimens. The work-up of these
leukaemia (APL) with the chromosomal translocation t(15;17)
specimens should include morphology, cytochemistry,
(q22;q12), and AML with the t(8;21)(q22;q22), inv(16)
immunophenotyping, cytogenetics and molecular genetics
( p13.1q22) or t(16;16)( p13.1;q22) (mostly myelomonocytic
[chiey polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and uorescence
leukaemia with preponderance of eosinophil granulocytes in the
in situ hybridisation (FISH) techniques]. See Table 1.
bone marrow), termed core binding factor acute myeloblastic
Whilst historically sorted by the largely descriptive French-
leukaemia (CBF-AML). Patients with normal karyotype AML
American-British (FAB) criteria [1], AML are now classied
are in an intermediate risk group, and AML with complex
according to the World Health Organisation (WHO)
karyotype abnormalities and/or chromosomal monosomies fare
classication from 2001, revised in 2008 [24]. The WHO
poorly [I, A]. See Table 2.
classication incorporates, in addition to morphological criteria,
cytogenetic data, molecular genetics, immunophenotype data molecular genetics
and clinical information into a diagnostic algorithm to delineate
Good-risk translocations in AML dened above are all
clinically signicant disease entities. In the WHO classication
amenable to detection with molecular techniques (PCR or
the term myeloid includes all cells belonging to the
FISH) which may be faster than classical cytogenetics, and are
granulocytic, monocyte/macrophage, erythroid, megakaryocytic
therefore recommended. In cytogenetically normal AML,
and mast cell lineage. The percentage of blast cells in the bone
somatic mutations of the genes FLT3 (a receptor tyrosine
marrow is a practical tool for categorising myeloid neoplasms
kinase), NPM1 (nucleophosmin) or CEBP (a transcription
into AML or myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), respectively,
factor) have been identied as important prognostic factors.
where myeloid neoplasms with more than 20% blasts in the
NPM1 and bi-allelic CEBP mutations are favourable when
peripheral blood or bone marrow are considered AML, either de
present as single molecular aberrations. FLT3 alterations present
novo, or having evolved from a pre-existing MDS. Blasts are
as a single molecular abnormality or with a high allelic ration
dened using the criteria recently proposed by the International
predict for a high (and early) relapse rate [1013]. Patients with
Working Group on Morphology of MDS.
abnormalities of the chromosomal region 11q23 representing
the mixed lineage leukaemia (MLL) gene fare poorly [I, A]. The
*Correspondence to: ESMO Guidelines Working Group, ESMO Head Ofce,
list of genes with diagnostic and prognostic value will certainly
Via L. Taddei 4, CH-6962 Viganello-Lugano, Switzerland.
E-mail: increase, for example to include gene mutations in the isocitrate
dehydrogenase (IDH) genes or in the tet oncogene family

Approved by the ESMO Guidelines Working Group: August 2002, last update July
member 2 (TET2) genes; in addition, the genes for DNA
2013. This publication supersedes the previously published versionAnn Oncol 2010;
21 (Suppl. 5): v158v161. (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 3 (DNMT3A), Runt-related

The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society for Medical Oncology.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:

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Annals of Oncology clinical practice guidelines
Table 1. Diagnostic work-up in AML other pre-treatment investigations
Patients potentially suitable for allogeneic stem cell
Bone marrow aspirate and biopsy as well as peripheral blood lms transplantation (alloSCT) should be human leukocyte antigen
Immunophenotyping of peripheral blood and bone marrow aspirates (HLA) typed at diagnosis, as should their available rst- and
Cytogenetics and molecular genetics (PCR and FISH techniques) second-degree family members. In high-risk disease
Routine chemistry including liver and kidney parameters (e.g. poor-risk karyotype), early matched unrelated donor
Coagulation prole (MUD) allogeneic transplantation must be considered, and
Blood group and HLA typing of patient and family members therefore, a donor search should be carried out as early as
Radiology to include dental survey as well as CT scan of chest and possible [I, A].
abdomen (or chest X-ray and abdominal ultrasound)
Sperm preservation in men (according to patient preference)
Serum pregnancy test in female patients treatment
Whenever possible, AML treatment should be offered in clinical
trials, and given only in experienced centres offering an
Table 2. AML risk factors adequate multidisciplinary infrastructure as well as a suitably
high case load [14, 15]. Treatment should be planned with
Favourable APL with t(15;17) curative intent whenever possible. Intensive chemotherapy of
CBF-AML with t(8;21) or inv 16 AML is divided into an induction phase, consolidation and
Biallelic CEBP mutation with normal cytogenetics (rarely) maintenance. Potential candidates for alloSCT
Normal karyotype with NPM mutation and no FLT3 ITD (scheduled for the consolidation phase) must be identied early
Intermediate AML with normal cytogenetics and no adverse molecular at diagnosis or during induction chemotherapy [I, A].
features Treatment of APL differs in several important aspects from
FLT3 ITD with normal karyotype
therapy of all other AML types and is, therefore, discussed in a
Adverse Complex karyotype abnormalities (>3)
separate section.
Monosomal karyotype

intensive treatment of non-APL AML

transcription factor 1 (RUNX1) and additional sex combs-like
1 (ASXL1) may be listed. However, these newer markers do not All patients undergoing intensive chemotherapy need a central
have an established use in routine practice at present. Gene intravenous line inserted, if necessary, under platelet
expression proles assessed by microarray technology have been transfusion. Induction chemotherapy should only be started
reported to split AML into dened sub-/categories, but these (if possible) when all material needed for diagnostic testing has
techniques are not yet ready for widespread routine use. The been satisfactorily sampled. Patients with excessive
same applies to the techniques of next-generation sequencing of leukocytosis at presentation and with clinical signs of
AML cases. leukostasis may require emergency leukapheresis coordinated
with the start of chemotherapy. These patients are at particular
risk of a tumour lysis syndrome under induction
co-morbidity and other host factors chemotherapy and need appropriate monitoring. In these cases
Patients aged 6065 years are more susceptible to treatment a single injection of rasburicase may be considered to prevent
complications ( particularly severe infections) than younger hyperuricaemia and hence renal failure, but data are
patients, which contributes to higher risk of an unfavourable insufcient to support a rm recommendation in this respect.
outcome. Pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes, In most patients with AML, the start of treatment can safely be
coronary heart disease, or chronic pulmonary obstructive postponed for several days until all diagnostic material has
disease must also be recognised as contributing to poor risk. It is been collected and the results of analyses such as molecular
recommended to assess cardiac risk factors at diagnosis, in typing are available.
addition to clinical examination and cardiac echocardiography. Induction chemotherapy should include an anthracycline and
At diagnosis, patients should be investigated for the presence cytarabine with the particularly well-known and time-honoured
of active infection, particularly those planned for intensive 3 + 7 regimen [I, A]. Data on dose escalation of daunorubicin
treatment. Careful clinical and haematological assessment is to improve AML outcome look promising, but longer follow-up
required to identify such patients where the start of is required to support a rm recommendation [II, C].
chemotherapy could or should be delayed, until active infection Haematopoietic growth factors are an optional adjunct to
has been treated. In addition to clinical examination, additional intensive induction chemotherapy; however, evidence on their
techniques recommended are computed tomography (CT) role in reducing the incidence and/or the severity of infectious
scans of the chest and the abdomen, and radiological imaging of complications during bone marrow aplasia, and evidence on
teeth and jaws to identify infectious foci such as dental root their putative benet conferred through priming of leukaemic
granulomas and caries. In addition to haematological and cells to increase sensitivity to cytostatic agents, is not convincing
chemistry laboratory tests, a coagulation status must be obtained [II, C] [13, 1520].
to detect leukaemia-related coagulopathy, particularly in APL; Consolidation therapy in AML is warranted once patients
such tests must be carried out before the insertion of central have reached clinical and haematological remission [I, A]. There
intravenous lines. is no consensus on a single best post-remission treatment

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clinical practice guidelines Annals of Oncology

schedule. In good-risk AML patients in rst remission, who therapy of refractory or relapsed AML
have a relapse risk of 35% or less, alloSCT is not justied Resistance to therapy (refractory or relapsed AML) is the major
because its toxic effect and/or its risk of transplantation-related cause of treatment failure, rather than mortality due to
mortality exceed the benet. Also, these patients may receive infections and other treatment-related complications. Patients
salvage therapy including alloSCT in second remission. Good- failing to respond to one or two cycles of induction treatment
risk AML patients (including NPM-mutated AML with absence are considered refractory and are at very high risk of ultimate
of internal tandem duplications of FLT3 (FLT3-ITD), CBF treatment failure. Carefully selected patients with an HLA-
AML, and bi-allelic mutant CEBP AML) as well as patients matched donor may be offered alloSCT, albeit with limited
who are unsuitable for alloSCT for other reasons should receive chances of success and at the cost of considerable morbidity
at least one cycle of intensive consolidation chemotherapy from this procedure [II, B]. For patients unsuited to this
preferably incorporating intermediate or high-dose cytarabine approach, BSC or palliative systemic treatment is often a
[I, A]. Patients with AML in intermediate- and poor-risk reasonable option with, at least, limited toxic effect. The
groups with an HLA-identical sibling may be candidates for prognosis of such patients is often dismal regardless of
alloSCT, provided their age and performance status allow for treatment attempts.
such treatment [2132]. Newer data suggest that alloSCT may Patients presenting with relapse after a rst remission may be
no longer be mandatory in intermediate risk patients, but offered intensive re-induction, for which chances of success are
these data need to be conrmed [III, C] [15]. Patients in these better after longer duration of rst remission. Patients in second
risk groups without a family donor may qualify for alloSCT or subsequent remission may still qualify for alloSCT with a
with an HLA-matched unrelated donor identied through an family or unrelated HLA-matched donor, or with cord blood-
international donor registry. In fact, peripheral stem cells derived stem cells.
harvested from unrelated HLA-matched donors have become
the most frequently used source of stem cells. If a killer-
immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) mismatch is present, treatment of APL
haploidentical transplants may be considered. Conditioning Suspicion of or established diagnosis of APL must trigger a
regimens for alloSCT with dose-reduced chemotherapy distinctive therapy programme [3639]. If in doubt and/or if
intensity (RIC) may be used for patients in the upper age APL is a diagnostic possibility at presentation, oral all-trans
range ( particularly those >50 years of age), but there is some retinoic acid (ATRA) should immediately be started, and only
evidence that RIC may also be used in adults at a younger age discontinued when APL has been specically excluded in the
[II, B]. Infectious disease complications contracted during diagnostic work-up of newly diagnosed AML [I, A]. Risk
induction should be under suitable control before an alloSCT assessment of APL is chiey based on white blood cell (WBC)
is enacted. The role of high-dose chemotherapy with count at presentation, where patients with a WBC count
autologous stem cell re-transfusion in AML is still >10 000/mm3 fare worse. APL induction chemotherapy consists
controversial. Recent data suggest that it may be a good option of ATRA as a differentiating agent and an anthracycline given
(and thus an alternative to alloSCT) in patients in an simultaneously, but the role of cytarabine in the treatment of
intermediate risk group [19]. Whilst it may prolong time to APL is controversial. The use of arsenic trioxide (ATO) in rst-
relapse or remission duration, its potential to prolong overall line APL therapy is promising, but long-term results are not yet
survival is uncertain [I, C] [23, 2527]. available. However, the results of ATRA-ATO therapy without
chemotherapy look promising, particularly in good risk APL [II,
C] [40]. The need for daily i.v. application of ATO over a
prolonged period of time, electrolyte as well as cardiac problems
non-intensive treatment of AML (including potentially fatal torsade-de-pointe ventricular
Patients with signicant co-morbidity and the elderly are often arrhythmias) and case reports on secondary cancers after ATO
not eligible for intensive treatment. They should receive best must all be considered. If the results of ASO-ATRA induction
supportive care (BSC) or palliative systemic treatment, which (without chemotherapy) hold true over time, this regime might
may incorporate either low-dose cytarabine or a demethylating well become a new future standard, at least in low- to
agent such as decitabine or azacytidine [II, B]. Excessive intermediate-risk APL [II, C] [40]. Primary resistance of APL is
leukocytosis due to spilling of malignant blasts into the virtually unheard of and must infer a revision of the initial
periphery may be reduced with cytoreductive agents such as diagnosis. APL patients must be followed very closely for the
hydroxyurea or low-dose cytarabine, which, however, also lower development of leukaemia-associated coagulopathy and
normal blood cell counts such as red cells, neutrophils or haemorrhage at presentation and/or under induction. Their
platelets. Treatment of infections due to neutropenia and platelet counts should be kept at a minimum of 3050 G/l.
transfusions to cover anaemia or thrombocytopenia are Fibrinogen should be kept in the normal range (100150 mg/dl)
important additional measures. Erythropoietin is of throughout induction, whenever possible until signs of
questionable value in patients with anaemia due to extensive coagulopathy subside. The use of heparin is controversial and is
inltration of the marrow with leukaemia. In severely not recommended as a routine procedure.
neutropenic patients haematopoietic growth factors may be The optimal strategy of consolidation in APL is less clear, but
tried when neutropenic fever or infections are a problem; there is consensus on giving two to three anthracycline-
however, there is no evidence to support their continuous use containing chemotherapy cycles [II, B]. A high proportion of
[II, D] [13, 17, 23, 3235]. patients reach molecular remission after this treatment series,

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Annals of Oncology clinical practice guidelines
where the t(15;17) is no longer PCR-detectable. The small note
fraction of patients with persistent molecular disease (i.e. with
the molecular equivalent of the t(15;17) still detectable with A summary of recommendations is provided in Table 3. Levels
sensitive quantitative PCR assays) may need maintenance of evidence and grades of recommendation have been applied
therapy including non-marrow ablative long-term using the system shown in Table 4. Statements without grading
chemotherapy and ATRA. There is no role for alloSCT in were considered justied standard clinical practice by the
patients with APL in rst remission. experts and the ESMO faculty.
In relapsed APL, ATO can induce remissions, even in patients
having turned refractory to ATRA [II, B]. It should be given
until remission is documented. Patients at particularly high risk
Table 3. Summary of recommendations
for later additional APL relapses may be candidates for alloSCT
or for high-dose chemotherapy consolidation with re-
transfusion of autologous stem cells. Diagnostic work-up of AML must in include morphology of peripheral
blood and bone marrow, cytogenetics and molecular genetics assessed
before start of therapy
HLA-typing of patient and family members to plan for allogeneic stem
personalised medicine cell transplantation where indicated
The impact of molecular AML typing has been demonstrated AML should only be treated in specialised and experienced centres
extensively for diagnostic purposes (to dene AML entities or offering a multidisciplinary approach, and the possibility of clinical trials
subtypes) and for AML risk assessment (see above section) [5, AML therapy with curative intent includes induction chemotherapy
6, 9, 12, 13]. However, AML molecular genotyping still has (incorporating an anthracycline and cytarabine), consolidation which in
relatively little practical use in predicting specic drug intermediate to high-risk patients may incorporate allogeneic stem cell
treatment. APL is the only type of AML for which a targeted transplantation
agent (ATRA) has become mandatory in routine practice [I, A]. APL needs a specic therapy approach. ATRA must be started whenever
in a case of leukaemia the differential diagnosis of APL is considered, and
For all other AML entities, targeted agents are either not
combined with anthracycline-based chemotherapy once the diagnosis of
available, e.g. for core-binding factor leukaemias, or are still
APL is conrmed
experimental, e.g. the treatment of FLT-3-positive AML with
the tyrosine kinase inhibitors sorafenib or midostaurin [41]. A
monoclonal antibody targeting the CD33 antigen often present
on AML blasts has shown discordant results in clinical trials;
hence, no rm recommendation for its routine application can Table 4. Levels of evidence and grades of recommendation (adapted from
be given [II, D] [42]. the Infectious Diseases Society of America-United States Public Health
Service Grading Systema)

response evaluation and follow-up Levels of evidence

I Evidence from at least one large randomised, controlled trial of good
Response of AML to treatment is monitored clinically, with methodological quality (low potential for bias) or meta-analyses
serial peripheral blood counts and repeat bone marrow of well-conducted randomised trials without heterogeneity
examinations. During intensive chemotherapy, bone marrow II Small randomised trials or large randomised trials with a suspicion
should be examined in the aplastic phase to monitor blast of bias (lower methodological quality) or meta-analyses of such
clearance, persistence or early relapse. The usually accepted trials or of trials with demonstrated heterogeneity
criteria of response in AML are blast clearance in the bone III Prospective cohort studies
marrow to <5% of all nucleated cells, morphologically normal IV Retrospective cohort studies or casecontrol studies
haematopoiesis and return of peripheral blood cell counts to V Studies without control group, case reports, experts opinions
normal levels. Clearance of infections contracted during Grades of recommendation
therapy-induced aplasia should also be documented. A Strong evidence for efcacy with a substantial clinical benet,
Patients having concluded treatment should be followed strongly recommended
clinically and with repeated haematological examinations. Serial B Strong or moderate evidence for efcacy but with a limited clinical
bone marrow examinations of patients in remission are of benet, generally recommended
uncertain value, and cannot therefore be generally C Insufcient evidence for efcacy or benet does not outweigh the
recommended. Although sensitive PCR methods as well as risk or the disadvantages (adverse events, costs, ), optional
immunophenotyping are available, permitting molecular D Moderate evidence against efcacy or for adverse outcome, generally
follow-up and detection of minimal residual disease in patients not recommended
E Strong evidence against efcacy or for adverse outcome, never
with suitable markers (mostly specic chromosomal
translocations, or typical antigen expression proles,
respectively), the early detection of molecular relapse in the a
Dykewicz CA. Summary of the guidelines for preventing opportunistic
absence of morphological evidence for recurrent AML is of infections among hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. Clin Infect
uncertain therapeutic consequence. Specically, evidence that Dis 2001; 33: 139144. By permission of the Infectious Diseases Society of
early re-induction treatment of such patients still in America.
haematological remission would be of any benet is lacking.

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clinical practice guidelines Annals of Oncology

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Prof. Buske has reported consultancy/honoraria from Celgene, to dose escalation of cytarabine. Blood 2012; 119: 53675373.
Pzer and Roche. Prof. Fey has reported no potential conicts of 21. Burnett AK, Hills RK, Milligan DW et al. Attempts to optimise induction and
interest. consolidation treatment in acute myeloid leukaemia: results of the MRC AML 12
trial. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28: 586595.
22. Koreth J, Schlenk R, Kopecky KJ et al. Allogeneic stem cell transplantation for
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