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Gladys Torres Sabay


Domnguez Len Bryan David.

Lucn Mateo Daniela Alejandra.


INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 3
DEVELOPMENT .................................................................................................................................... 3
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES ................................................................................................. 4
CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................... 6
BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................................................................................................................... 6

Advertising agencies play the role of ally with companies, who help create value, develop,
build their brands and increase sales of products or services. Advertising plays a different
role in the various stages of the marketing process to make known the product or service
by generating contacts for a sales force or selling directly. Companies that have links with
stores use advertising to make consumers aware of the availability of products and thus
increase sales.

In addition, they construct a clear positioning of the brand, revealing the functional and
emotional benefits, their personality and manage to communicate its essence, together
with the development of communication strategies. This creates a significant differentiation
of competition, as there is a greater understanding of the consumer.


It is a leading company in the market that has more than 4500 advertising faces, LED screens
and street furniture at national level, bus stops installed in Ecuadorian territory, with 28
years in the market. Letrasigma offers a wide variety of formats for outdoor and indoor
advertising, including spectacular projects, road signs, murals and state-of-the-art digital
printing, to reach the main audiences on public roads.

Billboards are the main product of LETRASIGMA, which allow its wide variety of customers
to advertise their advertising messages. The fences are strategically located throughout the
main cities and highways of the country, offering advertisers strategic locations both
visibility and impact due to the high traffic where these are installed.

The services offered by LETRASIGMA are:

1. Rent of fences in monthly, quarterly, semiannual, annual and bi-annual periods.

2. Support in preparation of arts.

3. Printing and installation of tarpaulins in our state-of-the-art technology.

4. Quality control for integrated production management, including fabrication of

structures, installation, digital printing and maintenance.

In addition to providing advice in the development of advertising campaigns at national

level depending on the different regulations and infrastructure in each province, also
obtaining municipal permits and installation of structures.

This company has administrations in 3 cities Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca

The company has a basically horizontal structure, meaning that no department is more
important than the other.

The creative department is the one that creates and creates the campaign, the content.
Mostly it consists of graphic designers, an art director and a creative copywriter who control
the aesthetic part of the campaign, written content and messages. This department is the
one that has the greatest contact with the customer, since it is the one that must mainly
respond to their needs.

The media department is the one that envisions the communication strategy. Spread the
work done by the creative department. With special software and social studies, they look
for the most convenient place and means to spread the campaign. This department is
headed by graduates in social communication and / or advertising and institutional.

The research department, Supports the client in case he wants to carry out an investigation
through a consultant, performs the commercial test.

The accounting department is in charge of invoicing fees, commissions. Payment to

suppliers, purchase supplies and work materials, pay the agency's general expenses.

LETRASIGMA, has three floors that allows the development of advertising structures and

Graphic plant
Painting plant
Metal Mechanics Plant

LETRASIGMA, with its main product, that are the billboards has advantages and
disadvantages like any industry in the market.


Fences are usually placed next to the avenues and traffic streets, it will be
guaranteed that people will see your advertising. Also, unlike commercial ads or
magazines, you can not change the channel or turn the page on a fence. Therefore,
people will notice the fence whether they like it or not.
Many people travel the same route repeatedly, as on their commute to work each
day. This means they will see your fence regularly, which makes it more likely to stay
in their heads.
You can place your billboard where you think it will have the greatest impact. This
can be a great advantage when you have a business with which you want to attract
traffic on the particular exit of an avenue, or you have a showroom on the same
You can also use fences in areas where reaching people is difficult. One example is
in rural communities that expand over vast distances. By placing your billboard next
to one of the main roads around the community, you will greatly increase your

A person sees a fence for about two to three seconds. So long messages do not
They involve long-term commitment.
Billboards only work for general businesses and brand advertising for specials and
temporary offers.
Billboards are exposed to weather damage.

The reputation of the company or product is going to be an important factor in the decision,
when a customer wants to select a supplier for a major purchase. That is why you must use
advertising to generate positive perception about the company. This advertising reputation
communicates messages about factors such as company achievements, financial stability,
market success and innovation record.

A good strategy and advertising design projects the image of a company or business, while
a poor or poor quality projects an austere and poor image. That is why you must ensure
that the advertising to be issued is of quality, which does not mean that it has to be
expensive if not the elements that conform it are necessary and feasible regardless of the
medium you use.


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