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Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME

6200 N, Central Expwy
Dallas, Tex. 75206

Determination of Gas Wel I Del iverabi I ity

of Vertical Iy Fractured Wd Is

Nino Hadinoto, Member SPE-AIME, R. Raghavan, Member SPE-AIME, and
G.W. Thomas, U. of Tulsa


(Fjopyrigl?t 1976
American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.
Thispaperwasprepared forthe51stAnnual FallTechnica/Conference andExhibitionof theSocietyofPetroleum
Engineers of AIME, held in New Orleans, Oct. 3-6, 1976. Permission to copy isrestrictedto an abstract ofnotmore
than 300 words. Illustrations may not be copied. The abstract should contain conspicuous acknowledgment of
where and by whom the paper is presented. Publication elsewhere after publication in the JOURNAL OF
request to the Editor of the appropriate journal, provided agreement to give proper c:edit is made. Discussion of
this paper is invited.

.. .. ... -.

ABSTRACT This study also indicatesthat if the

Odeh-Jondsmethod of analysisis used, then
The applicabilityof commonlyaccepted data obtainedfor analysisshould correspondto
radial flow solutionsto estimatedeliverability the pseudo radial flow period. If early data
of verticallyfracturedgas wells was examined. where Iinesr flow controlspressurebehavior
Syntheticdeliverabilitydata (isochronaland are used, then erroneousresultswill be
flcw after flow) were generatedusing a obtaineds
two-dimensionalsingle-phasegas simulator. The
effect of fracturelength and pressurelevel and INTRODUCTION
PVT data was investigated. Flow-after-flowdata
also were used to investigatethe applicationof Gas well deliverabilitytests are
the Odeh-Jonesmethod for analyzingvariable multipointtests consistingof three or more
rate drawdowndata to determineformation flows with pressures,rates, snd other data
permeabilityand skin factor (fracturelength) be-ingrecordedas a functionof time. These
for a verticallyfracturedgas well. tests are usually requiredby state regulatory
agenciesfor prorationpurposesand to obtain
It is shown in this study that conventional ,pnallowable, In addition,these tests can
methods of predictingdeliverabilityfrom provideinformationfor reservoirand produc-
short-timeisochronaland flow-after-flowtests tion engineeringstudies.
will lead to calculationof erroneousvalues of
absoluteopen flow (AOF) than that.which would Basicallythere are two differenttypes of
be obtainedfrom long-timeflow tests. deliverabilitytests: (1) flow-after-flow
Dependingon specificconditions,these errors tests end (2) isochronaltests. Both of these
can be either lower or higher than actual are very well documentedin the literature.l?2
values. It is also shwn that flow exponents Gas deliverabilityis often determinedby use
differentfrom unity can be obtainedfrom short- of the empiricalequation:
time flow tests even though lsminarflow
prevails. This result is a consequenceof
changingflow regimesthat result due to the q =c(F2-p:f)n . . . . . . . . . .(1)
v:!lereC is the performancecoefficientthat
Referencesend illustrationsat end of paper.
n~ VT7RTTCI?.TTV 17RAmrfrmm LIT7TT12
. .-. ..--- *-*- **b~ ~
Q A> I

depends on the physicalpropertiesof the reser- flow prevails. To the best knowledgeof the
voir, the propertiesof the flowingfluid, the authorsthere has been no investigation
location,extent,and unless flow conditionsare regardingapplicationof this techniqueto
stabilized,u~n time. The exponentn depends fracturedgas wells where the flow regime can
on the flowingconditions,namely,Dsrcy or non- change during a test. The second objectiveof
Darcy flow. this paper is to test the applicabilityof the
0deh40nes method to fracturedgas wells.
Eq. 1 assumesthat the gas is ideal snd
flows under steady-state,isothermalconditions GEW3WlZONOF GAS-DEJXVIRABIIZTY
where pressuregradientsare small. If the well
has stabilizedthe flow exponent,n, the In this study,gas-deliverability data for
constantC may be evaluatedand the absolute the fracturedwell was obteinedusLng a two-
open flow potential(AOF),which is a measure of dimensional,single-phasemathematicalmodel
the quality of the well, can be obtained. that rigorouslyincorporatesvariationin fluid
properties. The assumedto be located
Eq. lmaybe modifiedto accountfor the at the center of a vertical.fracturethat
flow of real.gases and cases where pressure totally penetratesa horizontal,homogeneous,
gradientsare not small by use of the real gas and isotropicsquarereservoir. The vertical.
pseudo pressure,jm(p), as: fractureis locatedsymmetricallyin a square
reservoirand is parallelto one of the sides
q =C[m(F)-p@pwf)ln, s . . . . (2) of the square boundary (Fig. 1). Two fractuxe
penetrationratios, xe/xf, (1 and 5), three
where pressure levels (I06L7, 5,CKX3,and 10,MIOpsi)
and two values of permeability(1 end 0.5 red),
P and two sets of PVT data (G .0.5$ andO.7)
pdp were examined. The fully penetratingcase
m(p) = 2 .***,...(3) (dq = 1) was chosen to investigatecases
~ where the entire deliverabiMty data are domi-
pb z
nated by the linear flow period. At time t X,
As alreadymentioned,Eqs. 1 and 2 are 0, gas is producedfrom the well at a consiaiii
based on the assumptionthat flow is radial; surfacerate.
that is, pressureis a Mneer functionof the
logarithmof flow time. Butit is well known This investigationmodeled the fracture
that in many instances,particularlyin low plane by assumingthe flux distributionalong
permeabilitywells, stimulationin the form of the fractureto be uniform. Followingthe
= hy&auMc fracturingor acid fracturingis nomenclaturein Ref. 4, this type of fracture
requiredfor wells to be commercial. In such will be referredto as a uniform flux fr~~cture,
cases, pressuresare more likelyto be functions This impliesthat pressurealong the frmtare
of squareroot of time (liiiear flow), transi- will vary and the fracturehas a high, but not
tional or logarithmicfunctionsof time (pseudo infinite,conductivity. For the purposesof
radial flow), each for differentflow rates.~ this investigation,this assumptionis not a
In addition,a good fracturingjob on some gas limitationas all featuresof transientflow
wells could lead to a linear flow period long behaviordue to a fractureintersectinga well.
enough to encompassthe entire deliverability are preserved. The generalresults are also
testingperiod. To date the applicabilityof applicableto wells intersectinginfinite
Eqs. 1 or 2 to fracturedgas wells has not been conductivityfractures. The reservoirpsrem-
investigated. However,field interpretationof eters and fluid characteristicsare given in
pressuredata from such wells based on radial Table 1.
flow solutionsin some instancesat least
appearsto provide~sonable answersfor An importantconsiderationin the solution
heavily fracturedwells. This difference of finite-difference equationsis the effectof
between field results and theoreticalexpec- discreti.zationin space and time. For exemple,
tati.onsbased on analyticalsolutionsimplies in modelingflow behaviorin a fracturedsystem,
that there is a need for study. Thus, the first space discretizationnear the tip of the frac+
objectiveof this paper is to examinethe ture becomes important. The followingprocedurf
applicabilityof commonlyacceptedsolutionson was adoptedto insure that discretizationerrors
estimatingdeliverabilityof fracturedgas wells. did not affect the solutionsobtained.

As is well known, flow after flow data can Wattenbargerend Ramey6 have shown that
be used to calculateformationflow capacity, constantrate drawdownsolutionsfor fractured
kh, skin effect,s, and the non-Dsrcyflow gas wells may be correlate with constantprop-
coefficient,D, by use of the 0deh40nes tech- t along the lines
erty liquid flow solutions
nique.5 Like deliverabilitytests, this tech- suggestedby A1-Hussainyet ala Thus, for eacl
nique is also based on the premise that radial flow system considered,&%w~wn solutionswere
. . RAGHAVAN. end G. W. THOM4S

obtainedand the dimensionlessreal.gas pseudo =2

pressuredrops, ~ vs dimensionlesstime$ tD~
solutionswere comparedwith liquid flow solu- tD> z $. , , . (8)
tions presentedby Gringartenet~f14 The .
dimensionlessreal gas pseudo pressure drop tand
dimensionlesstime are definedby and tDA is the dimensionlesstime based on the
drainagearea sndis definedby
rn~ = . (k)
142f17 qT m(~) - m (pwf)l -4
2.64x1O kt

DA = * (9)
$(CtlJ)i AO*Q.,.
2.64 x10-4kt ,
D = ****.* (5) Eq. 6 is also applicablefor production
$(~c)i ~ from a fracturedwell providedthe appropriate
values for the dimensionlessp~wsure drops am
In all instsncesthe comparisonwas excellent used. The requiredvalues for the systemunde~
throughoutall flow regimes. study are given h Ref. l+. Thus, for a frac-
tured well the backpressureequationis:
For each case a material-balsncecheck was khT~c
also used to insure that the solutionswere -5
accurate. Though the above material-balance 1.987x 10 - dpwf)l
checks are not absoluteas an indicationof
accuracy,they do insure that no seriouserrors
are occurringand that the mass with&awn would p~(xefxft D#2mtDA* . . 0 . . . (10~
match the mean pressuredecline.
Eq. 10 is generaland appliesto all
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION periods (shortand long flowingt~mes) and can
be usedto generateplot log (m (p) - m (p~f))
The BaclumessureCurve For FracturedWells vs log q at any instsntin time providedthe
Followingthe work of Aron fsky and fracturepenetrationratio are knownC
Jenkins,7A1-HussainyandRsme& have shown
that, for productionof a real gas in a bounded In actualpractice,the permeability-
radial flow system at a constantrate, the thicknessproduct snd fracturelengthmay be
backpressureequationis given by calculatedfrom &awdown or builduptest by
type curve matchingproceduresuggestedinRef,
-5 khTsc
1.987X1O [m(i) - m (pWf)l 4. The fracturepenetrationratio would have
qTpsc to be determinedfrom a lmowledgeof the exten
of the drainagearea. The drsinagesrea would
have to be determinedindependently,though a
d lower limit can be obtainedfrom a &awdown
=lnr , . . . . . . . . . . . . . (6) or buildup test.10
where rd is the stabilizeddrainageradius. Q From the above discussion,it shouldbe
6 neglectsthe skin effect and non-Darcyflow. evidentthat AOF and stabilizeddeliverability
An expressionfor the right-handside of Eq. 6 equationcsn be readily obtained for the cases
may be obtainedfrom simulatedin this study. For example,for
~/xf = 5, the AOFis givenby
d -5
In ~ ~=pw~(tDA)-2n DA, . . . (7) 1.987x1O khT~c [m(~) - m(pwf=14.7)
where pwD(tDA)is the van Everdingenand Hurst9 psc[pWD(5StDA)-2 fitDA]
dimensionlesspressuredrop given by 4*SO*** *O***** **O* (11

PWD(!D) = 1/2 (lnD +0.80907) ; where

2 pwD(5$ DA)=2fitDA+l9973* (12

10()<tD < 5 } Values of AOF end the correspondingstabilized
coefficient,C, for the fracturedwell systems
examinedhere are given in Table 2. These
2 values will be used as a basis for comparing
e w results obtainedfrom isochronaland flow-
pW~(tD) ln~w- 3/4+2tD(~);
after-flowtests. Times for end and start of

various flow periods for cases examinedin this higher than that obtainedfrom the draw-down
study are given in Table 3. Comparisonof flow equation,but AOF vakes are much lower since
times used in this study end the various flow n<l.
periods indicatesthat the durationof the iso-
chronaltests is such that all flow regimes Determinationof StabilizedPerfoimsnce
[linearflow period, transition,pseudo radial CoefficientFrom TransientData
flow pericd and transitionto pseudc-steady
state [stabilized)]have been investigated. As is well known, deliverabilitytests
are often not run long enoughto reach
Isoc!monalTestin~ of FracturedWells stabilizedflow conditions. The stabilized
flow coefiicientis usually obtainedfrom the
A sampleof the syntheticisochronaltest well lmown relation suggestedby Poetmsnnand
data generatedduring the course of this study Schilson,12which is based on plane radial flow
using the single-phasereservoirsimulatorare considerationsand is given by
shown in Figs. 2 through1+as circles,tri-
angles?crossestand square data potits. Cl In @ ~n
DetAls of these tests may be found in Ref, 11. c= ***,.*, (13)
The stabilizedbackpressurecalculatedfrom ~, ln(+ K)n
10 is shown as a broken line in each of these
where a/a is defined as
figures. For all cases except (~/~ = It pi =
1061.7psi) in this study,the isochronaltests .i
yield straightlines with a flow exponentequal C2
to unity. For Xe/~ = 1, pi = 1061.7,the flow
exponentwas equal to 0.911+for flow periodsof lln
2 (cl - c2in )
1 and 3 hours. For longer flow periods the
flow exponentwas 1 (See Fig. 2). This implies 2
that~ even though flow regimes change, in T lln . , , . (14)
generalthe flow exponent,n, of the back- cl
pressurecurve can be obttied from a short-time
isochronaltest of a fracturedwell will be no l/n 1/n
differentfrom that of an unfracturedwell. 2 (cl -C2 )
Thus, it is impossibleto distinguishan un- tl
fracturedwell from that of a fracturedwell
and Cl and C2 are performancecoefficients
by exsminingdeliverabilitydata. The results
correspondingto a multipointflow test with
indicatethat if the floi~ tests are run long flow periods equal to tl and t2! respectively?
enough,the flow exponent,n, csn be assumedto
unity. and C is the desiredperformancecoefficier~i
correspondingto flow period,t,
Followingthe proceduresuggestedinRef.
If pressurebehavioris dominatedentirely
1, the absoluteopen flow potentialswere
calculated. The results sre summarizedin by the linear flow period, the deliverability
correspondingto the end of the linear flow
Tables 4 and 5, and are comparedwith values
period may be obtainedfrom13
predictedby Eq. 10 for app~opriateflowing
times. Calculatedvalues of the performance
c1 ( /T-l)n
coefficient,C, obtainedfrom isochronaltest
c= ~*.**.**** * (15)
data also are given in Tables 4 and 5. For
small times? isochronaldata indicatevalues ( a)n
differentfrom that of the drawdownresults. where Cl is the performancecoefficientcorre-
For some cases, values of AOF are lower, but in spendingto a multipointflow test with a flow
other cases they are higher than that predicted period of tl and C is the desiredperformance
by the drawdownequation. ior long times, coefficientcorrespondingfor any time during
agreementbetween drawdownand isochronaldata the Mnesr flow period. It shouldbe noted,
is fair. However, all values of AOF and C are however,that the meaning of the deliverability
higher than from the stabilizedvalues due to curve is not obvious in this case as k and xf
the short flow periods invnlved. It is also csnnot be determineduniquelyif data is domi-
seen that, if flow times are comparableto nated completelyby the linear flow period.
times for stabilization,then the isochronal
results comparefavorablywith stabilized In the following,we shall demonstrate
performance(Table2). errors that can result if the various flow
regimes controllingflow behaviorof fractured
Before proceedingfurther,one other point wells are not taken into account. Values of
deservesmention. As alreadymentionedfor the the performancecoefficientcalculatedfrom the
~/xf. 1, pi= 1061.7case, it was found that isochronaltests are comparedwith that pre-
the flow exponent,n, was differentfrom unity dieted by Eq. 13 in Fig. 5 for the.cases
for small times. Thus, values of C are much

examinedhere. The solid lines in Fig. 5 were than that obtainedfrom longer-timeisochronal
obtainedu~ing I@. 13. Values of Cl, C2, tl, data.
end t2 used to predict the performancecoeffi-
cient correspondto that of the two lowest time Flow-After-FlowTests for FracturedWells
periods shown in Tables 1+and 5.
A few of the backpressurecurves obteined
The resultsin Fig. 5 indicatethat, if in this investigationfrom normal sequenceflow
the durationof the isochronaltest is such that after-flowtests are shown in Figs. $ and 9.
it is greaterthan the Iinea flow period~ The square,circular,end triangulardata
valuesof C predictedby %. 13 are in fair @nts representtest periods of 1, 3, end 24
agreementwith long time isochronaldata; see hours, respectively. The stabilizied back-
data for p. = 5000 psi; k= 1 md (star data pressurecurve calculatedfrom Eq. 10 is shown
points) an~pi = 1061.7 psi; k = lmd (square as a dashed line in each of these figures. In
data points). Howevertif the test duration general,the flow exponentfor the normal
is smallerthen the time for end of linear flow$ sequencecurves is equal to one. The only
then values by IQ. 13 are in poor agreementwith exceptionis xe/xf = 1 case for small times
long-timeisochronaland stabilizedflow data, (Fig. 8)0 Thus, in this instsncealso it would
Noting that the ordinatein Fig. 5 is l/C and be impossibleto detect a verticalfracture
not C, determinationof values of C using ~ 13 from a deMverabil.itycurve.
~ be larger (see, for eyle* %1~ = 5, pi =
10,000and 5,000,k = 0.5 md or smal er (see, Figs. 10 and 11 present sampleback-
for example,~/~ = 1, pi = 5,000). Thusf the pressurecurves obtainedfrom reverse sequence
AOF calculatedon the baszs of ~. 13 can be flow-after-flowtests in this study. The most
smalleror larger. Thus, it is quite possible surprisingand importantresult is that, for
that in some instancesdeterminationof AOF for small flowingtimes, flow exponentsfor the
heavily fracturedwells using radial flow reverse sequenceflow-after-flowtests are much
considerationscan lead to values which appear greaterthan unity. This phenomenonwas
reasonable. observedfor all penet~ationratios end} as
shown in Figs~O end 11, is not restrictedto
The applicabilityof ~. 15 is shown in the l-hourtests. We have carefullychecked
Fig. 6. The solid lines in Fig. 6 were obtained this result end are certainthis is not due to
by Eq. 15 using the results of the l-hourtests truncationerrors, etc. At long times the flow
for x~xf = 5, The square and circle, stex snd exponentis unity. To the best knowledgeof
triangledata @nts shown are values of C the authors,this type of behaviorhas no
obtainedfrom the isochronaltests. The results counterpartin plane radial flow. On the basis
indicatethat, even for the case where much of of Figs. 10 end 11, it can be concludedthat
the data is dominatedby linear flow, Eq. 15 is reverse sequenceflow-after-flowtests are
not adequate. As predicted,values of C are inadequatefor estimatingdeliverability.
much lower then that obtained from isochronal
data. Thus, Eq. 15 does not appear to be Analogousto the isochronalcase values
particularlyuseful.,even for predicting of AOF and C calculatedfrom the flow-after-
deliverabilityduring the Mnear flow period. flow tests were comparedwith the drawdown
Fig. 7 shows the correspondingresults for ~~ equation. For small values of time, the normal
% = 1 case. For this case also predicted sequenceflow-after-flowcurves predicted
values of C are much lower then that obtained lower values of unstabilizedopen flow poten-
from isochronalend, more important,do not tial thsn drawdowndata. For largertimes
follow the trend predictedby Eq. 15. Thus, agreementwas good. However, it was found that
Eq. 15 doesnot appear to be particularlyuse- in all cases isochronaltests were supericrto
ful even for predictingdeliverabilityduring flow-after-flow(normalsequence)tests for all
the linear flow period. times.

In summary,the results obtainedhere A@ication of Odeh-JonesProcedure

imply that the cormnonly
acceptedmethods of to Flow-After-FlowData For FracturedWells
adequateonly if test durationsare such that In Fig. 12a, samplesof 0deh40nes graphs
the flowingtimefor each flow is well beyond obteined.fromthe simulatedflow-after-flow
the linear flow period. If data is controlled data are shown. Basically,the applicationof
by the hear flow period then estimatesof this method to fracturedwells impliesthat the
AOF can be in error (eitherlow or high). enlargedwellbore radius idealizationcommonly
used to representfracturedwells is applicable
Comparisonfor ~jxf = 1, pi = 1061.7psi The most importsntpoint to be noted about
is not presentedsince values of C from short- these figuresis that well defined straight
time tests are very large. If these values are lines ere observed. Aga3n this impliesthat
used, they would predict values of C the sham of the Odeh-Jonesplot for multipoint
-. --z -

testingcan provideno informationon the coefficientsmay be calculatedwith reasonable

existenceof a fracturedwell.. Furthermore, accuracyushg data taken in the transitional
the conjectureof Essis and Thomasl~that period. The secondimportantcontributionof
anomalousresultsin the form of bends, chenges this study has been to demonstratethat reverse
in slope, etc., can occur if this method is sequencetests can result in the flow exponent
appliedto fracturedwells appearsto be n being differentfrom unity. On the basis of
ticorrect. the results obtainedhere, reverse sequence
flow-after-flowtests are not recommendedfor
Calculatedvalues of permeabilitythickness estimatingdeliverability. As a result of
are in fair agreementfor ~/xf = 5 provided this study, the followingspecificconclusions
data are chosen beyond the endof the linear can be drawn.
flow period (Table6). If data are dominatedby
the linear flow period, then results are poor. 1. The slope of a backpressurecurve
Results for long flowing times are not good due obtainedfrom a short-timeisochronaltest on
to errors that result due to superposition.15 a fracturedwell is, in general?equal to .
Thus, care shouldbe taken in applyhg this unity,
procedureto fracturedwells and flow regimes
shouldbe proper~yidentifiedprior to using 2. The performancecoefficient,C, is a
this method. Iheskiq factors shown in Table 6 functionof time. The stabilizedperformance
were calculatedusing an effectivewellbore coefficientmay be calculatedfrom short-time
radius given in Fig. 14 of Ref. 4. Nottig that isochronaldata using the radial flow approxi-
calculatedvalues of the skin factors are mation if, and only if, data are unaffectedby
negative,it can be concludedthat they do the linesr flow period.
reflect that a stimulatedzone exists in the
vicinityof the wellbore. The applicabilityof 3. In order to avoid problemsdue to
the Odeh+ones procedurefor ~ 7~ = 1 is changes h flow regimes,it is recommendedthat
summarizedin Table 7. As shown h Fig. 111 an backpressurecurves for fracturedwells be
acceptablestraightline can be drawn even obtained from long-timedrawdowntests assuming
though linear flow prevails. But it is cleer the flow exponent,n, to be unity. This
from Table 7 the results can be erroneousif the procedureis applicableonly if non-Dsrcyflow
flow regime is not taken into account. Our effects are negligible.
objectivehere is to emphasizethat, if linear
flow controlsflow behavior,then the method is 4. Normal sequenceflow-after-flowtezts
not applicable. may be used to determinedeliverabilityof
fracturedwells providedflowingtimes are
The most interestingfeatureregardingthe long. However, isochronaltests are recom-
resulte summarizedin Tables 6 and 7 is that mended.
acceptablevalues of permeabilitythicknesscan
be obtainedfrom short-timereverse sequence 5. Reverse sequenceflow-after-flowtests
flow-after-flowtests. Thus, even though such are not recommendedfor determiningdeliver-
tests sre not recommendedfor estimating abilityof fracturedwells.
deliverability,they may be used for determining
permeability-thickneSS. 6. The Odeh-Jonesproceduremaybe used
to snalyzeflow-after-flowtest data obtained
DISCUSSIONAND CONCIllSIONS on a fracturedwell providedpressuredata
beyond the linear flow period arc obtained.
The main objectiveof this paper is to The enlargedwellboreradius conceptis not
fill an efistinggap in our knowledgeconcerning applicablefor short producingtimes when
analysisof fracturedgas well ttiats.Given linear flow prevails.
the fact that most gas wells are fracturedto
make them commercial,it seemedworthwhileto 7. In the course of this study,no
investigatethe applicabilityof commonly anomalousbehaviorwas observedwhen data were
acceptedmethodsof analysiswhen differentflow analyzedby the Odohdones procedure.
regimes are normallyencounteredin testing
fracturedwells. To the best knowledgeof the NOMEI?CL4TURE
authors,this is the fiist study to rigorously
examinethis problem. A = area, sq ft
C = performancecoefficient,Mcf/D/psi2/cp
On the basis of this study,it can be = gas compressibility,psi-l
concludedthat if linear flow controlspressure cr = rock compressibility,psi-l
behaviorduring multiratetesting,then Cw = water compressibility, psi-l
stabilizedflow coefficientscalculatedfrom G = gas gravity
this data can be grossly in error. On the other k = reservoirpermeability,md ~
hand, it appearsthat stabilizedflow m = real gas pseudopressure,psi /cp

. dimensionlessreal gas pseudopressuredroF DistributionCreatedby a Well with a

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~ationalDevelopment,Washingtm~ D. C.$ for Del.iverabiliityin VerticallyFractured
hsncial aid. Computerprogramsfor this study Wells,tMs thesistU. of Tulsa (1975).
/ereprovidedby TechnicalScientificSoftware 12. Poettmsnn,F. H. and Schilson,R. E.:
hc.~ Dallas,Tex. Calculationof the StabilizedPerform-
ance Coefficientof Low Permeability
mI?ERENcEs Natural Gas Wells, Tran~.,AIME (1959)
216$ 240-246.
1. Cullender,M. H.: Rewint Series,No. 9-- 13, ~iq, MohemmadSyed: lWffectof Vertical
The IsochronalPerformanceMethod of Fractureson Back PressureTest Behavior
Determinergthe Flow Characteristicsof of Gas Wells, MS thesis,StanfordU.
Gas Wells, Society of Petroleumhgineers (1975).
of AIME, Dallas, Tex., 203-208. M+. Essis, A. E. B. and Thomas,G. W.: ~lThe
2. Rawlins,E. L. and Schell.hardt,M. A.: Use of Open Flow PotentialTest Data in
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For all systems examined

thefollowing properties
oh,feet 20
Reservoir Temperature, T, R 644
Porosity, 0 0.119
Rock Compressibility, c=, psi 3 x 10-5
Water Compressibility, Cw, psi-1 5X1 O-5
Irreducible Water Saturation, Sw 0.185
Gas Gravity, G 0.58&0.7
Standard Pressure, p Scl Psi 14.7
Standard Temperature, T*C, R 520

Reservoir Characteristics

Reservoir Fracture Initial Rate Flow

:.ength Penetration Ratio Permeability Pressure Schedule Periods
ft. Xe I Xf k, md Pi, psi q, MCF/D t, hrs.

760 1 1 1061.7 95, 190,285,380 1,3,12,24,48

760 1 1 5000.0 95, 190,380,760 1,3, 12,24,48
760 5 1 1061.7 9.5, 19,28.5,38 1,3, 12,24,48
760 5 1 5000.0 9.5, 19,28, 5, 38 1,3, 12,24,48
1900 5 0.5 5000.0 237.5,475, %QIWI .1,7.5, 12,24
1900 5 0.5 10000.0 2X?,5,475, %Q11YX) l,?. 5, 12,24

Initial Gas Iriitial Gf,s

Initial Pressure Compressibility Viscosity Permeability Grr,vity
Pig psi C~i. psi- bjs CP k, md z

10,000 3.65 X 10-5 0.0393 0.5 0.7

5,000 1,2721 x10-4 0.0263 0.5 0.7
5,000 1.2151 x10-4 0.0236 1.0 0.58
1061.7 8.8685 X104 0.0146 1.0 0, 58



Fracture Penetration Ratio Initial Pressure Permeability Stabilized AOF Stabilized C 10
%=/Xf pi, pai m~ q, MCF/D MC F/D/psi fcp

1 1061.7 1 3492 4,2008

5000 1 36362 4.2008

5 1061.7 1 911 1.0960

500C 1 9533 1, 0960

5 5000 0.5. 7584 0.54140

10000 005 17533 0.54140

Note: Permeability k = 1 md cases correspond to G = O. 58 and k = O. 5 md to G = 0.7.



Initial Approximate Approxim:. ce Approximate

Fracture Penetration Pressure Permeability End of Linear Start of Pseudo Start of Pseudo Steady
Ratio, xe/xf pi, psi k, md Flow, t, hrs, Radial
F1ow,t,hrs. State Flow, t, hrs.

1 5000 1 17.60 . 31.2

1061.7 1 76, 00 . 135.0

5 5000 1 0, 312 3, 12 31.2

1061, 7 1 1.350 13, 50 135.0

5 5000 0.5 16.24 162.40 469.75

10000 0.5 7.52 75.20 1014.80




(for xe/xf = 1)

Flowtime AOF, MCF/1) C, MC F/ D/psi2/cp x 10
t, hours Isochronal Test Equation 10 Isochronal Test Equation 10

Pi = 1061.7 psi, m(pi) = 8.3126 x 10 psi2/cp, k = 1 md, G = O. 58

1 9665 15909 55.790 19, 138

3 5895 9613 34.03 11.564

12 5098 5451 6.1332 6, 5575

24 4305 4338 5.1789 5.2186

48 3703 3703 4.4817 4,4547

Pi = 5000 psi, m(pi) = 8.7345 x 108 psi2/cp, k = 1 md, G = O. 58

1 74957 85996 8.5817 9.8456

3 52581 55590 6.0200 6.3644

12 38194 38463 4.3728 4.4036

24 36485 36622 4.1770 4.1928

48 36420 36370 4.1468 4.1640





(forxe/xf= 5)

Flowtime AOF, MCl?/D C, MCF/D/psi2/cp x 10
t, hours From Isochronal Test Equation 10 From Isochronal Test Equation 10

Pi = 1061.? psi, rn(pi)

= 8.3126x 107psi2/cp,k =lmd, G= 0,58.

1 2533 3043 3.0474 3.6607

3 1702 1872 2.0474 2.2520

12 1204 1196 1.4478 1.4388

24 1050 1031 1.2629 1.2403

48 930 940 1.1199 1.1308

Pi = 5000 psi, rn(pi) 8.7345 x 108 psi2/cp, k =lmd, G= O.58

1 15363 17108 1.7589 1.9587

3 11630 12301 1.3315 1,4083

12 9926 9817 1.1364 1.1239

24 9704 9568 1.1111 1.0954

48 9533 9533 1.0910 1.0914

pi = 5000 psi, m(pi) = 1.4009 x 109 psi2/cp, k =0.5 md, G= 0.7

1.0 9.4657 8.7253 6.7573 6.2315

7.5 3.3628 3,2107 2,4006 2.3014

12.0 2,6092 2.5568 1,8626 1.8372

24.0 1,8930 1.8518 1.3514 1.3393

Pi = 10,000 psi, m(pi) = 3.2385 x 109 psi2fcp, k =0.5md, G= 0.7

1.0 14.3370 13.6166 4,4271 4.2060

7.5 5.2651 5. 063? 1,6258 1.5700

12.0 4.2369 4.1223 1,3083 1.2806

24.0 3,2708 3.1074 1.0100 0.9712



(for x=/xf = 5)

Initial Pressure Permeability Thickness Duration skin

Pi kh, md ft Hour S Type of Test kh, md ft Factor

1061.7 20 1 26.43 -1,80

3 Normal Sequence 21.98 -1.95
24 16.77 -2.32
1 23.57 -1.88
3 Reverse Sequence 20.20 -2.04
24 14,76 -2.54
5000 20 1 20.50 -1.87
3 Normal Sequence 17.91 -2.08
24 6.11 -3.23
1 20.37 -2.12
3 Rcveree Seqvence 19.10 -2.00
24 4.01 -3.51
5000 1 46. ill -1.40
7.5 17.62 -1.87
Normal Sequence
12 15.81 -1.93
24 16.07 -1.91
1000 10 1 27.01 -1.63
7,5 13.79 -2.02
Normal Sequence
12 13.42 .2.04
24 12.73 -2.10



(for xe/xf = 1)

Initial Permeability
Pressu~ s Duration Thickness Skin
pi, psi Hours Type of Teat kh, md ft Factor

1061,7 1 107.36 -1.21

3 Normal Sequence 67.34 -1.49
12 17.48 -2.08
1 89.77 -1.34
3 Reverse Sequence 69.62 -1.62
12 26,84 -1.97

5000 1 62.46 -1.51

3 Normal Sequence 22,21 -1.98
24 6,36 -2.21
1 160.39 -@. 67
3 Reverse Sequence 48.86 +9. 72
24 4.62 -2.26

Actual Permeability Thickneee = 20 md ft




Fig. 1A - Schematic view of fractured well

and accompanying reservoir drainage volume


Fig. lB - Plan view of fractured reservoir

showing position of symmetry element

I I I 1 1 # I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 11

J!. I ..
FLOW TV4E,t,hours

#t i
a td10 1 1 I 1 I 1 Itl
1 t 1 1 I I t 1

Fm RATE,q,hiCF/O

Fig. 2- Back pressure curve: isochronal test (xe/xf = 1)

i 1 , 1 I I 1 1 t
I , I I I 1 1 1 ,

FLOW TIM$,t, hours 1

R 24 /

x./xf plsloooo
5,@ ,/
&.0.5md */

Kfl- , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I t 1 I t 1 1 I t

d d d

Fig. 3 - Back pressurecurve: isochronaltest(xe/xf

= 5)

= 105 1 t 1 1 I 1#11 t 1 1 1 I 1, k
K! 10 102 lo~


12- Fig, 4 - Back pressurecurve: Isochronaltest (xe/xf 5)



4 -


Fig. 5 - Compari
son of values of C predictedby Eq. 13
and isochronaltests
C X K?, MCFID@ %p
w a m a 5
0 I 1 , 1 I : I

I I r I I I I 1 1

PENET~fl;OJ RATIO, Xc/Xf ~ 1

Fig. 6- Comparisonof values of C predlcted by Eq. 15 +
and isochronaltests (xe/xf= 5)


I I n I r I rI 1 1 I I 1 Ill-
41 t # 1 , 1 1 1 t 1
03 ,/ 0.s t
x 12
-- sT~lL@W CAM /(
1~, hours-2
~/x, 1, p, ro61.7pd


0 Fig, 7 - Canparisonof valuesof C predictedby Eq. 15

and isochronaltests (xe/xf= 1)
~ ~. :


Ii!1($ 1 , 1 * 1 , I I 1 I , t m, L
to 102 103


Fig. 8- Back pressurecurve:normal sequenceflow

after flow test (Xehf = 1J
0 12

X 24
x, /xf 5, pi=iomo p8i 4
k o,s md / / 1


flow test (xe/xf = ~)

NY! 1 r 1 I , ,,, , 1 I 1I 1 1111 , 1 , v

FLOW TiME,t,houra
F Al
03 J
0 .24
-s, pi~sooopti

i&Lw1 ~1 . , ,
I io i&

Fig. 10 - Back pressure curve reverse sequence flow

after flow test (xe/xf= 1)
I I I 1 I Ill] 1 I I 1 1 I 11

I 07~

106~ A

FLOW TIME, t, hours
) 03
0 24
Xe/Xf * 1, pi 4000 psi
k= Imd

I 05
t 1 t I I I 1 1 1 1 t I I 1 1 1 I
,.2 103

Fig. 11 - Back pressure reverse sequence

flow after flow test (xe/xf + 5)

- 14

- [u

3 -
N .-
2 -.6 ft


I I I 1 1 1
00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 of

f ~LoG(tn-tj-l)
j-l n

Fig. 12 - Sample Odeh - Jones qraphs for

a vertical Iy fractured well

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