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17. Introduction
Uvasagga-haram Sutra is a devotional Sutra dedicated to Shree Prshva Nth Bhagawn.
Recitation of this Sutra brings forth desired beneficial results as it pleases Prshva Yaksha due to
his deep devotion to Prshva Nth Bhagawn. This Sutra was composed by chrya
Bhadrabhu Swmi (504 B.C. to 428 B.C.) between 442 B.C. and 428 B.C. He was the last
Shrut Kevali of this current time cycle.

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17. Uvasagga-Haram Stotra

Uvasagga-haram psam,
Psam vandmi kamma-ghana-mukkam.
Visahara-visa-ninnsam, mangala-kallna-vsam................. 1.
Visahara-phulinga-mantam, kanthe dhrei jo say manuo.
Tassa gaha-roga-mri, duttha-jar janti uvasmam................. 2.
Chitthau dure manto, tujjha panmo vi bahu-phalo hoi.
Nara-tiriesu vi jiv, pvanti na dukkha-dogachcham. ............... 3.
Tuha sammatte laddhe, chintmani-kappa-pyava-bbhahie.
Pvanti avigghenam, jiv ayarmaram thnam. ...................... 4.
Iya santhuo mahyasa! Bhatti-bbhara-nibbharena hiaena.
T deva! Dijja bohim, bhave bhave psa! Jina-chanda!. ......... 5.

17. Sutra Meaning:
Oh! Shree Prshva Nth Bhagawn, I am bowing down to you. Even your caretaker Yaksha
Prshva is capable of nullifying the unfavorable situations caused by other people and/or other
elements. You have eradicated all Karmas and thus you are free of all Karmas. You are capable
of nullifying the poison of the most poisonous snake. You are the abode of bliss and unending
Those people, who recite with faith the Mantra known as Visahara Fullinga Mantra, their
misfortunes, chronic illness, plague and other fatal epidemic diseases and febrile illnesses are
Let alone recitation of this Mantra, even sincere obeisance to you is a cause of good fortune.
Those, who offer sincere obeisance to you with a deep faith, will have a life free of sufferings and
bad luck, in all of their future human or animal lives.
Attainment of the right knowledge and right faith, as preached by you, is even more precious than
Chintmani and Kalpa Vruksha . Upon their attainment, one attains Moksha without difficulty,
where there is no old age or death.
Oh! Universally revered Prshva Nth Bhagawn, I eulogize you with a heart full of devotion. Oh!
Jineshvar Prshva Nth Bhagawn, I wish for the right knowledge, right faith and, right conduct in
all my future lives.

17. General Meaning:

Bhadrabhu Swmis brother Varhmihir was also a Jain monk. But for some reason he
renounced monk-hood and started to make a living as a fortune-teller. Once he wrongly forecast
the lifespan of a prince and as a result, the king sentenced him to death. After his death, he was
born as a Vyantar Dev. He then spread the epidemic of plague (a fatal infectious disease) in the
Jain Sangh. chrya Bhadrabhu Swmi then composed Uvasagga-haram Sutra and taught it to
the people. It is said that continuous recitation of Uvasagga-haram Sutra eradicated the epidemic
of plague.
Prshva Yaksha is the caretaker Yaksha of Tirthankar Bhagawn Shree Prshva Nth. When a
Tirthankar Bhagawn-to-be attains Kevaljnn, Shakrendra, the supreme Deva of Saudharma
Devaloka, due to his deep devotion to Him, assigns a dedicated Yaksha at His service.
Visahara Fulinga Mantra is as follows:
Namiuna Ps Visahara Vasaha Jin Fulinga
This Mantra is also recited by adding certain other holly words such as the following version
composed by renowned chrya Shree Mntung Suri
Om Rhim Shreem Arham Namiuna Ps Visahara Vasaha Jina Fuling Rhim Namaha
Jain Karma philosophy states that one has to suffer the resultant effects of ones own Karma or
eradicate those Karmas by internal austerities.
Tirthankar Bhagawnare Vitargi and hence do not help anyone directly. Then the obvious
question is how recitation of this or any other Mantra will be of help.
Let us now consider the importance of Mantra. As you know, gams are compiled from the
sermons of Bhagawn Shree Mahvir Swmi. The last gam, which is now considered to be
completely lost, is known as Drashtivda. Fourteen Purvas are parts of this gam. Fourteen
Purvas clearly mention the importance of Mantra.
Recitation of Mantra for worldly gains and benefits is prohibited. However, if a Mantra is recited
with devotion and faith to alleviate sufferings of other people, to eradicate natural calamities, or
for the protection of Jain temples, Jain religion and Sangh, it will definitely eliminate these

It is however important to remember that Mantra is expression of devotion to heavenly beings and
Yaksha and Yakshini only. They are not liberated and thus are able to bring forth the beneficial
results of Mantra.
Uvasagga-haram Sutra is a devotional Sutra dedicated to Shree Prshva Nth Bhagawn.
Recitation of this Sutra brings forth the desired beneficial results (as stated before) as it
pleases Prshva Yaksha due to his deep devotion to Prshva Nth Bhagawn.

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