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50 good question for girl

1. Who is your best friend and what do you love about her?

This will clue you in to personality traits she values.

2. What are some of your favorite quotes from books and movies?

This will bring out what she finds funny, poignant and so forth.

3. What makes you really irritated? Especially something other people do that irritates you! Moan. Lets

Take note!

4. If you were to write a book, what would it be about?

Pink castles, black dragons, or the story of their life?

5. If you could choose to have a super power, what would it be?

Would they make everyone in the world love themselves, or would they be able to fly? Quite revealing,
dont you think?

6. If you could do one big gesture for the world, what would it be?

Here you will find out what they think the most essential need in the world to be.
7. Do you have any nicknames?

Some people actually prefer their nickname(s) to their real name!

8. When you leave this world, what are the things you want to be remembered for if you get to choose?
(In other words: what life do you want to lead?)

A very revealing question: does she want to be remembered for being kind, or being cool? What are the
attributes that mean something to her?

9. What is one dream you think youll pursue relentlessly for the rest of your life?

Whats she really passionate about? This is what will guide her to the decisions she will make in life.

10. Whats one place you really want to travel to?Good Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend 17This is a fun
question as people tend to be passionate about the places they want to see and opens up the topic of
travel at large.

11. If youve traveled a lot, whats your one pet peeve on airplanes?

Anyone who has spent any amount of time traveling will have developed their pet peeves. Trust me.

12. If you were to live abroad for a while, or for forever, where would it be? Do you know already, or
would you have to explore the world to find that place?

Does she think shell move abroad, or stay in her home country (if thats where she is now)?
13. Whats your idea of a perfect date?

This will give you clues to how to treat the girl to make her swoon. If theres already chemistry and you
treat her nice, thats all it takes. Shell go crazy for you.

14. Whats the ideal place for a first kiss?

Hint, hint.

15. Whats something youve done that youd never do again?

Maybe it was going to the wrong hairdresser. Maybe it was doing something so outrageous shell only
reveal it after dusk has fallen and she feels safe enough to share her secrets in the dark

16. Do you have a silly fear for something? Like something you know is ridiculous, but you still cant stop
fearing it?

This might just give the two of you something to laugh about.

17. Is death your biggest fear, or is it something else?

Now were going deep. Real deep. So save this question for later in the conversation.

18. Do you believe in God or some sort of otherworldly power?

If you are to have a relationship with someone, you will need to know if your beliefs mesh, or if you can
live with it if they dont.
19. Do you ever think youll get married?

To some marriage is a surefire way to kill off the spark in a relationship, to others its what creates a
spark in a relationship.

20. Whats the most romantic thing you could think of anyone doing for someone?Good Questions to
Ask Your Girlfriend 11 Maybe theyve heard someone doing something that made them melt, maybe
they have just made it up, but one things for sure: most girls dream of romance.

21. What do you think are the main ingredients in a happy relationship?

If they dont know, maybe they dont have much experience. If they do its not certain its right. At least
you will discover what they believe though.

22. Have you ever heard of The Five Love Languages?

If they havent this is your time to show off what a relationship expert you areif they have, then you
can rest assure theyll love you right.

23. Whats one book thats changed your life?

The stories that affect them will tell you lots about who they are.

24. Whats one movie thats changed your life?

Maybe it just made them see something in a new light, or made them smile on a rainy day, but it could
also be that a movie changed their life completely and that can be quite the story (trust me it
happened to me and you wouldnt believe me if I told you which movie).

25. Whats the most inspirational story youve ever heard? Be it real or fiction.

What inspires and motivates them?

26. What makes you come alive? Like moments when you truly feel you are living?

Heres a clue of how to make them happy! (And what to do on days when they arent.)

27. Whats the funniest movie youve ever seen?

Find out if your senses of humor are compatible!

28. What are your favorite TV shows?

Will clue you in to how much tele they watch and what they like in general.

29. Whats one of your best childhood memories?

Will probably tell you not only about things that make them happy in life, but also about the events that
shaped them.

30. Whats one of your worst childhood memories?

Dont ask this until you know they feel safe with you, or they wont be comfortable sharing. When they
share though, it will tell you a lot about something which probably shaped them into who they are

31. Whats your favorite spot in the world?

Often we have this one place we go to relax, escape, or just be blissfully happy.

32. What are some of the goals you have?

Great to know if they are inspired. Also great to know in which direction theyre heading if youre
seriously considering dating them. Never a good idea to date a girl who wants to move to Alaska when
youre in New York.

33. Who are you the closest to in your family?

This might make them open up and share about their family. It will also help you understand what
people matter the most, as they are people youll likely get to know if you date each other.

34. Who would be the guests for your perfect dinner party if you could invite anyone, dead or alive?

Will tell you about the people they admire, are curious about and love (if they start inviting friends and
family too).

35. Whats your favorite book and why?

Who doesnt like to talk about what they love? Makes conversation flow and gives you an insight to
their literary likes.
36. Whats the ideal romantic travel destination?romantic-travel This is a question that will likely make
most girls gush about their romantic travel dreams.

37. When you are sad, or upset, what makes you feel better?

Very important to know. Theres nothing as disastrous in a relationship as reacting in the wrong way
when someones upset.

38. Whats the most stupid thing youve ever heard people argue about?

This is just an interesting look at what they consider worth fighting for and not.

39. Do you have any recurring dreams?

Now heres something to have you analyze her subconscious

40. What was your first kiss like?

Might lead to a funny, weird, or wonderful story!

41. Whats one thing youd change if you were to go back in time?

This allows you to find out if she has any major regrets in her life.

42. Whats one thing youve done that youd never tell your mom/dad/family about?
Weve all done something wed never tell our parents about. Be it because it was outrageous, or
something we know just wouldnt gel with them.

43. Whos your favorite comedian?

If they have a favorite comedian, nows the time to swap jokes. You might also find out that you guys
have completely different senses of humor At least then you can have a heated discussion about
whats funny and whats not!

44. Do you have a favorite season of the year? What makes it your favorite?

Its just a good conversation starter. Plus you might find out a few things she really love, be it
homemade apple pie in autumn, or strawberry ice cream in summer. Take note and surprise her with it
one day!

45. Do you have a favorite holiday of the year? What do you love about it?

good-questions-to-ask-a-girl-2 Again, this is a topic that will get the conversation going and you can find
out about a few of her favorite things

46. If you were to build/design your own house, what kind of house would it be?

Is she a design maverick? Does she prefer cozy cottages or stainless steel mansions?

47. What would be your dream car to drive?

Hey, girls like cars too! Ive had many arguments with men about which cars have slick designs and
which havent
48. Who is your favorite fashion designer?

This is what you need to remember for your next shopping spree If you have an interest in art and
design it may be interesting for other reasons too. And hey, maybe they design clothes you could wear
for your next date too!

49. Do you have a favorite painter/artist whose work you enjoy? Or maybe several?

This is when you get her to get her phone out to show you just what she likes. It will simply clue you in
to her taste.

50. If you could have three wishes fulfilled right now, what would they be? Make that three for the
world and three for you personally.

This will go to show whats important to her, both in the world and personally. It might also reveal some
struggles shes facing at the moment, which shed love to have magically resolved!

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