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Enable Transparency: Enhance Data

Efficiency through driving collaboration

Enabling public self service

Maximise the accuracy of data

Empower decision making with evidence based information

Engaging with your local community

Save Money & Time

ORIGIN Modules
Data Module is the statistical data store for multidimensional data. It includes an exten-
sive rage of tools for locating, querying analysing and visualising data.

Knowledge Module provides functionality for creating HTML reports and sharing different
types of content including electronic and online content.

Connector Module provides direct integration with external data sources, allowing data
to be automatically uploading ensuring data is live and accurate.

Profiler Module allows users to design and publish data profiles that can tell a story
about specific areas within each profile.

Stats on Maps uses a pure HTML interface to display a regional map with an interactive
overlay of thematic data

Partner Portal enables the creation of additional portals for any partner organisation and
run multiple portal from a single Origin instance.

Consultation Module enables Origin to be extended to include other software such as

online discussion forums and survey tools.

Beechill Business Park

Which version is for me?

Highly Functional Core LIS elements

Tailored to requirements Lower Cost / Pay Monthly

Hosted by us or you Hosted by us

Tailored training 24 hour Implementation

Priority telephone support Email Support Helpdesk

What our Clients Say...

The other huge bonus is the ability In a sense its like a Wikipedia Reduction in staff officer
for the public health intelligence for Surrey.! time taken to access infor-
team to put data directly into mation (DCLG estimates 19
LASOS. Any charts, maps or other Peter Martin, Surrey Council minutes saved per transac-
resources produced either within tion): this equates to 40,000
or outside the system ended up in efficiency savings in the past
LASOS, which allowed the process 6 months
to be much more joined up and
comprehensive. With the new Jenny, Smith, Surrey i
charting tools we will be able to do "In terms of experience, other
almost everything within LASOS companies sell themselves by
and estimate a 50% time saving saying they have a lot of similar
over the previous JSNA process.. clients. That to our way of think-
ing is not necessarily better. Also
James Leach LASOS if that company has to support Origin is a very important tool
to share information internally.
more and more clients then our
support is likely to suffer, with It enables us to back up policy
Fluent we know we get great and evidence that we can use to
service" report.

Ellie Sapsed, Essex Council Claire Shortt, Belfast Council

Share Information, Shape Policy, Streamline Services

Get in contact to find out how your organisation will benefit:


Telephone: 02890690020
Beechill Business Park

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