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Role of digitization in banking

1. Digitization is the part of our mission for transforming india into a developed country.
2. Earlier days people used to stand in queues to avail the banking services like account
opening,recurring deposit,Funds transfer and loans etc.
3. After digitization the services are available in our hand at our convenience.The only
requirement is internet connectivity
4. With the help of single application like BHIM ,UPI we can do all our transaction
5. And for banks in case of cheques the CTS(Cheque Truncation System) a digitalized
process saves days in processing and transporting as simple as that..
6. It saves our cost and time.It is environmental and user friendly.Customer service is
available even after banking hours.people are more benefited by these facilities.
7. I hope the word demonitization is familiar to everyone after our PMs sudden action.
8. Inflation was was not available in atms. People were worried..but
those who were aware and used digital banking were not disturbed much and they felt
safe too..
9. Eventhough some hackers are trying to hack our account details and steal money , the
banks are implementing 128 bit and 256 bit secured gateway features with two step
verification to safeguard the customers online transactions and it is safer than carrying
cash in hand
10. Customers are the core of banks, with digitalaization entering in all day to day activities
of customers the digitalization is essence for banking to run along with them.
11. Moreover customers are already making good rapport with paytm and other e-wallets
which gives them convenient banking rather than traditional banking,so the digitization is
the essence for this transformation which will benefit both Bank and the customers..

=====================Thank you=======================
Unique Identification Number for every Indian

1. In INDIA the unique Identification Number called as AADHAR ID is a 12 digit unique

number issued by Unique Identification Authority of India(UIDAI)
2. It authenticates our identity in various places needed for id but not our
citizenship.(RATION CARD aunthenticates our citizenship)
3. Its to relate individual and to keep track the government and nongovernment service
provided till they reach end users without misplace
4. once our aadhar number and our bank account is linked all the social benefits provided by
our govt like LPG subsidy, subsidies on food,education are credtied without delay
5. It can easily track all the citizens for income tax returns when their accounts are linked.
6. The step of connecting mobile number with aadhar may help govement tracking
efficiently and quickly the criminals who are misusing technology
7. It makes the process easier for opening bank accounts like jan dhan yojana and paves a
way for attaining financial inclusion
8. This process is done by private concerns which makes the people feel a little concerned
of security but the government have taken measures on this concern
9. Since this is a large storage of personal data including biometrics which if falls in wrong
hand will be of doing harm to public instead of efficient management.
10. The personal details stored in database are encrypted it cannot be revealed by any
individual private concern for their own benefits.
11. we could say it is a tool to deliver the benefits for those who are eligible and to find out
and reject the persons who are using the loopholes of our system for their personal gain in
many ways.
Technology changing the face of education

1. I agree that Technology is changing the face of education in good aspects but
there is also consequences in it.
2. Earlier days students used to have computer only as a subject.Many of the schools
dont even have computers.
3. Friends ,You all know the current scenario..every school has computer labs,smart
classes,digital library.Parents are also demanding these facilities in schools.
4. Reading the given syllabus and writing exam can give us good score.But
knowledge can be acquired better with the help of technology like e-
learning,digital classes than reading printed books.
5. And some schools have a separate profile for each student in their website which
will give students attendance,Test score,achievements in extra curricular activities
and complaints about the students if there is any. Which parents can get to know
even thro mobile thesedays at anytime and gives them the current status of their
child in school.
6. The usage of technology in schools create interest among the students to learn
even bored subjects when they watch ppt,videos.
7. Sometimes some concepts theoretically explained 10 times by a teacher is easily
understood when they watch a descriptive demo video of it.
8. Technology is improving day by day and the younger generation are in need to
know about technology development in order to survive in future.
9. The students can also learn at home without going to many valuable
sources are available to guide them through the internet..
10. But there are some cons to it apart from a reduced human touch in teaching and
the internet usage is a wide area with some dark corners .So it is the duty of both
teachers and parents to mentor and guide them to use the technology in a right
way which will help them to progress.
Social networking in our lives

1. Social networking is the virtual platform to socialize with our friends and
other peoples in different ways
2. The purpose of introduction of social networks were good. So we can be in
touch with friends and also different people and also find the people with
common interest.

3. By doing so it implements secularism and people can be benefitted through

one another in passing information and getting helps and getting financial
support and many things

4. When there was a flood in Chennai the social media played a vital role in
reaching out to people who are in need of help at a timely manner saving
several lives. And asking for blood donors in short span to save lives through
this also helped.

5. But are we utilising these networks in this way? Yeah some of them but
mostly some are involved in time killing activities

6. Having more good friends can be encouraged but having unknown as a friend
is to be reaped..

7. The woman harassments, Spreading rumours and Fake death news of a well
known person through social networking which results in distress leading to
increased cases of cyber crimes.

8. We have to choose our friends and contacts properly to avoid the above said
distress.The latest crime through social networking is recently highlighted
BLUE WHALE GAME where someone is brutally convinced to commit

9. Social networking like fb,twitter helps us to connect with more people

virtually besides we are losing our connection with our
parents,relatives,friends who are nearby.

10. We should spend more of our valuable time with the people in and around us
and these social platforms we can use responsibly when it is needed.
Generalization or Specialization?

1. Generalization is covering all the basics we need to process a course of action and
Specialisation is fine tuning it according to the end output we need from the process
2. We cant be specialised in any field without having basic knowledge.i consider
generalization as a basement.
3. Many of us are not working related to the field what we have studied in under generalization alone is not enough.
4. Consider ourselves once we get the job as a Probationary officer we cover all the
basic duties of a bank employee in variousforms from clerical work to managing our
branch this is called GENERALIZATION
5. After the probation period our generalization is not enough that is where
SPECIALISATION comes in order to get fine tuned skills so that we can get posted
in that specific section like loan officer,rural area banking etc.
6. Any one who completed B.E can work as a professor and as the head of the
department it is only for Ph.D doctorates.
7. A person with MBBS qualification can be recognised as general physician who
covers all baseonly after his specialisation.
8. Generalisation helps to make someone useful for various activities but Specialisation
helps to make a fine tuned efficient someone for a dedicated activity.
9. Generalisation is mandatory for our career but to be at the top of your profession
specialization plays a cutting edge role for us.
10. And most importantly the Generalisation and Specialization both are a cyclic
process followed one after another to achieve excellence and growth in
whichever field you are.First you GENERALIZE and then you SPECIALIZE !!

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