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On a given plane, draw straight line d and point M. Determine Ms projection
perpendicular to line d.

We have already known that with each point M, there is a sole point M being
the perpendicular projection of point M on line d.

We have this following definition :

The rule of corresponding each point M on the plane to one sole definite point
M one the same plane is called the rule of transformation on the plane.
If the denotation for the transformation is F and point M is the image of point M via
the transformation F , the denotation for this is F(M) = M or M = F(M).

If H is a shape on a given plane, the set of all point M = F(M) with all point M belong to
H is denoted by H = F(H). It then can be said that F transforms shape H to shape H, or
shape H is the image of shape H via the transformation F.

The transformation of each point M to itself is called the identity.

Excersise : With a given integer a and any point M on a plane, determine point M satisfies
the transformation MM = a. Is the above rule of corresponding point M to point M a

Answer : Yes, it is. In this case, the integer a is the transformation via which point M is
transformed to point M.

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