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Discover as much as you can about Willis H Obrien and Ray Harryhausen
in 10 minutes. Write your findings in the text box below
O brien made godzilla vs king kong. American stop motion, special affects and motion
picture pioneer.

Ray Harryhausen American-british artist, designer, visual effects creator, writer, and

Tutor Explanation
They were pioneers of special affects and hailed as masters of stop motion animation.
Their key works laid the foundations for special affects in Hollywood up until the
advent of computer generated special affects.

What were some of the animators key works?

King kong Mighty joe young The lost world
Mysterious island Clash of the Titans Jason and the Argonauts

What do you think about the aesthetics of models. How would you describe how they
look. What do you think of them compared to modern day special effects?


I liked how to models were made from clay and how in animation their movements
were synced up with the people so it looked like they were actually fighting also the
lighting with these characters and how each individual piece of movement were
designed into a new model of a character. While being very time consuming it was still
impressive and very affective to make animation such as this at the time that these
films were made. Also dispite being made from materials such as clay they still animate
it in such a way that it still looks like it is real. Using these techniques allow the
animator to use characters and animals that were not able to be used before and
positioned exactly how they want them to be such as gorrilas, skeletons and Medusa.
These types of animation also allowed models to have more distinctive and varied
expressions because many removable heads were made for each expression which also
make for more realism. This method took a lot longer than any modern day computer
made special affects so they were very limited to what they could use but still made
their films and animations work well.

Can you think of any influences these animators have had on future filmmakers?


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