Stench of Kerosene

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Stench of Kerosene Class questions

1. What does Manaks flute represent? Explain

Sm:The flute represents love. Their love should be like a beautiful bird song
(bird's are associated with love) but it is a wail. The flute gives a melancholy
sound. Manak's heart is hollow like the flute. There are too many holes in
their relationship because she has not had a child for them for more than
seven years.
Sa: The flute denotes love. It can play beautiful love song but it gives a
melancholy sound. Their Love should be like a beautiful song but it is a wail.
Manaks heart is hollow like the flute. There are too many holes in their
relationship as Guleri has not bear a child for more than seven years.

2. Is the title relevant to the story?

Yes. Once Guleri heard of Manaks second marriage she soaked her clothes in
kerosene and set fire to them and died. The stench of kerosene is still felt.

3. Can you characterize Manaks mother as cruel woman?

His mother doesn't have a women's understanding heart, it is cold and hard and
materialistic. Manak is a slave/pet to his mother. Mother has ultimate control
over him.

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