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Kulliyyah Engineering
Department Science in Engineering
Programme All Programmes
Course Title Engineering Calculus I
Course Code MTH 1112
Status Core
Level 1
Credit Hours 3
Contact Hours Lectures: Sec.6 (TTH: 2:00-3:20, E1-3-24), Sec.3 (TTH: 3:30-4:50, E1-3-24)
Tutorial: Sec.6 (-----------------------------), Sec.3 (-----------------------------------)
Pre-requisites -
Co-requisites -
Instructor(s) Saad M. Saleh, Tel: 014-9360720
Consultation Hrs: (given later) or by appointment
Semester Offered Every Semester
Course Complex numbers, Limits, continuity, differentiation and integration with applications,
Synopsis Transcendental functions, techniques of integration, infinite series and power series.
Course Objectives The objectives of this course are to:
1. Present and develop a clear understanding of definitions, concepts, rules, theorems,
techniques, and applications of differential and integral calculus.
2. Encourage students to think visually and numerically by generating and interpreting
graphs, using calculators and computers whenever possible.
3. Strengthen the students number sense in order to be able to recognize an absurd answer
by encouraging them to make mental estimates, to appeal to their intuition, and to work on
problems both individually and in groups.
Learning Upon completing this course, the students should be able to:
Outcomes 1. Understand and apply the algebraic properties of complex numbers in Cartesian and polar
2. Apply the concept of limit and continuity in computing limit and determining the continuity
of a function.
3. Understand the concept of derivatives and computing techniques with application such as,
linear approximation, Newtons Method, LHopitals rule, curve sketching, optimization and
related rates.
4. Understand the concept and evaluating techniques of anti-derivative, fundamental theorem
of calculus, and application of integration to evaluate area, volume and arc length.
5. Apply the integration techniques such as substitution, integration by part, trigonometric
substitution, partial fraction and evaluate the improper integrals.
6. Identify the sequence and the infinite series and apply different tests such as nth- term test,
integral test, comparison test, and the ratio test, root test for convergence and divergence.
7. Determine power series (Maclaurin, Taylor series) for various functions and apply them to
generate new series.

Instructional Lectures and Tutorials


Course LO Method Percentage
Assessment 1-6 Assignments/Quizzes 10
State weightage of
each type of 1-3 Mid-term Examination(s) [Sunday, 13/2/2011, 10am-12noon] 45
assessment. 1-7 Final Examination 45

Content Outlines
Weeks Topics Task/
1 Complex Numbers: Handout
Introduction, algebraic properties, modulus and conjugates, geometric
presentation, polar form and Eulers formula, De Moivres Theorem.
Limits and Limit and Continuity:
2,3 Review: Transcendental functions, Concept and evaluating techniques of Chapter
limits and continuity for square-root and transcendental functions, 0,1
intermediate value theorem, limit involving infinity, asymptotes.

4,5 Differentiation: Chapter 2

Concept of derivative, derivative and differential, differentiability and
continuity, differentiation techniques for algebraic and transcendental
functions, implicit differentiation, Mean value theorem

6,7 Applications of differentiation: Chapter 3

Linear approximation, Newtons method, indeterminate form and LHopitals
rule, local and absolute extrema, increasing and decreasing function,
concavity and inflection points, transformations on curves, curve sketching,
optimization, concept of derivative as slope and rates of change.

8,9 Integration: Chapter 4

Anti-derivatives, definite and indefinite integration, basic techniques, concept
of definite integration as area and Riemann sum, fundamental theorems of
calculus, integration by substitution.
10 Application of integration: 5
Area between curves, volume of solid by slicing/disks/washers and cylindrical
shells methods, arc length and surface area.

11,12 Techniques of integration: Chapter 6

Integration by parts, Trigonometric techniques of integration, integration by
partial fractions, improper integration.

13, 14 Infinite series: Chapter 8

Infinite series and convergence, geometric series, harmonic series, tests for
series of nonnegative terms: nth term test for divergence, integral test and p-
series, comparison test, alternating series: alternating series test, absolute and
conditional convergence, ratio test, root test, power series: radius of
convergence, Taylor and Maclaurin series, application of Taylor series.

References Required
Robert, T.S. & Roland B.M., (2006). Calculus, (3rd ed.), McGraw Hill.

1. Anton, H., Bivens, I., & Davis, S. (2002). Calculus (7th Ed). John Wiley.
2. Edwards, C.H., & Penny D.E. (2002). Calculus (6th Ed). Prentice Hall.
3. Finney, R.L., Weir, M.D.L.F., & Thomas, G. (2001). Calculus
(10th ed). Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
4. Johnston, E.H., & Mathews J.C. (2002). Calculus. Addison Wesley.
5. Strauss, M.J., Bradley, G.L., & Smith, K.J. (2002). Calculus (3rd ed). Prentice Hall.
Proposed Start Date (Semester) Semester II, 2009/2010

Batch of Students to be Affected Semester II, 2009/2010

Practice Assignment Tutorial
Ex.0.1 31-74 (odd) 44 (32/0.2) 46(38/0.2)
Ex.0.3 1-54(odd) 3,6,14,27 4,5,18,29
Ex.0.4 53-64 42,54,60 39,56,64
Ex.0.5 31-54(odd) 34 38
Ex.0.6 23-52(odd) Using Graph of Using Graph of
x +1 if 1 x 0 x +1 if 1 x 0
f ( z) = f ( x) =
1 if 0 x 1 1 if 0 x 1
Sketch the graph of 2 f ( 2 x 1) +1 Sketch the graph of 2 f ( 2 x +1) 1
Ex.1.2 1-6 3 6
Ex 1.3 1-34(odd), 39-42, 43-48 3,7,12,13,21,27,37,39 6,14,17,28,35,42
Ex 1.4 1-50(odd) 6,18,19,22,26,32,34 5,17,23,28,33
Ex.1.5 1-38(odd) 5,8,22,26,38 7,15,24,30,36
Ex.2.2 1-30 (odd) 8,40 9,39
Ex.2.3 1-47 (odd) 12,30,34 16,32,36
Ex.2.4 1-16(odd) 4,16 3,15
Ex2.5 1-50(odd) 16,20,36 15,21,37
Ex.2.6 1-20 (odd),25-32(odd),42-45 10,19,26,44 14,20,31,45
Ex.2.7 1-54(odd) 10,19,36,41 8,24,35,43
Ex.2.8 1-16(odd), 29-38(odd) 13,20,23,34 12,19,24,36
Ex.3.1 1-12(odd), 21-40(odd) 1,9(a),21,37,42 4,10(a),22,38,44
Ex.3.2 1-38 (odd) 8,18,24,32,38 10,23.25,33,37
Ex.3.3 5-38(odd) 11,15,20,29,32,36 12,16,26,31,34
Ex.3.4 1-38(odd) 4,10,12,16,24,36 2,8,11,15,21,38
Ex.3.5 1-46(odd) 2,8,10,14,24,27,42 1,6,9,13,23,30,43
Ex.3.6 1-32(odd) Handout Handout
Ex.3.7 1-35(odd) 4,8,10,16,24,32 3,7,9,15,25,31
Ex.3.8 1-19(odd) 2,6,8,12,27 1,5,9,11,25
Ex.4.1 5_30(odd),39-42 20,22,26,50 16,21,49
Ex.4.2 9-22(odd),35-38 15,21 14,22
Ex.4.3 5-10 6(n=4),15 5(n=4),16
Ex.4.4 1-10,29-32 7,15,47 8,16,48
Ex.4.5 1-20(odd), 33-36,39-44,53-58 16,30,34,41,49 18,29,35,42,50
Ex.4.6 1-40(odd) 6,25,28,39 7,21,29,37
Ex.4.8 17-30(odd) 11,16,24,30 12,14,26
Ex.5.1 1-26(odd) 8,20,22 6,23
Ex.5.2 1-12(odd),17-20,25-44(odd) 6,25,31,33 7,27,32,35
Ex.5.3 9-26(odd) 18,23 17,24
Ex.5.4 5-14(odd) 5,35 6,36
Ex.6.1 1-48 (odd) 4,10,32,38 17,21,31,37
Ex 6.2 1-48(odd) 5,7,10,17,28 8,9,25,27
Ex 6.3 1-30 (odd) 2,5,9,13,22,24 1,10,14,19,21
Ex 6.4 1-30 (odd) 12,18 8,28
Ex.6.6 13,27,47 14,34,46

1. Tutorial questions will be explained and solved by the tutor in regular tutorial classes.
2. Quizzes will be conducted during tutorial classes. First quiz will be from Chap 0, 1, 2nd quiz will be from Chap, 2, 3
and 3rd quiz will be from Chap 4, 5. Duration of each quiz will be 45-60 minutes.


Moving to a greater level of abstraction, the real numbers were extended to the complex numbers C. This set of numbers
arose, historically, from the question of whether a negative number can have a square root. From this problem, a new
number was discovered; the square root of negative one. This number is denoted by i, a symbol assigned by Leonhard
Euler. Each of the number systems is a subset of the next number system. Symbolically, N W Z Q R C .
Complex numbers are frequently used in many areas such as contril theory, signal processing, fluid dynamics, quantum
mechanics, etc,.

Definition: i = 1 =(0,1) . Note that in Electrical Engineering, j is used for i because i is a notation for current.

C ={( a, b) a, b R} ={( a +ib ) a, b R}.

Note that if Z = a +ib then a = Re( z ) and b = Im( z )
Geometric Representation:

Q. Is (i , i ) a complex numbers? Justify your answer.

Q. Is it true that every real number is also a complex number? Justify.

Equality: Two complex numbers Z1 & Z 2 are equal if and only if Re( z1 ) = Re( z 2 ) and Im( z1 ) = Im( z 2 ) .

If Z1 = a + ib and Z 2 = c + id then Z1 = Z 2 a = c and b = d

Q. Is 2+3i = 3+ 2i . Is 1+i = i +1

Addition: If Z1 = a + ib and Z 2 = c + id then Z1 + Z 2 = (a + c) + i (b + d )

If Z1 = (a, b) and Z 2 = (c, d ) then Z1 + Z 2 (a + c , b + d )

z1 + z 2 = z 2 + z1
z1 + ( z 2 + z3 ) = ( z 2 + z1 ) + z3
z + 0 = z where 0 = (0,0)

Multiplication: If Z1 = a + ib and Z 2 = c + id then Z1Z 2 = ( ac bd ) + i (ad + bc )

If Z1 = (a, b) and Z 2 = (c, d ) then Z1Z 2 (ac bd , ad + bc )
z1 z 2 = z 2 z1
z1 ( z 2 z3 ) = ( z1z 2 ) z3
z1 ( z 2 + z3 ) = z1 z 2 + z1 z3
z .1 = z where 1=(1,0)

Q. If z1 = 2 + i3 , z 2 = 1 + i and z 3 = 2 2i . Find z1 + z 2 , z1 z3 , z 2 z3
Q. If z1 = 2 + i3 , find iz1 , 1 and int erpret your result geometrica lly
Conjugate: If z = a +ib then conjugate of z denoted as z =a ib =Re( z ) i Im( z)

z =z
z1 z 2 = z1 z 2
z1 z 2 = z1.z 2
z z
( 1)= 1 provided z 2 0
z2 z2
z + z = 2 Re( z ) and z z = 2i Re( z )
Q. z =2 2i , find z , z +z and z z
Division: Z1 = a + ib and Z 2 = c + id then =
a + bi ( a + bi )( c di ) ( ac + bd ) + (bc ad )i ac + bd
+ i bc ad

= = =
c + di (c + di )( c di ) 2 2 2 2 2 2
c +d c +d c +d

Moduli/Absolute value: Z =a +ib =( a, b ) then Z = a 2 +b 2 = (Re( z )) 2 +(Im( z )) 2

z = 0 z = 0

z1 z 2 = z1 z 2
z1 + z 2 z1 + z 2

z =z z

Q. Let z = 2 +3i , find
z , z . Is it true that z = z
Q. Write at least two conditions where z1 + z 2 = z1 + z 2 rather than z1 + z 2 < z1 + z 2
Q. Is it true that z 2 =z 2
Q. For any two real numbers a and b , we can say a b . Can we compare complex numbers
z1 and z 2 by saying z1 z 2 . Justify your answer. What about saying z1 z 2

Polar Form: Z = a +ib = (a, b) = r (cos +i sin ) = r (cos , sin ) where

a = r cos , b = r sin , r = a 2 + b 2 = Z and = arg( z ) = tan 1 ( ) with 0 < 2

Euler Formula: Z =a +ib =( a, b) =r (cos +i sin ) =r e i where <

Example: Write Z = 1 + i in polar form.
b 3
a = 1 , b = 1 , r = ( 1) 2 +12 = 2 = arg( z ) = tan 1 ( ) = tan 1 ( 1) =
a 4
z= 2 e i 3 / 4

Z1Z 2 = (r1 e i 1 )(r2 e i 2 ) = (r1 r2 e i (1+ 2 ) )

Z1 r1 i ( 1 2 )
= e
Z 2 r2
Q. Interpret Z =r geometrically.
Q. For what complex numbers z is z 2 a real number?
Q. Write the following complex numbers in Polar Form, using the usual conventions for the argument:
i , 2 3i , 1 2i , 3
Q. Using Euler formula, evaluate (1 +i )10 .

(Power Series, Taylor series)
n 2
cn ( x a ) = c0 + c1 ( x a ) + c2 ( x a ) + is a power series in power of (x-a), where c0 , c1, are real
n =0
constant and a is the centre of the series.
n 2
cn x = c0 + c1x + c2 x + is a power series in x with centre at 0 (Maclaurin series).
n =0
S N ( x) cn ( x a ) n is called nth partial sum.
n =0

lim S N ( x) = L < series is convergent otherwise divergent.
Each Series is always convergent at its centre.
If cn ( x a ) converges for all points in x a =R then
n =0
i. The region x a <R is called interval of convergence. R is called radius of convergence.
ii. If R = 0 then series converges only at centre. If R =
then series converges everywhere or x . In other
situation R can be any finite positive real number.
iii. x a =R is called interval of convergence.

NOTE: If a series converges for x a <R then it must be divergent for x a >R and for x a =R , it may
converge at every point or on some points or may not converge at all.
cn +1
Find lim =L
n c n
i. If L = 0 then R = and x a <
ii. If L = R = 0 so series converges only at centre a.
iii. If L > 0 ( L < 0 case ) then R =
Q. Find radius and interval of convergence for the series
2n n ( 2n)!
(i) x (ii) ( x 3) n
n =1 n n =1 ( n!)
n n +1 2 n +1 n 2n 1 1
Sol: (i) cn = 2 , cn +1 = 2 , lim n
= lim = 2 L = 2 R = = and interval of
n n +1 n (n +1) 2 n n +1 L 2

convergence is x 0 <
cn =
( 2n)!
, cn +1 =
( 2 n + 2) ( 2n +2)! ( n! ) 2 ( 2n +2)( 2n +1) 1 1
(ii) 2 lim = lim = 4 R = =
(n!) (( n +1)! )2 n (( n +1)! ) 2 ( 2n! ) n ( n +1) 2 L 4

and interval of convergence is x 3 <
Within interval of convergence, series converges absolutely and uniformly. It can be differentiated and integrated term
by term and resulting series has the same radius as well as interval of convergence.
n n n
Term wise addition; an ( x a ) + bn ( x a) = (an + bn )( x a )
n =0 n =0 n =0


Term wise multiplication; an ( x a) n
bn ( x a) =
n =0
{a0bn + a1bn 1 + a2bn 2 + + anb0} (x a)
n= 0 n= 0
If the series correspond to a function say f ( x) = an ( x a ) then the radius of convergence in most of the cases* is
n =0
the distance of the closest singular point (point of discontinuity) from the centre of the series.
Example: =1+ x + x2 + = xn R =1
1 x n =0


Taylor series, Maclaurin series and in general, the series are used to approximate a function.
To approximate a function at a targeted point, we use series at another suitable (but within interval of convergence) point
as the centre of the series.
Let y = f ( x ) be a given function. Assume f (a ) exist and f n (a ) exist n , then
( x a ) 2 ( x a ) 3
f ( x ) = f ( a ) +( x a ) f (a ) + f ( a ) + f (a ) + is called Taylor series of f ( x ) at centre
2! 3!
( x a) 2 ( x a) 3 ( x a) n
f ( x) = f (a ) + ( x a ) f ( a ) + f (a ) + f (a ) + + f n ( a ) is called Taylor
2! 3! n!
polynomial of degree n which approximate f ( x ) at x = a .
In case a = 0 then the Taylor series/Polynomial is known as Maclaurin series/polynomial.

Find the Taylor series of f ( x) = cos x at x = 0 and x =
f ( x) cos x cos 0 =1
cos( ) =0
f ( x ) sin x sin 0 = 0
sin( ) = 1
f ( x ) cos x cos 0 = 1
cos( ) =0
f ( x ) sin x sin 0 = 0
sin( ) =1
f iv ( x ) cos x cos 0 =1
cos( ) =0
f v ( x) sin x sin 0 = 0
sin( ) = 1

( x a) 2 ( x a) 3 ( x 0) 2 ( x 0) 3
f ( x ) = f ( a ) + ( x a ) f ( a ) + f ( a ) + f ( a ) + = f (0) + ( x 0) f (0) + f (0) +
2! 3! 2! 3!
( x 0) 4 ( x 0) 5 ( x) 2 ( x) 3 ( x) 4 ( x) 5
+ f iv (0) + f v (0) + =1 + ( x) (0) + ( 1) + (0) + (1) + (0) +
4! 5! 2! 3! 4! 5!
( x) 2 ( x) 4 ( 1) n x 2n
=1 + + =
2! 4! n =0 ( 2n)!

( x )2 (x
( x a)2 ( x a )3 2 2
f ( x) = f (a) + ( x a ) f (a) + f (a) + f ( a) + = f ( ) + ( x ) f ( ) + f ( ) +
2! 3! 2 2 2 2! 2 3!

( x )5 ( x )3 ( x )5

2 f v ( ) + = 0 (x ) + 2 2 +
5! 2 2 3! 5!
x3 x5 x7 x 2n +1
sin x = x + + = ( 1) n
3! 5! 7! n =1 ( 2n +1)!

x2 x4 x6 x 2n
cos x =1 + + = ( 1) n
2! 4! 6! n =0 ( 2n)!

x2 x3 xn
e x =1 + x + + + =
2! 3! n =0 (n)!
x2 x3 x 4 xn
ln( 1 + x ) = x + = ( 1) n 1

2 3 4 n =1 n
= 1 + x + x 2 + x 3 = x n
1 x n =0
New Series by substitution:
2 3 2 x 4 x6
=? Using e x = 1 + x + x + x + e x =1 + x 2 + + +
2! 3! 2! 3!
1 1
1 x2 1 + x2
1 2 3 1
Change x by x 2 in 1 x = 1 + x + x + x =1 + x 2 + x 4 + x6
1 x 2
1 1 1
Similarly = 1 + x + x 2 + x 3 = 1 x + x 2 x 3 =1 x 2 + x4 x6
1 x 1+ x 1+ x 2
New Series by differentiation and/or integration:
x3 x5 x2 x4
cos x = D x (sin x ) = D x ( x + ) =1 +
3! 5! 2! 4!
1 x3 x5
tan 1 x = D x (tan 1 x )dx = dx = (1 x 2 + x 4 x 6 + ) = x +
1+x 2 3 5
To evaluate the limit:
x6 x10
( x 2 + ) x 2
sin x 2 x 2 = 1
lim = lim 6 120
x 0 x 6 x 0 x 6 6

To approximate the Integral:

x3 x5
1 sin x 1 (x + ) 1 x2 x4
dx = 3! 5! dx = (1 + )dx 1.89

1 x 1 x 1 3! 5!

Largest or smallest function:

1. 1 +sin 2. cos 3.
1 2
3 5 2 4 1
= 1 + 2 + 4 +
1 + sin =1 + + , cos =1 + ,
3! 5! 2! 4! 1 2
2 1
If we consider only up to 2 and > 1 then 1 <1 + <1 + 2 cos <1 +sin <
2! 1 2
Q. Compare e x and 1 +x

x2 x3
e x =1 + x + + + 1 + x
2! 3!


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