How Many Letters Are in The Words? - /5: Name

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Phonemic Awareness: identifies and distinguish between letters, words, and sentences.

How many letters are in the words? ____/5

1. Apple _____________

2. Bug _______________

3. Summer ___________

4. An ________________

5. Cats _______________

How many words are in the sentences? ____/5

1. I love to play outside. ________________

2. My dad caught a fish yesterday. ________________

3. How are you today? _____________________

4. When do we get to go to lunch? ___________________

5. Tomorrow is Saturday. ________________________

Self Evaluation: I feel I did


Dan and Jan want to go apple picking. They take the van to the
farm. Dan ran to the big tree to find a big apple. Jan puts apples in
her bag. She finds ants in the tree and runs to the van.

1. How many sentences are in the paragraph? ____

2. Circle the words.

a. Dan and Jan want to go apple picking.

b. Apple

c. L

3. Circle the sentence.

a. Dan and Jan want to go apple picking.

b. Apple

c. L

4. Circle the letter.

a. Dan and Jan want to go apple picking.

b. Apple

c. L

Self Evaluation: I feel I did

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