Amelia Earhart - Madison County Times

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, AUGUST 31, 1928

CANASTOTA HAS A FINE AIRPORT Dedication on Tuesday Was a SuccessLady Lindy Honor Guest

Canastota had an ideal day for the dedication of their municipal airport Tuesday, although rains in the
forenoon in some sections of the county kept down the crowd. There was a good attendance and the
show was worthy of many times the number of people. Several types of planes were on the field and
passengers were taken for rides during the day.

Miss Amelia Earhart (Lady Lindy) arrived by plane from Syracuse, accompanied by Major George Putnam
and David Binney Putnam. Miss Earhart is the first woman to fly the Atlantic and David Putnam is a 14-
yearold boy who has traveled all over the world and who has written several books on his experiences.

Miss Earhart, who Is a member of the Boston Zonta Club, was presented with a bouquet of roses by the
Oneida Zonta Club. The guests were welcomed by Hon. Kirk B. De Lano. Other notables who flew to the
field were Senator J. Griswold Webb, head of the legislative committee on aviation: Col. Lawrence
Driggs, head of the Colonial Airways, Inc., Mayor Charles G. Hanna of Syracuse.

The guests, with many others, had dinner together at the High School gym. The guests spoke briefly,
praising Canastota on its airport and progressiveness. Other speakers were Walter W. Hubbard, editor
of the American Aviator and president of the New York city Exchange Club, and J. P Muller. vice-
president of the National Exchange Club. County Judge Albert E. Campbell was toastmaster. At the field
Miss Earhart told of her flight across the Atlantic. Col. Driggs complimented the people of Canastota on
their port and hoped for the time when his ships would make regular landings there. Major Putnam also
spoke words of commendation. Mayor Hanna spoke along similar lines. The speeches were sent out
over the field by amplifiers and all could hear. The Canastota Band furnished music and Al Sittig was on
hand to sing and instill pep into the doings. Mayor H. G. Germer presided at the speaking on the field.

Two airplane parachute drops were made and all kinds of stunt flying were shown. Stands were plentiful
and all kinds of refreshments and eatables were to be had. Bleecher seats were conveniently placed. In
every way the event was a. success and Charles, Millar Post of American Legion, which engineered the.
event, are to be congratulated. Judge Waldo was general chairman and in no small measure is
responsible for the smooth way in which everything was handled. Canastota has as good an airport as
will be found in many much larger places, and if it is developed gradually as the needs require it will
become a great asset to the village. There is plenty of room for a good baseball diamond and other
sports. A government beacon is soon to mark the field for night fliers.

Two weddings, as part of the airport dedication ceremonies, when Miss Helen Hermann became the
bride of Francis Grems, young business man, and Miss Pearl Van Denburgh of Lakeport was united with
Gilbert Radcllff Stedman of that community, formerly of Taberg, were the first weddings in the air ever
held in Canastota. The experience was also new for the officiating ministers. Rev. R. C. Ballard and Rev.
George J. Smith.

All enjoyed the Innovation according to their statements after returning to mother earth to receive the
congratulations of friends. Miss Matilda Hermann and Arthur Devine were the attendants in the
GremsHermann event and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Germond for Mr. Stedman and his bride.
Both ceremonies were performed 1,000 feet above the crowd when the planes were being piloted at a
speed of 100 miles an hour. Opinions differed as to the thrill realized from the trip into the clouds but a
consensus of opinion was woven into remarks that there were some thrills to the venture, but no scares
due to the careful driving of the pilots.

Both wedding parties had tables of honor at the luncheon given at noon for Miss Earhart and other
notable guests. Mrs. Chilton V. Parkhurst presided at the Stedman-VanDenburgh table and with Mr.
Parkhurst remembered the bride with the large table bouquet of gladiolas wedding cake and place
cards. Seated at the table besides the principals and Mrs. Parkhurst were Rev. and Mrs. G.J. Smith, Miss
Edith Arney, Mrs. Harold ParkhursL, Donald Moyer, Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Reynolds, and Miss Marguerite
Morrow of Newton Square, Pa. Mr and Mrs. Germond, the attendants were unable to arrive until later.

Members of the Herman and Grems familes, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buhrig, Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Ballard and
Arthur Devine, best man, were the table group surrounding Francis Grems and his bride. A large
hydrangea bouquet adorned the center of the table and favors and place cards were part of the
luncheon. Bridal bouquets for the couples were the gift of Alexander Debrucque and W. H. Lillie.

Mr. and Mrs. Grems left on their honeymoon to be spent in Canada, while Mr. and Mrs. Stedman will
visit Southern New York for their wedding trip.

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