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Log Horizon TRPG Rules Summary v0.3
This document as well as the Skill List incorporate translations originally
done by Yukamichi.
This summary does not correspond word to word (or even section to section)
with the published rulebook. We believe the rulebook is not well organized
and attempted to achieve greater clarity by reorganizing and rewriting it.
This document includes some information from the official errata and FAQ, as
well as online supplemental material that has been released.
Please support the development team! Purchase the Log Horizon TRPG book on!
Visit our Log Horizon Wiki page at
VII. Tips
The Golden Rule written down in the book is in short "Be excellent to each
other," but for the purposes of this incomplete translation the Golden Rule
is "If any of the rules aren't clear, it probably works like it does in Night
Wizard! (or DoubleCross, or whatever F.E.A.R. TRPG you're familiar with.)"
Despite the Log Horizon TRPG not (to my knowledge) having anything to do with
F.E.A.R, the resemblance is uncanny.
The basic dice mechanic used by the Log Horizon TRPG is 2d6 + Attribute roll
over, but some effects may increase or decrease the number of dice rolled
(the minimum number of dice is 1.) If you roll a 6 on two or more dice, you
Critical, and if you roll a 1 on all dice, you Fumble. Criticals result in an
automatic success, and Fumbles result in an automatic failure (if you need an
exact number, Fumbles decrease the total result of the roll to 0; the
attribute used is negated as well.)
This die roll is sometimes compared against a difficulty level specified by the
text or by the GM, which is called a Basic Check, or against a die roll made by
the GM on an enemy or NPC's behalf, which is called an Opposed Check. Whoever
rolls higher during an Opposed Check is the winner.
Another fundamental concept of the the Log Horizon TRPG is Fate Points (which
are very similar to Prana in Night Wizard!) Every PC has Fate Points and can
spend them as the cost of certain skills or to produce these other effects:
Increase the number of dice in a single check (before making it) by one
Reroll all dice in a single check
Remove any one Bad Status you're currently affected by
All PCs start each Session with their maximum number of Fate Points, and regain
a Fate Point at the end of every Phase (see III. SESSION FLOW.)
Almost everything characters do in the Log Horizon TRPG is considered an
action. Actions have a Timing, which determine when and how often they can be
used; a target that they affect; a cost, which is typically drawing the ire
of enemies (see IV.b. HATE); and Check Type that the user must succeed at,
unless they're simple enough to succeed automatically. Generally, outside of
combat, only the Check Type needs to be given special consideration. See
II.c. READING SKILL BLOCKS and the skill list (paying close attention to the
Basic Actions section) for more information.
Action: In general, anything a character does that could conceivably fail,
or take time and preoccupy them. Many actions, including all skills,
have specific timings and difficulties set.
Timing: An abstract measure of the amount of time, focus and effort an action
takes. Also expresses when it would be a reasonable time to perform
such an action. Most important during combat.
Skill: An action a character must be proficient (by acquiring Skill Ranks)
in to perform successfully. Alternately, the passive effects of
various types of conditioning or training, represented by acquiring
Skill Ranks.
Tag: A descriptive keyword, such as 'Adventurer' on a PC, 'Magic Attack' on
a skill, 'Sword' on an item, 'Flame' on an attack's damage, or 'Goblin'
on an enemy. Generally, tags have no effects of their own, but often
interact with skills and other game rules.
Character: Any living entity in the game, whether a PC, NPC, or enemy.
Prop: Any non-living entity in the game, including walls, doors, unusual
terrain, traps, and even abstract concepts with mechanical effects
like the darkness of night.
Gimmick: A non-living entity that is represented as an enemy for mechanical
purposes. Think of them as intricate traps.
Class: The twelve different types of adventurers, each with their own
strengths and weaknesses. Each class has different starting stats
and a different skill pool.
Archetype: The four broad categories of character classes. They are Warriors,
Healers, Weapon Masters, and Mages. In addition to class skills,
each Archetype has access to a different skill pool.
Race: The eight races characters can be. Race influences your starting stats,
though not to the same degree as class, and grants access to three
racial skills.
Equipment: Items that a character wears or otherwise gains a passive benefit
Consumable: Items that a character can use during combat or at other times
for an active, temporary benefit.
Connection: A relationship, usually an amiable one, to another PC or NPC. It
has few mechanical effects, but implies the other party can be
asked for assistance or favors.
Union: A marker of membership in a group, anything from a party or guild like
the Crescent Moon Alliance to a political bloc like the League of
Freedom Cities Eastal.
- Basics -
All newly created PCs begin at Character Rank 1. Start by writing this down
on your character sheet.
Choose your PC's Main Class, which will also determine their Archetype. Then
decide on their race. Both of these specify numbers that are added to
determine your Base Stats, as per the chart below.
Class STR DEX POW INT HP HP Modifier

Guardian 4 2 1 3 50 +8
Samurai 4 2 2 2 50 +8
Monk 4 4 2 0 55 +9
Cleric 3 0 4 3 40 +6
Druid 2 1 4 3 35 +5
Kannagi 1 3 4 2 40 +5
Assassin 2 4 3 1 40 +5
Swashbuckler 3 4 2 1 40 +6
Bard 2 4 2 2 40 +5
Sorcerer 0 3 3 4 35 +4
Summoner 1 3 3 4 35 +5
Enchanter 2 2 2 4 35 +4

Human (+1 to any two) 8 1

Elf 0 1 1 0 8 1
Dwarf 1 0 1 0 16 0
Half-Alv 0 1 0 1 8 1
Werecat 1 1 0 0 8 1
Wolf Fang 2 0 0 0 16 0
Fox Tail 0 0 1 1 8 1
Race of Ritual 0 0 0 2 0 2
You also have five bonus points that you may distribute freely among your
Base Stats. You cannot raise a Base Stat above 7 at this time.
- Skills -
Each Main Class possesses three automatic starting skills (these are listed
in the Skill List under each Main Class's tab.)
Choose three additional Combat skills and one General skill from amongst the
Archetype, Main Class, Race, and Common skill lists. At CR 1, your maximum
Skill Rank (SR) is 1. In addition, you can only acquire a maximum of two
skills with the [Training] tag at this time.
See II.c. READING SKILL BLOCKS for information on how to understand what skills
do. For a full understanding, read the rest of this document first.
- Ability Scores and Attributes -
Add any modifiers from your skills to your Base Stats (these can raise your
Base Stats above 7). Then calculate your final Ability Scores by dividing the
Base Stat by 3 (round down).
Now write down your Attributes. These are the things you actually use to make
checks. They're determined by the corresponding Ability Score, plus any
modifiers from skills and items. (You may wish to skip ahead and purchase
items before finalizing these values.)
Athletics STR + modifiers from skills and items
Endurance STR + modifiers from skills and items
Disable DEX + modifiers from skills and items
Operate DEX + modifiers from skills and items
Perception POW + modifiers from skills and items
Negotiation POW + modifiers from skills and items
Knowledge INT + modifiers from skills and items
Analyze INT + modifiers from skills and items
Accuracy (Highest Ability Score) + modifiers from skills and items
Evasion DEX + modifiers from skills and items
Resistance POW + modifiers from skills and items
Also record the following other values on your character sheet:
Max HP Main Class Modifier + Racial Modifier + modifiers
from skills and items
Starting Fate Racial Modifier + modifiers from skills and items
Damage Damage Value of one equipped item + modifiers from
skills and items
Magic Magic Value of one equipped item + modifiers from
skills and items
Recovery Modifiers from skills and items
Physical Defense STR x 2 + modifiers from skills and items
Magical Defense INT x 2 + modifiers from skills and items
Initiative STR + INT + modifiers from skills and items
Speed 2 + modifiers from skills and items
- Starting Items -
Each PC starts with 350 gold, a Backpack, an Adventurer's Set, and a Sandwich.
You should probably use the gold to purchase some equipment at this time,
like weapons and armor. See the Item List spreadsheet.
- Starting Connections -
PCs receive one Connection at character creation. This should be to another PC.
Player can work out amongst themselves their Connection, but it may be simpler
to have each player form a Connection with the player to their physical right.
PCs have no starting Union, however a GM may grant it to them if the scenario
dictates that they should. For instance, PCs that are in the same party or
Guild may warrant a Union.
For information on how to use Connections and Unions in play, refer to
V.d. NON-COMBAT below.
- Personal Data -
Now you should decide on the cosmetic aspects of your PC, if you haven't
already. Make sure you've decided everything listed below:
Level (Elder Tale level, which is unrelated to your Character Rank and has
no mechanical effect on play)
Starting Sub-Class (Mostly cosmetic, but may be a prerequisite for some
Common skills)
Guiding Creed (basically, the reason your PC is an Adventurer; roll or pick
a selection from the table below. The tag is really the only important part, as
some may interact with Common skills. The tag is essentially an RP guide,
otherwise, and may help generate ideas for characterization.)
Die Roll Creed Name Principle Tag
1 Protection "Defend others from danger" [Soldier]
2 Friendship "Spend time with my friends" [Commoner]
1~2 3 Fortitude "Yield not to adversity" [Craftsman]
4 Conquest "Defeat the mighty" [Soldier]
5 Action "Lead by example" [Artist]
6 Chivalry "Conduct oneself gallantly" [Freeman]
1 Support "Support everyone" [Statesman]
2 Justice "Uphold justice" [Craftsman]
3~4 3 Give-And-Take "Help and be helped in turn" [Merchant]
4 Effort "Put in my utmost effort" [Commoner]
5 Sagacity "Acquire knowledge" [Intellectual]
6 Expression "Express myself" [Artist]
1 Trust "Believe in others" [Commoner]
2 Prosperity "Enrich those around me" [Merchant]
5~6 3 Leadership "Lead everyone" [Statesman]
4 Discipline "Discipline thyself" [Craftsman]
5 Discovery "Indulge my curiosity" [Intellectual]
6 Adventure "Have fun adventuring" [Freeman]
7 - GM's Choice GM's Choice GM's Choice
Congratulations. You've finished creating your PC and are ready to play!
- Log Tickets -
At the end of each Session (during After Play), the GM will give each player
a Log Ticket. By using this ticket, the players can improve their PCs in
various ways. They also serve as a record of the adventures their characters
have had.
Log Tickets can be used during Pre-Play, After Play, or if the GM permits at
any other time. The GM will sign the Log Ticket, which is now considered
'used', and the player who used it will have their PC gain the specified
Types of Log Tickets include:
Character Rank Up: This ticket can be used to increase Character Rank by 1.
Fate Point Get: This ticket can be used only during Pre-Play. It gives the
user's PC an additional Fate Point for the duration of the
Treasure Get*: This ticket can be used to acquire Treasure.
Other Get: This ticket can be used to acquire a new Connection, Union or
Sub Class.
* = Please note that, as per the Official FAQ, Treasure Get tickets are largely
used to reward GMs in the case of a gaming group that uses a revolving GM.
Because GMs cannot earn Prizes for their character (see V.e. TREASURE below),
these Treasure Get tickets are how to compensate for that. PCs should, in
general, not receive them. GMs may choose to ignore this rule if they deem it
appropriate or fun to do so, of course.
- Increasing Character Rank -
By using a Character Rank Up Log Ticket, a PC's Character Rank can be increased
by one. This has the following effects:
1. Maximum HP Increases
For each increase in Character Rank, a PC's Maximum HP increases by their
Main Class HP Modifier.
Class HP Modifier

Guardian +8
Samurai +8
Monk +9
Cleric +6
Druid +5
Kannagi +5
Assassin +5
Swashbuckler +6
Bard +5
Sorcerer +4
Summoner +5
Enchanter +4
2. Base Stats Increase
For each increase in Character Rank, all of a PC's Base Stats increase by
one. Recalculate their Ability Scores after this happens.
3. Attributes May Increase
If any of the PC's Ability Scores increase, their Attributes will increase as
well. Here's a reminder of which Ability Scores affect which Attributes:
Ability Score Attributes

STR Athletics, Endurance, Phys. Defense, Initiative

DEX Disable, Operate, Evasion
POW Perception, Negotiation, Resistance
INT Knowledge, Analyze, Magic Defense, Initiative
Highest Accuracy
4. New Skills
When a PC's Character Rank increases, they can acquire new skills. From CR
2-10, they can acquire or rank up two Combat Skills and one General Skill. At
CR 11 and above, this changes to one Combat Skill and one General Skill.
They can either acquire brand new skills from amongst the Archetype, Main
Class, Race, and Common skill lists or increase the SR of a skill that they
already possess by 1. However, a skill can never rank up beyond its Maximum SR
or beyond the PC's Character Rank.
- Acquiring a New Sub Class -
An Other Get Log Ticket can be used to acquire a new Sub Class. There is no
limit to the number of Sub Classes a single character may have. Unlike in the
Log Horizon novels, acquiring a new Sub Class does not cause you to lose your
previous one. Make a record of all Sub Classes you have.
Take note, however, that while a PC can have as many Sub Classes as they desire,
they must choose only one to 'equip' during Pre-Play, and they count as being
*only* that Sub Class during the scenario.
- Acquiring Connections and Unions -
An Other Get Log Ticket may also be used to form a Connection or Union. Players
may form these with other players, NPCs that have appeared during the game, or
even a character from the original Log Horizon novels. They may even form
Connections with NPCs that do not exist, if the player desires a Connection with
a specific type of character (for instance, making the acquaintance of a
Blacksmith when no Blacksmith NPCs have been introduced).
A new Union may also be formed with as many characters as desired, however this
requires a touch more story justification. Unions represent guilds, adventuring
parties, or even a kingdom ruled by a league of nobles.
There is no limit on how many Connections or Unions a PC may have. For more
information on how Connections and Unions are used in play, see V.d. NON-COMBAT
- Acquiring Treasure -
A Treasure Get Log Ticket can be used to acquire items, gold, or magic item
components per the table below:
Treasure Type Ticket Cost Result

Normal Item 1 Acquire a normal item with a rank of your

CR or lower
Consumable 1 Acquire two of a normal item with the
[Consumable] tag and a rank of your CR or
Treasure 1 Make a single roll on the Treasure Table
with a modifier of +10. Skills, etc. that
modify Treasure Rolls do not affect this

Skill Type Tag Tag Tag

Max SR Timing
Check Type
Target Cost
Range Activation


- Skill Type -
Should be "Combat", "General" or "Basic."
If the data block isn't for a skill, it's just another tag.
- Max SR -
The maximum Skill Rank that it's possible to raise the skill to.
- Timing -
The time at which the skill can be used.
Constant: This skill is always in effect.
Pre-Play: This skill takes effect or can be used at the very beginning of
the game session.
Interlude: This skill can be used in the interval between scenes
Briefing: This skill can be used during the Briefing Scene that takes place
immediately before combat.
Rest Time: This skill can be used only when the PCs can calmly spend the time
to do it (i.e. not during combat or tense situations.)
Major, Minor, Move, Instant: This skill can be used during the Main Process
if an action of the specified type has not
been taken yet.
Main Process: This skill can be used during the Main Process even if the
Major, Minor, Move and Instant Actions have all been used
Setup, Initiative, Cleanup: This skill can be used during the specified
Round Progression process.
Before (After) Check: This skill can be used immediately before or after
making a check.
Damage Roll: This skill can be used immediately before a Damage Roll.
Before (After) Damage: This skill can be used immediately before or after
taking or inflicting damage.
Action: This skill is used in response to another skill or action. See the
Refer: The timing of the skill is explained in the skill description.
- Check Type -
The type of check necessary for the skill to take effect.
None: No check is necessary, only a willing target.
Automatic: No check is necessary, the skill automatically succeeds.
Basic (Attribute/Difficulty): Requires a Basic Check against the specified
attribute or difficulty.
Opposed (Attribute/Attribute): Requires an Opposed Check. If attributes are
specified, the first is the user's and the
second is the target's.
Refer: The necessary check is explained in the skill description.
- Target -
The target(s) affected by the skill.
Self: This skill can target only the character who is using it.
Single / n: This skill can target from 0 to n characters or Props with HP.
If the target is written as 'Single', then n is 1.
Area (P/A): This skill targets all characters and Props with HP inside a
single square of the user's choice (within range.)
Pick (P) indicates that the user can choose a subset of these targets, such
as only allies or only enemies.
All (A) indicates that the skill affects allies and enemies alike.
Wide n (P/A): This skill targets all characters and Props with HP
inside squares within n distance of a single square of
the user's choice (within range.)
For example, "Wide 1" includes the targeted square
and the 4 squares cardinally adjacent to it, for a total
of 5 squares. "Wide 2" includes the 8 squares
cardinally adjacent to those 5 squares, for a total of
13 squares.
(P/A) work as per Area.
Line n (P/A): The user must specify one of the four cardinal directions.
This skill targets all characters and Props with HP in those
squares within n distance of the user in the chosen direction.
(P/A) work as per Area.
Refer: The target is explained in the skill description.
* It should be noted that in Log Horizon, diagonals do not count as adjacent
squares. Movement and ranges use what is known as Manhattan Distance. Squares
in the four cardinal directions are the only ones that count as adjacent. In
other words, moving diagonally one square would count as 'two squares'. More on
- Range -
The maximum range that can be targeted by the skill.
Close: This skill's range is limited to the square the user is within.
Weapon: This skill's range is the same as the weapon the user has equipped.
nSq: This action's range is up to n squares distant from the user.
Refer: The range is explained in the skill description.
- Cost -
The cost of the skill.
None (-): This skill has no cost.
Hate n: The user's [Hate] increases by n.
Fate n: The user's [Fate Points] decrease by n (they must have at least
this many Fate Points.)
Cost n (Party): The user and all allies of theirs present must pay the
specified cost. For instance, "Hate 1 (Party)" requires the
user and their allies to all increase their Hate by 1.
Cost n (Allies): All present allies of the user must pay the specified
cost. For instance, "Hate 1 (Allies)" requires all allies
of the user to increase their Hate by 1. However, the user
themselves does not need to pay the cost.
Refer: The cost is explained in the skill description.
- Activation -
The maximum number of times the skill can be used.
None (-): There are no limits on the skill.
Scenario n: The skill can be used only n times during a single scenario
(game session).
Scene n: The skill can be used only n times during a single scene.
Round n: The skill can be used only n times during a single round of combat.
[Party]: This skill can be performed only once per scenario and only on the
members of a single Party.
Other: The limit is explained in the skill description.
- Description -
Terms that may be used in the description.
"You": The character that possesses or is using the skill.
Target: The character, item, prop, etc. chosen as a target.
Secondary Target: An additional target chosen as specified in the skill
description. The terms 'You' and 'Target' are in relation
to this new target after it is chosen.
Ally: Characters that are friendly towards the user. In the case of PCs
this typically includes all other PCs.
Enemy: Characters that are hostile towards the user. In the case of PCs
this typically includes all monsters.
Sq: Short for Square.
BS/LS/CS/OS: Short for Bad Status/Life Status/Combat Status/Other Status.
"May move up to n Sq": The specified character may move to any valid Sq
located within a distance of 0-n, or choose to stay
where they are.
(Outside) Close Range: The square the user is in, or in the case of
"Outside Close Range", all Sq other than the one the
user is in.
Cost: The effect or secondary effect of the skill has an additional cost
that much be paid for it to take effect.
"May use this skill again": If the associated cost is paid, this use of
the skill does not count towards its limit.
"Requires ---": The skill can only be acquired by characters satisfying the
specified condition.
"--- Only": The item can only be equipped by characters satisfying the
specified condition.
When players meet to play the Log Horizon TRPG, it's called a Session. Each
Session consists of multiple phases, as depicted below:
Pre-Play Session Prep

Opening Phase
Main Play Middle Phase
Climax Phase
Ending Phase

After Play Log Tickets
- Pre-Play -
During Pre-Play, the players and GM prepare for the game. They should be
prepared before coming to the Session as well; each player and the GM should
carefully review the rulebook and the GM should be familiar with the Scenario.
Every player needs to bring a Character Sheet, and ideally their own rulebook
and dice as well. The GM also needs the battle map, the Hate Management Sheet,
and several Log Tickets per player.
Everyone should introduce themselves to each other if they aren't already
acquainted, and the GM should then describe the premise of the scenario to the
players (they can also prepare a handout to do this with beforehand.)
Any players who haven't created a character should do so now. Housekeeping tasks
for PCs such as acquiring new Sub Classes and upgrading characters are also best
performed at this time.
Finally, any players who wish to use a [Fate Point Get] Log Ticket should do
so, and skills with [Timing: Pre-Play] can be used if desired.
After all the necessities are complete, Pre-Play ends and Main Play begins.
- Main Play -
Main Play is when the game itself takes place. It is divided into multiple
phases, and these phases are likewise divided into scenes. At the end of each
phase, all PCs recover a Fate Point.
Opening Phase: During this phase, the plot begins as the GM presents the
players with a problem or situation that will draw them into
the story. Often, this phase will only last for a single
scene. Once the players understand the objective of the
scenario, the game moves on to the Middle Phase.
Middle Phase: During this phase, the players pursue the objective that they
acquired during the Opening Phase. They should be presented
with challenges, trials, and possibly enemies to defeat. Once
the GM believes they are close to accomplishing their goal,
the Climax Phase should start.
Climax Phase: During this phase, the players confront the final barrier
between them and their objective. Often, this is a powerful
boss enemy. When (or if) they overcome the final challenge,
the game enters the Ending Phase.
Ending Phase: The Ending Phase serves as an epilogue to the story, showing
the players what they've accomplished. There are typically no
further battles or challenges during this phase. After the
story has been wrapped up, Main Play is over and After Play
- After Play -
During After Play, the players and GM wind down and perform housekeeping
tasks to end the session.
All PCs have their HP restored to their Maximum HP and their Fate Points
restored to their Starting Fate Points.
The GM should fill out and hand out Log Tickets (see II.b. CHARACTER
Any treasure or unwanted items acquired during Main Play can be sold at this
time. If players wish to use their Log Tickets to rank up their characters at
this time, they can do so.
Once all necessary tasks are performed, the Session is over.
- Scenes -
This section of the book is 20 pages of minutiae mostly obvious to anyone
who's played a TRPG before, so here's a very brief summary of the important
Bad Statuses do not last past the end of scenes.
If the GM deems it appropriate, they can have PCs recover an arbitrary
amount of HP at the end of scenes, or be restored to full HP.
Incapacitated characters are restored to fighting condition at the end of
scenes, but are very weak and in need of rest. See V.a. STATUSES.
An Interlude occurs between scenes. Skills with [Timing: Interlude] can be
used at this time.
Round Progression generally takes place during combat, but may also be called
for during other time-sensitive situations (such as running from a boulder
trap, Indiana Jones style.) A flowchart demonstrating the steps of Round
Progression is below:
Briefing Scene

Round Progression begins

Setup Process New Round

Initiative Process Next Turn

Major Action
Main Process Minor Action
Move Action
Instant Action

Are all characters Post-Action?
[Yes] [No]

Cleanup Process

Has the objective been completed?
[Yes] [No]

Round Progression ends
Here are details on the various steps of Round Progression.

- Briefing Scene (or Surprise) -

The Briefing Scene happens just before a fight. This is the moment in MMOs when
the party is about to engage in a battle they see coming, such as in a dungeon,
and take a moment both to understand the enemy and then prepare for the upcoming
In a Briefing Scene, two things happen. The first is that the players may ask
for the name, rank, tags, and statuses of any monsters they can see. Based on
this information, they may also wish to perform Scouting actions in order to
gain more information or discover new threats they didn't previously see. Then,
the party may act on this information by using skills with the Preparation tag.
While any number of skills may be used, unless otherwise specified, only one
instance of a Preparation tagged skill may be used. For example, a Kannagi may
only use Purification Barrier once. Note that players do not incur Hate at this
** Many Scouting skills possess the condition '(Fumble): The enemy notices your
scouting.' What this means is that the enemy force is alerted to impending
attack, and take measures accordingly. Depending on what the GM feels is
appropriate, the enemies may call for reinforcements, retreat to a better
position, or take actions that generally make conditions worse for PCs. At the
very least, if no ideas come to mind, increase all PC's Hate by +3 at the start
of the combat.
In the case of surprise attacks or ambushes, no Briefing Scene happens, even if
the players are the attacking party. There are no set rules for determining
surprise, the GM should simply rule as to whether a group is surprised or not.
If Surprised, during the first round of the combat, any characters caught
unawares (GM's call, but usually all of the defending side) cannot take Setup
Process actions, and immediately acquire [Dazed] and [Post-Action].
- Setup Process -
The Setup Process is the beginning of a new round. During this process, all
characters are set or reset to the Pre-Action state, and characters may use
actions with [Timing: Setup]. Once everyone is done, move on to the first
Initiative Process.
- Initiative Process -
The Initiative Process consists of simply choosing the next character to take
their turn, but characters may also use actions with [Timing: Initiative] at
this time.
If all present characters are in the Post-Action state, move on to the
Cleanup Process.
Otherwise, decide which character acts next using the following criteria:
1. Amongst the characters who are in a Pre-Action state, the one with the
highest Initiative (unless they are on Standby.)
2. Amongst characters who are in a Pre-Action state and on Standby, the
character with the lowest Initiative.
If multiple characters have the same Initiative value, the PCs act before the
NPCs. When PCs have the same Initiative value, they should decide amongst
themselves who goes first, or have the GM decide if they are unable. For
NPCs with the same Initiative, it is entirely the GM's decision.
- Standby -
A character that is about to enter their Main Process can instead declare
that they are going on Standby. They gain the Other Status [Standby], and
their Main Process is delayed until after all other characters not on Standby
have taken their turn.
When a character goes on Standby, skip their Main Process and move on to the
next Initiative Process. Once a character on Standby takes their turn, remove
the [Standby] status from them.
A character must declare Standby prior to beginning their Main Process. If
they have taken any kind of Main Process action, they can no longer go on
Standby. Additionally, it is only possible to go on Standby once during each
round. A character who has already been on Standby during this round cannot
go on Standby again.
- Main Process -
During the Main Process, the character chosen by the Initiative Process gets
to take their turn.
The three types of actions usable only during the Main Process are the Move
Action, Minor Action and Major Action, and it is only possible to take one of
each during every Main Process. In addition, at any time during a character's
Main Process, they may take a single Instant Action.
Characters may choose not to take one or more of their possible Main Process
actions if they have no need to do so.
When a character has used all their possible Main Process actions or declared
that they are finished, the Main Process ends. At this time, they transition
from the [Pre-Action] to the [Post-Action] state, and if they are affected by
the Bad Statuses [Staggered] or [Dazed], those statuses naturally expire.
After a Main Process ends, return to the Initiative Process.
- Cleanup Process -
The Cleanup Process gets everything ready for the current round to end and a new
round to begin.
The steps of the Cleanup Process are listed below.
1. [Regen], [Decay] and other effects that may heal or damage a character
take effect at this time. See the Status Glossary for details. If a
character has multiple effects that would both heal and damage them, perform
the effects that would heal them first.
2. If any character has an action with [Timing: Cleanup], they can use that
action at this time.
3. Effects that can be sustained through multiple rounds, like Harmonies, are
processed at this time. See the descriptions of these effects for further
4. Effects that do not last multiple rounds end at this time.
5. The Cleanup Process is over. Move to the Setup Process of the next round.
In the Log Horizon RPG, the world is divided into square tiles like those of
a chessboard. These tiles are known as Squares (Sq for short.) Distances or
numbers of Squares are expressed as 1Sq, 2Sq and so forth.
All characters and Props occupy a Square. Movement, skill and weapon
ranges are all specified using Squares. By default there is no limit to the
number of characters which can occupy a single Square, but if the GM decides
Squares are too small to hold an unlimited amount of people, they are free to
set a limit.
Squares are about 5 square meters in size. The GM is free to alter this, but
should not alter any distances or ranges as a result; this risks unbalancing
the game.
If the space between two Squares contains an impassable Prop such as a wall,
it isn't possible to move directly between those two Squares. Additionally,
Squares themselves may be occupied by an impassable Prop.
Impassable Props generally block line of sight as well. A character without a
direct line of sight to a Square cannot make that Square or anything in it
the target of actions.
Distances are measured using Manhattan rules. In any given square, only the
cardinal direction squares are considered adjacent. Therefore, with a speed of
'2', a character could move one square to the left and one square up, and even
though visually they are only one square away, they still are two squares from
their starting position.
4 - 3 - 2 - 3 - 4
| | | | |
3 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 3
| | | | |
2 - 1 - X - 1 - 2
| | | | |
3 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 3
| | | | |
4 - 3 - 2 - 3 - 4
Keep these rules in mind for skill targeting and attack ranges, as well.
In combat, all characters have the ability to [Hinder] each other. If a
character within close range (same square) as you attempts a [Normal Move], you
may declare a [Hinder]. That character's movement will immediately end. Note
that by default, [Hinder] can only target enemies, and not allies. At the GM's
discretion, they may rule that [Hinder] can be applied to non-enemies. Good
examples would be in the case of NPCs, or characters whose allegiance you are
unsure of.
There are three kinds of movement: [Normal Move] [Safe Move] and [Teleport].
[Normal Move] is the basic kind of movement and has no special rules. It can be
used while [Swimming] and is affected by [Hinder]. [Safe Move] ignores the
effect of enemies, but not terrain, and is NOT affected by [Hinder]. [Teleport]
ignores enemies and terrain. So long as a valid square is picked, the character
instantly moves to that square, and cannot be affected by [Hinder] or Props
(however line of sight may still be required).
Certain effects can produce what is known as 'Forced Movement'. In this way,
characters are made to make moves they may not wish to. Typically these kinds of
effects will be noted with 'forced [Safe Move]' '[Safe Move (forced)]'. If a
character begins movement of their own accord but are interrupted by forced
movement, treat the forced and non-forced parts of the movement according to the
appropriate movement rules.
To any player of an MMO, Hate is a familiar mechanic. It may be known by other
names like aggro or threat, but its effect is the same: it is a measure of an
enemy's recognition of your character as a threat. In MMOs, Hate is usually
tracked per enemy, but to ease book keeping, Hate in this game is tracked per
character. That is, if you have 5 Hate, all enemies in the scene treat you as
having 5 Hate.
There are two conditions to be concerned about when dealing with Hate:
[Hate Top] and [Hate Under]. These conditions are treated as Other Statuses (see
The character with the highest Hate in the party at any given time is considered
[Hate Top]. If characters are tied for highest Hate, then they are all
[Hate Top]. A character who has the [Hate Top] condition takes extra damage
any time they are attacked and fail their [Dodge Check]. In addition to the
regular damage of the attack, they take direct damage equal to [(The [Hate Top]
current Hate) x (the enemy's Hate Multiplier)]. This additional damage is known
as Hate Damage. Each enemy's Hate Multiplier is listed in their stats.
Characters who are not [Hate Top] are known as [Hate Under]. If a [Hate Under]
character is targeted by an enemy's attack, they enjoy a +2 bonus to their
[Dodge Check]. In this way, the GM is encouraged to attack the [Hate Top].
However, it should be noted there is NO obligation to attack the [Hate Top].
Hate is a mechanic of incentives, not of hard rules.
Hate can never be reduced below 0. There is no upper limit on Hate. Hate
resets to 0 at the beginning, and at the end of combat. Hate is typically only
incurred through the use of skills in combat, and the skill's cost will list
how much Hate is gained through its use. Hate may also be affected by a skill's
effect, and will be noted.
The only other effect that manipulates Hate is failed [Dodge Checks]. Each time
a PC is attacked by an enemy and the PC fails their [Dodge Check], that PC's
Hate is immediately reduced by -1. Note this may change who is [Hate Top], so it
is important to track this.
Enemies and Props do not have Hate. NPCs may, however, have Hate
(that's up to the GM). PCs who become [Incapacitated] no longer are subject
to Hate rules. Their current Hate level is sustained and tracked, but they
cannot become [Hate Top] or [Hate Under], and enemies typically ignore them.
However, if the PC recovers from [Incapacitated] and would be [Hate Top], then
they immediately become that.
Attacks are divided into three types. [Weapon Attacks] are attacks made with a
weapon, and are further divided into [Melee Attacks] and [Ranged Attacks], which
are both considered [Weapon Attacks]. [Magic Attacks] are attacks using magic to
inflict damage. [Special Attacks] use mechanic equipment, spiritual power,
songs, or other powers to make attacks that are not explicitly weapon or magic
To make an attack, you first need to declare it. Hereafter, the character making
the attack is referred to as the Attacker, and the character(s) targeted by the
Attacker are the Defenders.
To declare an attack, the Attacker must choose a usable action to make the
attack with. Then, they must declare a target for that attack. The GM must make
certain this attack is valid, taking into consideration the attack's Range,
Target, and any other things like Props. If the attack is valid, it has been
Next, the Attacker makes a [Hit Check] using their Accuracy. The Defender(s)
make an opposed [Dodge Check], using either their Evasion or Resistance, as
dictated by the attack. If the Attacker rolls higher than the Defender, then
they are successful, and move on to the next step. If they fail, the attack ends
and the round proceeds as normal.
** Ties go to the Defender. In the case of Automatic Successes/Criticals, if
both Attacker and Defender roll criticals, then the Defender wins.
** Keep in mind PCs get a +2 bonus to [Dodge Checks] for being [Hate Under].
** Failing a [Dodge Check] may also trigger certain Bad Statuses, like
[Pursuit] and [Weakness]. If the Defender is a PC, they may also take Hate
Damage. Check IV.b. HATE for information on Hate Damage, and V.a. STATUSES for
information on Bad Statuses. Note, however, that some skills have 'Automatic'
listed for their Check. In these cases, a Defender cannot fail a check they did
not make, so none of these effects will apply.
After the Attack Roll comes damage. First, an explanation on damage types. HP
Damage is divided into four types with different rules. Physical Damage is
inflicted by weapons or environmental effects, and is resisted by
[Physical Defense]. Magical Damage is done through magical fire or lightning,
and is resisted by [Magic Defense]. Penetrating Damage is special damage that
ignores armor and shields; it is resisted by nothing. Direct Damage is applied
to HP directly, and is a special exception to normal damage processing rules.
[Physical Defense] and [Magical Defense] as well as the [Cancel] status are
ineffective, and actions with [Timing: Before/After Damage] cannot be used
in response to it. The Defender's HP simply decreases. However, [Barrier] still
works. Refer to this handy chart.
| Phys. Def. | Mag. Def. | Cancel | Barrier | Reactions Allowed
Physical | Y | N | Y | Y | Y
Magic | N | Y | Y | Y | Y
Penetrating | N | N | Y | Y | Y
Direct | N | N | N | Y | N
The Damage Roll is usually listed in the skill's description, something like
[Attack Power + 2D]. In this case, the Attacker rolls 2d6 and adds their
[Attack Power] to the result. The Attacker may also use skills with [Timing:
Damage Roll] at this time. Apply those effects as described. Note that no matter
what effects may apply, the amount of dice rolled for a Damage Roll can never be
reduced below 1D. If there are multiple Defenders, make only one Damage Roll.
Certain attacks may have damage listed like '(SRx4)' or may only inflict Bad
Statuses. In these cases, there is no Damage Roll, therefore no skills with
[Timing: Damage Roll] may be used.
After damage from all sources is calculated, it is time to apply damage to the
Defender. Any characters that possess an action with [Timing: Before Damage] can
use them now, except in the case of Direct Damage, as noted above.
At this time, the Defender applies their [Physical Defense] in the case of
Physical Damage, or [Magic Defense] in the case of Magical Damage. Other effects
such as [Cancel] may also apply. Once these effects are calculated, inflict the
remaining damage to the Defender. Apply damage first to any [Barrier] status.
If Defense, Cancel, and Barrier manage to reduce the damage to 0 or below
then the damage is ineffective, and certain Bad Statuses or effects can not be
applied. The only exception is in the case of [Pursuit] [Weakness] and Hate
Damage. If the Defender failed their [Dodge Check], then even if the damage is
reduced to 0 or less, these three statuses still effect the Defender.
Once all damage has been dealt to the Defender, if the Defender is at 0 HP or
less, they are immediately [Incapacitated].
** Note that [Pursuit] [Weakness] and Hate Damage are applied separately from
the Damage Roll. This is important in the case of [Barrier]. If a character
would take damage from a Damage Roll, a [Pursuit] effect, a [Weakness] effect,
and also Hate Damage, then EACH damage source is first applied to [Barrier],
with the Damage Roll being considered first, and the other three in any order.
If the attack inflicts other conditions such as Bad Statuses, they happen after
all damage has been inflicted.
If the Defender is a PC, and the PC failed their [Dodge Check], then the PC
reduces their Hate by -1 after Bad Statuses have been applied.
If the attack applies any kind of secondary effect, such as HP recovery for the
Attacker, it happens after everything else. If the attack calls for the
selection of a secondary target, those effects happen here as well.
In case the above is simply too much, here's a summary.
Attack Declaration An attack skill and target must be specified.
The attack occurs only with the GM's permission.

Hit Check Hit Check > Dodge Check: Success
Hit Check <= Dodge Check: Failure

[Timing: Damage Roll] actions]
Damage Roll Make the Damage Roll
Calculate Other Attack Damage
Calculate Hate Damage

[Timing: Before Damage] actions
Applying Damage Phys./Mag. Defense Damage Reduction
Other Damage Reduction
Apply HP Damage Hate Damage
Pursuit Damage
Weakness Damage
Other Damage and Effects
[Timing: After Damage] actions
Defender's Hate Decreases

Secondary Effects
The folllowing section gives the essential details for a GM to run a game of
LHTRPG. Before we begin, let's talk about Session Difficulty.
At the beginning of a Scenario, the GM should determine whether the scenario
will be Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, or Very Hard. This carries with it
mechanical consequences. A Very Easy Scenario grants all PCs +2 Fate Points at
the start of the scenario. A Easy Scenario grants +1 Fate Point. A Hard Scenario
gives the GM a number of Fate Points equal to the number of PCs, and a Very Hard
Scenario gives the GM a number of Fate Points equal to *twice* the number of
PCs. Normal Scenarios have no changes.
This decision should be made for each Scenario, and should be adjusted to match
what is fun for the group. If the group enjoys Easy scenarios, then stick with
that. If the group is unsure, try the easiest difficulty and adjust from there.
A scenario that is easily blown through but can be completed to the end is
more fun than a frustrating scenario that ends with multiple TPKs.
In addition, if your group contains any newbie players, consider granting them
an extra Fate Point, and tell them to follow the lead of veteran players.
Difficulty can, of course, come from other avenues, such as giving the PCs
higher ranked enemies to fight, or more Props to deal with. However you decide
to challenge your players, always ere on the side of fun.
Within a scene, everything that is not a character, an enemy, or an item is
classified as a Prop.
For instance, if on a rainy day a PC is loitering in a guild hall, everything
other than the PC and their items--the beds and chairs, the walls, the doors,
the ceiling, and even the rain outside--is considered to be a Prop.
The following are rules for Props, and specific Props may be found in the Enemy
List. While any scene may include any number of Props, it is recommended that
Props that directly affect characters, such as Traps or Scene Effects (but not
passive Props such as walls or locked doors, even if they're inconveniently
placed) be kept to no more than three.
Detection Difficulty, Analyze Difficulty, Disable Difficulty
These numbers specify the difficulty level of related checks. The roll must beat
the specified number. In the case of "Auto", any attempt to perform the action
automatically succeeds (one doesn't need to roll Perception to identify that a
wall is a wall). In the case of "N/A", the action is not possible.
Concealed Props
If a Prop does not have Detection Difficulty: Auto, it is [Concealed] when it
first appears in the scene. [Concealed] is an Other Status that behaves like
This type of Prop is placed on the ground like a floor tile. Typically, these
kinds of Props cannot be destroyed, do not move, and will not block movement.
Terrain does not block line of sight. In addition, characters with [Flying] are
not affected by Terrain.
This type of Prop represents a tall construction of some type such as a wall or
fence. Typically it will occupy an entire square on the encounter map. Walls may
block line of sight, or may produce a special effect when a PC's line of sight
reaches or passes through them.
Note that not much discussion of Line of Sight exists in the LHTRPG book. It's
assumed that if you are able to see the target at all, you have line of sight.
This type of Prop represents some phenomenon occupying the volume of a square
itself, such as darkness or mist. Spaces may block line of sight, or may produce
a special effect when a PC's line of sight reaches or passes through them.
This type of Prop represents desks, rocks, trees, or other objects present in a
scene that are not classified as another type of Prop but cannot be carried in
an Inventory Slot. Objects may block line of sight, or may produce a special
effect when a PC's line of sight reaches or passes through them. If the question
arises of where in a square an Object is located, assume it is in the center.
Scene Effect
This type of Prop represents scene-wide effects such as a dark night, a rain
storm, or a blizzard. Typically, they directly affect every character present
in the scene.
Props with this tag will inflict some kind of harmful effect when the activation
requirement is triggered (see below). Traps do not exist in a vacuum, and must
be set upon a Terrain, Wall, Space, Object, or Scene Effect Prop present in the
scene, in accordance with which of those Props shares a tag with the Prop.
Natural, Mechanical, Magical
These tags specify the origin of the Prop. [Natural] Props are the earth itself,
weather phenomena, and so forth. [Mechanical] Props are man-made floors,
objects, or mechanisms. [Magical] Props are phenomena created by magical power.
When this tag is present, it allows the GM to assign either the [Natural],
[Mechanical], or [Magical] tags to the Prop. This is done in accordance to the
scenario's setting (for instance a man-made flamethrower trap might be out of
place in a forest dungeon), and may also be designed with certain enemy
capabilities in mind (such as the Kobold Tactics special ability).
This tag applies only to Wall Props. If this tag is present, characters can pass
through the wall freely, although the Prop may be activated as a result of doing
An activation condition of Props. In the case of Terrain and Space Props, this
condition activates whenever a character enters the square the Prop is in. In
the case of Object and Wall Props, the player must explicitly tell the GM that
they are touching it, or the GM must decide such a thing has happened.
This tag applies only to Terrain, Space, and Scene Effect Props. If a character
is present in the same square as the Prop when the Cleanup Phase occurs, then
the condition activates.
Activate: (Timing)
This additional effect can be activated if a character spends an action with
the necessary Timing. It is necessary to touch the Prop to do this.
The GM is encouraged to modify this Prop to suit their purposes. They may change
the name, effect, rank, or anything else. Props typically list balanced ways to
increase the efficacy of certain Props.
Destroyable Props
Some Props, especially Objects and Walls, may have HP and Defense statistics.
Damage can be inflicted on these Props, and they can become [Incapacitated]. An
[Incapacitated] Prop is broken and immediately stops producing any effect it
had. The Defense of a Prop is both its Physical and Magical Defense.
Wide Props
A single Prop may be expanded to occupy multiple squares on an encounter map.
For example, it is possible to create a Flame Floor that occupies a 2x2 space
and will damage anyone standing in any of those four squares. Moving from one
square of the Prop to another will activate it again just as if it were entered
for the first time.
To make it obvious, a Wide Prop still counts as only one Prop, which has
rules implications both for destroyable Props, and for purposes of counting how
many direct Props you may have in a scene.
Enemies are creatures that are hostile to the PCs and other Adventurers. Ranging
from particularly vicious rodents to terrifying dragons, these enemies will
engage in combat with the party, offering the main source of conflict in any
game of LHTRPG.
Enemy Rank
This number represents an enemy's overall strength. Most enemies are considered
to be approximately equal in strength to an equally ranked PC. Therefore, when
designing encounters, one monster of equal rank to the PCs, per PC, should be
present in the scene. Four CR3 PCs mean four CR3 enemies.
However, there are exceptions to this rule. Enemies with the [Mob], [Boss], and
[Gimmick] tags have a different level of strength from other enemies of the same
rank. For details on those, see below.
Enemy Base Stats
Enemies have ability scores, but not base stats. If base stats are necessary for
some reason, multiply the corresponding ability score by 3.
Enemy Attributes
Enemies have Evasion and Resistance specified, which are used just like they are
for PCs. However, if it is necessary for an enemy to make another kind of check,
like an Athletics Check, take the ability score it is based on (STR for
Athletics) and roll Ability Score + 2D, just like a PC would.
Fixed Ability Scores
Enemies may have thier ability scores and attributes specified like "7 (Fixed)".
This means that when required to make a check using that ability score or
attribute, they do not roll any dice, but simply use the specified value as the
final result of their check. [Mob] and [Gimmick] enemies typically possess Fixed
Ability Scores to ease the burden on the GM.
Although Fixed Ability Scores do not require rolling any dice, checks made using
them are otherwise treated the same as normal checks. For instance, [Timing:
Before/After Check] actions can still be made in response to them, and failed
[Dodge Checks] will still trigger the [Pursuit] and [Weakness] statuses.
If it is necessary to add or subtract dice from a check made with a Fixed
Ability Score, add or subtract +3 or -3 per die.
Identification Difficulty
An enemy's name, rank, tags, and condition (all LS, BS, CS, and OS on them) are
apparent just from looking at the enemy. However, for more detailed information,
a PC must beat this difficulty with an Enemy Identification action.
If the difficulty is "Auto", the enemy is already [Identified] when it first
appears and it is not necessary to make a check.
If the difficulty is "Impossible", it is not possible to learn detailed
information about the enemy.
Hate Multiplier
This number represents the power and fury of the enemy's ire, and will be
written in a format such as "x2". It is applied to Hate Damage which the Hate
Top receives when attacked. For further information, see IV.b. HATE.
Fate Points
Some enemies, mainly Bosses, possess Fate Points. When the enemy possessing Fate
Points appears, the GM may begin to use those Fate Points freely. These points
are gained in addition to any that may come from the Session Difficulty (see
The GM may spend their Fate Points exactly like PCs do. They may add a dice to
any check before the check is rolled, re-roll a check after it has been made,
use them to clear Bad Statuses from an enemy, or pay action costs. They may also
be used for special Scenario Actions that may have been created beforehand.
If uncertain how to use them, the best way is to wait for the Climax Phase,
during the boss fight. Removing Bad Statuses is the fairest way to use them,
but in the end, the GM should strive to create the most fun for the players.
Drop Items
Drop Items are body parts belonging to an enemy or items that they commonly
carry with them, and can be acquired when an enemy is defeated. The items the
enemy drops are arranged on a table with rows numbering 1 to 6. When a PC
defeats an enemy, they roll 1D, and acquire the drop corresponding to the result
of the dice roll. This is known as a Drop Item Roll. Drop Item Rolls may also
be delayed until after all enemies are defeated, and made by any player.
Some items on the Drop Item Tables for each monster may have (Fixed) written
next to them. These always drop when the enemy is defeated, regardless of the
Drop Item Roll.
Enemies that are placed in the scene after combat has begun, such as those
summoned by Bosses, do not drop items.
Each Drop Item is followed by its value in gold. The GM may choose to let the
item immediately be exchanged for money at the time of acquisition.
Enemy Skills
Enemies also have unique skills and actions available to them. For the most part
these are treated just like player skills, however certain things may be omitted
to save space in describing them. Enemy skills lack SR or Max Sr, and may not
have tags, a cost, or a limit explicitly listed if there is none. Some skill
descriptors like [Target: Self] and [Range: Close] that could be considered
obvious are likely omitted, as well.
Enemy Tags
The following is a selection of tags especially important for enemies.
Mob enemies are enemies that are uncommonly weak. In approximate terms, two
[Mobs] are equal to a single PC of the same rank in power. Mobs are weaklings
that appear in large numbers, so they generally have Fixed Ability Scores and
Drop Items to save work for the GM.
Enemies with the [Gimmick] tag are actually traps or mechanical devices that are
represented using the enemy rules. They are typically immobile and can be
[Incapacitated] with a successful Prop Disable action.
Gimmicks do not deal Hate Damage, but Hate Under characters do not get a defense
bonus against them, either. The GM may wish to ignore Hate and roll a die to
randomly determine who the Gimmick will attack.
Gimmicks are weaker than other enemies. Two [Gimmicks] are about as strong as a
single PC of equal rank. Like Props, [Gimmicks] should be given a [Natural],
[Mechanical], or [Magical] origin tag as appropriate.
Boss enemies are overwhelmingly strong. In approximate terms, a single Boss
enemy rivals 3-4 PCs of equal rank. They make an excellent addition to any
Climax Phase.
[Night Vision]
Enemies with the Night Vision tag can see even in places where there is no
light. When a [Darkness] Prop is present and affecting a character, enemies
with [Night Vision] treat them as if no [Darkness] was present.
Enemies with the Aquatic tag are at home in the water and can move through it
easily. They do not receive penalties from [Liquid] Props and are not affected
by the [Swimming] status.
Exhaustion in LHTRPG represents the party's resources being depleted over time.
There are four individual Exhaustion Tables: Stamina, Energy, Item, and Money.
To use the table, the player rolls 1d6 and compares their result to the table,
suffering the listed effect. Player skills can affect the roll, as can
certain other things in the scenario.
When and where to use the Exhaustion Table is entirely up to the GM. However,
note that Exhaustion, particularly Stamina, is very obviously meant to be a way
to balance the party's adventuring day. Food items and the like exist for a
reason, to mitigate the Exhaustion. The GM should use Exhaustion fairly
frequently, and not shy away from it; however, at the same time, being too
punishing may impinge on the player's fun. Exhaustion is about enhancing that
fun by providing a building challenge, not punishing the players. Find what
works best for you.
Stamina: Stamina Exhaustion is used after battles, or after long journeys, or
after physical exertion of an extreme nature. A player may be made to roll on
the Stamina Exhaustion table after Fumbling an Athletics or Endurance roll, for
instance. Use this table when the PCs would be tired.
Energy: This represents a player's mind being shocked and spirit sapped. Despair
or horror, or even soul-crushing apathy, will weigh heavily on the PC's hearts.
Use this table when the PCs suffer a tragic loss, or witness hardships or
horrors above and beyond the norm.
Item: Exhausting items comes from haste or nature's harsh effects. Escaping from
an enemy camp, being chased through a city, or even going through a storm, will
put a strain on the party's material resources, whether through simple loss or
deprivation. Even just walking through the bad part of town might see some Item
Exhaustion. Use this table when the PCs' would stand to lose material
Money: Losing money is just a part of life. Sometimes Gathering Information (as
per the action, see V.d. NON-COMBAT) may see the party spending too much on
drinks at the tavern. Gambling, bribes, or just plain being stolen from may also
tax the party's money. Use this table when the PCs may bad financial decisions
or when some interaction with people would lighten their wallets.
-- The Exhaustion Counter --
Several scenarios that the LHTRPG development team have produced include a
Exhaustion Counter. This is a simple way to put pressure on PCs when they are
in an exhausting, long-term situation, most notably dungeon crawling. When the
party could spend multiple turns going through a dungeon, not just fighting,
then an Exhaustion Counter might be used. Every round that progresses, add +1 to
the Counter. Whenever the party would make an Exhaustion Roll, use the
Exhaustion Counter as a modifier.
For instance, if the party takes two rounds to cross a precarious bridge, they
would have Exhaustion Counter +2. If they then need to fight a group of goblins,
after the fight they would all roll on the Stamina Exhaustion table, adding +2
to the roll. 1d6+2 gives a high chance of getting exhausted quickly!
-- Attributes --
Athletics: This attribute is used for physical activities that test the
condition of your body or your sense of balance. Examples are climbing a wall
or jumping from a high place. It is also used for Scouting.
Endurance: This attribute is used in situations such as laboring for a long
time, enduring illness or a harsh environment, or dealing with suffocation or
Disable: This attribute is used to disable mechanisms one understands the
workings of, or to pick locks. Conversely, it can also be used to set traps. It
is used in Prop Disable checks. A Prop cannot be disabled until it is Analyzed,
whether that comes from using Prop Analyze, or the Prop has an Analysis
Difficulty of Automatic.
Operate: This attribute is used to operate ancient technology or magical
implements, play musical instruments, or drive a vehicle such as a horse-drawn
carriage or a ship.
Perception: This attribute is used to notice small details and subtle signs in
the environment, as well as to detect when people are telling lies. It is also
used for Detect Unusual checks.
Negotiation: This attribute is used during any situation where one must be deft
with words, such as wehn making a request, telling believable lies, or simply
to steer a conversation in the right direction.
Analyze: This attribute is used to identify objects, comprehend the workings of
machinery or traps, or break ciphers. It is used in Prop Analyze and Appraise
Item checks.
Knowledge: This attribute represents all kinds of knowledge and book learning
not represented by other attributes, but particularly familiarity with the
characteristics of monsters. It is used in Enemy Identification checks.
Accuracy: Outside of combat, this attribute may be used for tasks that require
precise aim such as throwing stones or operating siege equipment.
Evasion: Outside of combat, this attribute can be used as a representation of
one's physical agility and reaction speed.
Resistance: Outside of combat, this attribute can be used as a representation of
one's natural spiritual ability to resist magic.
When making a check, GMs should refer to the following chart to get an idea of
what kind of number the player needs to beat. Remember that the number must be
beaten, not just met.
CR | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Easy | 6 | 6 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 9
Average | 9 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 13 | 13
Hard | 11 | 11 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 16 | 17
-- Sub Classes & Scenario Actions --
There are little to no mechanical effects associated with Sub Classes (for now),
however a common trick used in many scenarios provided by the LHTRPG development
team is to make "Scenario Actions" that have specific bonuses when used by
certain Sub Classes.
For instance, in the scenario provided in the book, there is a short forest
exploration event. The forest is arranged like a board game, with several spaces
lined up, some being blank, and some having events listed. To progress through
this forest required using the 'Explore the Forest' action. PCs with the
Pathfinder Sub Class gained a +2 bonus to the check.
Similar Scenario Actions can be created by the GM ahead of time for any kind of
event. For instance, in a battle scene, there may be a special Scenario Action
to unleash a certain trap or environmental effect on enemies, or perhaps an
action that allows unusual movement, such as swinging on a rope to make a
[Safe Move] to a specific area. These actions might have bonuses from certain
Sub Classes, or maybe even restricted to being only used by those Sub Classes,
or modified somehow and made unique depending on the Sub Class of the PC.
Tailor your Scenario Actions to your players, and remember that even though they
are allowed to possess as many Sub Classes as they wish, PCs may only 'equip'
one Sub Class at a time, done during Pre-Play.
-- Connections & Unions --
Connections represent a character's contacts, whether they be friends,
acquaintances, business partners, family, or otherwise. A Connection by itself
has no mechanical value, however a Connection by its very existence is a
declaration of interest by the player. For instance, if the player establishes
a Connection with an NPC that you had intended to appear only once, this tells
you, the GM, that the player liked that NPC, and perhaps they should return at
some point.
Unions are much the same as Connections, however they represent whole groups of
people united by ideology, circumstance, or goals. Guilds, adventuring parties,
government bodies, all are examples of a Union. The difference between the two
is in the scale; a Union represents a wide number of Connections under one
umbrella. However, Unions should also require more story justification for their
GMs can use Connections in a number of ways. Some may simply use them as RP
hooks, and this is valid. Others may wish to offer a bit more mechanical
advantage to them, which is also valid. They are a tool to enhance a player's
immersion into the world, and GMs should feel free to be creative in employing
their use.
A few examples of mechanical benefits are as follows.
1) If a Connection is a crafter, such as a Swordsmith, a GM may allow the PC
with that Connection to ask for magical items to be made for them, provided that
they give the proper materials and gold (see V.f. MAGIC ITEMS). Conversely,
perhaps they may ONLY craft magic items in this fashion, unless they have an
appropriate Sub Class.
2) Certain Connections may possess special knowledge. When making a Gather Info
check (see below), a useful Connection may provide a +2 bonus on that check.
This is subject strictly to GM interpretation and the player's ability to sell
the connection.
3) The 13th Age icon relationship rules may be bolted on to allow for
serendipity to help a player out. Once per session, allow the player to roll 1D
for each of their Connections. Rolling a 6 on any of the dice may indicate a
benefit of some kind. Perhaps the Connection contacts the party to provide that
helpful hint that points them in the right direction. Perhaps the Connection
provides a helpful Prize. Or maybe even, in the heat of battle, struggling
against a mighty foe, the PC remembers their friends, and gains extra Fate
Points to see them through.
(The above are purely house rules, meant to give the GM some ideas. These aren't
in the book at all.)
Finally, what the 'connection' for the Connection is can be informed with a ROC
table! This is your character's view of the other person; it may not be
reciprocated. In the case of 'Boss', also, you aren't necessarily employed by
this person, you just want to work hard for their sake.
Die Roll Relationship Explanation
1 Your Ward You want to protect this person.
2 Your Crush You love this person, but haven't told them.
1~2 3 Your Kindred Though not blood-related, they're like family.
4 Your Hero You idolize them. They're an example to you.
5 Your Reverend You have unshakeable respect for this person.
6 Your Companion This person is a trusted adventuring companion.
1 Your Benefactor You owe them a debt you've yet to repay.
2 Your Rival One-sided, friendly, or vicious rivalry.
3~4 3 Your Interest You want to know more about them.
4 Your Friend You are fast friends with this person.
5 Your Ally You work with this person for a goal or principle.
6 Your Enigma They're so different; you want to understand.
1 Your Boss You want to work hard for this person.
2 Your Pupil You want to guide this person in some way.
5~6 3 Your Co-Worker You have a business relationship with them.
4 Your Neighbor You live near this person, and make small talk.
5 Your Customer You buy or sell from this person regularly.
6 Your Family You are never lonely when around them.
7 - GM's Choice
-- Gather Info & Negotiation --
Legwork is often seen in TRPGs, and Log Horizon is no exception. PCs may wish
to perform a Gather Information action in order to investigate something
specific or learn about current events.
There is no set attribute used for Gather Info. Any attribute may be used, so
long as the PC justifies the use. Some examples might be asking the bartender
at a local tavern, which requires a Negotiation check. If they attempt to search
documents or their own memories, Knowledge works. Attempting to glean clues
from the environment around them may need Analyze. The GM's permission is
necessary in any case, but being liberal is recommended.
Negotiation Checks, whether on their own, or as part of a Gather Info action,
are special because they typically require an opposed roll, rather than beating
a set difficulty. The GM may still use a difficulty if desired.
-- Acquiring New Personal Data During a Session --
Connections, Unions, and new Sub Classes are normally acquired by the players
using Log Tickets during After Play. However, there may be times during which a
player wishes to acquire them during a session. For instance, they may want to
form a Connection to an NPC they've just met, or join a guild they are
interacting with. At appropriate times such as this, the players may make their
desire known to the GM.
The GM may also permit 'temporary' Connections, Unions, and Sub Classes to be
acquired in such situations. These do not require spending a Log Ticket.
However, they last only for the duration of the scenario, and are lost during
After Play. If a player changes their mind and wishes not to lose them, they
may choose to spend a Log Ticket during After Play to permanently acquire them
at that time.
When a player acquires a new Sub Class during play, they may choose to switch
to it at that time.
There is no hard limit on the amount of temporary Personal Data that may be
acquired, but the GM may wish to limit it to 1-2 times per PC per scenario to
keep things manageable.
PCs get loot as they adventure. Each time a player is rewarded (usually with
money or items, but it can be any kind of reward), it is known as a Prize. The
total number of Prizes the PCs should be awarded per scenario is equal to the
number of PCs x 3, plus an additional Prize per event in the Middle Phase.
For example, if there are 4 PCs, and there is one battle event during the Middle
Phase, the PCs should receive a total of [(4 x 3) + 1] = 13 Prizes.
Note that each individual player does not have to receive three Prizes each;
the amount listed is the total amount the PCs as a party should receive. How
the PCs split the loot is up to them.
A Prize's value should be roughly equivalent to one roll on the Treasure Table.
-- Treasure Table --
The Treasure Table (located in the Item List spreadsheet) provides GMs with an
easy tool to gauge what kind of value a Prize should have. Since what items PCs
can use is dependent on their CR, so too must their rewards match. The Treasure
Table is provided not to be a literal end-all-be-all of items, but rather to
provide general ideas of what value the PCs should be getting.
The Treasure Table can be used two ways, by average or by roll. In the case of
a roll, a PC should be elected to make a roll (or the scenario may dictate it).
The PC rolls 2d6 + (average of party's CR x 5). For instance, a party of CR1 PCs
would roll 2d6 + 5.
In the case of an average, use [7 + (average of party's CR x 5)]. This allows
for quick reference by GMs, but GMs should keep in mind that some players may
have abilities that affect Treasure Rolls. Not every Treasure Roll should be a
roll, but neither should they all be averages. Random rolls also increase the
fun of a scenario.
The Treasure Table is divided into three parts: Money, Materials, and Valuables.
Any of these can be used for any roll or Prize, and the GM should choose based
on what would be logical for the scenario. If uncertain, use Valuables, or Money
if the PCs have no inventory space left.
-- Log Tickets --
Log Tickets are rewarded to each player at the end of a scenario. Keep in mind
they are awarded to players, not characters. They do not take up inventory slots
of any kind, and are tracked separately from any kind of inventory.
The number of Log Tickets that should be rewarded are described below.
For PCs: 1 Character Rank Up Ticket; 1 Ticket of any type per event
For GMs: 1 Character Rank Up Ticket; a number of Treasure Tickets = # of PCs,
and 2 Tickets of any other type per event.
-- Magic Items as Prizes --
If the GM desires, a magic item can be granted as a Prize. The magic item can
substitute for a gold reward of up to 3/4ths of its value. For example, a 750G
reward can be changed to a 1,000G magic item.
-- Selling Loot and Equipment --
Items with [Valuable] [Core Material] and [Magic Catalyst] may be sold for
full listed price. a [Valuable] (100G) item is sold for 100G. In addition,
magic items are sold for full price.
Items not mentioned, particularly old equipment PCs may be selling, are sold at
1/10th cost. For instance, an item worth 110G would sell for 11G.
Items with special abilities are known as Magic Items. Magic Items are further
broken down into two different categories: Prefixed Items, and Named Items.
A Prefixed Item is a basic item that has had some kind of enhancement placed
upon it, and its name changed to reflex the effect. For instance, a 'Flame Long
Sword' would deal damage with the [Flame] tag. Note that even though they're
called Prefixed Items, the item doesn't necessarily need to be prefixed. The
above sword could just as easily be called 'Long Sword of Flame'.
Named Items by contrast are unique items with unique stats and abilities. They
may be based on a certain item, like a Long Sword, but typically will have
better stats, and a better special effect.
Magic Items regardless of type all possess a tag, called its Magic Grade, which
represents the level of magic the item is imbued with. Think of it akin to the
color of an item in a typical MMO (green, blue, purple, etc). The tags are
written like [M3], and range from [M1] to [M7].
Items of grade [M1] to [M3] are called Magic Items, [M4] to [M6] are Artifacts,
and [M7] are Phantasmals.
Each magic item, whether Prefixed, or Named, has a recipe involved in making it.
For Named Items, these recipes are complex, and require a Core Material. It may
also require several base items, Magic Catalysts, and money. For Prefixed Items,
typically all that is required are Magic Catalysts, a single base item, and
Core Materials are special items that are typically only received by defeating
special enemies, boss enemies, or through treasure rolls. Named Item recipes
typically specify which Core Material it requires--not just any will do. By
contrast, a Magic Catalyst can be more easily obtained, and regardless of its
name, so long as it has the [Magic Catalyst] tag with the appropriate rating,
it can be used.
-- Prefixed Item Rank Limit --
A special rule that applies only to Prefixed Items is that a character only
receives the special effect of the Prefixed Item, if the item's rank is within
CR-5. For example, a CR8 character could not use any Prefixed Items of Rank 3 or
This rule prevents the 'golfbag of low level items' being abused.
-- Acquiring Magic Items --
Magic Items may be awarded as Prizes, as mentioned above. Players may also
purchase them, but only if allowed by the GM. Optionally, the GM may also allow
characters with production Sub Classes to 'craft' magic items, whether those
be PCs, or NPCs the PCs have formed Connections with. For instance, a character
with the Swordsmith Sub Class could construct [Blade] and [Katana] items.
In the case of purchasing and crafting, the following rules are used.
Creating a Named Item is simple; each comes with their own recipe. Assemble all
items, then pay the Construction cost. All items in the recipe are consumed, and
then the Named Item is produced. The Named Item then also obtains the
[Soulbound] tag.
Creating a Prefixed Item is a little more complex.
Step 1: Choose a Prefix. Prefixes can be found in the Item List.
Take note that certain Prefixes may only apply to certain item Tags. These must
be obeyed.
Step 2: Choose a Base Item to apply the Prefix to.
Step 3: Name the new Prefixed Item.
Step 4: Add the [Mn] (Magic Grade) tag.
Step 5: Determine quality and quantity of Magic Catalysts.
The grade of the Magic Catalyst is equivalent to the Item Rank of the base item.
For instance, enchanting Ring Mail, a rank 1 [Heavy Armor], requires
[Magic Catalyst 1]. The number of required Magic Catalysts depends on the
Magic Grade tag, determined by the chosen Prefix. For instance, applying the
Hardened Prefix to the Ring Mail would be [M2], therefore, you would require
[Magic Catalyst 1] x2.
Step 6: Pay the cost
The Construction cost is equal to the amount you would have paid for the
Magic Catalysts. For instance, two Magic Catalyst 1's would cost 30G total, so
the Construction cost would be 30G. A table to help determine costs can be found
at the bottom of the Magic Items sheet in the Item List.
After this, all items used in construction are consumed, and you acquire the
Prefixed Item.
-- Example of Prefix Construction --
I want to craft a magic item with the Recovery prefix.
I choose to apply this prefix to the Bracer base item.
I will call it the Recovery Bracers.
The Recovery Bracers now have the tags: [Accessory] [Gloves] [M3]
Since the Bracer item is Item Rank 1, and because the Recovery prefix stipulates
it is a Magic Grade 3 [M3], I need three [Magic Catalyst 1].
The Bracer item costs 60G, the three Magic Catalyst 1's cost 45G total, and the
Construction cost would also be 45G. Total, I would pay 150G for this item.
When equipped, the Recovery Bracers grant me +1 Attack Power and +5 Recovery.
There are four types of statuses: Life Status, Bad Status, Combat Status, and
Other Status. Specific rules for each type will be explained in their own
-- Life Status --
Statuses that relate directly to the vitality of a character are known as Life
Statuses, or LS. In general, LS are removed during After Play at the same time
HP damage is, with exceptions noted in the individual descriptions below.
- A status that represents worsening physical condition as a result of lengthy
excursions, fierce battles, or deprivation.
- Fatigue always has a Rating, which is written like [Fatigue: n]. If a
character with Fatigue would receive more Fatigue, add the Ratings together.
- Fatigue reduces the afflicted character's Max HP by its Rating.
- If a character would be reduced to 0 Max HP by Fatigue, they immediately
become Incapacitated and cannot recover from Incapacitated until their Max HP
becomes at least 1.
- Fatigue is cured by Items, particularly those with the [Food] tag, and other
things like resting at an Inn. If the Rating becomes 0, Fatigue is erased.
During After Play or at the GM's discretion, Fatigue is erased.
- This status expresses vulnerability to a certain kind of damage, or all
- Weakness always has a Rating, and in most cases, a Condition that stipulates
what tag interacts with the Weakness. If the condition is Flame and the rating
is 5, it's written like [Weakness (Flame): 5].
- When a character with Weakness is targeted by an attack and fails their
[Dodge Check], and the damage of that attack meets the condition specified, the
character will take additional direct damage equal to the status's Rating. If
there is no condition specified (such as with [Weakness: 3]), the Weakness
will deal additional damage on any successful attack.
- Multiple Weaknesses may be inflicted on a character. [Weakness (Flame): 15]
[Weakness: 10] and [Weakness (Flame): 10] may all exist on the same character.
However, a single effect can only place a single instance of Weakness at a time.
- If a character affected by Weakness fails their [Dodge Check] and could
be damaged by multiple Weaknesses, only the one with the highest Rating applies.
For instance, in the above example, a Flame attack would trigger 15 direct
damage, and any other attack would trigger 10.
- A character who has been reduced to 0 HP is unable to fight.
- Incapacitated characters are always in the [Post-Action] state and cannot take
any actions or make any checks, nor use [Hinder], until they recover from the
- Incapacitation does not remove any other Status, but they are not affected by
Hate rules, and cannot become [Hate Top] or [Hate Under]. However, like their
current Statuses, their Hate remains unchanged.
- If a character somehow is Incapacitated while above 0 HP, their HP immediately
drops to 0.
- Characters that are Adventurers recover from Incapacitated automatically at
the end of a scene, and have their HP restored to maximum (note: only at the end
of the scene; if they recover from it mid-combat, they do not recover max HP).
- Characters that are enemies or People of the Land or similar become Dead at
the end of the scene they're rendered Incapacitated in. However, the GM may
waive this for story purposes.
- Characters that are Dead cease to exist in the game world, at least for the
duration of the current Scene.
- A Dead Adventurer will be revived at the end of the scene with 1 HP. That is,
they revive with [Fatigue: (MAX HP - 1)].
- In Log Horizon, dead Adventurers would return the Revive Point in the city
they most recently visited when revived. For the purposes of facilitating smooth
play, in this game it is assumed characters automatically regroup with the party
between scenes. The GM may specify a different time or place for revival if they
- The consequence of death for revived PCs is that they lose a small portion of
their memories of the previous world (Earth.) This is not modeled by game rules,
but players are encouraged to roleplay it.
-- Bad Status --
Temporary conditions usually seen only in combat, Bad Statuses, or BS, are
varied and come with different removal conditions.
- An intense pain or pressure, material or immaterial, has overwhelmed the
- A Staggered character takes a -1D penalty to all [Timing: Major] and
[Timing: Main Process] actions.
- Characters naturally recover from Staggered at the end of their Main Process.
- Outside of battle, Staggered is removed after a single penalty, or at GM's
- Shock has rendered the character in a mental daze, or made them feel numb.
- A Dazed character takes a -1D penalty to Opposed Checks where they are the
defender in that check, and cannot perform actions with [Timing: Before/After
Check] in reaction to Opposed Checks they are defending against. In addition,
they cannot [Hinder].
- Characters naturally recover from Dazed at the end of their Main Process.
- Outside of battle, Dazed is removed after a single penalty, or at GM's
- Being knocked off-balance, fallen down, or restrained somehow.
- A character with Rigor cannot perform any action with the [Movement] tag.
In addition, they cannot use [Hinder].
- A character must use either a Minor Action or a Major Action to recover from
- Outside of battle, Rigor is removed after a single penalty, or at GM's
- A character has been blinded, or had their mind scrambled by a spiritual
attack, or even been beguiled by an enemy's charms. Losing track of the current
situation, their guard is lowered, and they attract more attention.
- A Confused character takes a -1D penalty to all checks. At the beginning
of each of their Main Processes, they also increase their Hate by +1.
- A character must use a Major Action to recover from Confusion.
- Outside of battle, Confusion is removed after a single penalty, or at GM's
- The character is bleeding, poisoned, on fire, being shocked or eaten by
acid--any effect that causes their health to continuously decrease.
- Decay always has a Rating, which is written like [Decay: n]. If a character
with Decay would receive another Decay effect, only the Decay with the highest
Rating is applied, and all others are discarded.
- A character with Decay takes damage equal to the Rating of the Decay during
the Cleanup Process of every round.
- A character must use a Major Action to recover from Decay.
- Outside of battle, Decay is removed after a single penalty, or at GM's
- Certain enchantments and skillfully interwoven attacks may leave a character's
guard open, making it easier to inflict higher damage on them.
- Pursuit always has a Rating, which is written like [Pursuit: n]. A character
can be affected by multiple instances of Pursuit called stacks. [Pursuit: 15]
[Pursuit: 10] and [Pursuit: 10] may all coexist on the same character.
- When a character affected by Pursuit is targeted by an attack and they fail
their [Dodge Check], they will take additional direct damage equal to the Rating
of the Pursuit effect on them. If multiple stacks exists, only the Pursuit with
the highest Rating is triggered. The triggered Pursuit is then immediately
removed, but all other stacks of Pursuit remain.
- A character's conditions weigh more heavily on them.
- The Afflicted status has no effects of its own, however, it prevents the
removal of certain other Bad Statuses, until it is removed first.
- If an effect would remove the [Staggered] [Dazed] [Confused] [Weakness] or
[Overconfident] conditions from a character with Afflicted, then those statuses
are immediately re-applied.
- A character must use either a Minor Action or a Major Action to recover from
it. Only then can the listed Bad Statuses also be removed.
- Outside of battle, Afflicted is removed after a single penalty, or at GM's
- Brimming with foolish arrogance, throwing caution to the wind, a character
is more likely to make a disastrous mistake.
- During any check the affected character makes, if any single die rolled comes
up as a natural 1, the check immediately counts as a Fumble.
- When a character with Overconfident loses 1 or more HP, they automatically
recover from that status.
- Outside of battle, Overconfident is removed after a single penalty, or at GM's
-- Combat Status --
Statuses that confer advantages in battle are known as Combat Statuses, or CS.
If a skill or other effect would affect someone with a CS, the target may choose
not to receive that effect.
Combat Statuses last until the end of the scene unless otherwise specified. In
addition, players may use an Instant Action to remove any or all CS on them at
any time.
- A character's injuries automatically heal over time with regenerative power.
- Regen always has a Rating, which is written like [Regen: n].
- A character affected by Regen recovers HP equal to the Rating of the Regen
effect on them during the Cleanup Process of each round.
- If a character with Regen would receive another Regen effect, only the effect
with the highest Rating applies.
- This status represents a character's resistances to certain kinds of damage.
- Cancel always has a Rating, and in most cases, a Condition that stipulates
what tag interacts with the status. If the condition is Flame and the Rating is
10, then it is written like [Cancel (Flame): 10].
- When a character with Cancel would be damaged by an attack, and the damage
type meets the condition specified by the Cancel effect, the damage will be
reduced by the Rating of the Cancel. If there is no condition specified (such as
with [Cancel: 3]), all damage will be reduced by the Rating.
- Multiple Cancel effects may be on a character, including those with the same
Condition. For example, [Cancel (Flame): 15] [Cancel: 10] and [Cancel (Flame):
5] may coexist. However, a single effect can only place a single instance of
Cancel at a time.
- If a character affected by multiple Cancel effects takes damage, and could
potentially reduce the damage using more than one of those Cancels, only the
Cancel with the highest Rating is triggered. For instance, in the above example,
a Flame attack would do 15 less damage, while any other attack would do 10 less.
- A magical barrier that nullifies and absorbs damage.
- Barrier always has a Rating, which is written like [Barrier: n].
- When a character with Barrier would take damage, that damage is first applied
to the Barrier effect, and the Rating is reduced by the amount of damage
applied. If the Rating of the Barrier reaches 0, the Barrier effect is removed,
and the character takes any remaining damage to their HP.
- If a character with Barrier would be affected by another Barrier, only the
effect with the highest Rating is applied, and any others are discarded.
-- Other Status --
Other Statuses, or OS, are various statuses that are not necessarily related
to combat.
- A status that represents a character being in water deep enough to impede
movement (as decided by the GM).
- A character who is Swimming takes a -1D penalty to all checks, and cannot
[Hinder] the movement of other characters who are not also Swimming.
- Soaring through the sky, the character is in flight.
- A Flying character ignores the effects of Props with the [Terrain] tag, and
a Flying character cannot be [Hindered] by characters who aren't also Flying.
- The height of flight is arbitrary, but assume around 1 to 2 meters. In combat,
characters cannot fly high enough to escape the range of melee attacks.
Dual Wielding
- A character fighting with a weapon in each hand. The character must have a
weapon equipped to both Hand Slots to gain this status.
- Even the status active, a character must specify *one* weapon to make an
attack with, they cannot attack with both weapons. In a sense, one weapon
becomes the main weapon, and the other a sub weapon.
- The character gains the Accuracy and Initiative modifiers of both weapons, but
ONLY can use the Attack (or Magic) Power and Range of their main weapon.
- A character who has disappeared from others' sight.
- A Hidden character cannot be targeted by actions performed by any character
other than themselves. However, if a square is targeted by an action that
doesn't require further selection (for instance, Target: Area (All)), the
Hidden status does not protect them.
- A Hidden character cannot [Hinder] others without losing Hidden, but they
also cannot be [Hindered] by those who don't realize they're there.
- A Hidden character can be discovered with a Detect Unusual action. If such an
action is made, the Hidden character makes an Athletics Check, and the check
serves as their Detection Difficulty. If the Detect Unusual action's check
exceeds this number, the Hidden status is removed from the character.
- A character can lose Hidden through any of these means, as well:
[Normal Move] or [Safe Move]
Performing a Major Action during their Main Process
Becoming [Hate Top]
Dealing or receiving damage
The scene ending
- Works mostly like Hidden, except this status is used for Props. The only
real difference is that Props do not make an Athletics Check, they already have
a Detection Difficulty.
- An enemy that has been identified through an Identification Check made against
- When Identified, the GM must provide certain information about that enemy.
The enemy's name, rank, tags, and condition (all LS, BS, CS, and OS on them) are
apparent just from looking at the enemy. When Identified, in addition to the
above, the GM must reveal whether the enemy's Physical or Magical Defense is
lower (or if they are equal), their Hate Multiplier, and the details of their
- This status expresses that a Prop or Item has been investigated using a
successful Prop Analysis or Item Appraisal check. The GM must reveal all data
about the Prop or Item to the players when requested.
Absent From Scene
- This status expresses that a character is not appearing in the current scene.
A character that is not present in the scene cannot be the target of any action
or take any actions themselves.
Pre-Action, Post-Action, Standby
- See III.b. ROUND PROGRESSION for explanations of these statuses.
Hate Top, Hate Under
- See IV.b. HATE for explanations of these statuses.
- Tags -
Log Horizon contains a long list of tags, which are essentially shorthand rules.
Some tags denote mechanical interaction, for instance the [Flame] tag on an
attack will tell you that the attack interacts with the Weakness and Cancel
statuses, and possibly some other things as well. The [Spear] tag on an item
informs those who can equip [Spears] that they can equip that item, while if
[Spear] appears on an attack, it requires an equipped [Spear] to use it. Same
with [Ranged Attack]--the attack requires a ranged weapon to perform.
A good deal of these tags are identifiable with common sense, and only exist
to show what rules interact with each other. Some, however, do in fact have more
meaning. For this early access document, we are ONLY going to list those few
tags that require explanation. For the rest, just apply common sense and you'll
be fine.
- This tag refers to styles of fighting that often require the use of specific
- Only one skill with the [Style] tag can benefit a character at any given time.
If they have multiple Styles, and satisfy the usage requirements of more than
one, they must choose one Style to have active. They may change which Style is
active by declaring the use of another Style as their Setup Process action.
- This tag refers to actions that affect one's basic abilities during battle.
- Only one action with the Stance tag can benefit a Character at any given time.
If they use an action with the Stance tag while they already have a Stance
active, the effect of the previous Stance disappears.
- This tag refers to skills that represent conditioning or training that has
enhanced the character's basic abilities.
- At CR1, a character can acquire no more than two skills with this tag.
- At CR11, a character can acquire a total of three Training skills.
- At CR21, a character can acquire a total of four Training skills.
- These limitations do not apply to the Skill Ranks of those skills, only
the total amount of those skills actually acquired.
- This tag refers to special skills used by the Bard class.
- Skills with the Harmony tag potentially remain in effect until the end of the
Scene, but by default only one Harmony skill can be active at a given time. If
a character uses an action with the [Harmony] tag while they already have the
maximum number of them active, they must choose to end one of the previous
Harmony skills.
- If multiple Harmony skills of the same type are in effect, each target can
only gain the effect of one of the skills.
[Servant Summon]
- This tag refers to special skills used by the Druid and Summoner classes.
- Skills with the Servant Summon tag potentially remain in effect until the end
of the Scene, but by default only one Servant Summon skill can be active at a
given time. If a character uses an action with the [Servant Summon] tag while
they already have the maximum number of them active, they must choose to end one
of the previous Servant Summon skills.
- If multiple Servant Summon skills of the same type are in effect, each target
can only gain the effect of one of the skills.
- This tag refers to special skills used by the Enchanter class.
- Skills with the Enchantment tag potentially remain in effect until the end
of the Scene, but by default only *two* Enchantment skills can be active at a
given time. If a character uses an action with the [Enchantment] tag while
they already have the maximum number of them active, they must choose to end one
of the previous Enchantment skills.
- If multiple Enchantment skills of the same type are in effect, each target can
only gain the effect of one of the skills.
- This tag refers to actions that boost the number of actions you take.
- At most, only one action with the [Swift] tag can ever be taken during the
Briefing Scene, and during each Process.
(This tag is explicitly a limiter skill so that conniving Kannagi, say, can't
give themselves six Setup Process actions.)
- This tag refers to actions that are performed in preparation for an upcoming
- Actions with the Preparation tag, in addition to their specified timing, can
be used prior to combat with [Timing: Briefing.] If an action with the
Preparation tag is performed with [Timing: Briefing], this does not consume the
Character's action during the Briefing Scene (however, the same action cannot
be performed multiple times.)
- This tag refers to actions that gather information in preparation for battle.
- When an action with the Scout tag is used during the Briefing Stage, it will
provide information on the next Scene (typically a Combat Scene.) However, the
gathered information represents the Scene only at its beginning. Reinforcements,
some Props (such as traps or weather,) and other factors that change during the
Scene will not have additional information provided concerning them.
- If the GM believes the situation does not allow for information to be
adequately gathered, they may restrict the information provided or disallow the
action entirely.
- While performing actions with this tag, there is a possibility that the
enemies may become aware they are being observed. This will be detailed in the
official release document.
- When an item with the Consumable tag is used, the item is lost. You drink
the potion, eat the food, or the scroll burns up with magic energy, and it
cannot be reused. Another will have to be located.
- In an exception to the rule against performing the same action twice,
multiple items with the Consumable tag may be used during a single process or
during the Briefing Stage.
- Conditional Skill Terms -
Conditionals are terms, usually in bold, usually written in skill effect
descriptions. They may also be called 'riders'. The conditions must be met for
the listed effect to take place.
- For this additional effect to occur, your CR must be n or higher.
- For this additional effect to occur, the SR of the skill must be n or higher.
[Hate Top]
- For this additional effect to occur, you must be [Hate Top] when the use of
this action is declared.
[Hate Under]
- For this additional effect to occur, you must be [Hate Under] when the use of
this action is declared.
[Hate n]
- For this additional effect to occur, you must choose to increase the Hate Cost
of the action by n when the use of the action is declared.
[Fate n]
- For this additional effect to occur, you must pay an additional cost of n Fate
Points when the use of this action is declared.
- For this additional effect to occur, you must perform the action with
[Timing: Move] or [Timing: Major]. You gain the benefit of the additional
effect when the use of the action is declared.
- If the action is [Timing: Move] you lose one Minor Action immediately after
performing it.
- If the action is [Timing: Major] you lose one Minor Action immediately before
performing it.
- If you do not have a Minor Action to lose, you may not invoke the additional
[Self: Tag/Status/Other]
- For this additional effect to occur, you must have the specified Tag or Status
or satisfy the otherwise specified condition.
[Target: Tag/Status/Other]
- For this additional effect to occur, the target of the action must have the
specified Tag or Status, or satisfy the otherwise specified condition.
- For this additional effect to occur, you must roll a Critical on the action
- For this additional effect to occur, you must roll a Fumble on the action
- As a bonus of using the skill, this additional effect occurs regardless of the
results of the action check (it happens hit or miss).
- For this additional effect to occur, the Action Check of this action must be
- Additionally, if the action is an attack that deals HP damage, it must deal at
least one point of damage for the action to be considered successful.
- For this additional effect to occur, a required check (typically but not
always that of the associated action) must have just failed.
- If the check was an Opposed Check with multiple targets (Target: Area (P) for
instance), the check must have failed against all targets.
[Result n]
- For this additional effect to occur, the result of the Action Check must
exceed n. If a Critical is rolled, the effect occurs regardless of the final
- When you perform this action, you may make an additional check as specified.
If the check is successful, the additional effect occurs.
- If the original action check was an Opposed Check, the opponent of the
check does not need to roll again. The additional check must beat their original
roll to be successful.
- If the original action had multiple targets (Target: Area (P) for instance),
the additional effect may be attempted against only one of those targets unless
otherwise specified. The target must be one which the original Action Check
succeeded against; you may not target an enemy you failed to hit.
- The additional check does not affect the original action. Even if the
additional check fails, the action is not considered a failure, and (Failure)
conditions do not trigger.
- Additional, if this action is an attack, even if the additional Check
succeeds, this is not considered a failed Defense Check on the part of the
[nD: (requirement)]
- When this condition is listed, roll n dice upon performing the action. If the
roll satisfied the specified requirement, the additional effect occurs.
- For example, [2D: 10 or above] is fulfilled when 10 or above is rolled on
two dice. [1D: 6] is fulfilled only if 6 is rolled on a single die.
- If a single action lists this condition more than once, roll the dice only
once and evaluate all the conditions using this roll.
- Other Terms -
- An NPC which may have attributes and skills like PCs do, although generally
they only have the level of detail required by the scenario. For example, an
NPC who needs to be protected during combat may have HP and defense stats.
- An NPC that doesn't have any stats. The cannot make checks and if a
character wishes to do something to them, with the GM's approval that action
automatically succeeds. For instance, a player deciding to knock the Extra out
will not need to roll for that. However, the GM's permission is always needed
in these instances.
VII. Tips
This section includes some things we've picked up on in playing our own games
of LHTRPG. For the Premium Release, we will be including direct translations
from the Official FAQ. For now, make do with some friendly advice!
1) This game is about having fun! Do what the group thinks is fun. If easy
combat is your thing, give more Fate Points (as per the Scenario Difficulty
rules). If hard combat is what you crave, give the GM more Fate Points, and
take a glance at our wiki page (listed at the top) for GM EX Powers, as well as
rules on how to make your own enemies!
2) Nothing, save the Barrier effect, can reduce the efficacy of Direct Damage
unless it specifically says so. The Monk skill Hard Body, for instance, or the
Guardian skill Iron Bounce, do not reduce Direct Damage.
3) When an effect has a Cost of 'Hate n', that means you gain that much Hate.
Costs are always to your detriment. Even if the tank wants more Hate to stay
Hate Top, having high Hate means they take more Hate Damage. So, raise that
4) When you use effects like Monk's Tiger Echo Fist that do not remove stacks
of Pursuit in conjunction with abilities like Monk's Aerial Rave, it means that
ALL of the triggered stacks are not removed. Yes, this is crazy, but it's in the
Official FAQ.
5) For GMs, try to include Mobs in a lot of fights. A lot of classes have
abilities specifically geared to Mobs, and if there are no Mobs in a fight,
those abilities are dead weight. It makes the players feel cool, too.
6) Similarly for GMs, the Treasure List is just a suggestion. So long as you
keep to the idea that the party should receive (# of PCs x 3) amount of Prizes,
and that each Prize has a rough value equivalent to (Average of Party's CR x5)
+ 7 on the Treasure Table, then you can play around with what the party might
get. The Treasure Table just helps you get a feel for what the rewards should
7) Players cannot combine the Magic Power of a Staff weapon and a Magic Stone.
If they want to do something like that, tell them to look at Sigil Guard.
8) Allow players to make Overskills/EX Skills for themselves, and work with them
to balance it. Consider it like the OUT from 13th Age; their one unique thing,
only this has mechanical benefits. Whatever it is, it should be a show stopper,
maybe restricted to 1/Scenario, and don't be afraid to make them burn all of
their Fate Points to use it (with a minimum Fate Point cost, of course.)
9) Samurai's Split-Second Awareness says to treat your Dodge Check as if it had
been successful. This means exactly what it says. What would have happened if,
instead of failing the Dodge Check, the Samurai had been successful? No damage,
not even Hate/Pursuit/Weakness Damage, and no Hate loss. However, if for some
reason an effect would trigger on a successful Dodge Check, then that triggers.
10) The Human tag says Human, but it actually means any of the Eight Good Races.
So feel free to make the Player-Killer Samurai an Elf, Half-Alv, Dwarf, Werecat,
Wolf Fang, Foxtail, or Race of Ritual instead if you like. Enemies with this
tag can have the [Adventurer] or [Lander] tag as you see fit.
11) When you use Covering, Long Range Cover, Trap Cover, Protect, or even Take
Over, you take ALL damage that the person you're protecting would have taken.
So for instance, if for some reason you Cover the Hate Top, you would take
their Hate Damage, even though you are not Hate Top.
12) Be liberal with the Exhaustion Table, particularly the Stamina table. Use it
after every combat, after anything that seems tiring, whatever. The Exhaustion
Table is very obviously meant to be the primary "wear" on the party's resources.
Think of it like the LHTRPG replacement for Healing Surges, or even Vancian
Casting. Players have skill selections and even items to mitigate Exhaustion;
make them use those!
13) Look at the Information Sheet on the Item List! That table up top, the one
that says Equippable Tags? That is essentially your class's 'Proficiencies'.
You can ONLY equip items with the listed tags, though you need only be able to
equip one of them (so Sorcerers can equip Light items, but not Blades, meaning
they can use Short Swords, but not Falchions, and so on.) This also means that
if you can equip something, it doesn't matter if it's One-Handed or Two-Handed.
So, Clerics can totally use two-handed blades!
14) You possess two Inventory Slots, no matter what Bag you might have equipped.
Bags *add* on to this number. So a character fresh out of chargen, with the
Backpack that gives +5 Inventory Slots, will have 7 total Inventory Slots. Also,
if you get a Bag item that has the [One-Handed] or [Accessory] tags, that Bag
can be equipped to those slots, in addition to the bag in your Bag Slot!
15) Keep in mind that you can only take two Training skills until you hit CR11.
More to the point, keep in mind that not all Training skills are General skills.
Weapon Mastery is notable for being a Combat skill, not a General skill. This
is important for when you're deciding on what to take between you 3 Combat
and 1 General skill at chargen.

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