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Citizen Newsletter #202 Tue, August 17, 2010 9:09:28 PM

From: Henry Citizen <hccitizen@hccitizen.n... Add to Contacts


The Citizen Newsletter

Issue # 202 August 18, 2010

The Conservative Voice of Henry County

Contact The Citizen at Your comments and submissions are always welcome!

In This Issue

The Citizen Newsletter is available on We are posting

• Announcements the newsletter online. We have achieved over 1,300 Reads. See The
• District 2 BoC Race Citizen at
• Speak No Evil
• Tax Allocation Districts Stop by and leave your comments!
• Community Yard Sale
• Your Voice
• Should Kids Be Bribed?
• Edging Closer to War
• HMC Offers Free Screening
• The Davis Plan

Editorial / Publication

Available in PDF

Your Support is Ryan Davis for Henry County School Board, District 5

The Conservative Voice

of Henry County has
opened a venue for news,
comment and opinion that
exists nowhere else. It is
because of you; a steady
list of nearly 4,000 people
who read and submit
articles sharing ideas and
principles. Rep Steve Davis' Fall Classic Golf
Click Here: Tuesday, August 31 at 10:00am
Location: Eagles Brooke Country Club

Rep Steve Davis' Fall Classic

2- Man Scramble Tournament
"Executive" Tee Length
Or visit State Representative Steve Davis invites you to join him for an afternoon of
golf and networking at Eagles Brooke Golf and Country Club.

Republican Women of Henry County

Proudly Present US Rep. Lynn Westmoreland

Monthly Luncheon. Thursday, August 19, 2010

Golden Corral Restaurant, Jonesboro Road, McDonough GA

11:30am - 1:00pm

Thank you for your support and participation

District 2 Henry County

Commissioners Race is a Full House

By TheDoctor

The citizens of Henry County's District 2 will go to the polls on November 2nd to elect themselves a new commissioner. Rick Jeffares left to
pursue the Senate District 17. Currently Monroe Roark is filling in the seat as he was chosen by the Board of Commissioners for this duty.

Those that will be running for this seat are as follows:

1. Fred Auletta, 63, of Locust Grove. He is a corporate vice president and very well versed gentleman with good ideas.

2. Tina Coria, 51, of McDonough is part owner of a small business. Ms. Coria is also a very well versed lady with good ideas.

3. Robin Earnest, 49, of Stockbridge is a Certified Private Investigator and medical office professional. Ms. Earnest is very active locally and a
very well versed lady with good ideas.

4. Herman Talmadge III, 43, of Hampton is a loan officer and investor. He comes from a long line of political figures including his grand-father
and his mother Ms. Coria of the McDonough City Council. Mr. Talmadge is very well spoken and has some good ideas.

5. Harold Walls, 55, of Hampton is a retired fireman and EMT worker. Mr. Walls has been in the area for a long time and has some good ideas.

6. Kathy Watts, 51, of Hampton is an accountant in the private sector. She is very well versed and has some good ideas.

Now as anyone can see it is going to be a very difficult job to elect someone for this position. Most of these people are friends and they are
running a good clean campaign which is a breath of fresh air. We wish all of them the best and only one can win. Just get the voters out there
to vote and let's see what happens.

Speak No Evil

Another article posted at the Henry Neighbor website has been pulled from view. The piece titled "District 2 Henry County
Commissioners Race is a Full House" by TheDoctor, also known as Dr. M. A. Moon, has obviously offended Her Highness
and members of the royal entourage.

TheDoctor's listing of candidates was innocuous and friendly. Naming those seeking to fill the District 2 seat he said,
"Now as anyone can see it is going to be a very difficult job to elect someone for this position. Most of these people are
friends and they are running a good clean campaign which is a breath of fresh air. We wish all of them the best and only
one can win. Just get the voters out there to vote and let's see what happens."

Yet two Average Joe Citizens dared to comment on candidate qualifications and conflicts of interest. In addition to Her
Highness a member of her entourage was named, and the candidate of conflict was noted.

At the Henry Neighbor you may not post opinion or fact if there is potential to reveal anything about a person who
attends the court of Henry's powerful people. The legal issues of "public personality" or "right to know" or even educating
voters cannot withstand the trap doors.

Thank you, Henry Neighbor, for the suppression of speech and deletion of communicative material that may prove
inconvenient to the high and mighty.

Among the comments The Neighbor did not want you to see:

Candidate Kathy Watts poses specific problems. As CFO for the various corporate entities that are Tim Jones
Development her election to office would present many conflicts of interest.

Herman Talmadge is known and liked by many people. But his candidacy rings too loudly with his own troubled past.
Robin Earnest has provided a strong voice for the Common Man, but her in-depth knowledge of the business of directing
the County is weak. Harold Walls, by all accounts, is a good man. He is a lifelong Hampton resident and retired
firefighter, but he seems to lack a platform.

That leaves two candidates as viable to hold office as District 2 commissioner: Fred Auletta and Tina Coria. We will see
them on the campaign trail, and we must decide between them.

 Is that the same Tim Jones that wanted to trade his property for a wetland bank? His employee would certainly bring
conflicts of interest to every vote. District 2 would operate like a dictatorship

 One in the same. The scheme hatched by BJ Mathis would (1) make Tim Jones Properties a "partner" with the County
in any profits and land values for years to come; (2) bail out TJP from a bad investment in wetlands he always knew he
could not develop; and, (3) nullify conditions placed on zoning approval for his development on N. Mount Carmel. Even
the Henry Water authority said this is a bad deal.

We have seen past County administrations with commissioners "in the pocket" as BJ is now. Her scheme is not dead, but
delayed. She lacks the votes on the BoC to make her empire compete. Should we think the value of another vote on the
board has escaped Mr. Jones or BJ Mathis?

Tax Allocation Districts

Last month the Lagrange Patriots posted the following opinion about tax allocation districts. In Troup County the ballot
included a non-binding question - which failed among the voters.

The Special election- Redevelopment Powers Law- tells you nothing about Tax allocation districts. The
Law itself, would have been more informative for the voters had it been placed on the ballot. Instead the question
is worded so as not to mention "tax".

I see no benefit for Troup County residents in its approval. Believe me; we have really researched this one.
We have a wealth of information as we have been determined to make an informed vote. As Chairman of the
Education Committee, I will not vote to give the elected officials of Troup County any more power. If
anyone has questions or wants more information about this vote, contact .

The Citizen fully agrees with advice to VOTE NO to the Redevelopment Powers question. The Henry County
ballot is worded to hide the truth of the issue. It is really about allowing local government to use future tax
revenue for loans to private industry. Please Vote No!

As a matter of principle, loaning money for redevelopment is not a terrible program. In cases such as the former mill
that became Atlantic Station or the abandoned Ford Plant that will become another live and shop community, there is RE-
development that will benefit the local economies.

Using the Redevelopment Act for first-time development, the wording and intent of the law would be violated in Henry
County. The target area chosen by BJ Mathis and crew is the strips along both sides of I-75 between Hudson Bridge
Road and Jonesboro Road. There is no definition of RE-development that applies to this area.

Their argument is the huge amount of new business and new jobs they will bring to the county. However, NOT ONE
major hotel chain, nor national retail chain is standing in line to invest in this area. Much like BJ's fiber optic network
project, major industry players are not interested. Giving away free money, ala Obama Stimulus, does not make for
good long-term profitability.

Here is the scope. The board of commissioners already voted to give $40-Million to Atlanta Film Studios. In addition to
the loan, the BoC guaranteed the bonded debt with 1-mil of county property tax revenues.

Expand that idea with hundreds of millions of dollars. Instead of paying property taxes, the hoteliers or shopping mall or
apartment developers would simply repay the bonded debt over 20 years. That plan deprives the County, School Board,
Water Authority and Henry Medical Center of sorely needed tax revenues. BUT a select few would reap huge benefits on
the taxpayers' dime!

The entire shell game is backed by the County's legal requirement to raise taxes to make bond payments. IF Atlantic
Station goes bankrupt, exactly what would the City of Atlanta have to do? Raise taxes to pay off the bonds.
Crafty schemes for spending money we do not have are the root problem in America today. We can and must stop it in
its tracks in Henry County - just as voters did in Troup County.

Community Yard Sale to Benefit Veterans Wall of Honor Oct. 16th

Dr. M. A. Moon

There will be a community yard sale at the Jason Harper Event Center at Heritage Park. The event will be held on Oct.
16th. If you have things at home you don't need and can't get them to the sale call the Parks and Rec at 770-288-7300
and arrangements will be made to pick up the items. This yard sale is open to anyone. Booths will be $10 ea. and $20
ea. with power.
Also, we will be having a 5K run sponsored by Gold's Gym. This will be the weekend of the fall festival so this should be

All the proceeds from the yard sale and 5K run will go to the upkeep of the Veterans Wall of Honor.

We are also continuing our $1 donation drive until Veterans Day. Please find it in your heart to help. The address to mail
the $1 donation is Henry Co. Parks and Rec 99 Lake Dow Rd McDonough, GA 30252.

Thank you and may God Bless.

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Group Parties, Catering

Republican Women of Henry County

Biscuits & Brunch
Regular membership meetings are the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 at
149 Burke Street the Henry County Administration Building.
Stockbridge, GA 30281 140 Henry Parkway, McDonough GA
(770) 507-6800
Regarding the article "Built-In Costs" in your last issue, I think the BoC failed to
mention that they didn't reduce their 48K per year salary....

Cemetery Research Group

Signature Broadcasting
Network - SBN TV
We're all about you!

Wise Guys Wings

412 Hwy 155 South,

McDonough, GA 30253
678-583-5344 Paulding Pundit

Please encourage your fellow Paulding County friends and family to follow us on
Facebook and/or Twitter. Links below:
A Political Christian Says.
Publish America is proud to announce
the recent release of Louie Stanley's
new book: A Political Christian
Says. (Politically Proper): Short
articles designed to help readers think
for themselves; an alternative to
today's political reporting from one
Christian perspective: It is okay for
Christians to be political!

To secure your copy of the book:

Click Here.
Should Kids Be Bribed to Do Well in School?
Is the title of an article by Amanda Ripley for Time Magazine. Her article is about paying students for learning. The
research was conducted in selected schools in Chicago, Dallas, Washington and New York, by Harvard economist,
Roland Fryer Jr.

Prior to this new study, there was a classic experiment supporting this hypothesis, in a nursery school at Stanford
University in the early 1970s.

One group of toddlers was told in advance, they would get a special reward for drawing a picture. Later with no reward
offered, researchers observed the kids spending half as much time drawing for fun.

This makes me ask:

o Should we continue trying to teaching students, to derive intrinsic pleasure from the task itself, or should we
strive to make the task more interesting?

o Do adults work primarily for money, or is their work interesting and enjoyable as well?

o Could we be trying to hold students to higher standards, than we hold ourselves, or are we just miserable at
work, and it is just about the money?

Fryer believes in principle that, "What we really want, is for people to value the activity of learning." While I value
learning, as a life long learner, I perform better and work harder when I enjoy the work.

You may find interesting, the comments garnered from the student interviews. Students stated that they wanted to
earn more money, but they did not know how.

I Wonder:

o Do we just assume, that someone teaches the skills necessary, to be academically successful?

o Has anyone considered, what differences, there could be, if all students were to master academic learning skills?

o Do we tend to assume, that kids and adults, automatically know how to achieve success?

Interestingly, students who made the greatest academic gains, were ones that were paid to read. Something, all of
them, already had the skills to do.

Is it easier to be successful, if you have learned the basic skills necessary?

Fryer believes the, "One thing we cannot do, is, we cannot restrict ourselves to a set of solutions that make adults
comfortable." I agree!

o Comfortable, has not accomplished, a significant improvement, in any quality form, of academic assessment.

o Comfortable, has not made, any major education breakthroughs in the last half century.

o Comfortable, has not addressed, the needs of the students, our community, or our country.

Comfortable, would not have given us the Declaration of Independence. Comfortable, would not have given us the
fortitude, to fight the most powerful nation in the world at the time, for our independence. Comfortable, would not have
allowed us to learn from our mistakes, and repair them.

Comfortable, does not get the job done right!

Just how comfortable, are you?

Follow this link to read the article:,8599,1978589,00.html

Bruce Kendall

Edging Closer to War 150 years ago

By TheDoctor

At this time 150 years ago, during President Buchanan's time he vetoed the Homestead Act passed by both the Senate
and House. At this time also the Ship called the Erie was on it's way to Cuba to pick up a load of slaves.

The ship is captained by Nathaniel Gordon. The ship is captured on the open seas by the United States Navy.

The Erie was loaded with an illegal cargo of 890 slaves.

Gordon and the ship were returned to New York.

On Nov. 8, 1861, Gordon is convicted of piracy (slave trading) under an act of 1820. On Feb. 21, 1862, he is hanged.

During this time of late 1860, the election in November would decide whether war would break out in our nation.

Lincoln (R) got 1,865,593 popular votes and 180 electoral; Douglas(northern Dem) got 1,382,713 popular votes and 12
electoral; Breckinridge (southern Dem) 848,356 popular votes and 72 electoral; and Bell (W) 592,906 popular votes
and 39 electoral.

The next day Charleston, S.C. raises the Palmetto Flag at the news of the election of Mr. Lincoln and city authorities
arrest a Federal officer trying to transfer supplies from the Charleston arsenal to Fort Moultrie in the harbor.

On Nov. 10, 1860, The South Carolina legislature convokes a special convention to meet at Columbia on Dec. 17th to
discuss secession. There is a sharp drop in prices and heavy selling hits the financial market in New York City.

On November 14, 1860, Major Robert Anderson is ordered to take command of Fort Moultrie in Charleston Harbor. The
legislature of Mississippi draws up resolutions on secession.

On Dec. 3, 1860, President Buchanan, in his fourth State of the Union message to Congress , observes: "The different
sections of the Union are now arrayed against each other, and the time has arrived, so much dreaded by the Father of
his Country, when hostile geographical parties have been formed."

As South Carolina's governor Francis Pickens proclaims independence for the state, Major Anderson transfers from Fort
Moultrie to Fort Sumter where he mounts the guns. By Dec. 30, 1860, South Carolina has seized all Federal facilities
except Fort Sumter. And on Dec. 31, 1860, President Buchanan refuses a request by South Carolina officials that he
withdraw troops from Charleston.

This paves the way for further military action.

Henry Medical Center Offers

Free Prostate Screenings

Henry Medical Center will provide free prostate screenings on Saturday, September 11, 2010 between 9 A.M. and 2 P.M.
in the hospital's Foundation Education Center.

Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer and second leading cause of cancer death in men. According to
the most recent data, for all men with prostate cancer, the relative 5-year survival rate is nearly 100%.

Candidates for the Henry Medical Center free prostate screening must be male, age 40 years or older and must not
have had a prostate screening within the past year. If you have blood in the urine, pain on urination, or difficulty
urinating, you are not a candidate for this screening and should see your physician.

Prostate cancer screening is an individual decision that men of any age should make upon discussing both the risks and
benefits of screening with their physician. Men who wish to be screened during Henry Medical Center's free prostate
screening on September 11 will have both a Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test and a digital rectal exam (DRE).

Pre-registration is required. To register, visit or call the Community Education

Department at 678-604-1040. For more information on prostate screening visit
The Davis Plan

Ryan S. Davis

If given the privilege to serve, I will pursue these five main objectives during my first term as your School Board

1. I plan to use my knowledge in finance to help prioritize spending as well implement strategies to save the taxpayers
money without furloughing teachers. Additionally, I would like to implement a personal finance course that will enable
our students to learn about credit cards, taxes, mortgages and simple family budgeting that will help them become
more productive citizens.

2. I plan to champion an open campus setting at the Academy for Advanced Studies located at Henry County High
School. The current policy requires full time attendance to Henry County High School. District 5 students are being left
out of the opportunity to obtain additional and advanced technical and vocational courses offered at this Academy. I will
work to change this unfair policy.

3. Common sense disciplinary policy that uses discretion and understanding rather than a one size fits all "zero
tolerance" policy. Strong leadership requires us to be tough on bullies, gangs and drug dealers; it does not mean we
must expel a 2nd grader for accidentally bringing his Cub Scout pocket knife to school.

4. Better cooperation with the State would enable our system to take more responsibility in our financial situation. I will
vote to eliminate the lawsuit with the state over charter schools and will work to improve these options for our
underserved and disadvantaged students.

5. I believe the Fine Arts, Physical Education and High School Athletics are not just good policy but a building block for
students to learn discipline, determination, and dedication. They are a key part of educating our children and I will fight
to maintain if not increase funding for band, chorus, art, and athletic opportunities for male and female students. Many
times these are the tools that not only keep students in school but also help them get to the next level in education.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Ryan S. Davis
Davis for School Board

Mr. Ryan Davis is talking about real issues that concern the education of our children. He has a plan and commitment
to make things happen.

The Citizen Newsletter is provided by

Henry Citizens for Responsible Government

Larry Stanley, Editor
899 East Lake Road, McDonough, GA 30252
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