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Walker’s Point Association –Meeting Minutes

Date: March 30 , 2010

Where: Great Lakes Distillery, Rehorst Premium Vodka

• Welcome and thank you to hosts

• Introductions

• Triangle Park Design – 1 Street and Seeboth
Presented by:
Danielle Jones (MIAD grads)
Annabelle Leudtke (MIAD grads)
Eric Vogel (MIAD faculty)
Dan Casanova – City DCD

General information from Dan Casanova:

A Redevelopment of 1 Street is currently under way from the river to the train tracks overpass. The
project should be completed by the beginning of Summerfest, June 24th. The intention is to make the
street more pedestrian friendly by widening the sidewalks and incorporating crosswalks. This will
also affect the green space at 1 St and Seeboth. The city is currently looking for suggestion for the
green space, which should be completed 2011.
Danielle Jones and Annabelle Leudtke presented a redesign of the green space at 1 st. and
Seeboth at a National competition and WON. The city is looking at their work and would like the
neighborhoods feedback.

Triangle Park Development and Public Art (Danielle and Annabelle’s project):
First they completed a Local Park Comparison:
Catalano Square (which is 5x larger than the 5 Ward Triangle)

Due to the size of the green space they considered it an Urban Pocket. The focus of many Urban
Pockets are trees, well designed paving, green space, seating, and light. Their design was inspired
by neighborhood grids. They stared by incorporating a grid of light cubes, a recycled plastic box that
are lite from within with a LED light that can change colors. The intention is to make the space bright,
active and save at all times of the year. Trees line the sight to break it up from the street. They have
looked at the site from all angles and the closer the view the more active the site becomes.
Their hope is that the neighborhood embraces the light cubes and would use them throughout Walker
Point to bring light to areas that do not have it.

Neighborhood Feedback:
Would the cubes be easy to steal or tag?
They would be interested in exploring that issue. The cubes are designed to be easy

Each cube costs $350.

We like the recycled content and LED; would the city consider using Solar panels to charge them?
Yes, they would need to work out the details. And have building owner be willing to place the
panels on their roofs.

Could businesses adopt a cube so that they could go through the neighborhood?

Who is funding the project?

The city has $7,500 for the project but they are looking for a partner for the cost of the
• Redevelopment of 1 and National
Update from Tim Dixon

Tim owns a few properties in the neighborhood one of which is the development on 1st and National
about 4.25 acres. The buildings currently on the site are not restorable and they will need to come down.
Tim’s plan for the space is affordable housing. This is not subsidized housing. In order to live in this
development one must have a good credit history, pass a police background check and be on a waiting
list. The government provided funding for affordable housing so that different levels of income can afford
to live in the neighborhood. The new development will have 72 units. Including 1 bedrooms – 3
bedrooms ranging in cost from $650-$1700. He are hoping to start construction in July but he still needs
a retail component to the building in order to have it apply for affordable housing. Until that is worked out
he plans to clean out the area. Knock down the existing buildings and create a green space

Neighborhood Feedback:
Positive neighborhood support
There are a lot of housing projects in the area that have affordable housing. This is nothing new.


• Festival Update
Block Party:
We will not be doing a Walker Point block party this year. We were not able to find an open
weekend for the event (with all of the road construction) but will are already beginning to look
forward to next summer. In fact Stennes has already offered to give support.

Art Fair:
We will be developing a art fair on Saturday night of Gallery night. A different venue will be used
every time. Please contact Kya if you would like to get involved.

Volleyball Tournament:
Support Walker Point Association and join in on a volleyball tournament to raise money for our
association. May 15 , 12:00. Please see attached information.

Pajama Jam:
Friday April 9 . Please see attached information.

• Website:
We are interview new companies for our website. Please contact Kya if you know of any
companies that would do a good job.

• List of Liaisons:
Please see attached list.
• Next Meeting April 27 , 6:00 at MOCT
• Additional Meeting April 14 6:00 at Bradley Tech High School.
There have been a number of complaints regarding activity associated with Club Sugar. Because
this is an "underage club" they are not subject to typical licensing. Given the increase in
problems and concerns, a public meeting has been called. Both Alderman Witkowiak and
Police Captain Gaglione from District #2 are expected to attend as well as the operators of Club
Sugar. The meeting will be held on April 14th at Bradley Tech High School. There will be a
companion meeting (starting first) concerning the proposed and new Downtown to Bay View Bike
Path. The Dept. Of Public Works will present the facts. The meeting will start at 6:00PM with the
Bike Path issue. The Club Sugar discussion is projected to be underway be 6:30PM. Cards of
invitation are being sent from the Alderman's office to most of Walker’s Point neighbors. It is
critically important that neighbors attend this meeting and express concern. There are
limited courses of action to take when there is no liquor license, so this would be the only forum to
attempt to address concerns and apply pressure for change if that is desired for Club Sugar.
Please attend

End of Meeting Minutes

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