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United Way

Student Success
Coach Handbook
The United Way Student Success Coach Program
works in partnership with:

Hartford Public Schools

Volunteer Handbook Contents


Overview - United Way Student Success Coach Program

Supports for United Way Student Success Coaches

o Orientation and Training
o Academic Supports
o Volunteer Folders
o General Tips

o Inclement Weather
o What To Do If You Are Unable To Attend A Session

Communication and Resources

o On-site Communication
o Coach Resource Page (
o Success Coach Email
o Surveys

United Way Student Success Coaches Contact Information

Volunteer Agreement Form

Welcome to the United Way Student Success Coach Program!
Thank you for giving your time and talent to help a young person become
proficient in Math by the end of middle school.

It is important that all our volunteers understand how important their

time and commitment is to our goal to have our middle school students
be at proficient academically in Math prior to high school.

We hope that you find volunteering with the United Way Student Success Coach
Program a positive and rewarding experience.

Goal of Program

The goal of the initiative is to mobilize volunteers to provide students in

Hartford with an effective academic mentoring intervention. A volunteer will
be matched with two middle school students in need of additional support
during the tiered math instruction period of the school day.

Current School Locations

Simpson Waverly
55 Waverly St, Hartford, CT 06112

Museum Academy at WISH

350 Barbour St, Hartford, CT 06120
United Way Coaches

....your impact will be not be determined by any one session...but by the

consistency of your enthusiasm throughout the school year.

The United Way Student Success Coach Program is designed to increase the standardized test
scores in math of middle school children that are below the national proficiency level by
recruiting and organizing volunteers to meet with students for one hour, once a week throughout
the school year. During the school day most sites operate in the classroom where volunteers
work each day with 2-3 students for 60 minutes.

United Way works with program partners to provide orientation sessions before each semester
and on-going support to help volunteers successfully support students in meeting their goals.
Information about methods teachers are using to instruct math in the classroom, expectations of
volunteers (including signing a volunteer agreement), and program logistics is provided at
volunteer orientation and reinforced throughout the semester.
United Way spoke with academic advisors at local schools to find out why, and more
importantly, what is needed to help get students test scores in math on track by the end of middle
school. Workplaces were also contacted regarding their interests in organizing their employees
as volunteer coaches, which was one of the strategies that schools indicated would be helpful. As
a result of what was learned, United Way Student Success Coaches will be launched as a pilot
program at the (blank) in Hartford in 2017.

United Way, in partnership with Hartford Public Schools, will provide materials to support
volunteers in their instruction and addressing the curricular goals of the schools. United Way
recruits volunteers to work with one or two students. Prior to volunteer recruitment, United Way
works with a school site coordinator at each site to identify the number of children eligible for
the program, current school-specific factors that affect the program such as changes in curricula
or administrative staffing changes, data reporting requirements, space parameters, etc.
As United Way Student Success Coach Program continues to grow, eligibility requirements have
been established to help identify new sites that could operate a quality program, as well as an
application for prospective sites to express interest and describe their plan to manage the

For more information about the program e-mail:

Preparing You to Be a Successful United Way Student Success Coach
Importance of Orientation and Training

Attending Orientation and Training is an important first step to having a great experience. At
orientation, you will:
meet the site coordinator and other school staff as well as the team from United Way;
hear how we work together to help students improve their standardized test scores in
math by the end of middle school;
receive training from academic experts that will guide you as you work with your
receive important logistical information about your schools policies, procedures, school
calendar, and more.

Academic Supports

The lesson plans that will be covered each week will be provided via email ONE WEEK in
advance of a session. They will also be available on our Coach Resource Page at

Volunteer Folders

Volunteer folders are designed to help make it easy for you to stay organized throughout the
semester and include paperwork that you will use each time you visit your school for a
session with your student. Your folder will include things such as:
o School information sheet including inclement weather policy
o Site coordinator contact information
o School calendar
o Get-to-Know-You Activity (for first day)
o Session log
o Various worksheets (to support further discussion)

General Tips

Use a consistent system for getting student attention

When distracted, talk about their favorite extracurricular activity

Stay Positive!

Be Organized, Keep a Routine

Have FUN!

What to Do If You Cannot Attend Your Coaching Session

If you are unable to attend your coaching session, call your site coordinator as
soon as possible as they will be able to alert the teacher and possibly make
arrangements for another volunteer to work with your student.

Inclement Weather

Please check your favorite local news organization in the likely event of inclement
weather as we will not be sending you reminders about school delays or

WFSB Channel 3 -

Fox 61 -
WTIC 1080 -

If school is cancelled, the Student Success Coach Program is cancelled.

Please consult the information your site coordinator has provided regarding your
schools specific delayed opening/early dismissal policies.

When in doubt, call your site coordinator!

Weebly Site

This website will serve as a resource page for all Student Success Coaches. It will provide all
materials and program resources on one central location.


Coaches Word Email

All United Way Student Success Coaches receive brief, periodic emails from the United Way
Coaches team. The purpose of these emails is to foster two-way communication between
volunteers and the United Way team and to provide support to our volunteers such as links to
helpful educational information. We welcome and appreciate your questions and responses!


Each semester, we request that you take a brief survey. These surveys are very important and
they help us to continuously improve your experience and our program. Your feedback and
conversation is welcome anytime by e-mail, phone or in person.


When a face-to-face conversation is not possible, please reach out to either your site coordinator
or the Student Success Coach email listed below. The school day is often very busy! To provide
or to share information on the progress and challenges of their students, please contact your site

You may contact our United Way Student Success Coach team at:

Your volunteerism is part of an extensive effort to support

children and families in our communities. Your volunteer hours
at United Way helps the entire community by:

Helping children and youth succeed in school

Ensuring families become financially secure
Providing families access to basic needs such as food and
Tips for a Distracted Student

The following tips are a few examples of supports that have been shared with us
from our school partners and other volunteers.

Coaching to a distracted student:

1. Make learning a social experience. Whenever possible, ask questions that

connect your students life experiences to material. When will they use this
in life/future career?

3. You are a role model to your student. Remember: Your knowledge

contributes to your students progress. Enthusiasm for coaching is
contagious. Emphasize the fun of learning and your student will experience
that joy!

4. If your student is distracted, try switching seats, if possible, or having their

back toward the distraction.

5. Get to know how your student learns: Perhaps your student likes to count
with their fingers, ask questions, or something else. Encourage them to use
whatever works for them!

6. Allow for movement or breaks. Some suggestions:

Have your student walk with you to sharpen their pencil

Stand and stretch
Talk about how their day has been going
Discuss their hobbies (sports, video games, etc.)

7. Vary your coaching strategies such as: learn for 10 minutes, talk about the
material for 10 minutes, go back and look at material for 10 minutes.
Volunteer Agreement
United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut and partner school districts are bringing together
community organizations, corporations and individuals to help more middle school students be proficient
in math on standardized tests.
Volunteers have an important role in helping children learn strategies that will help them grow as students
and develop lifelong mathematical skills.
Here are the guidelines that help ensure that volunteers and children have the best possible experience:
Volunteers are asked to commit to a regular assignment including consistent attendance.
Children and the teachers are counting on volunteers to arrive as scheduled. Please be prompt. A
minimum of 24 hours notice is requested if a volunteer cannot attend as scheduled. If that is not
possible and/or if the volunteer is going to be late, they should contact their school site
Upon arrival at the school, volunteers sign in as required by the school and report to their assigned
classroom. Prior to entering the classroom, volunteers should turn their cell phone off or in quiet
mode and should not use the phone while in the classroom. Volunteers should sign out in the office
before leaving.
Volunteers work in the classroom in the presence of a teacher or in a common space such as a
hallway if requested by school staff.
Volunteers wear their LIVE UNITED t-shirt during all volunteer sessions to help all school staff
identify their purpose in the building and to help maintain a safe school environment.
United Way staff and our partner schools are committed to ensuring that volunteers and students have
a good experience. Volunteers are asked to share information on their experience periodically and are
welcome to share suggestions or comments at any time. Please email with feedback or speak your site coordinator.
Volunteers respect the confidentiality of academic or behavioral activity of every child. Each child is
unique in abilities, learning styles and personality.
Volunteers agree to follow all school district policies and current relevant policies will be covered
during orientation.
Volunteers are asked to support the instructional program of the teacher and follow the guidelines
presented in the training.
Managing the behavior of the children is the responsibility of the classroom teacher only. Any issue
should be brought to the attention to the teacher immediately.

I have read and agree to the guidelines set forth for my volunteer commitment.

Name Date

Signature Date

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