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Journal of Insect Science: Vol.

10 | Article 111 Serna and Mackay

A descriptive morphology of the ant genus Procryptocerus

(Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
F. Serna1,2a, W. Mackay1,2b
Grupo Sistemtica de Insectos Agronoma (SIA). Lnea Taxonoma de insectos. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Facultad de Agronoma. Museo Entomolgico Universidad Nacional Agronoma Bogot (UNAB). Cra. 30 # 45-03.
Bogot, Colombia
Department of Biological Sciences. The University of Texas at El Paso. El Paso, TX, USA. 79968

Morphology is the most direct approach biologists have to recognize uniqueness of insect species
as compared to close relatives. Ants of the genus Procryptocerus possess important morphologic
characters yet have not been explored for use in a taxonomic revision. The genus is characterized
by the protrusion of the clypeus forming a broad nasus and antennal scrobes over the eyes. The
toruli are located right posterior to the flanks of the nasus opposite to each other. The vertex is
deflexed posteriorly in most species. An in-group comparison of the external morphology is
presented focusing on the workers. A general morphology for gynes and males is also presented.
Previously mentioned characters as well as new ones are presented, and their character states in
different species are clarified. For the metasoma a new system of ant metasomal somite
nomenclature is presented that is applicable to Aculeata in general. Finally, a Glossary of
morphological terms is offered for the genus (available online). Most of the terminology can be
used in other members of the Formicidae and Aculeata.

Key words: Hymenoptera, Aculeata, Formicidae, Cephalotini, qualitative characters, external anatomy, taxonomy
Abbreviations: see Glossary (available online)
Correspondence: a, b
Received: 1 February 2009, Accepted: 1 October 2009
Copyright : This is an open access paper. We use the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license that permits
unrestricted use, provided that the paper is properly attributed.
ISSN: 1536-2442 | Vol. 10, Number 111
Cite this paper as:
Serna F, Mackay W. 2010. A descriptive morphology of the ant genus Procryptocerus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal
of Insect Science 10:111 available online:

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Journal of Insect Science: Vol. 10 | Article 111 Serna and Mackay

Introduction a template for a revisionary study of the entire

group following the recommendations
The genera Procryptocerus and Cephalotes suggested by Bolton (2007): [not] make
comprise the tribe Cephalotini (de Andrade an unwarranted assumption that previous
and Baroni-Urbani 1999. Emery (1922) authors have already investigated all the
demonstrated that the tribe possesses the useful characters...; Initial dependence on
synapomorphic anatomical trait of mushroom- previous publications has a strong tendency to
head-shaped proventricular valves (Kempf restrict the scope of a new investigation;
1951) (Figure 1). This observation is develop a personal insight into [the]
supported by the studies of de Andrade and morphology and variation that is not unduly
Baroni Urbani (1999). Procryptocerus was influenced by what has previously been
created by Emery (1887) to include species of published. Knowledge of morphology and
Neotropical ants that were considered similar anatomy is incomplete for all species. New
to those of the Paleotropical genus Cataulacus characters must be discovered, and old
of the tribe Catalaucini (Kempf 1951). characters tested. Morphological descriptions
Procryptocerus is a lineage composed of are thus essential components of our
about 80 species inhabiting rainforests from understanding of species and their diversifi-
the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Mexico to cation (Wheeler 2008, Bert Hlldobler,
northern Argentina. Due to their cryptic Universitt Wrzburg, personal communi-
habits, living inside twigs, these ants are cation).
rarely collected (Mackay and Vinson 1989).
At present, most species are known from This approach is divided into two sections. In
Central America, Colombia and Brazil. the first part, a diagnosis is presented that
expands previous morphological diagnoses of
Procryptocerus has been the object of two the genus provided by Kempf (1951) and
revisionary studies. Kempf (1951) revised the Longino and Snelling (2002). Additional
entire genus and Longino and Snelling (2002) observations, current morphological termi-
the Central American species. Kempf (1951) nology, and figures are part of this new
recognized 28 species, and 8 subspecies, diagnosis. A unification of the terminology is
while for Central America Longino and proposed within ants and with other Aculeata
Snelling (2002) recognized 14 species, regarding the specialized system used to name
described four new species, synonymized two the metasomal somites (abdominal (Abd)
species, and elevated two subspecies to somites II to pygidium) (see Materials and
species level. Currently, 56 nominal taxa are Methods, including definition of cinctus).
included in the genus (Bolton et al. 2006).
In the second part, a selected Glossary
Procryptocerus ants possess notoriously (available online) is offered containing
variable morphology. Different characters, terminology appropriate for Procryptocerus.
such as propodeal spine length, form of the The provided terminology might also be used
clypeus, type of sculpture, and other such for descriptions as well as identification keys
characters vary remarkably, sometimes even of other taxa of ants. Working on the study of
within the same species. A diagnostic mor- morphology and the associated terminology is
phology of the genus is proposed to be used as a constant necessity in order to unify criteria

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for the basic descriptive work in taxonomy 2006), Triplehorn and Johnson (2005), Wilson
and comparative biology. (2003) and Ward (1999, 2004).

Materials and Methods Terminology

Terminology indicated within parentheses and
Worker, gyne and male specimens of quotation marks, e.g. (girdling constriction)
Procryptocerus scabriusculus from CWEM has been avoided. Words within brackets and
(William and Emma Mackay Collection, El italized, e.g. [mayri] are examples of species
Paso, Texas, USA) were drawn at 60X power possessing the specific character state pointed
with a Wild Heerbrugg microscope using a out; accordingly, this bracket use does not
grid and a micrometer. Some structures were indicate that the defined character state is
cleared in potassium hydroxide (10%) for 36 restricted to the examples given. No examples
hours. To analyze the metasomal sclerites, the are given when the character state explained is
method in Bolton (1994) was followed. To fairly common. Numbers within brackets
show differences in sculpturing, structures of following the capital letters FS_, [FS_01],
different species were also drawn. A diagnosis [FS_02], [FS_03], etc., indicate species level
of males is modified from Kempf (1951). taxa in the process of being described. When
Since few, and in some cases are not available hyphenated sculptural states are used, i.e.
for study males in the genus, this foveoate-costate, both forms of sculpture
morphological diagnosis emphasizes females are present as intraspecific variation. In the
and is concentrated in qualitative characters. Discussion sculptural terminology is orga-
Terminology used for positions and nized as interpreting the form of sculpturing
orientations is explained below. For the study from the smallest to the largest.
of exoskeletal morphology, the main literature
resources were Snodgrass (1935), Bohart and Specific positions such as basal, proximal,
Menke (1976), Gauld and Bolton (1988), distal, apical, apicolateral, apicomesial are
Bolton (1994), and Ward and Downie (2005). used exclusively for appendages such as
Sculptural terminology is from Sparks (1941), buccal appendages, antennae, wings, legs, or
Harris (1979), Torre-Bueno (1989), Brown genital appendages (Figure 2). Indications of
(1979) and Hlldobler and Wilson (1990). positions such as propodeal base, gastral
Vestitural terminology is from Sparks (1941), base, base of declivity are avoided since
Hlldobler and Wilson (1990), and Ward they are referring to structures on the mesion,
(2004). Although Procryptocerus ants are and not to appendages. Other specific
mostly black, variation in color is included to positions (anterior, posterior, dorsal, ventral,
help distinguish some forms. Specific lateral, mesial, etc.) are used for body parts;
terminology is selected from different relative positions (with the adverbial ending
publications used for descriptions of ants and ad meaning toward, such as basad, distad,
other Apocritans: Snodgrass (1935), Gauld anteriad, cephalad, posteriad, caudad, laterad,
and Bolton (1988), Nichols (1989), Gordh and mesiad, anterodorsad, anteroventrad,
Headrick (2000), Hlldobler and Wilson posterodorsad, posteroventrad, etc.), direc-
(1990), Mackay (1991, 1993), Bolton (1990, tionality (mesially, laterally), and extended
1994, 2003), Agosti et al. (2000), Longino and positions, that involve two or more regions
Snelling (2002), Mackay and Mackay (2003, (dorsolaterally, dorsosternally, dorsoventrally,
lateroventrally, anteroposteriorly, posteroan-

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teriorly, lateromesially, etc.), are used for both laterally. The lateropropodeum is the lateral
the mesion and the appendages. In relative area (laterotergite) of the anteropropodeum
(ad) positions, such as lateroventrad, the containing the propodeal spiracle. The
prefix latero emphasizes that the structure posteropropodeum is located beneath the
or character state is lateral and the suffix propodeal spines; it is the posterior vertical or
ventrad indicates that it is found in the declivitous area of the propodeum.
direction of venter. The opposite applies to
ventrolaterad or other combinations of Metasoma (Figures 37, 38, Table 1).
prefixes and suffixes indicating relative In referring to metasomal somites in ants,
positions. usually two different systems are super-
imposed (Bolton 1994). A general system
In the sense used here, ante means before regards homologous abdominal somites (Abd)
(anterior to) the referred structure (e.g. throughout the Hexapoda. In the Formicidae,
antepropodeal refers to a structure anterior to as is it in the entire Apocrita, Abd I is part of
the propodeum), and antero refers to the the second tagma or the mesosoma, which is
anterior portion of the actual structure. formed from the thorax plus Abd I tergite. The
Anteropropodeum refers to the anterior region remaining abdominal somites form the third
on propodeum. Nevertheless, very common tagma starting at Abd II (petiole). A second,
literature uses of the prefix pre are not specialized (functional) system divides the
changed when, for example, making reference metasomal somites into a petiole, postpetiole
to presclerites as presternite, pretergite, etc. and gastral segments (Bolton 1994, 2003).
Because different groups of ants contain
The use of terminology for shapes is quite forms with one- or two-petiolate metasoma,
useful for describing different structures. A the current specialized system of metasoma
combination of technical and common (not nomenclature uses the name gaster
universal) names describing shapes is present inconsistently and incongruently with homo-
in the literature. For instance, terms such as logous somites in the non-formicid
crescentiform, fusiform, disciform, etc. are Apocritans. This situation shows that the
technical and therefore universal. Terms such development of a consistent system of naming
as neck for a part of the antennae, cheeks, specialized metasomata has passed behind the
apron, etc. are not technical, not universal terminology for prosoma or mesosoma.
and therefore are avoided. Bolton (1990) introduced the term helcium. A
second helcium is characteristic of two-
Propodeum (Figures 9, 10, 15, 37, 38) petiolate metasomata; when it is not present,
The propodeum is the first abdominal tergite no specialized term is available for Abd III,
fused to the thorax, which together comprise and hence the term postpetiole is
the mesosoma. The propodeum is differen- inconsistently used between different castes
tiated into the anteropropodeum and the and subfamilies. Occasionally, authors have
posteropropodeum. In turn, the anteropro- had to explain the need of petiole and
podeum is divided into the dorsopropodeum postpetiole in males without helcial sclerites
and the lateropropodeum. The (see de Andrade and Baroni-Urbani 2003). A
dorsopropodeum is the dorsal area of simple solution to the inconsistent use of the
propodeum, anterior to propodeal spines and terminology regarding postpetiole and gastral
containing the anteropropodeal processes somites in ants would be to abandon the

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Table 1. Specialized system proposed for naming metasomata in ants with reference to other Apocritans.
characterization Examples of taxa Divisions
Abdomen minus Abd_I Apocrita Abd II Abd III Abd IV Abd V Abd VI Abd VII
(propodeum) (VIII in male ants)
Abdomen minus Abd_I Apocrita
(propodeum) Metasoma

Petiole and metasomata Formicidae anterior metasoma

metasomal 2 metasomal 3 metasomal 4 to pygidium
(=metasomal 1 =petiole)
Anterior and posterior Formicidae
metasoma anterior metasoma
posterior metasoma
(=metasomal 1 =petiole)

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Three general Formicidae anterior metasoma
subdivisions of metasoma middle metasoma caudal metasoma
(=metasomal 1 =petiole)
Journal of Insect Science: Vol. 10 | Article 111

Petiole and gaster Formicinae,

Dolichoderinae Petiole Gaster

Petiole, postpetiole sensu Myrmicinae,

stricto (Bolton 1990) Pseudomyrmecinae,
(helcium-cinctus 3 Ecitoninae (except Petiole postpetiole Opisthogaster
complex present), and Cheliomyrmicini)

Petiole, postpetiole sensu Myrmicinae,

lato (at least cinctus 3 Pseudomyrmecinae,
present), and Ecitoninae (including
opisthogaster Cheliomyrmicini),
Amblyoponinae, Petiole Postpetiole Opisthogaster
Cerapachyinae, Ponerinae,
Paraponera clavata,
Proceratium, and others.

*The most caudad somite is considered pygidium. In workers of ants it is Abd VII (metasomal 6).

Serna and Mackay
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specialized system of metasoma vocabulary. The metasoma comprises two general

However, the use of a specialized system has subdivisions: the anterior metasoma
shown interesting advantages in the constituting the petiole (Abd II), and the
comparative morphology of ants (see Bolton posterior metasoma composed of metasomal
2003), and is applied in recent classifications (mtm) 2 (Abd III) to pygidium. In the
(Bolton 2003, Perrault 2004, Ward 2007). posterior metasoma, Abd III-IV (mtm 4-5)
Therefore, improvements to the specialized constitutes the middle metasoma, Abd V to
metasomal terminology are desirable. This pygidium constitutes the caudal metasoma.
work proposes a proposal of reconciliation The petiole (mtm 1) contains the cinctus 1
into a single morphological specialized system (cinctus: constriction between pre and
for what we believe are homologous postsclerites, see below), the mtm 2 contains
metasomata within ants and other Aculeata the cinctus 2, and the mtm 3 may or may not
(Table 1). contain the cinctus 3. The petiole (Abd II) and
mtm 2 (Abd III) are joined by the first
In Apocrita, the metasoma is composed of helcium (Bolton 1990) in all ants. In the
Abd II to the caudal segment, or periproct middle metasoma, the mtm 2 and 3 (Abd III-
(Snodgrass 1935). Literally, gaster means IV) may or may not be joined by a second
stomach (Brown 1979). However, the word helcium. The mtm 2 is usually considered the
gaster has widely been used in the literature postpetiole when separated from mtm 3 by the
of Apocrita referring to the external third helcium-cintus 3 complex. This state is seen
tagma minus the peduncle (petiole in no in females of Myrmicinae,
ants) (Bohart and Stange 1965, Naumann Pseudomyrmecinae, and others. In other
1991). The gaster constitutes the abdomen considerations of a postpetiole, the mtm 2 is
without Abd I (propodeum) and the peduncle separated from mtm 3 by the cinctus 3 only
of Abd II (Naumann 1991). (e.g. see de Andrade and Baroni-Urbani 2003
for Proceratium). This state is known to occur
The Abd II (petiole) is always specialized in in males of Myrmicinae, Pseudomyrmecinae,
ants (Bolton 1994). The petiole is also found and in both sexes of Ecitoninae (including
in some groups of Tiphiidae, Scoliidae, Cheliomyrmicini), Ectatomminae,
Vespidae, Mutillidae and other Aculeata, Amblyoponinae, Cerapachyinae, Ponerinae,
where Abd II is a specialized somite as well. Paraponera clavata, Proceratium, and others.
The petiole may be nodiform, squamiform or
a much reduced subcylindrical segment For the posterior metasoma, we propose the
(Bolton 1994). Pedunculate, sessile and use of the name gaster when a postpetiole is
subssesile petioles in ants are, in general, not present (e.g. Formicinae, Dolichoderinae),
artifacts of the anteroposterior displacement of and the use of postpetiole and opisthogaster
the petiolar nodus. In groups with a when at least a cinctus 3 is present. The
pedunculate petiole (e. g. Pheidole or posterior metasoma is a gaster when its
Solenopsis), the node is posterior. In sessile metasomata 3 to pygidium (Abd IV to
petioles (such as in Procryptocerus), the pygidium) are combined as a unit (e.g.
tergum is augmented anteriorly (nodal) Formicinae, Dolichoderinae); i.e. the gaster
usually forming an anterior nodal truncation. constitutes the metasoma minus the petiole
when a postpetiole is absent. The
opisthogaster constitutes the combined caudal

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metasomata 4 to pygidium (Abd V to posterior to the second helcium (sensu Bolton

pygidium); i.e. the opisthogaster is the 1990), in two-petiolate ants. When the cinctus
posterior metasoma minus postpetiole. Even 3 is present in some of the sensu stricto single
in few cases, when it is not clear to associate petiolate ants, it is a very fine sulcus (e.g.
gaster and opisthogaster to general different poneroids groups), or almost absent
subfamilies, tribes or genera, the two terms (e.g. Odontomachus). Few genera such as
would stay associated to the already explained Leptanilliodes possess more than three cincti.

In summary, we propose a consistent Results

specialized (functional) and morphological
system for naming homologous metasomata in Workers
ants. When the cinctus 3 is absent in the
metasomite 3 (Abd IV), we propose using Diagnosis
Frontal carinae posteriorly divergent; malar
gaster for the combined metasomata 3 to
pygidium. When a postpetiole is considered, space not covered dorsally by frontal carinae;
due to the presence of at least the cinctus 3, clypeus protruded developed into a broad
the posterior metasoma is divided into nasus lying between toruli; antennal scrobes
postpetiole and opisthogaster. impressed laterally above eyes, limited by
frontal carinae dorsally (Figures 3, 4),
Cinctus 1, 2, 3 (pl. cincti) (Figures 3, 9, 16). extending from nasus to vertex; vertex
Cincti are the anteriad sulci, often in the shape deflexed (truncate) posteriorly in most
of a belt or girdling constriction, located on species; toruli located right behind nasal
metasomal 1 (Abd II = petiole), metasomal 2 flanks opposite to each other; Abd V
(Abd III = postpetiole) and metasomal 3 (Abd postergite visible from above. Adult
coloration mostly black, body variously
IV) somites. The sulci separate the pre and
sculptured; workers monomorphic, ranging
post sclerites. Cinctus 1 is usually a dorsal,
from 3.5-8.5 mm (Kempf 1951), gynes from
very slender sulcus concealed between the
3.7 mm [schmitti] to 9.5 [mayri part].
posteropropodeal lobes, anterior to the
peduncle and sternopetiolar process in petioles
Head (Figures 3, 4, 5, 8, 9)
possessing these structures. In some groups
Prognathous, usually in anteroventrad position
(e.g. Pogonomyrmex) there is no apparent
in preserved specimens (Figure 9);
cinctus 1. In such cases, cinctus 1 is
prognathism formed by combination of
interpreted as the anteriormost portion of the
hypostomal, genal and postgenal bridges. In
peduncle located between the
full frons (full face) view, subtrapezoidal,
posteropropodeal lobes. In general, in sessile
broadened posteriorly (Figure 4), circular
metasomata (e.g. Procryptocerus) cinctus 1 is
[nalini] (Figure 23), subcircular [regularis,
located directly anterior to the spiracle. The
pictipes] or subquadrate [belti (Figure 20),
cinctus 2 is located in metasomal 2, anterior to
FS_02]; in lateral view, more often elliptic;
the ventropostpetiolar (subpostpetiolar)
mandibles, anteclypeal carina and clypeus
process in metasomal 2 that possesses such
anteriorly positioned; frontoclypeus (face)
process. The cinctus 3 (the girdling
anterodorsally extended, comprising epistoma
constriction- Bolton 1994) is located between
(anteclypeus, plus clypeus) and frons; frons
the pre and postsclerites of the metasomal 3,
dorsal; vertex posterior, opposite to nasus,

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often orthogonal to frons (deflexed); in dorsal facial fovea (malar depression), when present
(full frons) view, frontoclypeal (epistomal) [mayri, batesi, carbonarius, rudis] (Figure 24)
suture and frontovertexal margin located in encircling part of clypeogenal suture, and
nearly same plane; malar space (Gauld and often part of antennal fovea (Torre-Bueno
Bolton 1988) extended dorsolaterally, laterad 1989); malar tumulus (Figure 24) anteriad to
to antennal scrobe and anteriad to eye (Figures eye and limiting facial fovea laterally [batesi,
3, 4, 9); hypostomal bridge and genal bridge rudis]; frons anteriorly delimited by faint
ventral (Figure 7), opposite to frons, occiput frontoclypeal (epistomal) suture or faint
and occipital foramen posteroventrad, frontal triangle (Figure 4), laterally by frontal
postgenal bridge ventroposteriad, posterior to carinae, posteriorly by frontovertexal margin;
genal bridge, with the two areas meeting in a frontal carinae diverging from clypeus to
curve or an angle behind eye; anteclypeal vertex, straight, uni or bilobate [mayri, batesi]
carina (Figure 4) indistinct, emarginate, or (dorsal view) into frontal lobe and frontal
bilobate; clypeus differentiated into discal carina posterior lobe(postfrons lobe), posterior
(central) and truncate strikingly orthogonal lobe deflexed posteriad in some species
lateral nasal flanks toward toruli (Figures 3, 4, forming an angulate scrobe [rudis] (Figure
9) [eladio, pictipes, goeldii, marginatus], or 24); frontal lobe indistinct (not flanged)
trapezoidal, not orthogonally flanked, being (Figures 3, 4, 9, 17-19, 23, 29) [scabriusculus,
wider on lower lateral area toward malar hylaeus, brazilian species] or distinct [rudis,
space and forming invaginated antennal fovea mayri, batesi] (Figures 20-22, 24); antennal
(Figure 24) [batesi]; frontoclypeal (epistomal) scrobe lateral, under frontal carina, not visible
suture obsolete between toruli, turning down in full frons view, formed of long, deep, wide
laterad between nasal flank (located lateromesial invagination (groove), extended
anteriorly) and torulus (located posteriorly); anteroposteriorly, starting at lateral fovea,
epistomal suture lateral between clypeus and passing over eye, and terminating in notch on
torulus, not grooved [paleatus], faintly vertex at frontovertexal corner level (Figures
grooved [mayri], or variably grooved and 9, 24), dorsally delimited by frontal carina and
forming clypeo-torular sulcus [carbonarius, ventrally by dorsal ocular suture or anteocular
some rudis] (Figures 9, 24), continuing costula; eye lateral, infra antennal scrobe
downward to pleurostoma, anteriad to malar (head in profile), slightly posteriad, or
space, sometimes indistinct and forming intermediate between torulus and vertexal
vanishing clypeomalar (clypeogenal) suture margin; eye globular [convergens, rudis], flat
(Figures 3, 4) separating narrow premalar [FS_03], rounded not-protruded [marginatus],
space from malar space; anterior tentorial pit ellipsoid [scabriusculus, kempfi], dorsally
located into clypeomalar suture, anterior to depressed [adlerzi, sampaioi]; vertex
lateral fovea (Gordh and Headrick 2000); deflexed, often delimited anteriorly from frons
nasal flanks anterior to toruli; discal clypeus by transverse frontovertexal margin,
protruded into broad, nasus (Figures 3, 4, 9) in posteriorly by occipital carina, and laterally by
approaching frons; nasus describing in profile posterior notches of antennal scrobes [batesi,
short anterodorsal curve at toruli level; lateral rudis, mayri, virgatus]; frontovertexal margin
fovea beneath torulus (not visible in dorsal distinct throughout forming fastigium (Figures
view) and posterior to clypeomalar suture, 3, 4, 9, 14, 15, 16-19, 25, 27, 29) [impressus,
marking antennal scrobe at most anterior point paleatus, regularis, adlerzi, scabriusculus],
and receiving lamella of scape shaft base; indistinct throughout [coriarius, schmitti]

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(Figure 23), medially indistinct and laterally victoris, seabrai, FS_03] or relatively
distinct [mayri, clathratus] (Figures 20-22), or concealed by torulus [carbonarius]; scape
frontovertexal margin outline (frontal or stalk truncate basally [attenuatus], often
posterior view) straight [eladio, kempfi, proximally terete (narrow), wide [attenuatus,
subpilosus], slightly medially notched nalini], or slightly tapered [scabriusculus,
[scabriusculus in part, convergens] (Figures 4, convergens], basally uni or bilamellate (broad,
19), crenate [clathratus, impressus, thin, flanged carina) overlapping condylar
marginatus, spiniperdus] (Figure 18), constriction [rudis], or ecarinate [schmitti];
crenulate [paleatus], convex [coriarius, scape lateral axis (lateral stalk) not completely
nalini] (Figure 23), slightly convex-crenulate covered by frontal carina when
[paleatus], biconvex [adlerzi] or flanged- accommodated into antennal scrobe; scape
biconvex [adlerzi] (Figure 27); frontovertexal shorter than scrobe length, terminating
corner with (Figures 3, 4, 9, 16, 17, 20, 22, between eye and vertex; funiculus 10-
27) or without [coriarius,nalini] (Figure 18) segmented, second funicular segment shorter
angulate processes; vertex concave than first or third, three distal segments
[clathratus, marginatus, paleatus, impressus, compose club, apical segment subconical.
spiniperdus], flat [scabriusculus, lepidus,
balzani] or slightly convex [coriarius]; Mesosoma (Figures 3, 9-11, 26-30)
hypostomal tooth lobose. Mandible (Figures Subcubic, trunk-shaped, dorsally convex or
5-7) subrectangular, possessing scrobe flat. Tergal, pleural (meso and meta) and
ventrally and trulleum dorsally, massive, propodeal sclerites fused into notosternal-
medially turned; inferior margin (lateral view, propodeal capsule. Pleura subparallel or
mandible closed) ventrad [generally species at mesially inflected between meso and
low elevations], anteroventrad [most Andean metapleura. Pronotum hood-shaped, covering
species over 600 m]; apical (dentical) more than 1/3 of dorsal and lateral areas of
margin medially directed, possesing major mesosoma, forming dorsopronotum and
distinct, infra, apicolateral (apical) tooth; lateropronotum (= pronotal side panel - Gauld
preapicolateral tooth (tooth number 2) half and Bolton 1988) (Figure 9); dorsal profile
size of apicolateral; tooth number 3 [obsolete from markedly convex [gibbossus] to
in pictipes, mayri] half size of number 2 horizontal (dorsally flat) [paleatus,
[FS_01]; tooth 4 obsolete or absent; supra, impressus]; dorsopronotum and
apicomesial (basal) angle acute. Maxillar- lateropronotum divided by pronotum
labial palp formulae 4-3 [FS_01, carbonarius] dorsolateral margin (Figure 9);
(Figure 8), 6-3 (Kempf 1951); palpifer almost lateropronotum subtriangular with vertex at
half size of first palpomere; first and second level of procoxal base, sometimes forming
palpomeres same size, apical (fourth) longest. inferior lamella (inferior pronotal process -
Antenna 11-segmented; scape comprises Figure 10) flanking procoxa basally [Andean
short, basal radicle and long, distad shaft; species], both structures (inferior pronotal
radicle divided into condylar bulb (Bolton process and procoxa base) probably forming
1994) (Figures 4, 14) (inserted into torulus) stridilum; lateropronotum overlapping
and condylar constriction (neck), which propleuron in most species (Figure 9) and
functionally fits into posterior notch of torulus forming pronotal lobe posteriorly (Figure 9),
during anteroposterior movement of scape; lateropronotum mesially inflected conforming
condylar bulb anteriorly visible [attenuatus, humeral angle anteriad (Figure 3) and

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humerus (elongate, narrow anterior area Andean species], truncate, square [adlerzi,
connecting with neck dorsally); humeral regularis], or falcate [victoris] epicnemial
inflection forming lateral carina limiting process (Figures 10, 12, 30) flanking procoxae
humerus and lateropronotum (wide lateral externally, both structures probably forming
panel); lateropronotum flat discally (Figure 9) stridulating organ; notopropodeal fusion often
or slightly inflected (Figures 29, 30) receiving marked by groove and lateral excavations
disciform profemur [impressus], both [spiniperdus, eladio, adlerzi] (Figure 3) or
structures probably forming stridulating lateral excavations only [sampaioi];
organ; ventro-propleurites separated by ventro mesopleuron usually inflected (mesosoma
medial suture (Figure 11), sometimes constricted) receiving femora downward
apparently fused; ventropropleurite and notopropodeal excavation; metapleural gland
humerus forming protruded or flat area scrobe (Figures 10, 12) superior to metacoxa,
coupling postgenal bridge when head deflexed extending posteroanteriorly from metapleural
downwards; prosternum between procoxae, gland bulla (Figures 10, 12) to mesopleural-
posteriad to ventropropleurites; mesonotum coxal excavation (mesopleural coxal process -
flat [pictipes] or convex [sampaioi], laterally Snodgrass 1935- inflected into excavation)
fused to anepisternum (Figures 9, 10), (Figure 10); metapleural gland scrobe
anteriorly delimited by vestigial promesonotal canalicular, channel delimited superiorly and
suture (Figures 3, 9, 26, 27), extending inferiorly by two longitudinal carinae, inferior
posteriad until meeting notopropodeal fusion carinula flanking metapleural gland slit
(see Discussion), usually possessing lobose or ventrally; metapleural gland extending
spiniform lateral process (mesonotal process) dorsoposteriorly, turning downward
(Figures 3, 9, 27); promesonotum possessing ventroanteriorly forming metapleural gland
lateral excavations between pronotal lobe and slit (Figure 12); slit very narrow, bicarinulate,
mesonotal process; lateropronotum and running ventrally posteroanteriorly from
mesopleuron separated by open, narrow, metapleural bulla to mesopleural-coxal
nearly straight or sinuate lateropronotal- excavation; propodeum (first abdominal (Abd
mesopleural suture continuing dorsally, I) tergite) divided into anteropropodeum and
forming promesonotal excavation between posteropropodeum, first subdivided into
pronotal lobe and mesonotal process, dorsal (dorsopropodeum) and lateral
connected to promesonotal suture (Figure 3); (lateropropodeum) areas (Figures 9, 10);
anapleural sulcus (anterior oblique sulcus) lateropropodeum including spiracle,
(Figure 19) down promesonotal excavation, posteropropodeum (declivitous face) (Figures
dividing smaller anepisternum supra and 9, 10) under propodeal spines terminating at
larger katepisternum infra (Figures 9, 10); posteropropodeal lobes (propodeal lobes)
katepisternum extended lateroventrally, (Figure 12); dorsopropodeum usually
ventrally forming epicnemium (Gauld and horizontal in profile [FS_01, scabriusculus] to
Bolton 1988) separating pro and mesocoxae; convex [hylaeus, sampaioi], same plane as
epicnemial carina (omalus sensu Bohart and mesonotum [pictipes, lenkoi, sampaioi] or
Menke 1976) (Figures 10, 12) and lower than mesonotum [clathratus], expanded
epicnemium forming shallow-concave surface anterolaterally into somewhat anteropropodeal
receiving procoxa posterior face; epicnemial process (Figure 3); propodeal spines (Figure
carina projected anteriorly into distinct 3) horizontal and parallel [kempfi], divergent
laminate, variable shaped, subcircular [most and upturned [rudis], parallel upturned

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[clathratus], parallel upturned-curvate pectinate probasitarsus; meso and

[eladio], parallel down-turned [scabriusculus metabasitarsi cylindrical and longer; postarsus
part] (Figure 9), or different sizes within same (pretarsus) formed by bilobed padded
population [scabriusculus part]; propodeal arolium and bifurcate curvate claw.
spiracle tubulose, downward on
lateropropodeum between anteropropodeal Metasoma (Figures 3, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 26-
process and propodeal spine base, commonly 34, and Table 1)
directed posteriorly, often accommodated into (Justification of terminology used here for
lateropropodeal excavation, internal margin third tagma in Metasoma can be found in
generally fused to excavation, lateral margin Materials and Methods and the Glossary
usually free; posteropropodeum sometimes [available online]). Petiole (metasomal 1 =
forming continuously concave descending Abd II), first specialized metasomite
declivity until reaching posteropropodeal articulated to propodeum by manubrium
lobes, somewhat vertical or slightly diagonal (Perrault 2004), composed of tergite and
supra, shorter infra (between posteropropodeal sternal presclerite (Figure 12), forming
lobes), supra and infra areas rarely same syntergosternite (tergite and sternite fused),
length [scabriusculus part] (Figure 9); sessile, constricted anteriad into cinctus 1
posteropropodeal lobe posterior to bulla (cinctus: constriction between pre and
(Figure 12); metacoxal cavity ental (Figure postsclerites, see under Metasoma in
12); legs similar to males (Figure 47), Materials and Methods) (Figure 12),
procoxa trunk-like augmented basally, twice nodiform, narrower than distance between
size of meso or metacoxa; profemur tectiform propodeal spine bases, subcylindrical
(roof-like), securiform (triangular) in cross [kempfi], slightly wider anteriad, or barrel-
section (clear vertices on inferior side), shape [eladio, batesi], usually without dorsal
equilateral, or ventral side narrower than or lateral excrescences or projections; node
anterior and posterior sides [belti, eladio], anterior face reduced [nalini] or more
fusiform (spindle-shaped) [mayri, batesi], or commonly truncate forming nodal truncation
compressed disciform (disc-shape) (Figures 3, 32) opposite to and functionally
[impressus] with dorsal margin carinate received by posteropropodeum, often
(keeled) [impressus, paleatus] and concave delimited by nodal dorsolateral margen; nodal
anteromesially (entad) and proximally truncation convex, straight, curvate
[impressus, paleatus], or convex; slightly supraposteriad [adlerzi], concave [coriarus,
convex posterolaterally; meso and sampaioi], or absent [nalini], petiolar summit
metafemora commonly tectiform, ventral side anteriad (Figures 3, 29, 31), midway [hylaeus]
weakly concave, separated from trochanter by or posteriad [seabrai]; sternopetiolar
small, dorsad, cuneiform prefemur (Kukalov- (subpetiolar) process between cinctus 1 and
Peck 1991) (trochantellus) (Figures 9, 47), node (Figures 29, 31), and usually laminar-
(male profemur elongate fusiform (Figure lobose [scabriusculus, rudis, mayri] or
47)); tibia subcylindric, possessing four obsolete, petiole posterior foramen margin
poorly defined panels, anteriad and posteriad (lateral view) sinuate (Figures 9, 10) or
wider than ventromesiad (flexor) and vertically set off, spiracle anteroventrad.
dorsolaterad (extensor); foretibia possessing Postpetiole, second specialized metasomite
strigil (pectinate curvate spur) ventrodistally (metasomal 2) (Abd III) (Figure 3), wider than
forming antenna cleaner with curvate and petiole, anterior foramen vertically set off,

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formed of first helcium (Bolton 1990), constriction) (Figures 3, 9); postergite and
adjusted into posterior petiolar foramen, poststernite largest metasomal sclerites
posttergite largest sclerite of postpetiole comprising approximately 3/4 of
generally subfungiform (Figures 3, 9, 32, 34), opisthogastral region; posttergite convex
posteriorly augmented forming postnodus (Figure 9) or slightly depressed [rudis];
(Figure 3), usually with anterolateral lobes spiracle anteriad, subdorsad. Metasomal 4 to
[belti] posterolaterad to cinctus 2; postnodus pygidium somites non-specialized, pre- and
usually composed of dorsal and posterodorsad posttergites differentiated by pronounced
faces [scabriusculus, clathratus, rudis], carina (Longino and Snelling 2002); pygidium
continuously convex posteriad (the two faces (Abd VII) divided into epipygium (tergite)
not differentiated by postnodus) (Figure 31) and hypopygium (sternite) (Figures 3, 9).
[convergens], or dorsally flat, narrowing into
postnodus and somewhat vertically set off Gynes (Figures 14-16)
forming lamella posteriorly [mayri, batesi]; Although similar to workers, gyne are larger
tergite and sternite separated by dorsosternal with thoracic sclerites (Figures 15-16)
sutures, fused (Bolton 2003); poststernite corresponding to alates in Apocritans. Ocelli
crescentiform, emarginate posteriorly, leaving posteriad within frons (Figure 14).
helcial metasomal 3 (Abd IV) presternite
visible (Figures 9, 13, 16), projected Gyne variations on mesosoma (Figures 16,
anteromedially into sternopostpetiolar 17). Mesonotum divided into anterior scutum
(subpostpetiolar) process (Figure 9); and posterior scutellum by curvate,
sternopostpetiolar process forming with scutoscutellar, or prescutellar groove; scutum
cinctus 2 (Figure 13) transversal (trans- divided by transcutal suture into greater
sternal) cavity ventrally, where petiolar anterior sclerite, and posterior prescutellar
sternite posterior margin couples; region, dorsomesial between axillae;
ventropostpetiolar process somewhat conic, parapsidal lines extended posteroanteriorly
transversally truncate (Figure 13), blunt from transcutal suture to discal scutum,
[spiniperdus], unilobate [mayri] or bilobate slightly diverging anteriorly; axillae laterally
apically; caudal postpetiolar foramen longer and wider, forming prescutellum and
posteroventrad giving posteroventrad position embracing scutellum anteriorly; axillular
(lateral view) to opisthogaster (metasomal 3 scrobe (fossa), where wings rest, lateral,
[Abd IV] to pygidium, see Metasoma in under axilla, formed of lateromedially
Materials and Methods) (Figure 3); impressed axillar groove, running from wing
postpetiolar spiracle anteriad, slightly ventrad. axillar sclerites to scutellum;
Metasomal 3 (Abd IV) (Figure 3), largest mesoanepisternum and metanepisternum
metasomite, first opisthogastral somite, third separated by lateral mesometathoracic
specialized (possessing second helcium and (mesometapleural) suture; metanepisternum
third cinctus) metasomite occupying nearly and metakatepisternum separated by short
2/3 of metasoma; elliptical or ovate; metanapleural sulcus. Wings similar to those
presclerites forming second helcium (Bolton of the male.
1990) (Figure 3); stridulatory organ (Wheeler
1984) formed between metasomal 2 and Sculpture (Figures 15, 17-34)
second helcium; helcial sclerites and Sclerites usually exhibit combination of two
postsclerites separated by cinctus 3 (girdling or three sorts of sculpturing. Sculpture in

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Procryptocerus divided into microsculpture (Figure 33)], glossy [eladio, belti, mayri,
(background sculpture), and macrosculpture attenuatus, convexus, carbonarius-posteriad],
(regular [circular] or irregular depressions, or or finelly striate (Figures 15, 32) [some
longitudinal and transverse elevations). Andean, Mesoamerican, and northern South
Microsculpture: micropunctate, American species] [scabriusculus, tortuguero,
microreticulate, microimbricate or marginatus, spiniperdus, ferreri]. Alveolate
microstrigulate. Macrosculpture: impressed sculpture of Andean and Mesoamerican
holes without costae, ridges or carinae species on frons posteriad, pronotum anteriad,
(foveate, foveolate, punctate), at level of tergal petiole [eladio, FS_11] and postpetiole
surface (shallow) (striolate, imbricate, (Figure 31); mesosoma, petiole and
areolate, dotted, puncticulate), raised (costate, postpetiole porcate [batesi, mayri], tergal
carinate, carinulate, vermiculate, striate, postpetiole rugocostate [Brazilian species]
sulcate, strigate), or their combinations [regularis, sampaioi, convergens, schmalzi],
(scrobiculate, porcate, alveolate, rimose). femora costulate or costate in Central
Often, when integument smooth and polished American [paleatus, impressus] and Brazilian
(shiny = glossy), dorsum, especially on [schmalzi] species.
metasomal 3 sclerites, micropunctulate and
bears combination of other micro sculpture. Clathrate sculpture on frons and
promesonotum [carbonarius, rudis, batesi,
Surfaces normally without sculpturing: mayri, clathratus] (Figures 21, 22); costate or
torulus, hypostoma, funicular segments, and costulate sculpturing often on mandibles,
postocciput. Surfaces regularly micropunctate, clypeus (nasus), nasal flanks, frons (Figures
and without macrosculpture, neck, 14, 15, 18), malar space, temple, vertex
prosternum, mesonotal lobes, ventral (Figure 15), gena, promesonotum, discal
metepisternum, propodeal spines, lateropronotum, mesopleuron, propodeum,
posteropropodeum, sternal petiole and coxae, femora, tibiae, and metasomal tergites
postpetiole, and metasomal 3 in Andean 1, 2, 3; rimae (ondulate striae or costae) more
species over 600 m of elevation. Surfaces common on frons [sampaioi, victoris,
microreticulate or microimbricate, without convergens] and mesonotum [victoris], when
macrosculpture: scape (almost always metasomal tergite 3 punctulate (densely
microimbricate), femora (microimbricate or punctate), some species have farinose texture
microstriolate). Elevated ridges (costae and [impressus, belti, subpilosus]; scrobiculae
carinae) often microsculptured (micropunctate often bordering areas as vertex [mayri,
or microimbricate) on background. Striations schmitti, clathratus], temple [eladio],
and sulcations more common in Brazilian lateropronotum posteriad [scabriusculus],
species. Circular impressed sculptures and mesepisternum anteriad [scabriusculus],
combination with costae, striations and notopropodeal fusion when grooved [schmitti,
sulcations more common in Andean and coriarius], petiole and postpetiole posteriad,
Mesoamerican species. cincti 2 and 3 (Figures 15, 32).

Frons clathrate in Andean species [mayri, Mandible often longitudinally costulate

batesi] and Brazilian clathratus (Figures 21, (Figure 4); anteclypeal region often strigate,
22) or foveolate (schmitti, coriarius,nalini); discal clypeus ecarinate, variably
metasomal 3 punctate [belti, impressus longitudinally costate, or with medial carina

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or costa (Figures 3, 4), nasal flank ecarinate or drawn) hairs, and pubescence (not drawn)
costulate; clypeal carina often extending back refers to exceptionally short, fine hairs
and continuing mesiad, parallel and very close forming second layer beneath pilosity
to frontal carina; frontal carina describing (Hlldobler and Wilson 1990).
more or less straight line [eladio], curvate
[scabriusculus], convergens, regularis, Procryptocerus bear both short and long,
subpilosus, coriarius] (Figures 3, 4, 14), flexous (flagellate) pilosity (Figure 26), or
sinuate [belti] (Figure 20) or sinuate-bilobate short and long, stiff or subspatulate pilosity
[mayri, batesi]; frons foveolate (or foveate) (Figures 22, 30, 31); longest pilosity on tergal
[nalini, eladio, pictipes-anteriad] (Figure 23), petiole and postpetiole [mayri, impressus,];
foveate-costulate [scabriusculus] (Figure 14), often medial dorsal line of meso and
striate [adlerzi] (Figure 17), costulate metasoma denudate; lateral hairs of
[virgatus], costate [regularis], reticulate or anteclypeus pecten (Figure 22) commonly
areolate [belti, hirsutus, convexus, pictipes] convergent; frons more common with stiff,
(Figure 20), reticulate [pictipes-anteriad], scattered pilosity; frons posteriad and
areolate [pictipes-posteriad], clathrate and frontovertexal margin usually with two
areolate [batesi] (Figure 21), infra transverse lines of uniformly separated stiff
lateropronotum porcate or costate [most hairs slightly directed anteriorly; eyes
species] (Figure 29); mesopleuron porcate or denudate; malar space often possessing few
costulate (Figure 29), and foveolate; scattered hairs; shorter flexous pilosity or
propodeal spines microsculptured or ecarinate pubescence on postgenal bridge; mandible
and glossy, posteropropodeum supra strigate with erect short hairs, ventrally and distally
[hylaeus, mayri], ecarinate and shiny [mayri], with flexous pilosity; scape usually with short,
or striate (or longitudinally costate) stiff, uniformly distributed, sparse hairs
[montanus, striatus]; meso and metapleura (Figure 22) promesonotum and
usually costulate (Figure 29); nodal truncation dorsopropodeum with long stiff or flexous
ecarinate and glossy [belti] or strigate hairs; propleuron denudate or pubescent; meso
[scabriusculus]; tergal petiole and postpetiole and metapleura usually denudate; coxae both
areolate [coriarius] (Figure 31); sternal petiole pubescent and with flexous hairs on ventral,
and postpetiole ecarinate [most species]; dorsal and posterior faces, usually medially
metasomal 3 tergite striate-costate (Figure pubescent combined with some flexous,
15), costulate, or costate [several species in sparse hairs; dorsum of femora and tibiae
the whole range of the geographical usually with decumbent and subdecumbent,
distribution] (Figures 15, 16, 32); metasomals stiff hairs; petiole and postpetiole
4-6 pretergites smooth, postergites strigulate dorsolaterally with subdecumbent or suberect
or microtuberculate; epipygium punctulate; stiff or flexous hairs, ventrally usually
metasomal 3 sternite ecarinate [most species], denudate; ventropostpetiolar process denudate
striate (or costulate) [ferreri] (Figure 34). or bearing few scattered, long, flexous hairs,
rarely pubescent, metasomal 3 (Abd IV)
Vestiture (Figures 22, 26, 30, 31, 35) tergite denudate or bearing either erect or
Two kinds of vestiture are present in suberect, long or short, flexous pilosity, or
Procryptocerus. Pilosity (Figures 26, 30, 31) combination of both; exception of pubescent
refers to long, erect, suberect, subdecumbent, metasomal 3 tergite is Andean species from
decumbent (Figure 35), or appressed (not Panama and Venezuela; ventral metasomal 3

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denudate, pubescent, or with combination of

pubescent and short, scattered, flexous hairs; Head (Figures 36-38)
metasomals 4 to pygidial postergites with few Subglobular, never transverse. Interocular
erect or suberect flexous or stiff hairs, often distance shorter than, or subequal to, median
arranged in transverse lines with shorter hairs head length; mandibles curvate mesially;
[species at low elevations]; hypopygium anteclypeal carina medially weakly notched;
pubescent or not, and often possessing short, clypeus protruded into nasus; frontoclypeal
subdecumbent, flexous hairs. Brazilian sutures modified in transverse groove between
species usually with stiff pilosity shorter than toruli; frontal carina short, divergent caudad;
flexous hairs of some Andean and vestigial to obsolete behind eyes; antennal
Mesoamerican species, short stiff hairs in scrobe above eyes; vertex not distinctly
Andean convexus, hirsutus, belti. Some deflexed; frons posterior corners distinct to
Andean species may bear flexous or stiff, long obsolete. Eyes lateral, strikingly protruding,
or short pilosity; other species may possess slightly extending dorsad and ventrad,
abundant flexous pilosity [batesi]. Some comprising most of head; ocelli protruding in
species almost denudate dorsally and most species dorsally, posteriad to eyes,
pubescent ventrally, especially on anteriad to vertexal margin, sometimes
opisthogastral sternites [eladio]. Few assemblaged on ocellar triangle; antenna
Brazilian species with some very scarce long filiform, 13-segmented; scape subequal to or
flexous hairs on caudal metasoma posttergites. longer than second funicular segment.

Color Mesosoma (Figures 37, 38)

Color usually varies from dark-orange or red- Trunk-shaped, humped; scutum with deeply
brown appendages, and black meson in some impressed notauli; anterior branches longer
Andean species usually over 600 m of than the posterior medial stem; episternum
elevation, to completely black in most species superior to mesocoxa, usually ecarinate;
found at low elevations. Minor color dorsopropodeum with small, spiniform
variations are as follows. Scape and pedicel process posterolaterally; femora moderately
yellow, orange, red, or brown; eye brown; concave mesially and incrassate in middle; all
palps yellow; mandible brown laterodistad; segments of legs comparatively long and
flagellum, tibiae and telotarsi orange-brown; slender; middle and hind tibiae usually
remaining body black. without apical spur.

Male (Figures 36-45) Metasoma (Figures 37, 38)

Male longer, slender than gyne (Figure 37), Metasomal 1 (Abd II = petiole) sessile,
ranging from 4.8 mm [COL] to 9.9 mm elongate, subcylindrical. Metasomal 2 (Abd
[scabriusculus]. Following traits separate III = postptiole) similar to metasomal 1,
Procryptocerus males from others in the Tribe somewhat shorter, more incrassate posteriad;
Cephalotini: scape long, subequal to or longer metasomal 3 (Abd IV) largest metasomal
than second funicular segment; postpetiole somite, longer than petiole and post-petiole
longer than height; mandibles strongly combined; hypopygium rounded posteriad
mesially curvate; head subglobular; (Figure 40) [scabriusculus], truncate [batesi],
posterolateral spines or teeth on subtriangular or conic [adlerzi]; paramere
dorsopropodeum (Kempf 1951). (Figures 41-43) paddle-shaped, rounded

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apically, sometimes about same length of distally by cu-a and posteriorly by 1A; distal
caudal metasoma ; volsella (Figure 45) mesiad field without distinct veins.
to paramere, bifurcate into cuspis and digitus
volsellaris; cuspis volsellaris mesial to Along with different shapes of discoidal and
paramere, subcylindrical, sinuate, shorter than first submarginal cells on anterior wings, main
digitus, truncate apically; digitus volsellaris characters that separate species are variations
mesial to cuspis, compressed, hook-shaped, within external and internal genitalia, which
ventrally bent distad. contain well-developed hypopygium,
volsellae, and parameres (Kempf 1951).
Wings (Figure 46)
Wing shape, venation and cells similar in both Discussion
male and gyne; male fore wing extending to
level of posteriad caudal metasoma; hyaline Torulus vs. Annulus (antennalis) (Figures 4,
[goeldii], or infumate [batesi, mayri, 14)
impressus, scabriusculus]. Useful, distinct Gauld and Bolton (1988) consider the torulus
variations have not been found for to be the socket, or the cephalic foramen, in
discriminating species within Procryptocerus. which the antennal condylar bulb inserts.
Fore wings with distinct anterodistad stigma; Bolton (1994) considers torulus to be the
in anteroposterior sequence, proximal small annular sclerite that surrounds the
(proximad to stigma) longitudinal veins are C antennal socket. Torre-Bueno (1989)
(Costa), Sc+R+Rs considers the annulus (antennalis) to be the
(Subcosta+Radial+Radiosectorial), M+Cu ring sclerite of the head into which the basal
(Medial+Cubital), and A (Anal). Distad segment of the antenna is inserted. Gordh and
longitudinal veins are R, M and Cu; distad Headrick (2002) consider annulus to be the
veins do not reach apex of wing; recurrent antennal sclerite forming a sclerotized ring on
veins are cu-a (cubital-anal) and m-cu the head into which the basal segment (scape)
(medial-cubital); cells formed by confluence of the antenna is inserted. We follow Bolton
between longitudinal veins or between (1994).
longitudinal and recurrent veins; proximally,
three cells present: Costal (CC), Basal (BC) or Mesosoma (3, 9)
Radial (Media), and Subbasal (SBC) or For the second tagma, the term alitrunk (ali
Cubital (Submedia); posteriad to stigma, = wings) has been proposed to avoid
Submarginal-one cell (SMC1) (closed) and confusion with thorax (Gauld and Bolton
Submarginal-two cell (SMC2) (opened) are 1988, Bolton 1994, Wilson 2003).
present; Discal cell-one (DC1) posteriad to Nevertheless, a similar confusion could occur
Submarginal-one and distad to Basal cell (or between metasoma and abdomen.
Radial cell), formed by confluence of M, Cu, Alitrunk is not recommended since worker
Rs and m-cu. Distal field without cells. Hind ants do not possess wings, and mesosoma is
wing possessing proximally two distinct well characterized in Apocrita (see Nauman
longitudinal veins: R+Rs and M+Cu; cu-a is 1991).
basad in proximal field; Basal cell BC (or
Radial cell) closed distally by M vein; Notopropodeal fusion
Subbasal SBC cell (or Cubital cell) closed The mesosoma comprises the thorax plus the
propodeum, the tergite of Abd I fused to the

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thorax. The pleurites and the sternite of Abd I (micropunctulate, micropunctate,

are entirely reduced and the tergite remains. In microimbricate, microstrigate, dotted)
workers of ants, the notal and propodeal covers the background of the cuticle.
sclerites are usually fused forming a tergal Microsculpture may be present on the
(notal) fusion between the notum and elevations or impression of the
propodeum. This condition is a notopropodeal macrosculpture, usually when the
fusion. Externally, it is usually impossible to macrosculpture (e.g. costae, striae) is glossy
recognize the structures involved in the (shiny), or, more commonly, in smooth
fusion. The line of fusion may be indistinct surfaces devoid of macrosculpturing.
(notopropodeal fusion usually convex), Micropunctulae and microimbricae are fairly
obsolete or differently marked by a suture, different, but require close inspection to
groove, impression, depression, etc. The line interpret. The micropunctulae condition
of fusion has different names in the literature, occurs as microscopic pricks more common
such as propodeal suture (a suture on the on opaque surfaces, whereas microimbricae
propodeum), metanotal suture (a suture on are either overlapping microscales (as tiles on
the metanotum), metanotal groove (a a roof) or microreticulae (dotted) that give
groove on the metanotum), metanotal an overlapped appearance. The latter are more
impression (an impression on the common on glossy surfaces. Macrosculpture
metanotum), metapropodeal suture (a suture can be divided into impressed, superficial,
on the posterior [meta] region of propodeum), raised and combined sculpturing with the
antepropodeal suture, metanotal area, etc. following states. 1. Impressed macro
Since these terms make reference to the line sculpture: circular or oblong (punctate,
of fusion, we recommend using the adjective foveate, foveolate); linear (furrow-like)
notopropodeal in reference to the line of (furrowed, grooved, sulcate). 2. Superficial
fusion; for instance: notopropodeal suture, macro sculpture (non-impressed cuticle,
notopropodeal groove (Figure 3), surface spaces between costae or carinae):
notopropodeal convexity, notopropodeal linear spaces delimited by costae or ridges -
impression, notopropodeal excavation, or costae or ridges are low and same width as
otherwise make reference to the striae- (striate, striolate, strigate, strigulate);
notopropodeal fusion to describe specific non-linear spaces delimited by costae or
characters, such as notopropodeal fusion flat, ridges (reticulate, areolate). 3. Raised macro
notopropodeal fusion convex, etc. In several sculpture (carinate, carinulate, costate). 4.
groups, e.g. some Camponotus, the Combinations between impressed and raised
metanotum is clear and so are the macrosculpture: canalicular (porcate,
mesometanotal suture and the metanotal- scrobiculate); polygonal and irregularly
propodeal suture. In those cases, a polygonal (alveolate), or irregular porcae,
notopropodeal fusion is not apparent. irregular reticulae, irregular rugocostae-
Occasionally, a mesometanotal fusion or a alveolate (clathrate).
metanotal-propodeal fusion can also be
identified in a very few cases. Striate sculpturing refers to longitudinal lines
on a non-impressed cuticle, running parallel
Sculpture (Figures 14-34) between thin and low elevated costae or
Procryptocerus species bear both micro- and costulae; the costae (or costulae) and lines are
macrosculpture. Microsculpture narrow and about the same width. The

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sculpture should be named striate-costulate, costae are in general wider than the costa
but it is customary to call it striate. Striate is edges and not impressed. The sculpture is
one of the most common forms of sculpturing porcate when a set of combinations of costae
in Procryptocerus; it is often present on the and impressions between costae are present,
metasomal 3 (first opisthogastral) tergite. forming canalicular (sulcal) spaces.
Costate sculpturing refers to costae (elevated Anastomosed porcae are porcae that run into
ridges rounded at their edges, dim. costulae) each other. Scrobiculate are surfaces where
in general running parallel or quasi parallel to scrobiculae (parallel, short porcae) are
each other, the interspaces are wider than uniformly organized in a contiguous, chain-
costae. Rimose refers to nearly parallel like series. When there are septae within
excavations (rimae), often narrow, short or striae, the sculpturing is reticulate (quadri- or
long, in the shape of wavy cracks, running quasi quadriculate) [belti frons] or areolate
into each other (Gordh and Headrick 2000); (polygonal or quasi polygonal) [scabriusculus
elevations between rimae are vermiculate, frons posteriad]. In a subsecuent stage there
often wide and flat at their ridges, which are are septae within a porcate surface, and the
usually micropunctulate. Rimae refer to the sculpturing is alveolate or clathrate. Alveolae
longitudinal fissures, crack-shaped are lacunose, impressed spaces delimited by
interspaces; ridges refer to the elongated irregular rugae or costae with sharp rims at
elevations (costae). The costae are wavy. The their edges. The alveolae are regular or
combination between rimae and flat ridges, irregular polygons, and the sculpturing is
running in anastomosis, produces rimose called alveolate. Alveolate cuticle is often
(dim. rimulose) or rivose (dim. rivulose) present on the posterior frons and petiole.
sculpturing. Combinations of character states, Surfaces having alveolate sculpturing in
shuch as rimose-vermiculate, or rivose- Procryptocerus form landscapes of lacunae
vermilaculate could be more specific. between ridges (ranges of hills) containing
sharp or obtuse edges. Clathrate sculpturing
Punctures are slightly impressed points refers to the most complex, irregular
(pricks) on the cuticle that appear to be made combination of irregular porcae and
by a needle (Gordh and Headrick 2000). transversal septae (crossing costae), forming
Punctures constitute the smallest circular- deep, alveolate, cancelled holes of different
macrosculpture. Derived adjectives describing and irregular diameter. In clathrate sculpture,
this sculpture are punctate (with punctures), the costae run anteroposteriorly in irregular
puncticulate (sparcely punctate), punctulate fashion prevailing over the short transverse
(closely punctate). When puncticulate and costae forming the septae. High density of
punctulate are present on the same surface, the alveolae conform clathrate sculpture. This
difference between the sculptures is clear. characteristic is the most important one to
When only one is present, the terms are differentiate clathrate and reticulate
interchangeable. When densely punctate, the sculpturing, which could be apparently similar
cuticle has a farinose texture. Dots (dotted when both are present on frons and when
sculpturing) are non-impressed circular marks, looking at them through a common
they are superficial, rounded, and the same microscope. Clathrate sculpture may be
size as micropunctures. A costate integument present on the frons and mesonotum [mayri,
emphasizes the costae and not the interspaces batesi, clathratus]. Reticulate sculpture is
(striae or sulci); in these cases spaces between

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Journal of Insect Science: Vol. 10 | Article 111 Serna and Mackay

usually present on frons only [belti, convexus, CostaRica.html). On the other hand, drawings
hirsutus]. are the best way to convey information about
boundaries of sclerites.
When a combination of sculptures is present,
it is useful to hyphenate two, sometimes three, Sculpturing within Procryptocerus is a rich
different words qualifying sculpture (e.g. source of characters, which is helpful in
rugo-costate, costate-foveate, foveate- stablizing and recognizing the identity of
reticulate, micro-striolate-imbricate). In species and could permit the formalization of
general, when differences between hypotheses of evolutionary trends.
proportions occur, the first word should
emphasize the most common sculpture, or
emphasize the first sculpture when referring to
an anteroposterior (or any directionality)
sequence of the sculpture present on any
surface. Discriminating thickness of raised
sculpture (e.g. costate, carinate) and width of
circular, impressed sculpture (e.g. punctate,
foveate, foveolate) is often not clear when
only one of these types of sculpture is present.
In those cases, the closest terms might be used
interchangeably (e.g. foveate or foveolate,
costate or costulate, rimose or rimulose).
Discrimination of those sculptures is easier
when several types of sculpture are present in
the same area of an ant.

Confusion occurs between sculpture texture

(appearance) and sculpture structure
(constitution). To recognize the constitution
(nature) of the sculpture, textures (e.g.
leathery, farinose, rugous, coriarious,
corticinus, etc.) should be avoided.
Appearance strongly depends upon the
momentary criterion of the researcher or
interpreter, and magnification, light or system
(microscope, SEM images, photomontage)
used to recognize it. Nonetheless, when using
a common microscope or photomontage
images, the appearance is sometimes quite
distinct with some descriptive forms (e.g.
politus, shiny, glossy, farinose). It is best to
use SEM images of sculpture (For instance

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Figure 1. Mushroom-shaped proventricular valves found in the tribe Cephalotini (Redrawn from Emery 1922). High quality
figures are available online.

Figure 2. Dorsal (upper), and lateral (lower) representation of a hypothetical insect showing common positions and
orientations used to discribe bilateral organisms. High quality figures are available online.

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Journal of Insect Science: Vol. 10 | Article 111 Serna and Mackay

Figure 3. Procryptocerus scabriusculus. Dorsal view. High quality figures are available online.

Figure 4. Procryptocerus scabriusculus. Worker. Head, dorsoanterior (frontal) view. Above: face. Lower: half side of face
zoomed (part) to show morphological details. High quality figures are available online.

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Figures 5-8. Procryptocerus scabriusculus. Worker. Buccal pieces. 5-7 right mandible: 5: dorsal, 6: lateral, and 7: mesial views;
8: posterior view of maxilolabial complex. High quality figures are available online.

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Figure 9. Procryptocerus scabriusculus Worker. Lateral (profile) view. Figure 10. Procryptocerus scabriusculus. Worker.
Mesosoma profile zoomed to show details. High quality figures are available online.

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Figures 11-13. Worker. Mesosoma and waist region. Ventral view. High quality figures are available online.

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Figure 14. Gyne. P. scabriusculus. Head frontal view. High quality figures are available online.

Figure 15. Gyne. P. scabriusculus. Dorsal view. High quality figures are available online.
Journal of Insect Science| 25
Journal of Insect Science: Vol. 10 | Article 111 Serna and Mackay

Figure 16. Gyne. P. scabriusculus. Lateral (profile) view (habitus). High quality figures are available online.

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Figures 17-21.

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Figures 17-25. Sculpture on head. 17-23 frontal (dorsoanterior); 24 lateral (profile); 25 dorsoposterior. 17 costate, 18
costate, concentricus in middle, 19 diverging costate posteriad, concentricus anteriad, 20 reticulate, 21 clathrate posteriad and
in middle, rugocostate anterolaterad, anastomosate anteromesiad, 22 clathrate, 23 foveate or foveolate, 24 parietal costate or
rugocostate, frons clathrate, 25 vertex strigate. High quality figures are available online.

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Figures 26-34. Sculpture on pro, meso and metasoma. 26 vertex striate (or longitudinally costate), mesosoma costate-
vermiculate (or rimosus), 27 vertex strigate (or transversally costate), mesosoma costate, 28 (based on Longino 2006):
promesonotum foveate, dorsopropodeum costate-porcate, 29 costate-sulcate, 30 (based on Longino 2006):
lateropropropodeum supra foveate, infra costate, pleuron rugocostate, 31 (based on Longino 2006): rugocostate-alveolate, 32
petiole rugocostate, cinctus 2 scrobiculate, postpetiole costate (or porcate when interspaces are deep), metasomal 3 (Abd IV)
striate-puncticulate (densely punctate), 33 metasomal 3 (Abd IV) tergite punctate, 34 metasomal 3 (Abd IV) sternite costulate-
concentricus, glossy in middle. High quality figures are available online.

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Figure 35. General orientation of hairs. Figure 36. Procryptocerus scabriusculus. Male. Head. Frontal (anterodorsal) view.
Figure 37. Procryptocerus scabriusculus. Male. Dorsal view. Figure 38. Procryptocerus scabriusculus. Male. Lateral view; mtm:
metasomal. High quality figures are available online.

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Figures 39-45. Procryptocerus scabriusculus. Terminalia. 39: epipygium; 40: hypopygium; 41, 42, 43: genitalia, 41: lateral, 42:
dorsal, 43: ventral; 44: aedeagus; 45: volsella. High quality figures are available online.

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Figure 46. Male wings. Veins: C (Costa), Sc+R+Rs (Subcosta+Radial+Radiosectorial), M+Cu (Medial+Cubital), A (Anal), cu-
a (cubital-anal), m-cu (medial-cubital). Cells: CC (Costal Cell), BC (Basal Cell) (or Radial), SBC (Subbasal Cell) (or Cubital),
SMC1 (Submarginal Cell 1), SMC2 (Submarginal Cell 2), DC1 (Discal Cell 1), DC2 (Discal Cell 2); st: stigma. Figure 47.
Male legs. Above: foreleg; lower left: middle leg; lower right: hind leg (vestiture not drawn). High quality figures are available

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Acknowledgments Donalt Agosti (AMNH), Gary Alpert and

Stefan P. Cover (MCZ), Patricia Rojas
(Most codens standing for collections can be (Instituto Ecologia Xalapa - Mex.), Israel del
found in Toro, Melissa Ferkie and The Department of
codens/codens-inst.html) Entomology of the University of Arkansas,
To Erika Valentina Vergara (UNAB) for her Clara Nichols (The University of California at
permanent support during this project and Berkely), Pacheco-Lucero family, Ayda
making important suggestions to the Navarro, Eduardo Amat, Ral Vlez, Adolfo
manuscript. Barry Bolton, Phil Ward, Cesare Molina, Alejandro Madrigal, and Sandra
Baroni-Urbani, and Jack Longino reviewed Uribe. Other financial support comes from
the manuscript and made important Unal-Colciencias-Laspau agreement, The
suggestions specially to the treatment of the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), The
metasoma. Carl S. Lieb reviewed the Dodson Fellowship UTEP, Idea Wild,
manuscript. Other researchers and institutions Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UN), and
have supported and loaned specimens to this Juan G. Serna-Cardona.
Project, including Celsa Garcia (UNAB), Phil
Ward (CIPW), Jack Longino (Evergreen State References
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