Assessment Task Notification

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Design and Technology Year 10 Assessment Task 4 Leatherwork

Overall Weighting 15%

This Unit of Work is worth 15% of your overall grades for Design and Technology in year 10.

Leatherwork Project 60% of Unit Mark

Over the course of the 5 week unit of work, you will complete an individual project using leather.

Leatherwork Project Design Folio 20% of Unit Mark

Your Design Folio will document and justify the inspirations behind your Leatherwork project and the processes used and
decisions made to bring it to completion.

Group Presentation 20% of Unit Mark

You will be placed into groups of three to five and required to present to the class a multimodal presentation on an
industry which, similarly to the leather industry, includes some practices that are sustainable and some that are

Assessment Task Description

Throughout this Unit of work, you will complete a project in which you will create a storage
solution (a pouch, wallet, sheath, etc. out of leather). Your Design Folio will document the
process from the beginning, in which you will identify a need for a storage solution made of
leather in your own life and tailor your project to meet this need as best possible.
Your project will be marked based on how well it meets the need you identified and how
well you have executed the leatherworking techniques used to complete it.

Design Folio
Your Design Folio must be handed in as a hard copy. The following sections must be
Project Proposal
Write a design Brief which outlines what your leather storage solution needs to achieve.
Devise a set of Criteria for Success which must be met for the project to be considered
Conduct and document research on existing examples of similar leather storage solutions to
what you have chosen to make to meet the need outlined in your Design Brief. How are
they constructed and what techniques are used? Pay particular attention to joining
techniques that are prevalent in existing examples of similar storage solutions to the one
you plan to make.
Design Inspiration
Collect at least fifteen images of objects made from leather with aesthetics that you feel suit
your chosen storage solution. These should inform the overall look and any decorative
features used on your finished storage solution.
Ideas Generation
Draw at least five different design ideas. With teacher guidance, you will choose one to turn
into your Final Design.
Final Design
This section should include drawings made to develop your Final Design to the point where
it is ready for you to begin making it. The final pattern you use to cut your design out of the
leather you are provided with should also be included in this section.
Project Realisation
Write a detailed step-by-step explanation of how your project was built. It should be
detailed enough that someone who has never worked with leather before could follow it
and make a project like yours.
Evaluate how well your project met your Criteria for Success and discuss the overall success
of your project.

Group Presentations
You will be divided into groups in which you will deliver a 5 minute multimodal presentation
to the class on an industry which, similarly to the leather industry, shares sustainable and
unsustainable practices.
What is a multimodal presentation? You have possibly learned what "multimodal" means in
English. A mode is a type of text - eg. film, image, written text, etc. If a text is multimodal, it
simply combines multiple modes. A Multimodal presentation is just that, a presentation
which uses multiple modes to present ideas to an audience. Your presentation must use
film, slides, spoken dialogue and at least one other mode to convey your ideas to the
audience. Your presentation may involve speaking to the class in person or it may be
entirely filmed and simply shown to the class when the time comes to present. All members
of your group must play an equal part in your presentation.
You will be assessed on how you demonstrate your understanding of the multi-faceted
nature of the issue of sustainability.
Marking Criteria

Criteria Outcomes Marks A B C D E

Design Project (60 marks)

Responds to the Design Brief and Criteria for 5.1.1 15

Project is informed by Research. 5.1.2 15
Project is constructed with appropriate tools and 5.6.2 15
Project is original and has good fit and finish. 5.4.1 15

Design Folio (20 marks)

Project Proposal (3 marks)

Design Brief sets clear aims for the project 5.1.2 2
Criteria for Success are appropriate, clear and 5.3.2 1
easy to measure.
Research (3 marks)
Research is targeted and relevant to the project. 5.1.2 2
Selected sources are appropriate. 5.3.2 1
Design Inspiration (2 marks)
Inspirational material is appropriate to the 5.3.2 1
Inspirational material is properly documented. 5.5.1 1
Ideas Generation (3 marks)
Ideas address the Design Brief and Criteria for 5.4.1 2
Criteria Outcomes Marks A B C D E
Ideas are analysed with the Design Brief in mind 5.4.1 1
and an appropriate design is accordingly chosen
to progress to the Final Design stage.
Final Design (3 marks)
The Final Design addresses the Design Brief and 5.1.2 2
the Criteria for Success
Development of final patterns is documented. 5.1.2 1
Project Realisation (3 marks)
The step by step process for construction of the 5.5.1 1
project is documented in detail.
Any changes to the design or the process are 5.1.2 2
documented and justified, including mistakes
that had to be fixed.
Evaluation (3 marks)
Decisions made throughout the Design Process 5.1.2 2
are analysed and evaluated.
Handling of unexpected issues is evaluated. 5.4.1 1

Group Presentation (20 marks)

The presentation demonstrates a full 5.2.1 15

understanding of the issues of sustainability
associated with the chosen industry.
Demonstrates that sustainability is a multi-
faceted issue.
The presentation is professional and meets the 5.5.1 5
criteria of a multimodal presentation as outlined
in the Assessment Task Description.

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