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Definition, Features & Facts --

An honor- killing or honour killing (see spelling differences, also called a customary killing) is the murder
of a family or clan member by one or more fellow family members, where the murderers (and
potentially the wider community) believe the victim to have brought dishonor upon the family ...
Whenever we peep into a newspaper a news reads like this—“ In the dingy lanes of a rural suburb,
where a family allegedly murdered its own daughter and her boyfriend in the name of 'honour killing', a
cold silence greets outsiders.”
People are sometimes murdered in Northern India (mainly in the Indian state
of Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana and Bihar for marrying without their family's acceptance, in some cases
for marrying outside their caste (Rajput) or religion. Among Rajputs, marriages with other caste
male/female instigates killings of the married couple and family. This is unique form of honor killing
related to the militant culture of ethnic Rajputs, who, despite the forces of modernization and the
pressures of decolonization, subscribe to medieval views concerning the "preservation" of perceived
"purity" of their lineage. ‘moral vigilantism’ is a common reason cited by the accused family for such an
immoral action. Even if we talk about the capital, 2 dramatically different versions of Delhi coexist in the
heart of the city. Right now, the first one is being spruced up like a soon-to-be bride, under the facade of
modernisation for the upcoming Commonwealth Games.And voila! Meet her diabolic twin that each
day, perpetrates the brutal murder of an innocent couple in love under the infernal shadow of honour
killing.Honor killings are rare to non-existent in South India for over a century now, thanks to the
influence and activism of reformists like Vivekananda, Ramakrishna, Vidyasagar, Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
In 1990, the National Commission for Women set up a statutory body in order to address the issues of
honor killings among some ethnic groups in North India. This body reviewedconstitutional, legal and
other provisions as well as challenges women face. The NCW's activism has contributed significantly
towards the reduction of honor killings in rural areas of North IndiaIn June 2010, scrutinizing the
increasing number of honour killings, the Supreme Court of India issued notices to the Central
Government and six states including Uttar-Pradesh,  Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, to take preventive
measures against the social evil.
Alarmed by the rise of honour killings,Government is planning to bring a bill in the Monsoon Session of
Parliament next month (July 2010) to provide for deterrent punishment for 'honour' killings .
It is because rural villages remain in the stranglehold of the defiant but biased panchayats, honour
killings continue in their most horrible form in India. Everytime a case of murder and wrongful
confinement registered on the basis of a complaint by the victim,s family but still nothing happens.
Such killings occur in countries where the concept of women as a vessel of the family reputation
In the Indian society, women are regarded as personal property. In fact, violence against family
members is perceived as a family and not a judicial issue. "Females in the family -- mothers, mothers-in-
law, sisters, and cousins -- frequently support the attacks. It's a community mentality.
Notably, there is no law to deal with honour killings in India
There should be a uniform definition of honour killing so that there is no room left for ambiguity as to
what constitutes that crime. Furthermore, action should be taken against caste panchayats, which often
give verdicts on inter-caste and inter-community marriages.
God sent us without clothes, but society needs it. Muslim countries have laws which are consistent with
their culture and religion. Here in a Hindu majority country like India, there is least respect for the
culture and social customs. One one side government talks about abolishing caste system,& on the
other side it is increasing it over & over , via caste based reservations. In villages, marrying into an
outside caste family for a girl is a big shame on that family. Such situations give rise to hard compelling
reasons that people take such stern steps. Then for such family to regain its lost respect, the only option
left is Honour killing. I do not admire murders, but shameful circumstances put these man for this. I ask a
simple question, why government want to promote inter-caste marriage, where so many other methods
can be applied first for caste equality and also to make the ground ready. No government should force
on something which is too against cultural beliefs, religious practices, & social norms. There can be
thousands of things for showing the progress, but for most, the inter-caste marriage concept seems to
be the single most prominent factor. It should be such that-‘rajput should marry to rajput’,‘jaat should
marry to jaat’,‘kayasth should marry to kayasth’,‘vaishya should marry to vaishya.’ That will not lead to
any any dispute at all. Why go for Inter-caste relationships ? As an aware family, we should try our best
to search for a bride or groom into such relations that share the same caste with us. Otherwise there will
no way out to avoid one’s family being ashamed among other local communities, except Honour Killing.
Let us hope it will come sooner than we expect...Parents always say that the happiness of their children
is supreme for them and they can do anything for their children. So, what’s so wrong with their
mentality ? The government should respect their dogmatic orthodox feelings, understand that they are
desperate to do so, and try not to punish them.
Killing in the name of preserving honour only brings dishonour to the family and, largely, the country.
Anyone in their right mind would feel very sorry for those young people who get a little ahead of
society and find their own spouses...and then get badly beaten or lynched in the name of family
'honour'... To the contrary, I say Inter-Caste marriage is the only thing that can eliminate the caste
differences from our country. As you have mentioned in your words that on one side the government
promotes caste reservations , i said yes exactly, why do not they use such a practice to bank their vote.
this is only our fault that we are participating with them. We are intellectuals we can understand the
good and ill effect of any thing but do we take responsibility, no! isn't it. I ask Why? Why we are so
helpless & careless ? Why can’t we imbibe in ourselves, the feelings of co-operation & co-ordination in
the society ? This is the only reason why this country with more than a 100 crore population is still
considered under-developed. and I am sure that until and unless the people of the country get awaken
there is no scope of improvement in the condition of the citizens. You do not admire killing but at the
same time you are supporting the killing. what a shameful circumstance? Are the girls suffering from the
family crimes not shameful. Take a situation where any kin tries to seduce a girl about any of its lower
caste relations,and advises to break such so called shameful bonds, for you that is not shame, because
for the honor girl will not be going to visit any authorities to complain.But do these acts not humiliate
the honor of a family or clan. When a person of a community is not getting a job nobody help them,
what had happened to the honor of that clan then? If this is honor then why a Kshatriya or Brahmin
works as a subordinate of Backward caste people. Be a Human not a representative of Caste and Clan
or some particular community. I strongly feel that marriages should be more out of love and
understanding, rather than be associated with family honour and "national pride"...or some such stuff.

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