Guidelines For BCA IT Seminar

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Guidelines_for_BCA_IT_Seminar MICROCOMM

IT Seminar(BCA)
School of Computer Science
YCMOU, Nashik
Issued on 30th April 2009

1. Objectives of IT Seminar
• To train the student to independently search, identify and study important topics in
computer science.
• To develop skills among students to study and keep themselves up to date of the
technological developments taking place in computer science.
• To expose students to the world of research, technology and innovation.

2. About the IT Seminar

• IT Seminar carries 4 Credit Points.
• It carries 100 marks.
• IT Seminar work is to be done individually by the student.
• The study centre shall assign an internal guide under which students shall carry out IT
seminar work.
• In order to select a topic for IT Seminar, the student shall refer to various resources like
books, magazines, scientific papers, journals, the Internet and experts from industries
and research institutes.
• The topic selected for IT Seminar by the students shall be scrutinized and if found
suitable, shall be approved by the internal guide.
• Student shall report the progress of his IT Seminar work to the internal guide three
times during the tenure of IT Seminar Work.
• At the end of the work, student shall prepare written document of his work in the form
of a Report.

3. How to begin IT Seminar Work?

• Attend the contact session organised by SC to describe the procedure of doing IT
Seminar Work
• Refer to various resources like books, magazines, scientific papers, journals, the
Internet and experts from industries and research institutes.
• Discuss with Internal Guide and identify a seminar topic
• Review the literature

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• Prepare the report

• Submit the report to the internal guide

4. Evaluation of IT Seminar Work

• During the seminar work, its progress will be monitored, on monthly basis, by the
internal guide.
• At the end of seminar work, one copy of IT Seminar Report to be submitted to SC
• End Examination shall be based on the Report, Presentation, and Viva
Duration (for 1 candidate)
• Presentation 15 minutes
• Viva 10 minutes
• Report checking 10 minutes
Seminar Work carries Total 100 Marks
* Seminar Report 40 marks
* Presentation(PowerPoint based) 40 marks
* Viva 20 marks

5. Format of Seminar Report

The manuscript of the report should be organised in the following sequence:
* Preliminary pages
* The body of the report
* The bibliography

6. Preliminary pages
* Cover Page
* Title page
* Approval Page (completion certificate)
* Acknowledgements
* Table of contents

7. The body of the report

* Chapters containing textual and graphical contents of the seminar

8. Bibliography
* List of references

9. Cover Page
The front cover should show:
* the name of the university
* the full title of the IT Seminar Topic, the initials and surname of the students
* the degree for which the thesis is submitted : BCA
* the year of submission

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10. Title Page

This should show:
* full title of the Seminar Topic
* student’s names in full with PRN
* the degree for which the thesis is submitted
* the name of the school which has offered the program
* the name of the university
* the date (month and year) of submission.

11. Approval Page

* The approval page is also known as signature page or completion certificate
* Internal as well as External guides should sign this page in order to assure that they
have seen and approved the final version of the report

12. Acknowledgement
* The acknowledgment should not be more than one page.
* The student may acknowledge financial support, permission to use copy-righted
materials, trademarks, service marks, personal assistance etc.

13. Table of Contents

* It should be left justified, Times Roman 14 (student may use Table of content feature
available in MS-WORD)

14. Body of the Seminar Report

* Chapters containing textual and graphical contents of the IT Seminar topic

15. Paper
* To insure durability, permanency, and opacity, seminar report should be printed on A4
size white bond paper

16. Typeface and Printing

Chapter/Section Titles
* Should be printed in Times New Roman font in black color
* Font size should be 16/14 points bold.
* Chapter should start on new page

Running Text
* Running text in the Repot should be printed in Times New Roman font in black color
* Font size should be 12 points.
* The print should be best quality
* Single line spacing for running text
* Double line spacing between paragraphs
* Printing on both sides

17. Margins

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* Every page of the report, including all appendices, all notes, and the bibliography must
have a LEFT and RIGHT margins of 1½ inches (to allow room for binding) and TOP
and BOTTOM margins of 1 inch.
* Nothing should appear in LEFT and RIGHT margins. This means that all page
numbers, text, tables, parts of illustrations, etc., must not appear in the margin area.

18. Page Numbers

* The page numbers must be bottom-centered to the text (font Times New Roman : 10
* All preliminary pages should NOT be numbered.
* The numbering should start from chapter-one (Introduction)
* Chapter titles(Headings) start on a new page.
* Leave an extra space after title
* Since you will have several levels of subheadings, distinguish one level from another in
a consistent way, such as (1, 1.1, 1.2, 2, 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.2).
* Avoid having more than three levels of subheadings.

19. Length of Seminar Report

* In any case, the length of the seminar report should not be more than 30 pages.

20. Binding
* The seminar report must be spiral bound and must be in light gray or black color.
* The outside cover of the seminar report must follow the format described earlier.

Approval & Submission Procedure

1) First Take approval for seminar Topic. Then start your work.
2) To take approval send email of brief or bring printed 2-3 pages.

For final submission

3) First Take approval. (bring data on CD or in printed format)
4) Do the spiral binding.
5) Submit 2 copies and 2 CDs.
6) Paste CD cover inside report on last page and insert CD.

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Sample Title Page

Title of the IT Seminar

IT Seminar Report Submitted to the


School of Computer Science of

Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik,

in Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for the Degree of BCA


Name of the Student



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Certificate of Completion

This is to certify that following student of B.C.A. have completed the ‘IT Seminar’
report titled “Write Title of IT Seminar” under my guidance and supervision. The project
report has been written according to the guidelines given by the Y.C.M.O.U.


Signature of the Study Centre Coordinator Signature of the Guide

Name of the Study Centre Coordinator Name of the Guide

Signature of the Examiner

Name of the Examiner

Stamp of the Study Centre

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This is opportunity to express my heartfelt words for the people who were part of this
IT Seminar Report in numerous ways, people who gave me unending support right from
beginning the seminar idea was conceived.

We are grateful to our Prof. for giving us permission to do our IT Seminar

work in computer lab & thankful for giving us guidelines to make the project successful.

Finally, my appreciation to my family for their encouragement & support during

completion of this project.

Yours Sincerely,
(Student Name)

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