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Accessible and Assistive ICT

Virtual and Augmented Environments and Realistic User
Interactions To achieve Embedded Accessibility DesignS

Dissemination plans and materials plus
leaflets and posters

Deliverable No. D4.3.1a

SubProject No. SP4 SubProject Title Horizontal activities

Workpackage W4.3 Workpackage Title Dissemination


Activity No. A4.3.1 Activity Title Dissemination plan,

material and portal

Authors Mariya Goranova Valkova, Karel Van

Isacker, Andrean Lazarov, Petya Grudeva

Status: F (Final)

Dissemination level: Pu (Public)

File Name: VERITAS_D4.3.1.b.doc

Project start date and duration 01 January 2010, 48 Months

VERITAS_D4.3.1b PU Grant Agreement # 247765

Version History table

Version Dates and comments

1 15 December 2010: Updated version prepared by MCA.

2 07 January 2011: Final version prepared

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Table of Contents
Version History table ....................................................................................... 3
Table of Contents ............................................................................................. 5
List of Figures................................................................................................... 7
List of Tables .................................................................................................... 8
Abbreviations list ............................................................................................. 9
Executive Summary ......................................................................................... 1
1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 2
2 Core message to convey .......................................................................... 3
3 Multi-layer dissemination ......................................................................... 4
4 Dissemination material ............................................................................. 5
4.1 Press release .................................................................................. 5
4.2 Leaflet ........................................................................................... 12
4.3 Poster ........................................................................................... 12
4.4 Banner .......................................................................................... 12
4.5 Additional material ........................................................................ 14
4.5.1 Conference and workshop usage ........................................................................ 14
4.6 Website ......................................................................................... 15
4.6.1 RSS feeds ............................................................................................................ 16
4.6.2 Online presence ................................................................................................... 17
4.6.3 Website statistics ................................................................................................. 19
4.7 VUMS (Virtual User Modelling and Simulation) cluster website .... 20
4.8 Twitter pages ................................................................................ 21
4.8.1 VERITAS Twitter page ......................................................................................... 21
4.8.2 VUMS Twitter page .............................................................................................. 22
4.9 YouTube channel .......................................................................... 23
4.10 Newsletter ..................................................................................... 23
4.11 Mailinglists .................................................................................... 25
4.12 Planned activities .......................................................................... 25
4.12.1 VUMS (Virtual User Modelling and Simulation) cluster meetings ....................... 25
4.13 A green dissemination approach................................................... 27
5 Participation in events and conferences............................................... 28
5.1 Events calendar ............................................................................ 28
5.2 User Forums ................................................................................. 28
5.3 Workshops .................................................................................... 29
5.4 Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) .................................................... 30
5.5 Conferences.................................................................................. 32
5.5.1 VERITAS conferences ......................................................................................... 32
5.5.2 Selected conferences .......................................................................................... 33
5.6 Networking events ........................................................................ 33
5.6.1 ICT 2010 .............................................................................................................. 33
5.7 Dissemination activities ................................................................. 34
5.7.1 Papers .................................................................................................................. 34
5.7.2 Poster presentations ............................................................................................ 35
5.7.3 Interview, Exhibition, Magazine/Journal publication ............................................ 36

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6 Dissemination evaluation ....................................................................... 37

6.1 Success criteria............................................................................. 37
7 Next steps ................................................................................................ 38
7.1 User Forum ................................................................................... 38
7.2 Workshops .................................................................................... 38
7.3 Papers and publications ................................................................ 38
7.4 Additional dissemination material.................................................. 38
8 Conclusion............................................................................................... 39

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List of Figures
Figure 1: Press release VERITAS to announce the first Pan-European
VERITAS Workshop and User Forum in Prague, 29-30 November
2010 ............................................................................................................. 5
Figure 2: Screenshot of Press release announcement on ICT Web Proms
website - ...................................... 6
Figure 3: Screenshot of Press release announcement on AccessForAll
portal -
november-2010-in-prague/ .......................................................................... 6
Figure 4: Screenshot of Press release announcement on Europes
Information Society thematic portal -
dar,future%EF%BF%BDtPage=3&currentPage=2 ...................................... 7
Figure 5: Screenshot of Press release announcement on ePractice portal -
workshop-and-user-forum ............................................................................ 7
Figure 6: Screenshot of Press release announcement on VERITAS Twitter
page - ............................................................. 8
Figure 7: Screenshot of Press release announcement on VUMS website - ............................................................... 8
Figure 8: Screenshot of Press release announcement on Eurohealth
website -
workshop ..................................................................................................... 9
Figure 9: Screenshot of Press release announcement on European Future
Internet Portal website -
forum.html .................................................................................................... 9
Figure 10: Screenshot of Press release announcement on Capsil website - ................................. 10
Figure 11: Screenshot of Press release announcement on eAccess+
website - .................. 10
Figure 12: Screenshot of Press release announcement on MeccaBLOG
website -
workshop-in-prague ................................................................................... 11
Figure 13: Screenshot of Press release announcement on MCA website - 11
Figure 14: View of 2 large VERITAS poster versions ....................................... 12
Figure 15: VERITAS roll-up banner .................................................................. 13
Figure 16: USB print (logo and url) ................................................................... 14
Figure 17: VERITAS project bag ...................................................................... 15

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Figure 18: VERITAS website opening page - 15

Figure 19: VERITAS website news page - http://veritas- ....................... 16
Figure 20: VERITAS website press releases page - http://veritas- .................................... 16
Figure 21: VERITAS project website RSS feed ................................................ 17
Figure 22: VERITAS Twitter page .................................................................... 17
Figure 23: Google search on VERITAS ............................................................ 18
Figure 24: BING search on VERITAS .............................................................. 18
Figure 25: Yahoo! search on VERITAS ............................................................ 19
Figure 26: Unique web visits ................................................ 20
Figure 27: Screenshot of VUMS website - 20
Figure 28: VERITAS Twitter page .................................................................... 21
Figure 29: VERITAS accessible Twitter page................................................... 21
Figure 30: VUMS Twitter page ......................................................................... 22
Figure 31: VUMS accessible Twitter page ....................................................... 22
Figure 32: VERITAS YouTube channel ............................................................ 23
Figure 33: VERITAS newsletter n1 and n2 available for download online
in accessible PDF formats ......................................................................... 23
Figure 34: VERITAS newsletter n2 ................................................................. 24
Figure 35: VERITAS newsletter n2 Interview with beneficiary ..................... 25
Figure 36: VUMS cluster meeting in Brussels, September 2010 ...................... 26
Figure 37: VERITAS booth at ICT 2010 ........................................................... 27
Figure 38: VERITAS events calendars website screenshot .......................... 28
Figure 39: SAB meeting in Prague, 29 November 2010 ................................... 32
Figure 40: VERITAS at the ICT 2010 networking session Built-in
accessibility assessment and interoperability architectures in products
of the future .............................................................................................. 34
Figure 41: VERITAS/VUMS booth at ICT 2010 ................................................ 34
Figure 42: VERITAS poster at ICT 2010, Brussels, Belgium ............................ 35
Figure 43: VERITAS poster at SIAMOC 2010, Ferrara, Italy ............................ 36

List of Tables
Table 1: VERITAS web site unique visits ......................................................... 19
Table 2: VERITAS Dissemination success criteria ........................................... 37

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Abbreviations list

Abbreviation Explanation
D Deliverable
DoW Description of Work
SAB Scientific Advisory Board
VUMS Virtual User Modelling and Simulation (Cluster)

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Executive Summary
The Deliverable at hand describes the updated Dissemination strategy as was outlined
by the VERITAS project in D4.3.1a. The main update consists of the reporting on the
events that were organised by the project (Networking session at ICT2010 Brussels,
and the 1st pan-European User Forum and Workshop in Prague) and additional
dissemination efforts that were undertaken.

The Deliverable also provides an updated overview of planned meetings, conferences

and other events that will be attended. These also include the VUMS (Virtual User
Modelling and Simulation) cluster (GUIDE, MyUI, VERITAS, VICON projects)

An update of this Deliverable will again be made available in Month 23, and will then
also include an updated status of the submitted papers and attended/organised events.

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1 Introduction
The Deliverable at hand provides an updated status of the dissemination activities
undertaken in the context of the VERITAS project. The framework that has been
applied is based on the dissemination strategy defined in D4.3.1a..

Chapter 2 repeats the key message of the project, with emphasis on the application
areas VERITAS is targeting, as well as the end-user groups (developers/designers,
and people with disabilities and older people).

The next Chapter 3 addresses the multi-layer dissemination approach the project
applies, but since it has already been fully detailed in D4.3.1a, it has not been repeated
in this updated deliverable.

The projects updated dissemination material is presented in Chapter 4, and addresses

the new press release, the additional dissemination material that has been produced in
the context of conferences and workshops (pins, pens, bags, roll-up banner, lanyards,
etc.). This Chapter also presents in detail the online presence of the project and
includes the web statistics which are positive. Also the VUMS website is introduced,
and the respective Web 2.0 outcomes (Twitter page).

Chapter 5 addresses the updated data on participation in events and conferences, and
focuses on the 1st Pan-European User Forum and Workshop, and the SAB meeting
that took place. Finally, networking events such as at ICT 2010 are presented,
including other events where the project disseminated, either via papers, presentations
or posters.

Chapter 6 deals with the dissemination evaluation for the 1st year of the project (2010)
finally, Chapter 7 focuses on the next steps; and more precisely on the forthcoming 2nd
User Forum and Workshop, and paper submission to conferences and their potential

The Deliverable is completed with the Conclusion Chapter.

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2 Core message to convey

VERITAS has a core message it aims to convey to the end-users/beneficiaries, and
which is also part of the projects posters and leaflets, and the website:

VERITAS aims to develop, validate and assess tools for built-in accessibility
support at all stages of ICT and non-ICT product development, including
specification, design, development and testing. The goal is to introduce simulation
based and virtual reality testing at all stages of assistive technologies product
design and development into the automotive, smart living spaces (buildings &
construction, domotics), workplace, e-health and infotainment applications areas.
The goal is to ensure that future products and services are being systematically
designed for all people including those with disabilities and functional limitations as
well as older people. Furthermore, VERITAS plans to promote its results to the
appropriate standards organisations for consideration and potential adoption and
also to make them available through an open framework.

This core message on the one hand needs to inform the end-users (developers and
designers) on the expected tools VERITAS will deliver, while also inform the
beneficiaries (people with disabilities and the older people) on the advantages they will
experience from a design for all approach, accommodating also their specific needs in
the design of products in any of the five application areas.

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3 Multi-layer dissemination
The multi-layer dissemination approach as outlined in D4.3.1a is applied throughout the
project. Because it has already been fully detailed in D4.3.1a, it has not been repeated
in this updated deliverable.

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4 Dissemination material
4.1 Press release
A second press release was published on 11 october 2010 to announce the First Pan-
European VERITAS Workshop and User Forum in Prague, 29-30 November 2010. It
was disseminated both via mailinglists, online via the project website (http://veritas-, as well as via an accessible downloadable PDF.

Figure 1: Press release VERITAS to announce the first Pan-European VERITAS

Workshop and User Forum in Prague, 29-30 November 2010

The press release was disseminated through numerous portals and websites.

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Figure 2: Screenshot of Press release announcement on ICT Web Proms website


Figure 3: Screenshot of Press release announcement on AccessForAll portal -

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Figure 4: Screenshot of Press release announcement on Europes Information

Society thematic portal -

Figure 5: Screenshot of Press release announcement on ePractice portal -

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Figure 6: Screenshot of Press release announcement on VERITAS Twitter page -

Figure 7: Screenshot of Press release announcement on VUMS website -

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Figure 8: Screenshot of Press release announcement on Eurohealth website -

Figure 9: Screenshot of Press release announcement on European Future

Internet Portal website -

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Figure 10: Screenshot of Press release announcement on Capsil website -

Figure 11: Screenshot of Press release announcement on eAccess+ website -

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Figure 12: Screenshot of Press release announcement on MeccaBLOG website -

Figure 13: Screenshot of Press release announcement on MCA website -

Announcements were also made in newsletters and mailinglists:

European ePractice Newsletter N. 348 02 November 2010 and following

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AAOLA mailinglist (http://www.mail-

The next press release will focus on the other events and the first prototypes that will
be released by the project.

4.2 Leaflet
The leaflet has already been fully described in D4.3.1a and has been and will be used
till an updated version will be created that focuses on the first prototypes.

4.3 Poster
The 2 different posters (a technical and less technical one) have already been fully
described in D4.3.1a and have been and will be used till an updated version will be
created that focuses on the first prototypes.

For the 1st User Forum and Workshop, extra large versions were created of both
versions as is shown in below image.

Figure 14: View of 2 large VERITAS poster versions

Additionally, the source files of the posters have been made available to the partners
so that they can provide customised versions for specific events.

4.4 Banner
For the 1st User Forum and Workshop, also roll-up banners were produced, which were
installed at the entrance of the meeting rooms. These will be re-used for future events.

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Figure 15: VERITAS roll-up banner

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4.5 Additional material

As deemed necessary, additional dissemination material will be produced throughout
the duration of the project. The following provides an overview of the items that have
been produced for the forthcoming periods, as well as have been used already for the
1st User Forum and Workshop in Prague.

4.5.1 Conference and workshop usage

For the conferences, user forums, and workshops, following dissemination material
have been produced:

USB stick with:

Figure 16: USB print (logo and url)

o Agenda User Forum

o Agenda Workshop

o Leaflets and posters

o Newsletter

o Presentations Workshop

o Press releases

o Public Deliverables

VERITAS leaflet

VERITAS lanyard


VERITAS notepad


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Figure 17: VERITAS project bag

4.6 Website
The VERITAS website has been continuously updated (see
screenshots below).

Figure 18: VERITAS website opening page -

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Figure 19: VERITAS website news page - http://veritas-

Figure 20: VERITAS website press releases page - http://veritas-

4.6.1 RSS feeds

The project websites RSS feed (see Figure 21) is published at http://veritas-

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Figure 21: VERITAS project website RSS feed

This feed is used for publishing to the VERITAS Twitter page.

Figure 22: VERITAS Twitter page

4.6.2 Online presence

The VERITAS website and its various subpages can be easily found back in search
engines such as Google.

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Figure 23: Google search on VERITAS

Figure 24: BING search on VERITAS

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Figure 25: Yahoo! search on VERITAS

4.6.3 Website statistics

Google's Analytics is used to analyse the traffic to the VERITAS website. Since the
launch of the website end of January 2010, there were almost 2300 unique visitors.
Looked over the past months, following overview can be made:

Month Unique visits

February 2010 65

March 2010 326

April 2010 337

May 2010 547

June 2010 457

July 2010 365

August 2010 258

September 2010 362

October 2010 462

November 2010 985

December 2010 374

Table 1: VERITAS web site unique visits

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Figure 26: Unique web visits

4.7 VUMS (Virtual User Modelling and Simulation) cluster
VERITAS also continues to maintain the VUMS (Virtual User Modelling and Simulation)
cluster website, accessible via

Figure 27: Screenshot of VUMS website -

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4.8 Twitter pages

4.8.1 VERITAS Twitter page
VERITAS continues to update its own Twitter page at (see
Figure 28). An accessible variant can be accessed via (see
Figure 29). Tweets are automatically updated using the Twitterfeed application that
allows RSS feeds from the VERITAS project website to be automatically pushed to

Figure 28: VERITAS Twitter page

Figure 29: VERITAS accessible Twitter page

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4.8.2 VUMS Twitter page

Just like with VERITAS, also VUMS has its own Twitter page at

Figure 30: VUMS Twitter page

Figure 31: VUMS accessible Twitter page

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4.9 YouTube channel

From the very start of the project, a dedicated YouTube channel
( was created where the project can
publish its videos. A first video (project overview) has already been published, and has
also been integrated in the project website. So far it was watched 385 times.

Figure 32: VERITAS YouTube channel

4.10 Newsletter
2 newsletters have been prepared (June 2010 and December 2010) and were made
available as accessible PDFs via the project website (http://veritas-, and were also disseminated via
dedicated mailings.

Figure 33: VERITAS newsletter n1 and n2 available for download online in

accessible PDF formats

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Figure 34: VERITAS newsletter n2

While the newsletter focused in the first issue on explaining the project to the reader,
this second version reports on the 1st Pan-European Users and Beneficiaries Forum
and Workshop, introduces the first outline of the VERITAS multi-sensorial platform, and
concludes with an interview with a potential beneficiary and the barriers he meets in
using a car.

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Figure 35: VERITAS newsletter n2 Interview with beneficiary

4.11 Mailinglists
MCA continues to maintain a number of dedicated project mailinglists (each addressing
specific stakeholders, end-user groups, etc.). These lists have been updated with the
subscriptions received via the project website, as well as with the participants to the
user forum and workshop.

4.12 Planned activities

4.12.1 VUMS (Virtual User Modelling and Simulation) cluster meetings
The VUMS (Virtual User Modelling and Simulation) cluster (GUIDE, MyUI, VERITAS,
VICON projects) activities already started with a meeting in Stuttgart on 28 April 2010
with representatives from each of the projects, and had 2 additional meeting in

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Brussels during ICT 2010 (28 September 2010) and Prague (VERITAS Workshop) on
30 November 2010.

Figure 36: VUMS cluster meeting in Brussels, September 2010

In terms of dissemination, following has already been undertaken:

- Cross dissemination: printed dissemination material (posters, leaflets) on each

project was made available at the VERITAS User Forum and Workshop in
Prague, while the VERITAS booth at ICT 2010 also featured posters from the
VUMS cluster projects.

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Figure 37: VERITAS booth at ICT 2010

- A cluster meeting took place during ICT 2010 event in Brussels, and at the
VERITAS workshop in Prague (focus was on ethics policies applied by the
different projects, as well as standardisation activities being undertaken).
VERITAS and VUMS also had a dedicated ethics session during the workshop
in Prague.

- Each project website includes now a link to the website of other projects.
VERITAS website created a relevant cluster article (http://veritas-, which was
then taken over by the other projects.

- VERITAS created and maintains the VUMS portal on

4.13 A green dissemination approach

To limit its ecological impact, the project has produced re-usable strong large VERITAS
banners, as well as roll-up banners. Also re-usable USB sticks were used, and
demonstration screens were present at the booths where VERITAS was presented.

Additionally, information material required by stakeholders or end-users is mainly

provided in an electronic format. The same applies for the newsletter, and the
production of other dissemination material which will be mainly disseminated via online
means such as Dropbox facilities, etc.

Finally, for events organised by the project so far, meeting rooms and hotels have been
selected that are within walking distance of each other, and are easily reachable with
public transportation means, thus minimising the carbon footprint of VERITAS project.

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5 Participation in events and conferences

5.1 Events calendar
VERITAS maintains a monthly calendar which it provides to all partners in electronic
format, while it also maintains an online calendar (see Figure 38). This consists of an
overview of clustering events (
events/clustering-events/), past events (
events/past-relevant-events/), and future relevant events (http://veritas-, while also User
Forums, Workshops and plenary project meetings are announced.

Figure 38: VERITAS events calendars website screenshot

5.2 User Forums

A distinct User Forum was organised on 29 November 2010 while other are scheduled
for Month 24 and Month 40. The first Pan-European one took place at the Technical
University of Prague (Czech Republic), and mainly focussed on the extracted user
requirements, and the assessment by the invited end-user groups (both
developers/designers, and people with disabilities and older people). The entire
session was recorded on video.

The final agenda was as following:

13:30 14:00 The VERITAS project at a glance (Fraunhofer IAO)

14:00 14:15 Why User Involvement is important (AGE Platform Europe)

14:15 15:00 Presentation of Use cases and user scenarios (HIT and MCA)

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15:00 15:30 Coffee break

15:30 16:30 Discussion (end users and beneficiaries) on generic use cases
and user scenarios (Coordinated by HIT, AGE and MCA)

16:30 17:00 Conclusions (Coordinated by HIT, AGE and MCA)

17:00 Wrap-up and goodbye (AGE Platform Europe)

The User Forum is entirely captured in ID4.3.2a Users and beneficiaries forum
proceedings, and has been made available on the website (see http://veritas-

5.3 Workshops
The first Pan-European one took place on 30 November 2010 at the Technical
University of Prague (Czech Republic), while additional ones will be organized in Month
24 and Month 40.

The first Workshop focused on the more technical approach/explanation of the aims
and objectives of the project. Apart from the invited end-user groups (both
developers/designers, and people with disabilities and older people), a wider group of
stakeholders participated. The entire session was recorded on video.

The final agenda was as following:

9.00 9.15 Welcome speech (Zbynk kvor (Vice-Dean of CVUT FEL))

9.15 9.30 Project overview (Manfred Dangelmaier (FhG))

9.30 10.00 Technical project description (Dimitrios Tzovaras (CERTH-ITI))

10.00 10.30 Examples from the Developers (Nicola Cofelice (LMS), Hans
Joachim Wirsching (HS))

10.30 11.00 Coffee break

11.00 11.30 User requirements (Karel Van Isacker (MCA) / Benchmarking of

existing tools Nicola Cofelice (LMS))

11.30 12.00 Task analysis (Karel Van Isacker (MCA))

12.00 13.00 Lunch break

13.00 13.30 Cognitive abstract user model (Maria Fernanda Cabrera (UPM))

13.30 14.00 Abstract physical user model (Mauro Da Lio (UNITN))

14.00 14.30 Psychological and Behavioural Abstract user model (Ana Mara
Navarro Cerd (ITACA))

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14.30 15.00 Coffee break

15.00 15.45 Use cases (Eleni Chalkia (CERTH-HIT))

15.45 16.30 Invited speakers from the VUMS cluster (MyUI, GUIDE, VICON,

16.30 17.00 VERITAS/VUMS Ethics Framework (Karel Van Isacker (MCA))

17.00 17.30 Wrap-up and closing (Manfred Dangelmaier (FhG) Dimitrios

Tzovaras (CERTH-ITI))

The Workshop is entirely captured, and has been made available on the website (see, while all presentations can be downloaded from

5.4 Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)

The first SAB meeting, presided by MCA, took place in the forenoon of 29 November
2010 at the Technical University of Prague (Czech Republic). This SAB meeting
focused on the discussion of the preliminary VERITAS Architecture Use Cases
(WP1.7), as well as discussed the ethical issues. The SAB members also participates
in the Workshop the next day.

Equally, SAB members will also be involved where possible as speakers in the first
International VERITAS Conference.

Following SAB members attended

Prof. Qin Gao (P.R. China): Assistant professor in the

Department of Industrial Engineering at Tsinghua University,
specializing in human-computer interactions and usability
engineering. She received her B. S. in Mechanical Engineering
at Tsinghua University. M. S. in Production Engineering at
RWTH-Aachen, and Ph.D. in Human Factors at Tsinghua
University. Her research interests include human-computer
interactions in context-aware applications, user behaviours and
experiences in social computing, universal design and cross-
cultural studies. Dr. Gao has published papers on these topics in
HCI and related journals and conferences. She is a member of
the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

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Dr. Gary Moulton (USA): Gary is Microsoft's ageing product

manager. In this role he is responsible for all the efforts the
company is making in the ageing market segment. Prior to his
ageing-related responsibility he was the company's assistive
technology relations product manager. In this role he was
responsible for coordinating Microsoft's marketing efforts with
assistive technology manufacturers and he was the manager of
Microsoft's Assistive Technology Vendor Program (MATvp). He
is co-author of Accessible Technology in Today's Business:
Case Studies for Success (MSPress 2002). Prior to working for
Microsoft he was Manager of Disability Solutions at Apple
Computer, Inc. Gary was trained as a clinician and has worked
for children and adults with disabilities. He taught child growth
and development at the undergraduate and graduate level. Gary
has his doctorates in education and business administration.

Prof. Ettore Pennestri (Italy): Professor of Mechanics Applied to

Machines, University of Rome Tor Vergata (November 2002-
present), and works at Department of Mechanical Engineering -
University of Rome Tor Vergata, via del Politecnico, 1, 00133
Roma ITALY. His research areas are Mechanism design,
Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines, Biomechanics

Dr. Toshiyo Tamura (Japan): He is Professor and Director of the

National Institute for Longevity Science (Aichi, Japan). From
2003, he is Professor at the Department of Biomedical
Engineering, at Chiba University, Graduate School of
Engineering. His research and teaching activities focus on
biomedical transducers involving non-invasive apparatus and
bio-signal analysis. He is an active member in several national
and international societies. He has served as a chair of
IEEE/EMBS Tokyo Chapter in 1996-2000, and the Asian Pacific
representative for the EMBS from 2000 to 2004. He is currently
a President of the Japanese society of Medical Electronics and
Biological Engineering and a President of the Japanese Society
of Life Support Engineering.

Professor P.L. Patrick Rau (P.R. China): P.L. Patrick Rau is the
Director of Human Factors and Ergonomics Institute, and the
Professor of Industrial Engineering Department at Tsinghua
University in Beijing. He has founded and directed Human-
Computer Interaction (HCI) and Usability research centre at
Tsinghua University. He was a Visiting Scholar at Microsoft
Research Asia in China, Visiting Professor at the Aachen
University of Technology in Germany, and a Visiting Professor at
the Chuo University in Japan. His research themes include
Human Factors Engineering, Human-computer interaction,
cross-cultural design, Design for Elderly, Web Usability, Mobile

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Interaction, Game Study, Human-Robot Interaction, and

Customer Experience Management.

Prof. Doru Talaba (Romania): Doru Talaba obtained the PhD in

Mechanical Engineering at the University of Brasov. In 1988 he
joined the University Transylvania research department of
Product Design and Robotics in the successive positions of
associate researcher, assistant, lecturer, associate professor
and since 2001 - full professor. He is President of the European
Association for University, Industry cooperation in Brussels.

Following SAB members could not come but will join for the next meeting

Travel expenses of all SAB members were covered by the project.

Figure 39: SAB meeting in Prague, 29 November 2010

5.5 Conferences
5.5.1 VERITAS conferences
To ensure the highest impact of VERITAS Conference, currently the option is
discussed to have any conference coincide with another major event. This way, also
the Workshop could benefit from this.

A number of possible events are JVRC 2011 (UK) and ICCHP 2012 (Linz, Austria).

The 2nd Pan-European User Forum and Workshop will be organised in coincidence
with this first VERITAS conference. Also the 3rd conference will be organised in
coincidence with the User Forum and Workshop.

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VERITAS_D4.3.1b PU Grant Agreement # 247765

5.5.2 Selected conferences

In addition to the project conferences, also other conferences will be targeted such as:

- Virtual reality conferences:

IEEE Virtual Reality, IEEE VR

2011 will be held on 19-23 March 2011 at SUNTEC International
Convention Centre, Singapore.

- Conferences about the use of virtual reality in automotive applications:

WINVR- ASME AFM World Conference on Innovative VR,

- Conferences targeted towards HCI (where workshops, tutorials and

demonstrations can be organized)

CHI 2011, 7-12 May 2011, Vancouver, Canada,

HCI International 2011, 9-14 July 2011, Orlando, Florida, USA,

- Conference on training and teaching in virtual and augmented reality


SIGCSE - ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education,

9-12 March 2011, Dallas, Texas, USA ,

- Conference on gaming topics

FDG 2011, June 2011,

5.6 Networking events

5.6.1 ICT 2010
VERITAS participate in the ICT 2010 networking session Built-in accessibility
assessment and interoperability architectures in products of the future, which took
place on 28 September 2010 (16:00-17:30). ICT 2010 took place on 27-29 September
2010 at Brussels Expo in Brussels, Belgium.

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Figure 40: VERITAS at the ICT 2010 networking session Built-in accessibility
assessment and interoperability architectures in products of the future
Dissemination material was prepared (leaflets, posters), and several partners as well
as VUMS projects attend the event.

Figure 41: VERITAS/VUMS booth at ICT 2010

5.7 Dissemination activities
5.7.1 Papers
Following papers have already been submitted and accepted:

- Vibrational analysis of a multibody virtual dummy for car and motorcycle users,
Nicola Cofelice, Roberto Zanni, Davide Locatelli, Alessandro Toso, David
Moreno Giner, Jian Kang, Stijn Donders, The 1st Joint International Conference
on Multibody System Dynamics May 25-27, 2010, Lappeenranta, Finland

o Targeted audience: Designers developers, researchers, industry players

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VERITAS_D4.3.1b PU Grant Agreement # 247765

- A multibody virtual dummy for vibrational analysis in car and motorcycle

environments, Nicola Cofelice, Davide Locatelli, Roberto Zanni, Alessandro
Toso, David Moreno Giner, Jian Kang, Stijn Donders, ISMA conference on
Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA2010), 20-22 September 2010, Leuven,

o Targeted audience: Designers developers, researchers, industry players

5.7.2 Poster presentations

Following posters have already been submitted and accepted:

A design framework for accessibility based upon virtual reality: the VERITAS
project, Caterina Calefato, Luca Minin, Francesco Tesauri, IX Congresso
Nazionale Ergonomia, valore sociale e sostenibilit, 27-28-29 October 2010,
Rome, Italy

o Targeted audience: Designers developers, researchers, industry players

VERITAS networking session, ICT 2010, 27-29 September 2010 at Brussels

Expo, Brussels, Belgium

Figure 42: VERITAS poster at ICT 2010, Brussels, Belgium

o Targeted audience: Researchers, industry players

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VERITAS_D4.3.1b PU Grant Agreement # 247765

On 4-7 October 2010, VERITAS was presented via a poster at SIAMOC 2010,
at Ferrara, Italy. This was produced by University of Trento.

Figure 43: VERITAS poster at SIAMOC 2010, Ferrara, Italy

o Targeted audience: Researchers, industry players

5.7.3 Interview, Exhibition, Magazine/Journal publication

No such activities were undertaken so far, apart from the ICT 2010 event which was
reported on earlier on.

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VERITAS_D4.3.1b PU Grant Agreement # 247765

6 Dissemination evaluation
The overall dissemination evaluation will take place at the end of the 2nd year (M24),
and will be reported on in the next update of the dissemination plan.

We can however already assess the current status by looking at the success criteria
put forward for year 1.

6.1 Success criteria

Following success criteria have been evaluated for 2010, and indicate a positive
outcome of the work undertaken by the project.

Year 1 Realised

Presentations in 4 4

Publications in scientific -

European user 15 external participants 17 external participants


Monthly unique web visits 100 > 400 on average

International conference -

Project video -

Table 2: VERITAS Dissemination success criteria

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7 Next steps
7.1 User Forum
Full details will be provided regarding the 2nd Pan-European User Forum, including
pictures and if possible video material.

7.2 Workshops
In the next update of the Deliverable at hand, full details will be provided on the 2nd
Pan-European Workshop, including pictures and if possible video material.

7.3 Papers and publications

Every updated version of this Deliverable will provide an overview of the submitted,
accepted and presented papers, as well as publications. This will also every time
include a clear indication on what target groups and/or stakeholders were addressed at
the respective events.

7.4 Additional dissemination material

All produced dissemination material will be presented, and its usage will be reported

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8 Conclusion
The Deliverable builds further on the dissemination strategy that was defined in
D4.3.1a, and reports on the various activities undertaken, and outlining future activities
that have been planned.

In the next version of this Deliverable, we will report on the new dissemination activities
undertaken, as well as will report on the 2nd Pan-European User Forum and Workshop.

December 2010 39 MCA

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